Thursday, October 23, 2014

10/28 - The DREAM day?

Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 11:21:53 PM
Subject: Dick
My nephew called me a couple of days ago and said that he has had  the same dream 2 times.  The 1st time was about 3 wks ago and he and I were walking into a bank and talking to a teller and she handed me a Duffle Bag full of money and just before we left he asked her what the date was and she said 10/28. 
 As we left the bank, we started handing out money to those in need.   1 week ago he had the same dream and the exact same thing happened including the same date (10/28)  So I said to him to be sure to call me as soon as you have that dream again  because I have always been told that if you dream something 3 times, it comes true.
  Today Tony said that he expects it to happen over this weekend for sure and next Tuesday is the 28th.  But then I thought that just maybe that date was meant for only me personally as to my appointment date, but it still means others could have gone in before Tuesday.  Will soon find out!!!/D

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