Friday, October 17, 2014

TNT Call 1ct-2014 Notes

TNT Call 1ct-2014 Notes

Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  Today is Friday, October 18, 2014.  No Texas jokes today – things are serious there at the moment, ,and they are not finding humor in it – because they are from Texas.  It all started with them showing up in busses, but of course Ebola is nothing to laugh at,  and now they have a whole cruise ship in quarantine.  Hopefully it will end right there.  This has nothing to do with the buses at the banks holding this up!

Pam:  It’s my brother’s birthday – Happy Birthday, Brian!

Tony: And that is why we call Pam a tyrant… someone called her a tyrant, and DC and I agreed!  We do have definite information, things are looking good, and we will bring you up to date.  We have reviewed some of your letters and stories, and we appreciate them.  I like that many have taken these calls to be what they were intended:  informative, helping you survive and keeping you involved.  It’s a way to educate you on finances, global politics, negotiating and people’s characters.  Hopefully everyone has learned things they can use in life after we get this RV+GCR done.  We intend to send those letters to Washington and other places, andfifteen years from now we intend to do a book – DC will probably do that, I won’t, but we will keep it for history when it all comes out.  So I will submit the letters the exact what you wrote, names and all.  I’m sure they could make movies just from these stories and how they affected all of you.

DC:  It’s great to know what people were thinking and feeling in the middle of a major event like this.

Tony:  I would go in there right now and download some of the stories so that you have them to show your families, to show them what you and others were thinking and feeling as you went through this, and they will see how important your decision was to be part of DinarLand.  DC?  On Wednesday you say this was very close, but I wasn’t sure…  I sent out a link with ‘nuff said’ and it was about the Qi cards, and it had a diagram for those who didn’t understand the words – that was for the Iraqis, not for you.  You should have picked up that the link was from 2012, so it was clearly planned to go then, two years ago!  Also, they always republish articles – when they think it’s going to happen, and then when it actually happens. That link is what they were publishing in the newspapers and television, two days ago.  It was already created, and finally it was activated.  Many just make things harder than they really are, and it’s pretty simple if you just walk through the process, step by step.  So we wanted to send it out to those who are new, who weren’t here two years ago.  It really does make some kind of sense!

DC:  In Iraq, there were announcements to be made on Thursday, formally announcing the interior and defense ministers, and also some other formal announcements. That was supposed to trigger the CBI actions as well.  Lo and behold, everyone got together and said, “well, let’s hold it off to Friday or Saturday”.  So those have been rescheduled, and there are articles on that throughout the Arab world, with people coming to Baghdad, etc.That is the supposed to be the precursor to the RV, so keep your eye on that.  We don’t actually need these announcements;  they were added on at the last minute as they were renegotiating the last minute bits.  They should occur at the same time or shortly before the RV. There were a lot of political machinations throughout the world on Wednesdayand Thursday.  More bills are due in the Iraqi parliament, and they are meeting about that today, even thought it’s their holy day.  Those are not prerequisites for the RV, either.

They have been saying that the economic banking reforms are happening very, very, soon and Iraq keeps saying that they are taking their place in the international community, etc.  There are celebrations planned, yet again, and they are prepared for those as well.  There was a giant talk about this in Iraq, the US and the IMF about how stabilizing this will be in Iraq, once they are rich. Who wants to fight when you’re rich or at least have a job?

The markets and prices are causing confusion because they have the new rates on their cards and the new bills, while some don’t yet have the new rate.  So people don’t know whether to operate with the new rate or not, and that is confusing in Iraq, and also being briefed to the rest of the world through the intelligence services.  Banks are ready and prepared all over Iraq.

Tony:  The CBI and finance minister are being asking in parliament why this hasn’t been doneThat is in the newspaper, too.  They know what’s holding it up, but there has to be discussion as well.  They don’t want them to think this is being held up by an outside source.  It’s not the announcement we are waiting onThere is something else going on in the background.  There are at least two other issues being resolved behind the scenes, and one has to do with security and the other has to do with politics.  The security one is actually involved with the currency.  They are getting closer and closer to getting this done.  It was supposed to be Thursday, then today, and we may not see it until Sunday. Pam is saying we’re giving you too much information!

DC:  ISIL is a serious issue, but they are being pushed back, although there have been some strikes near Baghdad.  Everyone I have talked to in intelligence and the military say they don’t have a chance, they are just an annoyance.  They are not that concerned.  Iraq does need more troops and supplies and those are coming through now or soon.

In New York, the UN and NATO are concerned with containing ISIL, and sending more troops, power and money in to contain them.  In Washington, the IMF is coordinating the times, and that is going back and forth.  The BIS is continuing their clarification process about any delays.  A lot of people are realizing that everyone has to be onboard if there is to be any kind of delay.  The UST, law enforcement, intelligence are all on super-high alert to get this done now – they ramped back up yesterday and today, watching the screens and phones until this gets done.

Polticially speaking, the Democrats are furious at leaders who agreed to these minor delaysbecause if they get on with it they can still pull victory out of the jaws of defeat (in those few key states). The clock is ticking, and they are just pissed now.  That applies pressure to get this done, and that is more important to solving this that any specific date (which we have seen are meaningless).  Even the republicans are just bewildered that this has not been done by now.  The political pressure is now immense to get this done.  The banks are ready and doing the same thing as the other agencies.

Tony:  DC, read that text.  All the banks and security and the rest are already.  They have cut that down to skeleton staff and essential personnel, because they were wearing people out.  However, everyone is on high-alert and will be called in when it happens.

DC:  As for the rates, some folks online are arguing about the level of the rates.  There are some saying the dinar will be about one dollar to start with, rising to three dollars.  We have been talking about mid-three-dollars, and that’s what is on the cards.  Bottom line, we told you $3.58 was announced everywhere, and loaded on the cards starting 1. October.  Some are not fully activated, but they ARE loaded at $3.58 or thereabouts.  Some cards still need to be adjusted from $3.41, but that is or will happen.  Last Friday afternoon, from multiple sources, we heard that the US loaded about one dollar into their system and through the banks.  Many banks didn’t accept that.  Why didn’t we freak out about it, because the US has done this before to force the issue, as a negotiation point.  This is a tactic they have used in the past.  The rate on the cards didn’t change, and the central banks didn’t accept that political or negotiating tactic.  In many countries, the rate is the same as on the cards.  It only takes an hour or so to rectify.  The worldwide banking system does have a way to force the US’s hands, but it’s not pretty, so they entered into negotiations AGAIN to take it make to about $3.58.  So those saying “it’s $1 now”, that is technically true, but it’s only a negotiating tactic to force a function.

Tony:  It actually prevented the RV from happening last Friday.

DC:  And the banks said, “We are not going through this again.”  The pressure from Iraq is acute, and the US is saying “you can relieve the pressure by accepting $1”, and the Iraqi’s said NO WAY.  Meanwhile, the Democrats are getting hammered, and they are now applying their own pressure to get this done.  These are the details, day to day.  I think we will see it at the middle-threes or come out at a dollar, but if so, there is no way it will stay at a dollar.  In all these years, the price has always been $3 or higher.  This dollar thing is just a forcing function.  It’s not even good for the US!  [More of the same]  I strongly suspect it will be changed back up to the agreed rate.

Tony:  If it comes out at a dollar, we know how to reinvest, and the hedge funds will jump all over it.  If we know it’s going to go up to $8-9, maybe up to $15, everyone would re-invest because in ten days, they will multiply their money – it’s ridiculous!

DC:  A ton more people would jump in the game!  Also, this has been done various times in the past, and nobody is going to take it seriously.

Tony:  Even if they don’t’ use it, it’s still a good way to stall this whole process.  Talk about the lop, the three zeros, etc., in Iraq.

DC:  In country, you will see articles and discussions about how to handle the currency and not let ISIL have any part of this money.  They have recovered almost all the money, and there isn’t much out there to get hold of, but they are reserving the right to lop the money.  If there are three-zero notes, they don’t have to give you the full value of the note, if you are a bad guy and cannot prove you came by the notes legitimately.

Tony:  We told you that there would be dual-currency for a time in Iraq only, and that 10,000 dinar notes would only be worth 10 dinars – for a time only, in Iraq only.

DC:  What everyone is saying is a gut “Oh, crap!  The Washington guys could still screw this up adnauseum.  Please let this go!”  It’s down to one or two people and everyone else wants to get this done even more than we do.  The pressure from the Democrats and the international community is now immense to get this done.  As one British friend said, “The world has too much else to worry about than to let some Yank mess with this”.  Between Ukraine, ISIL, and all the rest, this is really diminishing US credibility, and that will force them to get this done.

Tony:  It still could be any time.  Today, tomorrow is a good time.  I hate that everyone is right back where we were last Monday or the Monday before then. However, the weekend is still the most sensible time to do this, because they can stabilize the rate. They can get all of us through before the rate starts fluctuating, and it doesn’t matter which bank we go to because they will all have the same rates.

There may be some deviation to the currencies.  If I were you, any currency that I EVER thought would go, I’d buy it right now!

DC:  Just this week, there have been discussions about“dinar and dong only, and the rest will go some time.”  The plan was always to do it in steps, because people like us are always watching the bank and forex screens.  So they felt they had to get everyone in the same group.  So now they are thinking ‘dinar/dong only’ but if that will actually happen, nobody knows.  We’ll have to see what’s going on.  Lots of people are saying “why are you changing this at the last minute?!”

Tony: And some are trying to make sure that ordinary people are not able to do this in the future.  They don’t want so many of us to make this level of money out of currency changes.  We’ll see what happens.

I do not know what to expect from this first call… it’s someone in Texas.

Caller:  I’m a Democrat, and as soon as they give me some money, I’ll give them some, so hurry this up!  I do have my own intel sources, and I appreciate what you give us.  [didn’t hear the question]  Madame Wu?

Tony:  Madame Wu has been so abused over the last few years.  Why would China’s third most powerful leader come to Reno to help us out?  There is a China rate, and it’s a beautiful rate.  If you are in the China group, it is actually the most legitimate group I know.

Caller: So that has nothing to do with the China contract rate the banks are offering?

Tony: That IS the China contract rate the banks are offering!  The bank contract rate and the China GROUP rate –t hose are two different groups, but they are both contract rates.

Caller:  What on earth is happening in the markets?

DC: The markets are influencing our deal, because the lower oil price is influencing all countries who now have less money coming in, and they have to adjust their budgets.  The market gyrations are not exactly related to dinar. There are so many things people are worried about such as Ebola, inflation, the economy in the US and the world, the weaker economic outlook in Asia/China, and then of course the ISIL issue mixed with political issues before the midterm elections.  The majority of the volatility is about the mixture of issues. The GCR will resolve a lot of these issues.

DC:  QE funding – quantitative easing – has helped to stabilize the situation to an extent, because it’s putting ‘free money’ into the banks and the markets – three trillion dollars since 2008.  They have bought bonds, mortgages, securities and so on to stabilize the economy, help employment, etc., and it was the right thing to do despite fears about inflation.  It started at 80 billion dollars a month in fiat currency so the banks could offer loans at lower rates to prop up the economy.  Now the economy is doing better, and the Fed wants to tail off.  Some people say that this is not safe, but the Fed guys know that we are about to receive a stimulus of REAL asset-backed money.  The GCR means that the dinar and dong will take off, and that will mean the rest of the world’s currencies also have to adjust. Imagine a pond, which is the world’s currencies.  The dinar gets dropped into that pond like a big ship, and that will displace a lot of that water, causing ripples, especially with the Saudis and the other neighbors who are Iraq’s main trading partners.  They will need to adjust the currencies to take out some of the shock out of the markets.

Tony:  The smaller countries are like smaller ships that will rock in the backwash, and everyone will then stabilize again.

Caller:  I thought the GCR was about debt elimination?

DC:  The GCR will let the countries pay down their debts – probably not to zero, but substantially, and then they will be more stable.  Also, the US will have a surplus rather than the huge deficit we have now.

Tony:  The economies will be better and the citizens will live better, not just how much money their country still owes.  It will be a great thing for the world!

Caller:  What’s the difference between having my currency in a trust/LLC, or exchanging and then putting the money into the trust or LLC.

DC:  You want to put the money into a protective instrument as a protective bubble BEFORE the RV.  We don’t know what the tax implications are yet, and people have different situations such as marriages, divorces, etc.  Talk to your lawyer about this!

Tony: You have to look at your particular situation, but you should put it into that trust or whatever while it still has the least amount of value.

DC:  Before you get mad that this caller took so long, those were great questions that many should be asking and needing the answers to.  We are aware of the time.

601 caller:  [Not understanding the question – guy is talking too quickly and softly]  Why did people bring up the dollar parity thing?  That doesn’t make sense to me.  I have a friend in South America, and he said that when the US trades with Argentina, the government has a hand in balancing trade.

Tony:  DC was right:  Chapter 7 says that the dinar has to AT LEAST equal a dollar, so some people said, “Fine, let’s make it a dollar!”  That is just lack of understanding that in-country and out of country, and of course some people picked up on the $1 parity last week.  Our explanation should tell them why it doesn’t make sense that should happen.

DC:  It would be artificially low, so we would make a heck of a lot more money.  It wouldn’t stay at a dollar unless it were to be artificially kept down – and how long would it stay there?

Tony:  Plus, the dinar is the foundation of the GCR, so it just doesn’t make sense.  If it came out at a dollar and stayed there for five days, Bill Gates would be the fifth richest person in the world!

Caller:  I’m surprised, politically speaking, only 25 million bucks would really swing it. Those guys needs to let this RV go and get after that media participation.  [and so on] Politics is all about the money.

DC:  The other issue is that most media spots have now been sold out, like the Wheel of Fortune, etc.  The best they can do, politically, is to run stories about this and that about the economic boost, and that’s how will they will try to push that.

256 caller:  Somebody said Obama wanted to delay this…?  That doesn’t make sense.

Tony:  Republicans love that rumor.  It’s not true.

DC:  I’m an independent, and it doesn’t make sense to me that the administration would shoot themselves in the foot like that either.

Tony:  They have made a series of mis-steps, without enough foresight to see how this would work out.  It’s like being in the pool at night, not knowing how deep it is or which direction to go. They are waiting, waiting, waiting, now seeing they could be on dry land or at a party right now.  Everyone can see that now, and others are laughing and telling them to go ahead!  [cannot understand the caller]

DC:  Right now the Zim is out of it, but who knows?  I don’t think the ISX has a lot to do with the timing right now, but I will be watching it like a hawk because it is a public forum that is it influenced by exchange rates.  It’s not a leading function but a following one.

Tony:  This is what I think all of you should do with regard to meeting in Atlanta, Michigan, Vegas and other events:  ask DC for email addresses and have him forward your emails to Washington saying you think they are being unfair!  Our email address istntdinarhelp@tntdinar.comand we will fix what we can.

618 caller:  Since you guys cannot communicate with us post-RV, can you set up a forum now so that we can keep in touch afterwards?

Tony:  We have already set, .net and .info to do just that, and I thought it was a great idea, but I think the events are a great idea, too!  DC – or the guys DC talks to – things that we might not be allowed to attend under the NDA.

DC:  The guys talking to me are worried that we have too much influence already.

Tony:  When I walk into the room to sign my NDA, I will fight to do what I think is best. 

732 caller:  If you were about to sign your NDA, what is the final thing you would tell us?  If dinar+dong are the only ones going through, what should we watch to know when the other currencies will go?  What should we know before you or we sign NDAs?

DC:  The folks organizing this really didn’t intend us to take part, so they will try to obstruct the flow of information.  They will try a lot of different systems.  You can set up software to track this, and I’m sure other ‘gurus’ will show up to guide you.  We don’t know how long they will drag this out;  don’t expect it to pop immediately, and be surprised if it does.

Tony:  Go to Google Alerts and/or Yahoo Currency alerts and set it to message you when an article comes out about the other currencies.  Go to your bank and ask what the new qualifications might be to invest in these currencies – what a qualified investor is to do this.  You might need a net worth of ten million.  If you have less, and you know that it’s going to happen, get together with your family and friends to meet that qualification.  That is strictly my opinion, of course.  It may or may not happen tomorrow, but when it does, you have your money and will be qualified to take part when it happens.  Put it in an trust and put it aside until then.

305 caller:  [Appreciation]  What happened to the British pound?  It used to be so popular!

Tony:  Things have changed, that’s all.

DC:  They are still involved with the GCR, and helping things along. The Bank of England folks and some of the British politicians are among the intermediaries to get this done – they have been very helpful.

Caller:  Are we still going to get the 30 days to exchange?

DC:  We understand that the people listening here will be done in the first THREE days, and then the general public will have more than 30 days.  There is not necessarily be a 30-day window, because for them it will be just like any other currency exchange.

352 caller:  Let’s say I have dinar and dong, and I have physical dinar, but layaway on dong.  If I call the guy right away, how long will it take to get my reserves delivered?  The guy said it depends on how many are in front of me.  Can I get the contract price at the appointment and deliver the physical dong later?

Tony:  I would take my physical dinar and at the 800 number call, I’d also say how much I have in reserves. I would take in all the receipts, so they know it’s already been paid for, and I am just waiting for it to be delivered.  ASK if they will credit the reserves.  I don’t know if they will do that, but it would make sense, so ask.

636 caller:  Have you heard a rate for the dong lately?

DC:  The rates we have heard are pretty phenomenal for the dong – higher than I ever expected they would be.  [chitchat]

Caller:  I have my trust set up.  If it goes at a dollar, will I have less tax to pay than  if you exchange at $3.50.

DC:  Well, if you then exchange it later at $3.50, you will have to pay tax on the gain.

Tony:  Also, do you put it in your trust at that new value?

DC: In most scenarios, you want to put it in the trust at the lowest value possible. Speak to your attorney and ask for professional advice.  Put it in your trust until it goes up.  Whatever you exchange it at, you’ll be pay taxes on that gain.

Tony:  This is what you DON’T want to do – you don’t want to pay taxes twice. You don’t ant to pay personal taxes now on $1, give it to the trust, and then pay again @ $3.50.  Just for me, I would put it in that trust TODAY.  [DC agrees.]  [My computer crashed.]

DC:  We don’t have all the answers. If we have 60%, we are doing well.  There are things we just don’t understand. Take a break if you need to.  We are here all weekend.  Just watch your twitter.

Tony:  I was supposed to be here for a week, and here we are four years later.  We are right there.  Go to your own research, put your own picture together.  If I could have made it happen, the RV would have been released three years ago.  If it comes out at a dollar, don’t forget 1st, 2nd, 3rd mouse.  Hopefully this is the time, it’s been scheduled every day, so we’ll see what happens this weekend.  Everyone is prepared and in place, and it should happen.  It has to come to end somewhere, and we pray this is it.  I’ll send out a tweet if something super-fantastic happens.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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