Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Golden Age Of Aquarius And Our Energy Vibrations

As we enter the Age of Aquarius, your energy vibration becomes more important than ever. In the near future, there will be a division of people into two groups, those who are service to self and those who are service to others. There will also be a division of those who are of positive energy vibration and those who are not. Now, more than ever, one should avoid watching television as it is one of the biggest mind controlling, negative energy propaganda machines on this planet.

Television advertising is completely based on the unsustainability of the need to have the latest gadget while promotion controlled obsolescence (how things will break down quicker than ever before, creating the need to purchase the “newer” version of the same thing). Television “programming” is exactly that; the programming of our minds.

Reality TV is so far away from reality that people believe that it’s more real than fiction, when in fact, most of it is staged to elicit the shock factor from you, which is a negative energy vibration. Every newscast is designed to drain your energy.

Have you ever felt good after watching the news on TV? Neither have I. Have you noticed that all newscasters speak in an urgent tone, as if their every word is crucial to your existence? This is not a coincidence as they are trained to speak this way. So why is your energy vibration more important now than ever before?

This has been the great secret throughout the ages: Fear not only drains your positive energy, but allows you to be controlled by those who impose it. Keep in mind that there are only a handful of energy vampires at the top of the pyramid who maintain this illusion. If you look at the studies into cymatics, you can clearly see how sound (which is vibration) affects vibration:

This is one of the reasons why monks chant mantras. It is time for us to choose our paths. Do you have any bitter relationships in your life, such as a former close friend, a parent, sibling or relative? Have you ever felt slighted in a relationship?
Do you tend to look at people with fear or defensively? Do you feel depressed? Have you lost faith in humanity? Do you feel like there is nothing we can do to stop the powers that be from controlling us? These are examples of how low energy vibrations can control our lives.

There are many free and simple ways to raise our energy vibrations.

Here a just a few:

·       Meditate - many of the people who say they don’t have time to meditate will find time to watch TV.
·       Get out into nature - whether it’s a walk or planting a garden or bed of flowers!
·       Stop watching TV - and meditate! … or simply do something else that gives you a positive return of energy.
·       Play with your pets - our pets give us the lesson of unconditional love which always raises our vibrations.
·       Watch children playing - try to remember the fascination of experiencing things for the first time, or the innocence of childhood
·       Exercise - as long as your able to do so, then go for a walk in nature and you’ll get two benefits at the same time!
·       Forgive yourself and others - none of us are perfect and there are those who either have hurt us, or that we have hurt. Forgive them but also remember to forgive yourself.
·       Express gratitude - be grateful for the beauty that surrounds you, even if it’s a small tree in the middle of a big city. Be grateful for the meal you are about to eat and anything else that has been blessed to come into your life, including some of the negative things that ended up being wonderful life lessons that expanded your spiritual growth.
·       Face your fears and see them as an OPPORTUNITY to spiritually evolve - fearing anything always elicits a negative emotion. There are reasons why these fears keep coming into our lives. Once we face our fears, the fear disappears as this was yet another one of life lessons.
·       Buy organic food and express gratitude before eating it - organic food has more nutrition than GMO’s, so that alone will increase your physical energy, which in turn will increase your spiritual vibrations, especially if you bless or express gratitude before eating your food.
·       Do things or be with people who make you laugh - laughter is a very high vibrational energy, even if we’re laughing at ourselves!
·       Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels for help and direction - your spirit guides and guardian angels are eagerly awaiting your call for assistance, so ask them for guidance, assistance, protection and direction each day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wise words to follow.
