Sunday, July 27, 2014

Let Me Say This about That…

Let Me Say This about That…

Posted on by kauilapele
As I feel it right now, at this moment (0130 HST), there are certain things that rankle from time to time, and that means I’m to pay attention to what “the rankling” is all about.
First off, we all have our own backgrounds, our own views, and all this and all that. My deal is that I BE and DO my OWN, and allow others to BE and DO their own.
So I see that any “rankling” in my innards is my own NOT allowing others to have their own. But I’ll say this…
There’s times when I hear things like, “The Bible says this”, or “Natural Foods Magazine says GMO will kill you”, or “To be a Light Worker you have to meditate (exactly) 4.33 hours per day”, “You’ve got to eat only organic foods,” and so on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on….
The Essence of ME is what I AM, and the BODY and Mind and Spirit of ME is what does the DOing. Whatever it is.
You know, I only get “tired of all that on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on stuff”, when I fail to remember SELF… MY SELF… and that’s Higher Self, with a capital HS. And that’s MINE and MINE only, to BE.
I’m not here to live up to anybody else’ paradigms of living. NO. They can rant and rave and say and imply that there’s something “wrong” with me if I’m (and I quote), “Male or female, straight or gay, black or white or anything in between, read the Bible (or Koran, or Torah, or whatever the hell LightWorker book is out there right now) or don’t read the Bible (or Koran, or Torah, or whatever the hell LightWorker book is out there right now), have a job or don’t have a job and all that on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on stuff.”
So I’m at peace with it now. I’m just going through a multitude of “new” stuff, new “work”, that’s all kind of more “groupy” than before.
So now I guess there’s only one solution… allow my Self to enjoy being a “Grouper”.

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