Monday, July 28, 2014

Just In Intel

vinman: PM announcement speech by the GOI on radio and TV is finished...completed! Waiting for the UST/CBI/IMF to press play.

lee lee: I Googled this and can not find it.   Can you provide the link?  Thanks

vinman: There is no link.  It's hot off the intel line.

bn: So we have the announcement of PM and the LIVE Brics... Who is thinking we will be at the bank this week besides me??

Oilrat: Boom!!!!

Nevada Joe: This has to be the week

Peter: My Spidey sense is going crazy today. I am with you we will be at the bank this week. Keep all positive energy.

MarK ; Prime Minister announcement in front of parliament will be videotaped soon as the choice has been finalized and approved….

Dennis B Drake: Woo Ho RV is finished !

robert:announcements coming from iraq 

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