Any association by any mosque with the muslim brotherhood or CAIR means they definitely have terrorist ties. Both of those organizations are terrorist.
March 8 2017
According to a story in Conservative Tribune:
Residents of Edmond, Oklahoma, were angry about the construction of a local mosque.
Apparently, some residents decided that they would do something very dramatic about it that has muslims all over the world fuming.
The members of the Islamic Society of Edmond arrived at their mosque last week for Friday prayers to find raw bacon wrapped around the door handles of the building.
Police are now trying to track down the perpetrators of the porcine incident.
America’s favorite Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, wasted no time injecting themselves into the incident.
CAIR’s Oklahoma chapter immediately called upon on state and federal authorities to open investigations into the incident.
Edmond OKLA Muslims
Question Timing Of Mosque Vandalism
During WW1(?) criminal Islamist were threatned to be buried wrapped in pigs skin, to stop their crimes. Islam is anti-America and anti-constitution. Yet they are using their hate and mid-eastern laws to sue America. Trump has to address this. Illegals have no 'rights' in the US, and Obozos policies must be struck, and the ban of Islam from USA be enforced strictly. No questions asked.
Some day the Bushs, Clintons and Obama will hang for their treason.
Donations of bacon accepted at every Mosk in America! Just leave it on the door handles!
Why oh why is BACON considered HORRIFYING no matter where its placed? The title desensitizes us to HORRIFYING TRUTH about HORRIFYING ACTS. This is stupid, lame, propaganda - Really? Bacon is horrifying? Its is time we de-escalate, de-elevate these so called criminal acts for what they are. Bacon has become criminal, Bacon is horrifying, Bacon is a tool against an entire global Muslim population? Really?
Am getting really sick & tired of the low iq 'stimulus package' of reversed psychology too many of us spread, much less FAIL to call out. Now let's attack the authors choice of words for equating BACON with HORRIFYING.
Right now OUR CHILDREN are being organ harvested, which done while they're still alive because jew laws state the donor must be alive while the organs are harvested for jew recipients.
This means OUR CHILDREN are being kept alive while their corneas, skin, bone, spleen, liver, ovaries, uterus etc are removed. By the way bone brings the most shekels & can still be highly profitable from a stack of long dead human corpses.
HORRIFYING BACON. ? Comments below the linked article say locals haven't heard a thing about this.
Who else isn't supposed to eat bacon? Oh, how about the jews. So why is HORRIFYING BACON such a relevant subject? Let's quit promoting such idiocy, such stupidity, such evils of the jewish agenda.
Learn who really ran the African Slave Trade, its not Whites. Learn who the so-called White serial killers really are, its not Whites. Learn who runs the global child sex trade, organ harvesting, & now the truth about their cannibalism is unfolding. Who is behind it all but a squat .2% of the global population.
Lastly, I say, let's round up all the mid-eastern illegals & ship them to Israhell where they'll be closer to their homelands & culture & give the jews a final chances to live with the effects of atrocities they have always created while blaming it upon everybody else but the evil jew.
Thanks for posting this piece of shiite propaganda. Gives us an opportunity to address the real truth about HORRIFYING BACON and the much lesser evil of CHILD ORGAN HARVESTING & GLOBAL SEX TRADE RUN BY INSANE JEWS for JEW PROFIT$.
Oh there is a true way to do this believe me. We want to be absolutely sure that they desire to assimilate into civilized society and mean us no harm. Every nation has an absolute right and a duty to it’s citizens to demand this of any immigrant. First you demand that they reject the satanic death cult of Islam. Have a BBQ handy and have them soak the Quran in starter fluid and light a match to it. They keep dousing till it is ashes. Then spit upon the ashes. If they have a prayer rug then throw that in the fire as well.
Then treat them to a pork meal. A pork chop dinner or bacon and eggs with a rasher of bacon. Then they must pledge allegiance to the country and your flag. You might also demand that they can speak your language as well. Then lastly have a series of questions to see if they mean your country and society harm. Apply a lie detector to them as you ask the questions. After all this if they pass all these test, I believe you could safely let them enter your land and society.
If this sounds drastic to some people then you need to research the horrible history of Islam and the death and destruction this evil cult has done to humanity for the last 1400 years; 270 million people slain by the sword. They have richly earned this drastic vetting. Otherwise you can rest assured they will release hell on your part of the earth. End of story.
“We can forgive, we never forget, expect us.”
You have no idea what bacon is to an Islamic Muslim do you.. To us, it is a tasty strip of meat to satisfy a hunger, to them is is a symbol of going to hell and loosing out on their promised 72 virgins when they die. If it works, use it!
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