Wednesday, June 25, 2014



This report is addressed to the smart in America, not to the naive and foolish. Even the evil cabal basically know that I am going to win with my Vatican endorsed food process because university tests and medical lab tests from all over the world predict the human race will soon die and cease to exist on earth if this unique food product is not added to the human diet before it is too late to save the human race on earth from pending biological extinction. And as this could be eaten before with no gluten intolerance from anyone, we have the answer for those suffering from gluten intolerance today. The evil cabal is basically unhappy that I am using the Vatican endorsed food process as my leverage to guarantee the very likely soon passage of my proposed Omni Law in America. I was chess champion in military school, was a form of chess champion in military intelligence with maneuvers that carried out my strategy for victory and then to the shock of all I won at what I was after! There is strategy behind the national reports I have released and the inner instincts of many in government is that they know that I have outmaneuvered them in key moves and they can't see any counters to stop me from winning in America. It is not a question of if but when I win in America! I have received secret signals from some inside sources that they want no war with me and are prepared to work with me after I win as they anticipate I will!
Pentagon military intelligence sources are already betting that I am going to win in America. They will work with me when I do win!These are power tactics going on and I am now close to checkmate on the other side such as Obama, etc.
I normally would not use a series of I's in a report of this kind, but the other side understands what is being said when I use I and would not understand if I said when we win in America! Many who have been on the cabal side are now sitting on the sidelines as they do not want to fight me as they think I will prove to be tough as steel and no use making themselves my enemies with all that implies. Obama already feels his side weakening as many are not anxious to conspire with him as they now get the feeling that he is a loser and it would be a fatal mistake to give me the legal evidence to destroy them with. A list of Obama powers now falling includes FATCA which shocked both sides when suddenly it fell after both sides judged that it could not be stopped. I savagely attacked FATCA by lethal legal angles and it fell from power the day after I savagelly attacked it through the blog NESARA NEWS run by John who is now himself scaring Obama and crew with the influence that Nesara News has aquired by releasing the scandals that destroy the national power base of Obama and allies in government.
Critics of Obama are correct to say that Obama will try and steal your money from the banks after an RV of currencies that is supposed to occur soon or now! He has an obsession with destroying Americans by destroying their finances, property owned, etc. He is totally untrustworthy with power and will do anything Wash., D.C. will allow him to do in criminal acts, etc.
When the Omni Law is passed and I said when, not if, my proposed Camelot Project will go up like lightning and a huge land area will go along with this giant research and development center in America. America will be dominated by the feeling that something powerful is happening in America. This colossal size community will use tactics of Walt Disney and other smart people and will rise up operational within even 90 days if we want to open that soon from when we begin building. Among major policies we will be committed to is establishing our own powerful international bank in Camelot. It will be sound like the Rock of Gibraltar but strong and powerful. It will not be under Wash., D.C. control or influence, but under the authority of its own board of officials over it. Having studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe, I know how to turn it into the most desirable bank in the world but we will decide who we allow to bank with us or not.
We will use special tactics so money deposited with us does not lose its value which I as an economist would label "purchasing power," regardless if American money or other foreign currencies lose much, most, or all of their value in purchasing power due to bad policies by the governments which put out these vulnerable currencies which can be destroyed in value by foolish policies of their governments. Also, money deposited with us will be safe from theft by computer hacking and far more dangerous confiscation by Wash., D.C. or other governments which want to steal the wealth deposited with us by our banking clients who we agree to accept as banking customers with us. We will not accept gangster accounts or authentic terrorist accounts, but we will have to make all such decisions in such case as to some account being unacceptable to us as they represent all that is evil or criminal in life.
For those sending in $25 or more to our Omni Law Loan Program before we withdraw this offer whenever we decide to, you have automatic right to open a banking account with us as soon as our Camelot Main Bank is opened up which could be as soon as we start building Camelot. Only if you are some sinister type person we did not realize when accepting you for this banking system of ours, all money deposited with us will be safe from governmental seizure whether America or some other nation. As soon as the publicized RV occurs, this offer is withdrawn.
We will have safety deposit boxes that governments will not have access to. Even for governments so long as we do not rate you as a criminal government, we will accept your deposits and we will protect your bank accounts from harm the same as we protect our other banking depositors in America and from elsewhere in the world.
During the American Depression of the 1930's, my mother being a child actress had accumulated a large sum of money. She had $300,000 as I recall the figure was deposited in a New York City bank. FDR from the White House declared his 10 day "bankers' holiday" with the banks closed. When they reopened, she had $5,000 left in her banking account because that was the amount "federally insured." $295,000 had disappeared from her account and Americans across the nation also had various sums of money disappear from their bank accounts and no explanation what caused this. No banks were criminally investigated as it was Wash., D.C. which stole this money out of bank accounts all over America, not banking criminals within the banks.
Our bank at Camelot will keep all funds safe and no money will disappear like happened in America and some other nations during the Depression. Also, we will have special departments to this banking system where you can leave any amount of jewelry, gold, etc. safely deposited there. Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies, we will have such strong protection of such deposits as major armies would judge it would take months of regular warfare to try and steal from our powerful banking defenses. Actually with military secrets used, we may well be beyond the level of any army to ever try to steal from whether regular warfare or other special tactics.
Those who already have $25 and higher loan credits in our Omni Law Loan Program posted on our national website, you already have automatic right to this banking system once opened up. However, might be smart to build up your deposits. In case Wash., D.C. tries to steal from bank accounts soon after an RV, we will have the legal muscle that they would consider it unhealthy to try and steal any of the money we hold for our banking system.
And while we can still get these without a problem, smart to fast order our Tree Of Life seeds listed on our website. Just got scientific word that these special tree seeds have a unique nutrient that is the cement or glue that holds all the cells in your body together and I received today a 17 page scientific report on how important this is to your own health or giving your body the ability to repair itself or make itself healthier if this is the nutrient the body needed. Once reading this report, I suddenly understood why once I started taking these seeds for nutrition one a day, within a short time an injured nerve in my back of many years suddenly disappeared, a hurting injury to my hip of years of age suddenly disappeared, and an injury to my shoulder of more recent origin but ached when I moved the wrong way suddenly disappeared and never reappeared again! My conclusion is that the body healed the injuries once it got what it needed from natural nutrient to do this. And this "Tree Of Life" seed is apparently the best source in the world for this wonderful nutrient I understand all bodies need for maximum health! That is according to scientific reports contained within the 17 page master scientific report. And when we build our Camelot Project, we plan to alter one item in the environment there which according to scientific tests indicates that it will likely double, triple, or maybe more the lifespan of people living at Camelot and probably in super health! One of the advantages of reading scientific reports hidden from the public is that you learn answers like this not available to the people at this time! This alteration of environment which people probably won't even notice coupled with these seeds for super nutrition and I wonder how far results will go in that case.
And back to our banking depositors. For those allowed to deposit with our super bank, we will also allow them access to private business offers for percentages of profit as royalties, etc. for probably the most advanced technology in the world as developed by our researchers, engineers, and inventors of talent at Camelot. I will make an educated guess that soon investors in the regular stock market will be envious of those allowed to invest in our private market of business offers not available to the public in general. And wish they could somehow gain access to this private market of unique business offers not available anywhere else in the world.
This report is addressed to the practical people who are looking for how to protect their money, investments, and other property from the unethical political leaders running Wash., D.C. now and want to "redistribute wealth" so all are poor and no one has any serious wealth in society. I observe that those who have real money for business offers are the main ones who will finance the growth of the economy and not people with little money left after daily living expenses of life in America today. People who think too little in results apparently think that they are not worthy of much money and wealth in society. My own personal opinion is that if you have a lot of money and wealth, you can do much more good in society than someone who has only pennies to back worthwhile causes and charities in life! My main reason for wanting to produce business deals that create great wealth is that I can likely do a thousand times more good in society if I have a thousand times more money to help back good in society. I am sort of Spartan in taste and spend on necessities but not wildly on luxuries! The rest of money is to help others with, not myself!   

Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for an American who likes
his rights and free enterprise in America!) Our mailing address for orders by mail
rather than through the website is

NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI 

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