Sunday, October 12, 2014

Disgusted Journalist Spills the Beans and Admits All the News is Fake!

I have read over & over again, that there is a so-called Elite Group of men that has been running this Country for over 100 years, since the Congress turned over printing our money to a private Group, that they controll! They tell MANY Congressmen, Judges, Governors & so on what to do. I believe they had John Kennedy killed, because he didn't follow orders! I hope you guys are OK, but you can see why we can't fully trust Repuublicans or Democrats!!! This fellow tells how he was bought off, or would loose his job! We feel like most of you are more interested in keeping re-elected, to keep your job, instead of being for the people that put you in Office!!!    xxxxxxx

Disgusted Journalist Spills the Beans and Admits All the News is Fake!  

1 comment:

David Howard said...