Monday, March 13, 2017
Vital Terms and History
By Anna Von Reitz
Terms and History You Need to Know ---
Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Member, functioned in the office of President of the United States (not the President of the United States of America) from his inauguration in 1861 until his assassination in 1865.
Like Barack Obama, this foreign corporate office is the only one he was eligible to serve as a Bar Member.
Remember that all Bar Members were prohibited from holding public office in our government by the Titles of Nobility Amendment to the original Constitution. They are still precluded from holding any public office in our lawful government. Notice the word "public" in the phrase "public office". Also note the word "lawful".
We have fifty "lawful" land jurisdiction governments--- owed to each of the the united States of America and the undelegated portion of international jurisdiction owed to their union of states known as the united States of America.
We also have a "legal" international jurisdiction government run by the United States, which is also ultimately owed to the united States of America owed under a contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America.
When you become a member of the Bar, you give up your right to hold any public office in the government of the United States of America, but you can hold any private corporate office you like. So, that is what they have done since 1819.
Count how many Bar Members are currently serving in the US Congress?
What does that tell you about how the US Congress is functioning----in what capacity it is functioning? The only capacity it CAN be functioning in is as a foreign corporation. And the only offices that a foreign corporation can have are private offices, not public offices.
This is why "Acts of Congress" are referred to as "Public Policies". They can't produce Public Law while operating this way.
At the end of the illegal mercenary action known as the American Civil "War" the Southern states lay in ruins, subject to the occupying Union Army. The Northern states were in bankruptcy, subject to Trustees---- members of the "Rump Congress"--- acting under the direction of European banking interests.
That's Ground Zero.
The Reconstruction Acts were passed by these members of the "Rump Congress" and they remain substantially in place to this day.
As part of the Reconstruction Acts, quasi-military tribunals were set up throughout ten military districts established in the South. The military commanders in charge of each district were allowed to appoint civilians loyal to the Union to serve as judges.
The lawfully elected Governors and Legislators of the southern states were forcefully removed from office and other appointees were put in their place. These people then functioned as rubber stamps for whatever the Rump Congress wanted. They were known as "carpetbaggers" because they descended hurriedly from the North and commonly carried their essentials in suitcases made from carpet scraps.
They used their positions to steal whatever the war hadn't destroyed.
In the next several years the process of "Reconstruction" overseen by the Holy See resulted in all the states re-writing their state constitutions. The original land jurisdiction states were renamed.
The original State of Wisconsin which was one of the united States of America was renamed the Wisconsin State.
A new corporate franchise doing business as a franchise of the United States, Inc. took over the name "State of Wisconsin".
This corporate franchise joined other such franchises in other states to form a new union calling itself the United States of America.
Please note the use of deceptively similar names throughout and the resulting constructive fraud.
"The Constitution for the united States of America" was left to gather dust and a new "Federal Constitution" was published under the name "The Constitution of the United States of America" in 1868.
This is known as a "succession to contract".
Now, obviously, the "State of Wisconsin" that was part of this new union of states calling itself the United States of America was not the same as the "State of Wisconsin" that entered the union of states calling itself the "united States of America" in 1848.
That original land jurisdiction "State of Wisconsin" was renamed the "Wisconsin State" and so on for all the states and commonwealths.
The new United States, Inc., corporate franchise operating under the name "State of Wisconsin" took over and operated under the so-called Federal Constitution published in 1868--- The Constitution of the United States of America, and nobody was the wiser, because the names "State of Wisconsin" and "State of Wisconsin" were identical.
The rank and file people couldn't tell the difference and weren't made privvy to these deceptive actions resulting in foreign corporate franchises being substituted for their own original state of the union.
It was the first big identity theft.
Then, equally, the rank and file people weren't made aware of the substitution of the "United States of America" for their original union of states known as the "united States of America."
This was the second big identity theft.
Now the foreign bankers that engineered the bankrupcty of the original States of America were in the driver's seat and able to direct their Bankruptcy Trustees --- the Rump Congress-- to do whatever they wanted.
They gutted the Southern States and so began the largely unhindered plundering and pillaging of foreign interests on American soil against the American states and the American people.
From that time on, Congress has functioned in collusion with foreign creditors to pillage and plunder the American states and people.
By the time the Great Depression rolled around, FDR functioning as the President of the United States of America (the one set up in 1868) was ready to kick things up a notch. He decided to bankrupt the United States of America, Inc. and all the "States of States" that had been formed after the Civil War.
The proceedings of the Conference of Governors, March 6, 1933 give full testimony to what the rats did.
FDR bankrupted the United States of America, Inc. and the "Governors"--- the foreign franchise operators--- agreed to "pledge" the "good faith and credit" of their "states" and the "citizens thereof".
Of course, those states were federal corporation franchises and the "citizens thereof" were United States Citizens--- that is, territorial citizens and federal employees.
But that did not stop the vermin from making false claims against the actual land and private property belonging to the Wisconsin State and the American people.
Once again, foreign creditors swept in like clouds of locusts and placed false titles against every scrap of land, every outbuilding and shed in America.
These "titles" are liens.
The innocent living people of Wisconsin and Minnesota were subjected to mortgages owed by the "State of Wisconsin" and "State of Minnesota", for example---- basically being forced to pay back debts they never owed for the benefit of these foreign US "State of State" franchises, which in turn were paying off the debts of the United States of America, Inc.
Because the normal rank and file Americans were never given disclosure about any of this, nobody complained. The debts of the foreign United States, Inc. and its franchises were "assumed" by the actual states now operating as the Wisconsin State, Minnesota State, and so on----and FDR and his cronies who were getting shed of all their debts by palming them off on Mom and Pop weren't about to complain or tell anyone what they had done.
For the next sixty-six years the foreign creditors of the United States of America, Inc. and its foreign "State of State" franchises milked and bilked the actual American States and people, subjecting them to taxes, mortgages, and utility bills they never owed.
Finally, in 1999, the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., settled and all debts were discharged. The battered American States and people should have been released from any further "assumption" of debt, but no.... another fraud game had been set up in the meantime.
FDR sold off the interest in the bankrupt "States of States" to the IMF, and the IMF promptly created its own STATES OF STATES. These foreign municipal "STATES" were run out of the Municipality of Washington, DC under names like "STATE OF NEVADA". And from there, they created--- you guessed it --- another union of states called the UNITED STATES.
And, once again, because the hapless American people weren't given any disclosure of these deals being made "in their behalf" by their supposed "representatives"---- still more corporate debts were assessed against them and "hypothecated" against their credit and against the credit of their actual states.
The United States of America , Inc., by and through its various State of State franchises, claimed to own all the U.S. Citzen franchises named like this: John Michael Doe. He was on the hook to pay off their debts.
The UNITED STATES, INC., by and through its various STATE OF STATE franchises claimed to own all the U.S. CITIZEN franchises named like this: JOHN MICHAEL DOE. He was on the hook to pay off all their debts.
And just recently, UNITED STATES President Barack Obama created a whole other fraud, in which THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., claims to own all the US CITIZEN franchises named like this:
JOHN M. DOE and has made them responsible to pay the debts of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
And then I said, "Hell, no." (Well, it was actually something a bit more profane that I said.)
And I said it loudly.
And I kept on saying it, until yes, the entire world has heard the word coming down from the Far North.
This crappola is at an end.
There is no "succession to contract" except that claimed by the actual American states and people who are the living heirs of the original equity contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America and the successor contract known as The Constitution of the United States of America, which God knows, we paid for, lock, stock, and barrel.
It is all ours, free and clear, and we are NOT accepting the debts of the UNITED STATES, INC. and its STATE OF STATE franchises, nor are we accepting the debts of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and its STATE franchises.
Not happening. The jig is up.
We claim it all and we are in fact and in deed, the Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC., and its franchises and also any other secondaries, derivatives, or successors.
Take YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE with its reference to the "Historic State" and make these vermin aware that its not so "historic"--- that it was bankrupted, but didn't cease to exist any more than you ceased to exist because you were deliberately mischaracterized and misidentified and defrauded by dishonest foreign bankers and treasonous, clueless members of Congress.
And by the way, the bankruptcy of 1933 and its execution by the so-called U.S. Trustees was all fraud, too.
Fraud has no statute of limitations.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website
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