Friday, March 17, 2017

GO FUND ME APPEAL: Jake's Butterflys


Jakes Butterflies of Hope

$2,273 of $10k goal

Raised by 69 people in 7 days

My name is Chrissy Marie.  All of you know me as the woman who wanted to give money back to a little boy whose little sister stole from me during their time of grief. (Letter above)

'Jake Butterfly' as many of us call you. You have touched so many of our hearts. You first came into my life with a little note you wrote me apologizing for something your little sister did and trying to pay for her mistake. You have stood up and done a brave thing by apologizing. There are grown men who won't do that. You were only doing the right thing, something most beyond your age would not do. You were protecting your baby sister in this trying time. I can not wait till you are my neighbor. 

Your story has reached nationwide. Please see our fb page, 'Jakes Butterflies,' of hope for updates from Jake's aunt and myself and friend Amber who is helping with the facebook page.

Jake, we all are loving you and caring for you.

Funds will go directly to the family to get the items they need for their move, and for the kids to get clothing and items that they need to get their lives back in a normal state again.

Jake's aunt Anna wants to say 'thank you' for everyone's kind words and who want to know how much this means to her. 

Thank you for all the support for this family that has been through. 

Jake's Aunt will be running the 'go fund me' campaign in the next couple of days. Since this is for them, it is only right. 

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