ALL Patriot Americans MUST know,
with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled,
fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
August 3, 2014
World War III has Begun and it is Financial
by Tom
Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

States of America - The
announcement by the ISDA (International Swap and Derivative Association) that
the $1.5 billion Argentina bond default was a credit event sets the stage for a
massive financial showdown between hedge funds and crooked worldwide banks.
New York U.S. Federal
Judge Thomas P. Griesa has ruled that the hedge funds who did not participate
in the Argentina bank bond swaps are on the first tier to be paid vis a vis the
number one creditor aka the Argentinian default.
The crooked banks who
bought insurance (financed by crooked cross-collateralized derivatives) on the
Argentina debt are now holding the bag.
It is now the ISDA and
the crooked worldwide banks versus the hedge funds and New York Federal Judge
Thomas P. Griesa.
Judge Griesa has stated
that the ISDA protects a worldwide derivative ponzi scheme, which is nothing
more than a worldwide $15 trillion money laundry.
Note: American patriot
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman now has in his possession the
original documents signed by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and
Timothy Geithner showing illegal off books transfer by the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York of $15 trillion initially to HSBC of Hong Kong, the Shanghai
Banking Corporation out of London, and then to the Bank of Scotland.
This is massive THEFT of
U.S. Treasury funds that is being directed by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family
The Argentina default is
a financial virus that is spreading to Brazil, Spain and Portugal (the Espirito
Santo Bank) threatening to trigger trillions of dollars of cross-collateralized
derivatives going hybrid which will lead to the financial decapitation of the
German NAZI Deutsche Bank, the European Central Bank (ECB), along with the U.S.
Federal Reserve itself.
P.S. Accordingly,
the patriotic U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force operating on American soil to
protect the American People expect the NAZI Paperclip controlled U.S.
government to stage a major false flag aka terrorist incident at any moment in
order to disguise a "martial law" declaration and simultaneously a
crooked bank "BAIL IN" on ALL worldwide savings and checking accounts
(including the accounts of the American People) reference a collection attempt
by the banks on their Argentinian insurance.
P.P.S. At this
hour the government of the United Kingdom still refuses to share information
and evidence with the government of the Netherlands concerning facts
surrounding the alleged shoot down of Malaysian flight MH-17.
Questions: Could
it be the British want to turn the black box into a derivative?
Note: We can now
report that cockpit evidence shows that Malaysian flight MH-17 was shot down by
a Ukrainian fighter jet SU-25. The missile that was fired by the
Ukrainian military actually exploded in mid-air with the shrapnel also hitting
Reference: MH-17
was actually the missing Malaysian flight MH-370 with serial numbers changed.
Moscow Says MH17 Satellite Crash Site is
from an 3 year old Video Game & Expanding Rod Warhead Damage
MH17 Black
Boxes: Officially, Everyone is Silent
'Investigation' into Downing of the Malaysian Plane Is Now Clearly a Hoax
Stay tuned for future
intelligence briefings in which we will have new evidence linking the NAZI
Paperclip NSA and crooked worldwide banks to "phone spoofing" of cell
phones in which erroneous text messages are sent to cell phones and then show
up as text messages sent from another cell phone.
Millions of dollars of
illegal trading has taken place with this phone spoofing crime spree.
Earth": How Israel Converted 40% Of Gaza Into A Wasteland Of Rubble
The West's
Reckless Rush Towards War With Russia
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