1) Parliament has moved quickly on accomplishing much this week. The speaker, deputy, PM all done; President has been nominated but not yet voted on, but process is moving along to get that accomplished. That will be revealed at time of RV, or a little right before.
2) Security in Iraq: highly successful in bringing about calm. Bad apples being brought to justice.
3) Iraq is ready for RV; trying to coordinate w/ major governments on timing of announcements. Notification to accomplish went out this morning.
4) U.N. - happy how quickly Iraq has settled down.
5) U.S.A. - Timelines being discussed for rollout. Emphasis from DC on all of us not being spiteful or a "pain in the neck" so that we can't be used as the excuse or reason for any further delays. TNT is here to inform, be represented and be helpful.
Tony: It's a great day today; the final and right decisions are what we are waiting on.
Q & A:
Write in questions:
Q: International rate vs contract rate:
A: Stree rate = no NDA
Contract rate = sign NDA so that we DON'T DISCUSS the rate we got that wasn't offered to the general public.
Q: Why can't we invest in the Iraq stock market which went live on July 1st?
A: You CAN, so long as you know a broker or someone with the trading capability to do it. It's all "who you know".
Q: What was the "great news coming in" Pam mentioned in her chat comment?
A: Not sure, so much good news, probably about parliament completion and progress.
Q: Why was call delayed Wednesday, then for nothing it seemed?
A: T - it's done; pendulum keeps swinging back and forth about timing on announcements.
Q: Do we have to wait on PM?
A: Yes, but likely all announcements at the same time with RV.
7-18-2014 TNT Tony
Iraq has done everything they are supposed to do and notified everyone they are ready - that notification went out this AM. UN is happy. Its' a great day today and we are hoping final decisions will be made. Last 48 hours have been actually up and down for us but right now...where we're at things are looking good. We're where we need to be for final decisions to show...announcements will come but I don't know when...we are in a good place.
Hot Dog! More accurate TNT Tony horseschitt!
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!
Golf Uncle Alpha Foxtrot Bravo!
G'night America!
What a load of horse excrement. I noticed the "this is the week" was taken down. It'll be back up in another few
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