Sunday, October 26, 2014

Anti-Bible Booklet To Be Distributed in Schools

Anti-Bible Booklet To Be Distributed in Schools

We have to start NOW to take a strong stand against this kind of evil. Below is the letter I wrote the superintendent of schools in regard to this piece of trash which will be distributed to all its students. I encourage you to write a letter, also. I tried to find a copy of what the booklet contains on the internet, but could only do so by ordering one from the FFRF for $4 plus postage. NOT!!!

Barbara M. Jenkins
Superintendent of Schools, Orange County
445 W. Amelia St.
Orlando, FL 32801


Dear Superintendent Jenkins,

Just when I thought I had seen everything, I ran across the story about your school district caving into the wishes of the "Freedom From Religion Foundation". These God haters will be allowed to distribute this booklet in your schools. It is nothing less than an abomination and satanic smear campaign to discredit the Bible and the Lord God Almighty. 

Our schools have always existed to educate our children and prepare them for life when they become an adult. At least this was the case until an atheist woman had prayer removed from schools. Since then, our education system has gradually turned into a system of mainly indoctrinating our children rather than educating them. This trash from the wicked people at the FFRF is indoctrination! They want the children to think like they do, and any booklet to be given children with a picture on the cover like this one easily reveals the nature of these people. They are wicked! And your school system has buckled under and given these God-haters what they want.

God put the unsavory actions of many people in His Word to show the sinfulness of human beings. The only way to understand this is to be led through the Bible as a born again Christian filled with the Holy Spirit which will reveal its truth to the reader. If it is read by an unbeliever simply as a book, it will not make sense and appear to be 'X-Rated,' as the people at FFRF insist it is. These people are spiritually blind and are trying to destroy the faith of those who need to be 'born again' to the Truth of God's Word.

Your school district has brought a curse upon itself by allowing this junk to be distributed to your students. 

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

This booklet mocks God and is an attempt to turn children away from God.  We are truly in the End Times, seeing something like this happen. I fear for other school districts in the U.S. which will eventually have to face off with the FFRF.   If they give them their way, then the districts that do will eventually face the fury of the Lord God Almighty who WILL NOT BE MOCKED!

Chuck Wilson
Fairbanks, Alaska

 Now, America.  You have been alerted to this next phase of anti-God action by the godless in this nation.  WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?  Your non-action will bring judgment upon you and yours as you stand by and allow these things (i.e., homosexuality, pornography, adultery, et al)  to continue without making a stand for the righteousness of Almighty God.   What will you answer when He asks you what you did to stop this?

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