Saturday, March 4, 2017

Muslim to become Army chaplain over 14,000 mostly Christian soldiers ???

First it was homosexuals ............ now
If  this  announcement  is  intended  as  a  JOKE,  it  is  a  POOR  one.
If  appointing  a  muslim  as  a  chaplain  in  the  US  Army  or  in  any  US  military  division,  especially  over  Christians,  is  intended  as  a  permanent  position  for an  appointment,  it  should  be  considered  TREASON  by  every  American!!!
Those  who  made  this  decision  to  appoint  a  MUSLIM  - of  all  things - should  be  arrested  and  prosecuted   to  the  fullest  extent  of  the  law  for  TREASON.
Also: The McCarren-Walter Bill Public Law # 82-414  June 27 1952
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

Muslim to become Army division chaplain — for over 14,000 mostly Christian soldiers


Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz is slated to become chaplain of the Army’s 7th Infantry Division at Lewis-McChord, McClatchy reported
A Muslim is slated to become chaplain for a U.S. Army division — over 14,000 mostly Christian soldiers — a first for the American military, McClatchy reported.

Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz, 48, told the outlet he got the news while sitting at his desk at Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Tacoma, Washington. “I was running around the office saying, al hamdulillah, al hamdulillah, praise be to God!” Shabazz said.

Following a ceremony this summer, Shabazz will become chaplain of the Army’s 7th Infantry Division at Lewis-McChord, McClatchy reported — and he’s only one of 10 Muslim chaplains in the entire U.S. military.

“Islamic guy in a leadership position?” he told the outlet. “If I think about it too much, it’ll get overwhelming.”

Before his conversion, Shabazz was Michael Barnes — and part of a large Lutheran family in Alexandria, Louisiana, that went to church three times a week and prayed every night, McClatchy said.

Image source: YouTube screen cap
He joined the Army at age 23, got stationed in Baumholder, Germany, and worked in the motor pool — with a Muslim soldier who got on others’ nerves with his declarations about Islam, the outlet said. So Shabazz decided to challenge the guy to a public debate “to cut him down to size,” he told McClatchy.  But his Muslim opponent “kind of blindsided me with some facts” at the showdown in front of about 30 people, Shabazz told the outlet, which got the shocked soldier thinking.
“It was all-out cognitive dissonance, depression and shame, honestly,” Shabazz told McClatchy. “I thought I had a stronghold on the truth. And, for the first time, my confidence was shaken in who I was as a human being and what I believed.”

More from McClatchy:
Shabazz began studying Islam on his own, determined to correct the lack of knowledge revealed in his debate with the Muslim soldier. He’d work all day and then stay up well past midnight paging through the Bible and the Quran. He described it as going into a “cubbyhole.”
After two years, Michael Barnes, the devout Christian reared in a Louisiana church, decided to convert to Islam, taking the name Khallid Shabazz to complete his transformation. He said that there had been no single tipping point in his thinking, just a deep identification with Islamic tenets, such as the lack of a clerical hierarchy and the emphasis on charity.

('charity'??? cutting off heads?  crucifying, burning and cutting people to pieces?  screwing men, women and especially helpless children?  eating human flesh and drinking their blood?  where are we missing the 'charity'?)
“One of my favorite passages in the Quran asks if the man who thinks and the man who does are the same,” Shabazz said. “It’s the thinking component in Islam that really intrigued me. I am in control of my grace, and I don’t have to answer to the imam. I tell my congregation, ‘Listen, you have to do your own research.’ ”
Shabazz’s family wasn’t thrilled about his conversion to Islam at first — he’s still known to them as “Michael,” he told McClatchy. But years later they’ve accepted it and even make him gumbo without pork sausage, the outlet said.

“I do still go to church with my family – that’s an important part of reaching across the aisle,” he told McClatchy. “It would be improper for me to disrespect something that instilled in me so much of who I am.”

Shabazz’s conversion wasn’t easy job-wise either, particularly during Ramadan fasts.

More from McClatchy:
On one of the toughest days, Shabazz was exhausted from a series of 12-hour shifts and hungry because of the lack of pork-free meals. Sitting outside on an M109 howitzer, he felt his frustration spill out in tears. Nobody’s here for me, he thought. Maybe this organization is not for me.
A passing chaplain noticed Shabazz’s distress and stopped. In an hour long impromptu ministry session, the chaplain let Shabazz pour his heart out about his struggle to carve a space for himself in the military. After listening, Shabazz said, the chaplain mentioned that the Army had recently received its first active-duty Muslim chaplain: Would that kind of path interest Shabazz?
“I’m telling you, it was like a revelation from God,” Shabazz told the outlet. “Once it came out of his mouth, I said, ‘That is my calling. That is what I want to do for the rest of my life.’”

Image source: YouTube screen capThat same chaplain wrote a letter of recommendation on Shabazz’s behalf for the Chaplain Corps, McClatchy reported. 

When he was commissioned, Shabazz told the outlet that the chaplain wanted to tell him something important.

“He said, ‘Promise me you will be an advocate for our corps no matter what the faith or the background of the person is,’ ” Shabazz told McClatchy. “It moved me to the very essence of my core. Here you have a devout Christian who’s taken the time to care for a young Muslim soldier and make sure I got to be a chaplain. I don’t want to help just Muslims. I don’t want to help just Christians. I want to help people who are in distress.”

 Lt Col Khallid Shabazz
 Army's first Islamic division chaplain
  • Shabazz added that Christians he ministers to often are surprised by how much of the Bible he knows. “Because I have the language from my days as a Christian, I can give them Scriptures from the Bible, and that doesn’t violate my religion,” he told the outlet. “My job is not to convert anybody to Islam. God guides people. My only goal is to have people leave my office stronger than when they came in.”

Read McClatchy’s entire profile of Shabazz here.


Anonymous said...

Christians hate.
Muslims hate

Two sides of the same coin called - religion.

If it were a political party, the message would be
A Republican is going to be president over mostly Democrats
But it's a Muslim is going to be chaplain over mostly Christians.

If Christians convert, which is what this implies, cause how can you be Chaplain over someone unless they come to you; then what are we discussing?

It may be the only chapel on base but do people really have to go to a building to worship their God?

If they do, then why do they act like their God is everywhere when it is only in a building.


If their God is everywhere, everything they do, to each other is known by the presence of their God no matter where they are.

I just don't think people even know how to be religious anymore.


Anonymous said...

One of the most highly damaging leaks I'll say I've ever seen.

Got to hand it to project veritas. Hundreds of hours exposing CNN openly faking a plane crash, elections and dozens of other events even hinting back to 9-11 was some of the most damaging leaks I've seen.

Now, several 30 million dollar lawsuits later. And CNN's name has finally been destroyed. Jail sentences were nice to see. I'd rather see jail sentences of all involved in CNN, at this point...

Wikileaks started an avalanche but regardless of how disappointing a lot of their evidence was....the Project Veritas really picked up the ball and ran with it. Nicely done.

I'd hope they expose all of NBC and ABC news while we're at it, pretty much all of them are no good a lot like VeteransToday and Politico to be honest. Just one big crooked gang!

790 disagrees,,, said...

Worshiping any god is a complete waste of your life. Pick up a book on near death experiences,,,,,, research death instead of fearing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK Veterans and Military men.....Boycott this and STOP this foolishness in it's tracks! The military men should have a choice as to who they want as Chaplain over them. If there are 14,000 Christians, then the choice should be a no brainer. THIS HAS GOT TO BE STOPPED IN IT'S TRACKS!

Anonymous said...

muslims cut off heads, burn people alive, rape, commit pedophelia, and all manner of atrocities as a NORM. muslims are what they are - reality is what it is - if you can't 'see' that, you are one blind ignorant fool. Christians do NOT. Look at the size of your comment! Put that in your 'think tank' and meditate on it - FOOL. You spend too much time 'thinking' nonsense. Crawl back in your hole and be happy.

Anonymous said...

Amen! Protest! Send calls, emails, faxes and letters to the Joint Chiefs and demand that Christians be allowed to have their own Christian pastors. The 'military' has been denying Christians their rights to practice Christianity, have their own pastors, and even to say prayers in the name of the Lord. It is time to just say "NO!"

Anonymous said...

I agree!!!

now if only they expose it as the central bank news!

Anonymous said...

AMEN,say NO do not use him as chaplain,do not attend his meetings.He will turn on Christians .muslum's believe all Christians must convert or be killed.allah is not the same as the one true God.

Anonymous said...

CNN needs to be censored, in a serious way with its funds cut!~!