Thursday, August 14, 2014




     Rev. Ernest Angley of Akron, Ohio for 60 years has had an active Christian healing ministry in America and abroad. Just recently at a large Christian revival and healing service in the Union of South Africa attended by what looked like 50,000 to 100,000 maybe attending this outdoor service he stated that the Lord had revealed to him that the Antichrist was now alive and born in 1968. He has had credible faith healing miracles of God for this 60 year period of active healing services and probably adds up to two to three million people or more people claiming basically instant healings of Cancer, Aids, Diabetes, born deaf and dumb and now hear and speak normally, and an incredibly long list of other usually medically impossible things to be instantly healed when he prayed in the name or blood of Jesus for them to be healed.

      I cannot guarantee that Rev. Ernest Angley has to be right in this 1968 year for the birth of the prophesied Antichrist, but when a man has a ton of Miracles of God occur because he prayed in the Name of Jesus Christ for their healing, I do not laugh at what he says and listen with at least an open mind. He also warned that those that take the "mark of the beast" as prophesied in Revelation lose their salvation at that moment and can never be saved nor go to live with God for all eternity after that act of taking the "mark of the beast." He did not say but indicated that America had better straighten up before God or else America would face a devastating judgment from God otherwise when the Antichrist arose.  

        Obama was born in 1961 according to official accounts so he might wish to be the Antichrist but will fall according to Rev. Ernest Angley who expects another to arise who will be the real Antichrist.                 

     And this goes along with the warning from Rev. Richard Eby dead for maybe 18 hours mostly in a hospital in Chicago, Illinois and then coming back alive.  From death, he said he brought a message from Jesus Christ in Paradise that Jesus was returning soon to the earth but the Christians were not ready for His return. And Pastor Dan of Nigeria who died on Nov. 30, 2001 and after being dead for 3 days mostly in a morgue and then taken to a Reinhard Bonnke Crusade in NIgeria where he resurrected from the dead then gave out this message that he reported that Jesus Christ had given him from Paradise. The reported message from Jesus Christ to Christians on earth was that He was returning soon and the Christians were not ready for His return! Also, before Jesus returned, the wealth of the wicked would be transferred to the righteous. Except for wealth statement, same basic message as also delivered from another dead man who was Dr. Richard Eby of Victorville, CA and a good personal friend of mine for years. Dr. Eby said that he had been told that Jesus would allow him to live on earth until Jesus returned. But finding the Christians so cold to seriously returning to serious Christianity in America, this broke his heart and he told me and another friend that he had asked Jesus to allow him to die early as he did not want to live around cold and lukewarm Christians any longer not seriously caring about when Jesus returns and preparing for it so they did not have to go through the prophesied Tribulation also called Jacob's Trouble in the Bible.

     When with maybe $50 in supplies I got a car of mine to go from a maximum of 17-18 1/2 miles per gallon on up to 94 miles per gallon, no one would have listened to my engineering logic why I tried the concepts of auto engineering I did. Like as usual, my engineering ideas nearly always work as my logic is good! I had advanced colon cancer and knocked it out in 7 days flat using a natural bee product. Again no one would have been interested in my analysis of what causes Cancer. It is a form of infection and I killed the infection which created the Cancer and it was gone after 7 days while I lived in risk of dying from it for probably well over one year until the inspiration of I believe God showed me the smart answer to cure Cancer. I also got rid of a tumor on my left arm gone in 4 days flat once using this bee product and left no scar. And also attacked a much larger tumor on my face same way and again it was gone in four days and with no scar left on the skin. When I met and offered to tell for free how I knocked out Cancer in myself with a natural ingredient of God, the head of a cancer research foundation did not want to hear my answer. Apparently the profit potential to curing Cancer cheaply was not interesting to this medical research doctor who had spent I think he said 17 years researching how to cure cancer and had no real success if I understood correctly.

      I had had a long list of my ideas work which others would have said could not work. But if they came to that conclusion, they were not listening to my logic why these ideas of mine should work. As for Ebola, I analyze it is like Scurvy a vitamin C deficiency disease. It can be knocked out I analyze by either correct treatment with massive vitamin C or else by an air treatment system that should end Ebola in the person infected or else wipe it out as an infection in the air, or in any home or other surface location people get exposed to Ebola infection within that location by touching anything or any person there with the Ebola infection on it. My inventive concepts normally work fine, so why not this time also? Everything is based upon logic and common sense!

      As my brilliant father in food research used to say to me , "Malnutrition is the cause of all diseases." Also, he said, "If you want good health, then you must work with God, not against God." God has given us the answers to cure the diseases we face in life. Listen to the wise answers that God has given to us and either we prevent these diseases from getting established in us and or else drive them out of our system and we are restored to good health after that with these diseases expelled from our body.

      Apparently I look a generation younger than a man I went to school with when we were both in the 7th grade. I accidentally came across his photo today on the internet and I look a generation younger because I practiced a number of good health practices whereas he ate a rich man's diet which may taste good but is not the best diet to keep yourself younger and more healthy. My father was an industrialist and I went to the same rich family school as he did, but we practiced good health principles whereas he and family practiced bad health practices. As my father used to say, "You are what you eat."

     You the American people push and get passed my Omni Law this year and I should be able to set up the national systems so either Ebola is stopped from getting established in America or else if spreading fast across America, one way or another we will get this Ebola stopped fast and the disease threat of potentially killing off even 80% to 90% of all Americans with it if the statistics claimed by the other side are true and instead see that probably no one will die from it or even get infected with it in America.  

     I once had a top federal electronic engineer who became a friend of mine and told me of the secret C.I.A. meeting he attended which included many top leaders of Wash., D.C. and some outside leaders who are part of the evil cabal secreting running America by running Wash., D.C. behind the scenes. They were discussing tricking the American people into taking an electronic medical chip under their skin. Once the people took it under their skin, they could be electronically spied upon by the Washington federal police state 24 hours a day seven days a week in the most total national police state seen in all of human history. Obamacare requires you to soon take this in America! This would be a far more powerful system of a national police state system of surveillance over the American people than that set up by Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union to spy upon their people in their nation or nations.

      Separately from this federal electronic engineer, I had other sources that reported to me of an alternative plan to set up a total federal electronic police state to put the American people under a total surveillance police state by Wash., D.C. They would force the people to only take electronic money as the money they could spend in America or abroad. Through total electronic currency as the only money in a nation, they could spy on the American people 24 hours a day 7 days a week and every electronic money transaction in America would tell the federal police state where the people were at that moment of time.

      I know how the other side operates and plans to operate very well. As soon as the Omni Law is passed, I will if they try to convert America over to an electronic only system of money call for grand juries to investigate who in government or else controlled government from outside pulled the strings to set up this planned total federal police state surveillance system in America. I will call for grand juries to indict them for high treason and conspiracy of genocide in America. And the American people are way too soft on hardened traitors and criminals in government. And the other side counts upon this to win in America! The side of traitors in the government laugh at conscience, honesty, obeying the U.S. Constitution or U.S. Bill of Rights. However, they understand if you hang them for high treason or genocide conspiracy if they are guilty and they will start behaving themselves and act legally under law instead of criminally under law as they now do. Also, the U.S. Constitution legally defines what can be used as legally money in America or not. Only electronic money can legally be used in America if currency exists to back it and is based upon real assets and not hot air to back it as federal reserve notes are backed. The federal government at times has already confiscated electronic money which is terribly easy to do without getting legally caught! They can turn electronic money into the same fiat money as federal reserve notes if allowed to confiscate electronic money without real backing to it so real printed or coined money must exist to help block the counterfeiting of electronic money by the federal government which has probably no legal integrity in this matter.

     My proposed Omni Law uses the legal concept of ancient Rome which kept the Roman Republic against its will honest and not corrupt for several centuries until the corrupt finally figured out how to overthrow this legal concept and then make the Roman Republic corrupt and treasonable as the so-called U.S. Republic in Wash., D.C. is today. Also, James Madison "Father of the U.S. Constitution" and "Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights" called this ancient Roman concept of law the most brilliant answer of ancient man how to protect his legal freedom and rights from tyranny in government. Also, force the government to obey the will of the people instead of being an intended master over them and a willful tyranny as the people would have no power to stop tyranny in government if the government decided to become a tyranny against the people of Rome.

      This was called "civil tribunes" who are the legal trustees over the government and when the people want it can call national referendums of the people to reject laws or policies wanted by the intended tyranny in government or else pass laws and policies by national referendum when the people want these laws and policies the corrupt and criminal in government do not want to give the people since they are not loyal to them but want to be their masters instead. These 10 civil tribunes of America can call for legal investigations when spotting apparent treason or corruption in government and had power to stop legal frameups by those in government. Ancient Roman law had that these 10 civil tribunes could not be arrested, sued, or stopped from carrying out their positions to defend the people from tyranny in government. If anyone ever tried to murder any civil tribune, they were to be executed by the people the same day the attempted murder occurred. I studied ancient history which the Founding Fathers of America did like James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, but Americans today are not given a "classical education" in history, etc. as earlier Americans were taught and so know far less political science and the origins of laws than Americans do today as their education is "politically correct" meaning censored instead of being factual and honest about history.  

     Pass this report around. The evil cabal if you let them are apparently going to secretly push and use Ebola to drive you the American people into a massive federal police state. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and a heavy background in military intelligence. Pass the Omni Law and schemes like using Ebola to break the American people and force you into a total federal police state by use of it are dead plans as of then as well as killing people all over the world with Ebola in order to impose on mankind the One World Government of the evil cabal tyrants that they want to impose not only on Americans but all nations on earth. I have my ways and many spies on what the evil cabal is doing and conspiring to do. I have many friends in secret places and know far than I commit to writing about the high treason being attempted in Wash., D.C. against you the American people.

      I also studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein back then as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century. And Sir John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946 who was the officially rated top economist for the world then  endorsed what this German economist was teaching as the probable world answer to Communism by skyrocketing free enterprise throughout the world.

     The full name for the Omni Law as posted on our website is "The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America" and gives to the American people what the politicians do not want to give to the American people and that is the right of referendum over government so the people are the masters over government instead of the servants under the government master rulers over them! Push the politicians to pass the Omni Law before this November election and you will vote against, not for, any politician not on the side of passing the Omni Law and now!

      In two prophecies of Jesus Christ, He says that before He returns, He will first raise up a Chief Steward who will supply His Christians their meat symbolizing having the God-given answers for the prosperity and good of mankind wanting God over their society. When you see the Chief Steward of Jesus Christ arise (Matt. 24:44-47 and St. Luke 12:42-44), that Jesus predicts is a powerful sign that Jesus is soon returning as the Chief Steward prepares the way for the return of Jesus to earth. Early Christianity in writings explained the meaning of II Thes. 2:7-8 about the he who letteths (hinders). He arises just before the Antichrist and derails the would-be Antichrist from becoming the Antichrist. This gives the time so the Gospel can be effectively preached all over  the world. Once mankind is given clear choice between God or else Satan, then the good are removed from society as Bishop Hippolytus around 200 A.D. explained about the meaning of where the eagles gather in Matthew 24: 27-28. The eagle Christians are removed before the Antichrist arises to power. The lukewarm and indifferent Christians are left by Jesus Christ to face the Antichrist and flee for their lives on the surface of the earth while the Antichrist chases after them to kill them if possible. I read the early official Christian writings which even most Bible scholars never studied! I know what they said about these days we live in now. 

      The prophecy of Fatima in 1917 predicts one final great rally of Christianity before the pending World War III. If the Christians do a good enough job of evangelizing the world, then World War III may be postponed or even cancelled. The Serbian prophet Mitar Tarabich who has the most impressive prophecy record of Christian prophets in several centuries in the middle of the 19th century predicted all these coming world events correctly. He says for our age in a large land surrounded by oceans arises the movement blessed by God. The nation which backs this movement which will found this great community (our proposed Camelot) in the mountains and symbolically represented by the three crosses (all three main branches of Christianity pull together to make Christianity strong in the world through this community) is blessed by God. The nation which backs this movement will not be destroyed in World War III, but spared harm when other  nations are destroyed in World War III. He says this land  will be big or bigger than Europe.  
    Also, St. Padre Pio       who was recently canonized as the only Catholic priest in history to officially bear the stigmata (wounds of Christ for 50 years) in Christian history wrote to me while he was still alive. I got this letter from him in Italy and I was in military school then. He told me something supernatural about myself no one knew about me. He indicated that Jesus wanted me to be the bridge to pull Christians together so they could stop the evil from crushing Christianity before Jesus returned. He also indicated that I was to be the fulfillment of a prophecy by a St. Francis of Paola around 1470 A.D. that in a land not in Europe or the Middle but fought a civil war shortly before 1870 A.D. that this Christian (me) understanding all sides would pull the Christians together so they stop Islam from conquering the world and people all over the world would be won to Christianity due to them. St. Francis of Paola was rated by 7 kings and 5 popes as the holiest man in Europe maybe since the time of Christ and the Apostles and miracles were massive he did including healing an entire French city of bubonic plague in one day by prayer and all his prophecies came true! He described the background of the founder of this movement founded in a land not known about in 1470 A.D. and the family background he predicted for this founder is amazingly my family background from my mother's side of the family. He said that this founder would be like a saint as a child. Then becomes a strong sinner as a young man and then converts totally to Jesus Christ like the Apostle Paul did. Then he unites the divided Christians so they can save Christianity in the world. His prior sins are forgiven him and Jesus totally backs him in what he is to do. 

     Somehow that sounds like the ancient prophecy of St. Methodius around 311 A.D. and bishop in Asia Minor (Turkey today) by prophecy pointing by direction to North America which no one knew about then and saying in that distant land would arise the one Jesus approved for the Final Days to lead the Christians to victory after victory so they could one final time evangelize the entire world. Once mankind has the clear choice between God and Satan for mankind, then this is the end times for the carnal kingdoms of mankind on earth. He said that this Latter Day Christian leader would be totally backed by Jesus Christ as representing the Will of Jesus Christ for mankind shortly before His return to earth. In his prophecy he said that Jesus said to him by voice that He had picked this future Christian leader long in advance called the Chief Steward in Matt. 24 and Luke 12 (also mentioned in Rev. 2:26-28) and told the true Christians to back him totally then when he arose against the evil trying to take over the earth and wipe out Christianity then on earth. Wild prophecy but it exists from this Miracle Worker of early Christianity! The mark Rev. mentions for this Rev. 2:26-28 servant of Jesus is that he upholds total early Apostolic Christianity as established by Jesus Christ and the Apostles and which most of the modern churches of the Last Days would not want to uphold as they wanted watered down and compromised Christianity to replace the Covenant left them by Jesus Christ and the Apostles.

      Speaking of victories, I had a heavy background in military intelligence and picked up the top weapon technology left over by Nazi German and hidden from Allied and Soviet intelligence so a Fourth Reich could someday arise with this secret Nazi technology. It was not in Hitler's plans that a Christian leader such as me should get this military technology later on instead of a Nazi, but with the help of the most brilliant American defense engineer in 25 years of the Cold War, we completed the Nazi technology which can easily win in Iraq or any other nation on earth. With a modified smaller version of the Hitler Ultimate Weapon which I nicknamed "The Wrath of God," we could smash rebel cities in Iraq even overnight if we wanted to and no army on earth could stand against this technology if used on them. If America has this technology, then America is the undisputed military power in the world. But I will not let scoundrels like Obama have access to this German technology. This will not be used to conquer the world, but rather defend the interests of Western and Christian civilization if absolutely needed. Even warfare must be based upon moral law and only if justice dictates it do we crush any enemy as is automatically guaranteed if we use this German military technology against them. With passage of the Omni Law, we will set this up for the national defense of America and the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon will be startled when they see what military answers we have. But they will end up under our authority through the Omni Law.

     Right now several nations are planning how they will annihilate America later on. We can  cancel all such plans they have if we invite such as Russia to loan us an uninhabited area of Siberia to demonstrate what we have to the world in this captured military technology from the Nazis and I turned this over to the defense of the Christian world. I have no hostile plans against Russia and am also a descendant of a minor branch of the Russian royal line which founded Russia as a nation and people. In fact, I have already stated when the time is right, I want to invite Russia, and Canada to join in confederation with America, not federation, so we share common interests together while still very much independent nations. We pool our talents and resources together and we shall bless our people with enormous prosperity for all and freedom for all our people. I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and this is a economic dream marriage of three of the best races on earth if done under the standards of Western and Christian civilization.

      By the way the "Camp of the Saints" in Revelation meant in early Roman culture a powerful military location , not a Boy Scouts Camp as talked about in our times, and so powerful that it would require the armies of the world united to try and even defeat it in warfare. St. Augustine wrote on this meaning to Camp of the Saints and so did some other early Christian writers.  To understand some parts of the Bible correctly, you have to also know the culture this part of the Bible was written in timewise.

       Our website is Our email is  Our mailing address for orders and payments for our loan program to help finance passage of our Omni Law in America and we say, "Why not pass it before the November election in 2014?!! " Our mailing address is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for whether a product or else our loan program to help pass the Omni Law which is the Omni Law Loan Program on our website. All finances help finance the Omni Law Drive in America for faster passage into national constitutional law for America and restoration of the God-given principles of the American Revolution in 1776 back into power in America.

      And now for the deadliest words of Christianity heard in hundreds of years! Since the governments will not seriously protect Christians in the world when fanatical enemies such as in Iraq want to wipe out all  Christians there, time for us to form our own international Christian army to defend Christians when they are going to be massacred otherwise anywhere in the world by fanatical enemies. Jesus Christ praised as the man with the most faith in all of Israel was the Roman military centurion of Matt. 8 and Luke 7 who believed every promise of Jesus Christ. It was not dishonorable before God to serve in a military force if standing for moral right and not injustice. The Children of Israel were taught by God that they had every moral right before God to defend their nation, race, and faith! We so long as standing for right also have the moral right and even approval of God to use the military for good and so long as not for evil!   

      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who stands for Christianity all the way and will not let it be defeated in the world as cowardly or lukewarm Christians might. With approval of early Apostolic Christianity, it was approved that large units of the Roman Army now Christians were fully accepted in the early Christian Church as total Christians the same as the other Christians belonging to the various Christian churches scattered throughout the Roman Empire. When the Roman Emperor wanted to confiscate the largest Christian church in Rome maybe around 220 A.D, the Christian Roman soldiers sat in the seats for this very large church and refused to leave. The Roman Emperor cancelled his plans to confiscate this very expensive, large church in Imperial Rome as he was afraid the Christian Roman soldiers would fight for this church if he tried to steal it from the Christians and so this very large church in Rome built without permission of the City of Rome was left alone and worshipped freely after that!

     The following shows how we are lied to by our news media and government! Time for Christians and other good people to wake up and stop being led by the liars in society who are trying to lead us to our planned doom!  Pass the Omni Law so the honest leaders instead of the liars now run Wash., D.C. where it counts!

     Interesting facts on 9/11 attack and story showing that the real facts show a different story about 9/11 than reported in our news media.  11 Remarkable Facts About 9/11 at ).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems some people will go to any length to make Obama the 'Anti-Christ'. Christ is LIGHT - WISDOM. Anti-Christ is
DARKNESS - No LIGHT. "There have been many Anti-Christs". God is LOVE - the opposite of LOVE is FEAR. Anyone that teaches FEAR of any kind is not of God. God never judges anyone. Anyone that judges his fellow man is not of God. Wake up people - we have been controlled by the Dark Cabal too long, who have reversed every Truth of God. Namaste.....