Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tea Party Army

Tea Party Army Email Logo Image
Dear Fellow Patriots,
While we're sending out this email to the Tea Party Army® group, it is also going to Pray for US and other groups.  Whatever group you belong to, please closely consider the request, below, from our close friends at the United States Justice Foundation.  I have known many of the folks involved in USJF for decades and know that they have been fighting for our liberties since 1989 bringing courageous cases against the government, one case after another.  They fight for our liberties and our country.  Please consider their plea for continued assistance closely.
Chuck Benninghoff, Founder
Tea Party Army® & Pray for US
United States Justice Foundation Email Logo Image
United States Justice Foundation
Michael Connelly - Executive Director
The United States Justice Foundation
932 "D" Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065

Dear Subscriber,
We finally really have Barack Hussein Obama on the run.
This fraud's allies in California have just asked for a postponement of our historic eligibility case.
They know that we have a great case, and they are desperately trying to figure out how to save Mr. Obama in court.
Subscriber, please, make an urgent online contribution of $5, $10, $15, $20 $25, $50, $100, $250 or even $500, right away, to help us keep the pressure on Barack Obama, and to win this case.
It was filed, officially, on behalf of 2012 Presidential candidate Ed Noonan, against Obama ally, and California Secretary of State, Debra Bowen.
But, in reality, it was filed on behalf of all American citizens, to protect our Constitutional Republic.
Image of Michael Connelly, Executive Dir., USJF
This postponement not only shows us that California's left-wing government lawyers are having trouble preparing for this case. It also gives USJF more time to raise the money that we need to win it.
We now have another chance to raise the funds necessary to finally expose the massive cover-up that allowed Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., to illegally run for President!
Please make the most generous contribution that you possibly can, RIGHT NOW!
USJF is the only organization that is still fighting on Barack Hussein Obama's eligibility to run for and serve as President.
And, our lawsuit is the only one that could reverse Mr. Obama's illegal "election," and all the horrible things that he has done over the past six years.
That's why California's State Attorney General's Office has asked for this "continuance." So, please donate now!
The liberals know that we have a very, very strong case. They know that, if we win, Barack Obama's reign of terror is over!
Donate Now button Image
We are arguing that California's Secretary of State illegally refused to certify Mr. Obama's eligibility to run for President. This woman robbed other candidates of their right to a fair election, by covering up for Barack Obama, Jr.
That alone makes the 2012 Presidential election completely illegitimate.
Impeachment, even if it were politically possible, won't undue all of the horrible things that Mr. Obama has done while occupying our White House.
But, winning this case will. It will INVALIDATE everything that Barack Hussein Obama has done to our great nation.
That's why the California Attorney General requested this delay. Our case is THAT strong!
Please donate whatever that you can right now.
If we can win this case, we can change history, and we can save America.
Thank you in advance for all of your help.
Michael Connelly - Executive Director
The United States Justice Foundation
932 "D" Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065
PHONE: 760-788-6624760-788-6624 FAX: 760-788-6414

Please forward this vital message to
all of your friends & acquaintances.

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