again, the honest efforts patriots all over this nation are being
undermined and discredited by four or five leaders who are way off
center and headed for disgrace and quite possibly jail.
on the "Judges and Marshals" call their true colors came out. We heard
people pretending to be "State Justices" saying that they don't hold
with the Constitution and don't believe in state borders.
goes to prove what I said last week--- they are representing their own
"states of mind" and assuming that their opinions are "law" and that,
at the very least, is delusional.
in their own words that they are not acting as "justices" of any
American state and are not taking the correct oaths and not defending
the Public Law can be had by listening to the call playback.
other word is about God and "Heavenly Father" and it is clear that
these myopic individuals think that they are on a mission from God, but
religion has been held separate from government in this country for a
very long time and for very good reasons.
a State Justice myself I find it excruciatingly hard to bear, because
for every one of those people claiming to operate as a "State Justice"
who doesn't have a clue what that office is or the laws and duties
attached to it, there are a dozen of us who do. And we are getting
painted by the same brush along with the yahoos in the crowd.
who are aghast at the things they are hearing coming out of the mouths
of Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton and the so-called "Judge
Micky" ----who made it very clear tonight that she is in fact
impersonating a State Justice--- have been calling and sending
desperate emails: Judge Anna! What do we do? We've got nutcases trying
to represent us! Help! How do we shut these people down? They aren't
representing our state of the union....and they are making us look bad!
the answer---- and unfortunately, it's an answer I have been giving
out for a long time. (1) Get involved. Level heads are badly needed.
People with a real knowledge of the law are needed. (2) Form your Jural
Assemblies. Run, don't walk--- to this website: http://1stmichiganassembly.info/
The Michigan General Jural Assembly is doing it right and they can
help you do it right. (3) Hold your elections for county court officers
and assemble your Grand Juries and Trial jury pools. As part of that
process try your best to weed out the nutcases, and if you do elect a
Bad Choice by mistake, you can recall them.
just happened in Illinois with a Grand Jury Administrator. You can do
the same thing with State Justices who go off the trolley.
These people are occupying your public offices--- or pretending to.
is up to you to vet them and make sure that they know their stuff,
that they are making an honest good faith effort, that they are acting
in accordance with the Public Law of your state of the union--- and if
they aren't---it's your responsibility to shut them down, and recall
them by recall election process.
That's the way Americans do things when they have to be done.
-----------------------------See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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