Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Constitution

By Anna Von Reitz

There are a number of questions that must be asked--- and answered--- by each one of us.  Before asking the first and most fundamental question and not inviting anyone to blurt out any answers at this point, I want to make my own position clear.
I do not now and have never advocated any act of violence, insurrection, or treason against the Constitution.
I view the actual Constitution as a flawed contract, but a contract that provides us with protections and guarantees we would not have otherwise.  Those protections and guarantees are supremely valuable once we place ourselves in a position wherein we can exercise them.
So let’s begin with what the actual Constitution is--- and let’s make it clear that when I say “The” Constitution or use the singular form of the word, I am talking about the real American deal ---and when I use the plural form of the word, I am talking about constitutions in general as a class of legal instruments.  
All constitutions, then, are debt agreements--- and so is ours.
These debt agreements are generally divided into two classes--- equity constitutions and service constitutions, and in some cases, like ours----both equity and service are involved in the contract itself.
The equity is in the nineteen rights known as “powers” which the states delegated to the federal government.  The debt is owed to the federal government for performing the stipulated services and accepting the associated liabilities of the states, which would otherwise have to provide these services.
The parties to this odd agreement are not our actual land jurisdiction states, but corporations they set up to act for them in the international jurisdiction of the sea. These are known as “states of states”, such as the State of Vermont; thus you will see that the “States of America” are mutually and collectively a party to The Constitution for the united States of America, and the word “united” is merely an adjective describing the fact that they are acting in common. 
So the states “united” acting through commercial companies known as “states of states” made an agreement with another entity, whose identity is purposefully obscured: the newly created “United States”.   Unknown to the public then and to most Americans still, this was the United States Trading Company, which was formed from the old British colonial investment companies--- the Virginia Company, the New England Company, and others. 
Our fledgling union of states contracted away nineteen of their duties ---and the related rights--- to a British-owned and operated commercial company.  They could hardly tell the rest of the people that after eight long years of war, they were getting back into bed with the British king and giving up a large portion of all that they had won including control of American commerce, American treaty-making, American trade policy, American defense capability, and much more.
Our states were thus effectively controlled by the British king and emasculated, indeed, castrated in international jurisdiction, even while our country was being born.  By controlling our international defense forces, our foreign policy, our commerce, our currency, and our trade policies, the British king could do exactly what subsequent Monarchs have done---- use and abuse our resources, use our men and boys as gun fodder in wars for profit, use our women as factory and agricultural slaves, devalue our currency, and control our votes in every international assembly. 
From the Founding Fathers’ side of it, their deal probably saved more than half the loaf and forestalled yet another war with England.  The crux of the matter was that the Americans had no Navy to protect shipment of their cotton, tobacco, ore, timber, wheat and other raw materials to Europe and the British stood at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, starving for those commodities.  Our lack of a navy to protect our commercial shipping and Britain’s lack of raw materials were the driving forces behind the adoption of The Constitution.
It was a gross sacrifice of power, autonomy, and wealth on our part and a liability laced with rich benefits for the British king and the colonial investment groups--- which included Americans, like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and others you might know---on the other.
That said, and the motives of the Constitutional Convention fully exposed, the participants did manage to save the entire land jurisdiction and also a very substantial portion of undelegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea for future generations. They chained the British king to an extent by setting limits on what we have fallaciously called the “federal government”, and by securing guarantees and obligations, including the obligation of the British Monarch to act as the international trustee of Americans on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.  
The Constitution was executed by a group of Americans calling themselves “We, the People”.  To grasp what this implies requires us to go back over two hundred years and learn some things we are never taught in school. 
The word “people” means “militia” in Hebrew. 
When Joshua conquered Canaan he led his “people” in battle----he was leading his “militia”.   Our Forefathers knew this, and so, when they said, “We, the People” they knew that it meant “We, the Militia”---an important point that tends to be lost on us today.
Unlike an army, a militia has civilian officers.  Also unlike an army, membership in a militia is a birthright.  
You are born as a member of a state militia.  
You will also notice that the word “People” in “We, the People” is capitalized.
In contract law, capitalizing a word indicates a position of servitude or inferior political status. 
The men signing the Constitution were functioning as Fiduciary Deputies acting in behalf of their states, and thus were both “people”--- that is, members of their respective state militias, and, at the same time, public servants.  That’s why in referring to themselves they used the capital “P” on “People”.  Yes, they were members of the American Militia, but they were acting in a servile capacity while conducting the public’s business.
So what “We, the People” communicates is really quite different from what everyone assumes.  Unless you are claiming to be a member of a state militia serving as a business agent or fiduciary, you really shouldn’t be ramming around using “We, the People” to describe yourselves.
All that said, all the lies and self-interest and double-dealing and double-speak revealed, if we sort ourselves out and assert our proper political status, The Constitution offers us a bulwark against tyranny even today and we would be foolish to cast it aside or undermine it in any way.
Without the Constitution, we would be facing a most ruthless, powerful, and immoral adversary: a desperate rogue international commercial conglomerate which is highly motivated to murder its Priority Creditors----us, in other words.  
If we give the Federal Government an excuse to kill us by operating outside The Constitution they will profit five different ways:
1. First, they won’t have to pay us back what they already owe us----which is many, many trillions of dollars.   
2. Second, they will collect on million dollar – often multi-million dollar life insurance policies-- they’ve placed on each one of us, naming their own precious corporation as the beneficiary.
3. Third, they will seize and profit from all the “abandoned property” that would result from a Civil War.
4. Fourth, they will avoid paying the retirement benefits they owe to millions of Baby Boomers.
5. Fifth, they will charge the survivors for the “service” of killing us.
They’ve been trying for several years to get some kind of conflict going.  They’ve tried race hatred, religious hatred, sovereign citizen phobias and false flags--- all without success.  They would like nothing better than to have us start something for them.
The one thing standing in their way is the Constitution.
That is why any reckless talk against the Constitution or actions undermining the Constitution plays into the hands of those who have defrauded and misused us for so long and who in fact owe us so much. 
In my opinion, whatever fault there may be in the Constitution, it is subject to far gentler and more intelligent and certain means of reform than that provided by any sort of insurrection.
The first question then, that each of us must answer is----do we support and defend the Constitution, and proceed within its established framework to restore a fully functioning American government, or do we, as some have suggested--- throw the Constitution out with the bathwater and tread the same bloody road our forefathers were forced to endure for eight long years?
My vote is to support and defend the Constitution, while seeking its full enforcement and eventual reform, but there are voices raised among us who would have us abandon the necessities of obeying The Constitution.  These voices appeal to our egos and our anger.  They preach their own new gospel and they say that the people can do anything they wish to do, change anything they want to change, simply by taking a vote and a show of hands---- even such a sloppy ad hoc show of hands as you can get on a teleconference call.  This, we are told, is sufficient to set new national frameworks in place. 
I must ask of which nation, because it certainly isn’t mine.
No need, they tell us, to build an actual functioning restored government for the organic states.  No need to consider the tens of millions of Americans who have no inkling of what we are discussing, who are not participating, and who have just as much right to know and to take action in the own behalf as we do.  No responsibility to conduct honest elections.  No need to honor anything from the past. No need for Due Process.  No need to respect the requirements of The Constitution.  No need for the Rule of Law.  Everything, they say, is just whatever we say it is. 
No doubt that these same people believe that we have rights without responsibilities, and protections without duties, and can rule without obligation to anything or anyone but ourselves.  They are, mostly without knowing it, preaching anarchy and insurrection and the destruction of the union of states--- not restoration and empowerment of the actual counties and states, not the resumption of effective Checks and Balances.
To me, the American Government is like a magnificent V8 engine that is presently running on only two cylinders.  I view it as our job to restore it and get it running right.  It requires us to be good mechanics, know our job, and use the right tools.  And we have inherited all the necessary tools.
Just as it would be foolhardy to try to fix a gas engine without understanding its parts and how it works, we cannot restore our rightful government without understanding its parts and how it works, yet the Pied Pipers among us want us to believe that no such hard work on our parts is required. 
I have the unenviable and unpopular duty of telling everyone that a lot of hard work, soul-searching, and education is necessary, that you can’t just hand-wave your way to a fully functioning American Republic after 150 years of fraud and neglect.  It’s going to take a lot of effort by a lot of people to restore America, and if we don’t do it right, there is the very real danger that our remaining two cylinders will blow up in our faces.
The American Government --- as opposed to the US Government --- is set in a much larger framework than just the structures and provisions established by The Constitution.  Remember that The Constitution deals only with the set up and running of the United States---- a corporation responsible for providing nineteen delegated services.  Important as that chunk out of our loaf is, it says nothing about our land jurisdiction and says nothing much about our retained non-delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea, beyond the bald statement provided by Article X.
The Constitution tells us how the delegated services are to be provided and organized and monitored and paid for and how the “Federal Government” is to be limited and all that it is obligated to be and do--- and says nary a word about our own state and county governments ruling the land jurisdiction, nary a word about the exercise of the non-delegated powers retained in the international jurisdiction of the sea by our union of states.  
Why is that?  It’s because those topics are simply not the subject matter of The Constitution. 
The Constitution is all about our deal with King George and who gets the juicy government services contracts pertaining to that agreement and who controls what aspects of international affairs, what the states are owed, and what they pay in return.
Why, then, would The Constitution talk about our own national state governments operating the land jurisdiction of this country?  Or even about the undelegated powers in international jurisdiction retained by the people and the states under Article X? 
It wouldn’t and it didn’t. 
Generations of Americans have scoured The Constitution looking for answers how to fix our broken government, but that is like reading a book about Barn Building, when what we really need to know is How to Raise Cows.  The subjects are somewhat related, but only obliquely. Instructions for building hay mows and stanchions and waste gutters give information by inference, but don’t directly instruct us in what we need to know.
So in Article IV, The Constitution defines the evils of Bills of Attainder and forbids them, and in Amendment VII makes it clear that the American people are owed Common Law Courts, and in Article X it mentions that the states retained undelegated powers not granted to the new United States government, but doesn’t tell us how to object to Bills of Attainder, or which kind of “Common Law” Americans are owed, or give us a list of the powers that the states and people retained.
So far as the writers of The Constitution were concerned it was assumed and we were expected to know all that for ourselves—but somewhere in the mass confusion, deceit, and fraud of the Civil War and the Reconstruction Acts---- we forgot.  
We forgot who we are, what our states are, what their jurisdiction is, how their powers are exercised, how they are meant to operate, and how to exercise the power of checks and balances.  And it’s the same way with our counties.  We forgot that the counties are the domain of the people and that the counties in turn control the states. 
Instead, the self-interested vermin in DC contrived to turn everything around and upside down, to usurp upon our lawful counties and states and replace them via fraud and deceit with corporate franchises willing to do anything and everything their parent corporations in the District of Columbia demand.  They even contrived to mischaracterize us and our political status, to demean and defraud us by the use and abuse of unilateral and undisclosed contracts to entrap, ensnare, and enclose upon the very people these monsters are hired and paid to protect.
So here we are in 2017, finally dispensing with the fog and corruption and destruction of the Civil War, finally getting rid of the carpetbaggers, and working to see our rightful government restored. 
Let it be noted that the Missing Pieces are all on our side. 
The US Government created by The Constitution is corrupt and arrogant and lawless after 150 years of running wild, but it is still kicking.  It’s the American Government that is MIA. 
It’s the actual American states that no longer answer roll call and act to prevent federal usurpation of their power.  It’s the actual American counties that no longer lawfully assemble and do the job of directing the states.  It’s our government that is on the ropes, firing on only two cylinders----and it’s because our counties and states have been enfranchised and unlawfully converted by the so-called “federal government” into mere franchises of their own commercial corporations that Checks and Balances no longer work to prevent federal overreach, usurpation, and oppression. 
It is because we have ignorantly allowed ourselves to be called “citizens of the United States” and allowed our political status to be misrepresented and mischaracterized, too, that we are oppressed and abused and presumed upon by these foreign interlopers.
If we are to restore our rightful government and learn to use the power of The Constitution we are owed, we must first restore and hone the American Government--- the lawful, unincorporated counties and states of the land jurisdiction, and restore ourselves as the people of our respective fifty nation-states. 
The key is in our hands.  It is up to us to turn it in the lock.  
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website


Anonymous said...

This one statement proves this fake judge is clueless:

"I view the actual Constitution as a flawed contract, but a contract... "

The constitution is NOT a contract. For it to be a contract, 2 or more parties must come to an agreement and affix their marks to the agreement. The government did not enter into this agreement BECAUSE IT DID NOT EXIST until the constitution was ratified. The constitution created the government and brought it into being under certain limits of authority. Since the government did not exist until AFTER the constitution was ratified by the states, it could not have made any contractual agreement.

Simply because the MAJORITY of the states voted for it does not make it a contract. The states who voted against ratification had it forced upon them by the vote of the majority of states. Therefore, there was not complete agreement, which is further evidence that it is not a contract. A contract must have complete agreement by all parties.

The constitution is merely an enabling act that creates the federal/national/central government to exist and perform according to what it is given permission to do by the constitution.

Freewill said...

Which Constitution? There are five of them. Bill Clinton did the current one.

Anonymous said...

we were born into a militia and then our mother sold our bare arms
to the corporation and they made a corporate entity of a militia body.

So it's a country of militia who is told to register their gun if they want to own one?

Okay, next 'store-ee'

I am tired of my living will being usurped by dead men's wills and being forced to owe people I don't know because I have pieces of paper with the images of dead men who don't even own their life because they are dead, and I use papers of their images to barter and trade for my life.

AND I'm tired of people who want disclosure who attack anyone that discloses something that messes with 'their', their, their belief system.

Anonymous said...

The one fake judge Anna was referring to. It doesn't matter which one (there is only one). None are contracts. Bill Clinton had no authority to make or change the constitution. Where is the one he "did"?

Prove there have been any changes in the constitution since it was ratified in 1788, excepting the amendments. I will concede the 13th amendment is wrong.

If you are getting this false info from fake judge Anna, I just proved with one simple statement she does not know what she was talking about.

Freewill said...

Not from Judge anna..
Bill Clinton.. What is "is". Remember that? Redefined half of the document.
True, Fake, Constitution, whatever, Your opinions.. None mean shit dude!
It's all about a bankrupt corporation that is defunct, civilly dead, does not exist in law, and cannot bring a claim against anyone!