if true it is downright criminal, but the reasons they are doing
this is even worse
Every report on this web
site is public domain and can be re-posted in full. Just mention this web site
by linking back to the original here
Uncensored magazine (ad
below) is a great source of truth you won't find anywhere else, and I endorse
them fully.

Thomas made me aware of
the following through the Jimstonefreelance mail box:
I have confirmed the
following is real, and was written by a man living in Accra Ghana.
From Ghana:
Ebola is not real and
the only people who have gotten sick are those who have received treatments and
injections from the Red Cross
Other than the original
facebook post, this web site is the first one to carry this and it needs to be
spread, the future may be riding on this one, ARCHIVE, POST POST AND RE-POST!
UPDATE: Nana Kwami's
facebook became inaccessible from America and probably other places, but it
still works from Mexico. They are censoring this geographically because it is
too important. HERE IS HOW IT ALL APPEARS:Nana's
facebook, referenced business facebook, and referenced business web site all
proving this really did come from Ghana.
Nana Kwame wrote:
People in the Western
World need to know what's happening here in West Africa. THEY ARE LYING!!!
"Ebola" as a virus does NOT Exist and is NOT "Spread". The Red Cross has brought a
disease to 4 specific countries for 4 specific reasons and it is only
contracted by those who receive treatments and injections from the Red Cross.
That is why Liberians and Nigerians have begun kicking the Red Cross out of
their countries and reporting in the news the truth. Now bear with me:
Most people jump to
"depopulation" which is no doubt always on the mind of the West when
it comes to Africa. But I assure you Africa can NEVER be depopulated by killing
160 people a day when thousands are born per day. So the real reasons are much
more tangible.
1: This vaccine implemented sickness being "called"
Ebola was introduced into West Africa for the end goal of getting troops on the
ground in Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. If you remember America was just trying to get into
Nigeria for "Boko Haram" #BULLSHIT but that fell apart when Nigerians
started telling the truth. There ARE NO GIRLS MISSING. Global
support fell through the floor, and a new reason was needed to get troops into
Nigeria and steal the new oil reserves they have discovered.
2: Sierra Leone is the World's Largest Supplier of Diamonds. For the past 4 months they have been on strike, refusing to
provide diamonds due to horrible working conditions and slave pay. The West
will not pay a fair wage for the resources because the idea is to keep these
people surviving on rice bags and foreign aid so that they remain a source of
cheap slave labor forever. A reason was also needed to get troops on the ground
in Sierra Leone to force an end to the diamond miners strikes. This is not the
first time this has been done. When miners refuse to work troops are sent in
and even if they have to kill and replace them all, the only desire is to get
diamonds back flowing out of the country.
Of course to launch
multiple campaigns to invade these countries separately would be way too fishy.
But something like "Ebola" allows access to an entire area
3: In addition to stealing Nigerian oil, and forcing Sierra Leone back to
mining, troops have also been sent in to FORCE vaccinations (Deadly
"Ebola" Poison) onto those Africans who are not foolish enough to
take them willingly.
3000 troops are being
sent in to make sure that this "poison" continues to spread, because
again it is only spread through vaccination. As more and more news articles are released as they
have been in Liberia, informing the populous of the US lies and manipulation,
more and more Africans are refusing to visit the Red Cross.
Troops will force these vaccinations upon the people to ensure the visible
appearance of an Ebola pandemic. In addition to this they will protect the Red
Cross from the Liberians and Nigerians who have been rightfully ejecting them
from their countries.
4: Last but not least, the APPEARANCE of this Ebola "pandemic"
(should Americans not catch on) will be used to scare the countless millions
into taking an "Ebola vaccine" which in reality is the pandemic.
Already they have started with stories of how it
has been brought to the U.S. and has appeared in Dallas, how white doctors were
cured but black infected are not being allowed to be treated, etc.
that will do is make blacks STRIVE to get the vaccine, because it appears that
the "cure" is being held back from blacks. They will run out in
droves to get it and then there will be serious problems. With all we have seen revealed about vaccines this year you would
think we learned our lesson. All I can do is hope so, Because they rely on our
ignorance to complete their agendas.
Ask yourself: If Ebola
really was spread from person to person, instead of controlled spread through
vaccination - then WHY would the CDC and the US Government continue to allow
flights in and out of these countries with absolutely no regulation, Or At All?
We have got to start
thinking and sharing information globally because they do not give the true
perspective of the people who live here in West Africa. They are lying for
their own benefit and there aren't enough voices out there with a platform to
help share our reality. Hundreds of thousands have been killed,
paralyzed and disabled by these and other "new" vaccines all over the
world and we are finally becoming aware of it. Now what will we do with all
this information?
Good for this web site and Jimstone to carry her writing. Viruses are not necessarily harmful. Like bacteria you need them to survive. Most of your gut is made up of bacteria, good bacteria, a balance of bacteria. The balance is important. Stable host-virus relationships have long been observed in the laboratory.
If you have too much of anything it will cause harm to you. The government and corporations have led people to think of viruses and other things as "bad" like you never can have any of them. That is very useful for government, because then they surveil you and take over the border and take power by scaring you about hurricanes and migrants and viruses.
It's long been known that the vaccines are causing the "diseases." The diseases follow the vaccines for the previous so-called disease. Another thing that is not well-known (but deserves to be) is the fact that the CDC and AMA and others make and break diseases according to certain political and economic needs.
"Dr. Kremer knew this already by 1984. He was very worried about the fate of his patients, because in 1984 the politicians asked him to put these already stigmatized "HIV-positive" patients into quarantine, which means to separate them from the other ones. He said no, because there's no infectious entity out there. He knew everybody who went through chronic active hepatitis or had the hepatitis B vaccine would test "HIV-positive." So he knew that there is no infection in his hospital.
He informed the mass media, who went to his hospital to inform themselves, in great detail. He told them all the evidence. And the very same journalists, in talk shows, in Der Spiegel [one of Germany's largest and most popular magazines] for example, published just the contrary. So he knew that it was intentional from the very beginning. They played war. They all wanted to have a blood and sex plague, contrary to the evidence which he presented to them. So he knew that AIDS was built up on misconceptions. He was dealing at the top political level. They told him, off the record, that they knew, they didn't care, it was about how to deal with the drug problem and with the homosexuals.
They even tried to kill him, and this didn't succeed. He had a good intuition and got out of his car before the tire blew out. Then he learned from a minister who had a deep respect for him, because of his work with prisoners and drug abusers, that the German government was carrying out a secret psychological investigation, trying to prove that he was mentally ill and being kept in his job only because they considered him in danger of committing suicide. So when he learned this, he left his very highly-ranked position because he was not able to be silent on this. That would not fit his ethics.
I also met Professor Alfred Hässig of Switzerland. He founded Swiss blood-donation system and was one of the first to take out products from the blood in order to make plasma to treat chronic disease. By becoming a colleague and a very close friend of his by now, I learned a great deal about the whole blood-producing industry and the criminal energy behind it. In March of 1996 in Berne [capital of Switzerland], Hässig, Kremer and I met for the first time.
It became clear, also, what's happening in the field of hepatitis. They are not dealing with a virus. Of course, there's a possibility to enrich certain kinds of proteins in blood products, which then cause severe autoimmune reactions, but only in very stressed-out people, never in non-stressed people. When they learned to take out these proteins from the blood products, or dilute them, there are not hepatic problems anymore. I learned this through him."
--from the Zenger's interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka
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