By Anna Von Reitz
met Bruce Doucette when I invited him to a conference I held in
Anchorage, Alaska, last May. Bruce is a very personable guy, apparently
well-intentioned, and eager to get things done.
what he wanted to get done had nothing to do with why the conference
had been called, and he attempted to commandeer it for his purposes. I
had to repeatedly drag things back on track because he couldn't or
wouldn't keep his own agenda to the sidelines.
same thing is happening right now. I have called for the restoration
of the American Government of the people, by the people, for the
people---- and he and Hamilton and a few others have launched off into
to redefine the American Government however they see fit.
It's not going to work.
Bruce has
taken it into his head that he and a few other people on a conference
call can just wave their hands and change the meaning and substance of
the American Government (change the duties and authorities of the Grand
Juries, for example) and bypass and ignore the jurisdictional
limitations that have been set in stone for over two hundred years (put
State Justices in charge of Continental Marshals, for example).
That is simply not true. Restoration of a government doesn't imply redefining and twisting it into something else.
single one of us reclaiming our natural birthright status can occupy
vacant offices in our own government and serve them faithfully, but we
have no authority to change the meaning and nature of the offices we
If what Bruce is thinking and
teaching others to think were true and correct, there would quickly be
as many different opinions about what Grand Juries are as there are
Grand Juries. Chaos and constant confusion and conflicts would reign
There would be no agreement between
Michigan and Georgia about what a "Grand Jury" is or how it functions,
and in all the over 3000 counties, the situation would be the same.
valid American Government offices are strictly limited to prevent
despotism. Whatever office Bruce Doucette thinks he occupies----a land
jurisdiction State Justice's office
doesn't have duties in international jurisdiction. None. Zero.
anyone "thinks" ---Grand Juries don't have control of anything but the
duties that Grand Juries are assigned within the American Common Law
Courts under the Public Law.
Those who flout the same Public
Law that they claim to derive their authority from, are acting in
breach of their oaths and have no authority.
now Bruce and Mr. Hamilton and some others who have confused the
functions of state militia with the functions of continental marshals
have stumbled into international jurisdiction where they have no vested
authority and they are ramming around causing trouble for the
Continental Marshals program over --so far as the evidence goes so far
--- truly petty misunderstandings and false assumptions.
suspect ego problems are at the bottom of it all, and that having
helped start the program and having handed over the baton for it, Bruce
Doucette wants to continue to control and direct it even though his
office is a land jurisdiction office and the offices of the continental
marshals are all in international (sea) jurisdiction.
for Michael R. Hamilton, I don't believe that he even has an office
apart from the vacancy. So far as I know there are no active counties
in Louisiana and no jural assembles or Grand Juries, either. So? What
is a justice without a constituency?
these men may be well-intentioned. I would vouch for Bruce that he
is. But, being well-intentioned only goes so far. One must also
respect the rules and observe the limitations built into the
government and the offices you say you serve.
wish to make it perfectly clear that I serve the American states and
people and the government they established in 1776 and that I abide by
the constitutional agreement they established and that I stand for the
Public Law and for Due Process and that I exercise my office within the
confines established for it by the Public Law and that I do not
condone nor encourage any Grand Jury administrator or any State Justice
operating outside their lawful jurisdiction.
Such actions are destructive to the aim of restoring our lawful government.
is not to say that after the restoration is complete, I don't have
some issues with loopholes in The Constitution that need to be closed or
think that our American Government is perfect "as is". I don't.
But I also know that there are ways and means and processes established
for the peaceful amendment and negotiation of whatever changes we
wish to make as a nation and that the lawful way and place to address
those changes is not on a teleconference call.
I know
that single counties don't make states and single states don't speak
for the whole union of states and that we have rules and definitions,
quorums and processes that have to be observed for actions to be valid.
Bruce and Mr. Hamilton have impugned my honor
and suggested/inferred that I am "just protecting Bella Haywood" and
that I have some personal ax to grind for defending the limitations our
offices, the Public Law, and the Rules of Evidence.
What kind of Justice would I be, if I did not?
what I have seen so far--- Chief Marshal Haywood deserves protection,
because she is doing her job and observing her proper jurisdiction and
nothing substantial has been proven against her. It's that simple.
On the other hand, both Bruce and Michael R. Hamilton have overstepped their
asserted authorities they don't have under the Public Law, and what is
even more damning, have taught others to do the same.
of acting as, and within the offices of State Justices, they've
strayed far, far afield either in ignorance or in arrogance. And they
have refused to correct.
I have spent forty
years in the trenches and I have to say that such behavior always,
predictably--- and rightfully--- has consequences. When you stand on
the Law and respect your jurisdiction and respect the limitations of
your office, you prosper.
When you do otherwise-- you get shot down.
Water flows downhill.
Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton continue to ignore the limits of
their offices and the rightful jurisdiction their offices, they will
sooner or later be arrested and prosecuted for it, because the only
authority, right, or safety we have derives from the Public Law, and
depends on us knowing and obeying the Public Law, respecting the limits
of our offices, and operating in our proper jurisdiction.
am separating myself from them and their actions and assertions because
in my opinion what they are doing ----and what they are encouraging
others to do ---- is outside the Public Law, outside their
jurisdiction, and destructive to the cause of restoring our lawful
Whatever it is that they are doing, it is not within the lawful office of State Justices to do.
this time forward and until such time as a reconciliation may be
reached let it be perfectly clear that I do not condone what Bruce
Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton are doing or teaching, the assumptions
they are making, the new powers they are assuming for themselves, nor
the new and different duties they are trying to foist off onto the
Grand Juries and Continental Marshals.
is no precedent for such offices or jurisdictions as they are
attempting to create, no Public Law in support of it, therefore no
delegation of authority related to our already existing American
Government (as opposed to US Government) in support of them or what
they are doing.
And so, in my view, there is
no difference between the corruption that Bruce and Hamilton are
introducing and the corruption that the de facto government has
allowed; they are now trying to usurp powers never delegated to their
offices from within in exactly the same way that the de facto government
has usurped power from without.
I will have no part of it.
remember that rights and authorities go with limits and
responsibilities. If we expect the United States Government to play by
the rules, the Government of the United States of America can do no
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
1 comment:
Quite obvious , can you say agent provocateurs , wolves in sheeps clothing , perhaps simply cia plants........actions always speak louder than words , the "Phoenix Journals" have many lessons to spot the vipers , the Babylonians , the deceivers..........
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