Thursday, June 26, 2014

’The Lie NASA Told’ & ‘The Destruction of the Papal Key’

New Versions for the Hearing Challenged! —’The Lie NASA Told’ & ‘The Destruction of the Papal Key’ [videos]

thanks to Kauilapele for these images

Since the Internet is in a kerfuffle over these videos from theYellowRoseforTexas but her audio on the versions I posted a few months ago was too low for many to hear, you’ll be thrilled to learn that a kind soul going by the name of TheMarkoftheDog has released tweaked versions of these two gobsmacking videos so we can all hear what YellowRose is saying.
Thank you so much Markof the Dog. We appreciate you.  And thank you, too, YellowRose for bringing this material to us.
We look forward to hearing your comments on this mind-blowing information.  ~ BP
The Destruction of the Papal Key – Improved Audio Version
Published on 10 May 2014
originally posted by YellowRoseforTexas. i improved the audio for those that need it. Images from Soho showing the Destruction of the Escape Route of the Enemy of Mankind.
Go to the original video post to leave comments for YellowRoseforTexas about the info in the video.
Also see ‘The Lie NASA Told: The Imminent Demise of the New World Order’ improved audio version

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