Saturday, October 18, 2014

Rarely do I ‘introduce’ religion but I believe God is sending us ALL a whole bunch of messages and signals.

Craig Maus
MessagePatriots- 2,000 bcc herein w/permission to forward:
Rarely do I ‘introduce’ religion but I believe God is sending us ALL a whole bunch of messages and signals.
How does the ‘ole saying’ go….’there are None so blind that have eyes but refuse to see’?
Let me paraphrase Luke 12:48- “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”
In other words, with great power comes great responsibility.
And here are but a few examples of what Obama and his band of DemonCraps who have disguised themselves as ‘representatives’ have said or done and remember, these examples are but just the ‘tip of their Titanic iceberg.’
“Tomorrow, the OFFICIAL Transformation of America WILL Begin.”- Barack HUSSEIN Obama, election eve, 2008.
“We are NO longer a Christian Nation.”- Barack HUSSEIN Obama
“We have Al Qaeda on the run.”- Barack Hussein Obama just prior to the election of 2012……Benghazi followed shortly thereafter!
NOTE: The next day after BENGHAZI, Obama was in Vegas on another ‘campaign swing’ while 4-Americans were left to Die atop the embassy’s roof-top pleading for help… THAT NEVER CAME THAT WAS DENIED.
To this Day, we don’t know where either he was that night or where his Secretary of State was- one Hillary Rodham Clinton who was to tell a
Congressional Committee months later….
And this is the Same ‘person’ who the DemonCraps will ‘serve up’ as their ‘presidential nominee’ in 2016.
Do YOU believe These People accept what has been told us in LUKE 12:48?
Do YOU believe they accept the Values & Principles associated with the Christian Republic America once was under the Founding Fathers?
Mark Udall, the current DemonCrap Senator from Colorado was recently quoted, when asked about BENGHAZI, this:
“It’s time to Move On.”
Again, Luke 12:48- are these the characteristics once associated with that of a Christian Nation?
Is this how they handle Power OR, more aptly,
“We have NO Strategy.”- Barack HUSSEIN Obama
After ALL of the above has happened- he acknowledges that America is Ill-Prepared and has NO strategy on how to deal with ANY of this yet he would draw
Red Lines in the Sand, invite WW III and pleasantly go Golfing afterwards while People and Christians throughout the world are being Murdered and having their heads cut off.
“ISIS is a JV Organization”- Barack HUSSEIN Obama
Really, from ‘No’ Al Qaeda to the putting green.
Again, Luke 12:48. These are NOT Christian People.
ISIS is now in Total Control of a Vast Majority of Iraq & Syria and only weeks ago, Obama told us they were just the Junior Varsity.
Can an American President be that out of touch OR, is this an American President that hid within the DARK Vestibules of the Washington ‘Columns’ representing a Far Left whose agenda was ALWAYS MARXISM?
And just recently, ANOTHER of Their Flock who runs this Country today- one Chuck Hagel, the current ‘Secretary of Defense’ said this:
“The Greatest challenge to America’s National Defense is Climate Control.”
NO ONE can be that out of touch- NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, we still have NOT found any ‘closure’, etc. Regarding the following:
Ø Illegal Immigration.
Ø Ebola, the EnteroVirus and more that is flooding this Country because of Obama and Company- his DEMONCraps.
Ø Fast & Furious under Eric Holder, the then Attorney General of Obama’s Department of InJustice that was intended to TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHTS TO BEAR ARMS.
Ø The IRS Scandal and the Secret Investigation of Conservative Organizations that we were told by the now ‘retired’ Lois Lerner was the result of 2-agents in Cincinnati who later pleaded the 5th Amendment but who now receives a $175,000 pension PAID FOR US- the TaxPayers thanks to their extortion racket.
Again, Luke 12:48
Ø The same IRS that will oversee, via their ‘Navigators’, whether YOU or I receive Health benefits in the Years to come under Barack HUSSEIN’S ObamaCare- AKA The Affordable Health Care Act.
Ø The same IRS that CONSPIRED with Eric Holder’s Department of InJustice to find ANY discrepancies in ANY application being made by ANY Conservative Group for a 501-3c status that would have suggested wrong doing that would have allowed Holder to prosecute them on a Criminal Basis.
Again- Luke 12:48
Ø The same Eric Holder that would be found in CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS who, by Executive Order from his Co-Conspirator, one Barack HUSSEIN Obama was saved at the ‘noon hour’.
Ø And the same IRS that cannot locate, find, discover, etc., etc., etc. ANY of those e-mails that would have clearly LINKED Obama to ALL of the above BUT….had that been YOU or I, we would have been so far down in one of their Jails that they would have had to pump oxygen down to us in order for us to survive.
As I said- these are just the Tip of THOSE PEOPLES’ (as General Robert E. Lee always referred to them as) Titanic Ice-Berg and SOME within this Country would still believe that:
‘They believe that Their Authority is Derived from Us- The Consent of the Governed!’
Surely, Y’all cannot be that adrift from REALITY?
Let me conclude with this- Matthew 10:32 & 33 :
So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father who is in Heaven, but,
Whoever denies me before men, I will also deny before my Father who is in Heaven.
Thus I will Respectfully Submit, ’Again’, that WE MUST SEPARATE!
The ‘Logic’ of this Conclusion IS Insurmountable!
Washington IS a Cesspool far too Contaminated- Politically & Spiritually to expect any type of a Reversal.
If We do NOT Separate, Our Fate Will be Written by a Higher Power.
The Message (s) ARE Clear and to continue with this Charade will be OUR Un-Doing.
For God, Family and the Republic given us by Our Creator,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America
Will YOU Join Us Now?

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