Sunday, February 25, 2018

What Isn't There and Why It Is Important

By Anna Von Reitz

In seeking the historical truth it is necessary to not only look at what is present, but also what isn't there ---that should be.

I have pointed out that what we call "The American Civil War" was never actually a war, but was an illegal commercial mercenary action carried out on our shores by the Hired Help.

How can I prove this?  There is no formal Declaration of War and no Peace Treaty ending the so-called civil war. 

It was a "conflict" like the Vietnam "Conflict".

In the same way I can prove that the bulk of the Reconstruction Acts remain in effect for the Territorial United States Government, by the absence of any wholesale repeal of those acts.

And it is the same way with The Articles of Confederation formed in 1781.

We have all been fed this "explanation" that the Constitutions superseded the Articles of Confederation, but this is not so and is merely a convenient assumption, because again--- there is no action ending or repealing The Articles of Confederation recorded anywhere. 

If they weren't repealed, they were obviously not superseded.  

Instead, the "perpetual Union of States" these Articles of Confederation created survived the adoption of the constitutions just fine, and were in fact included as part of the process as parties to The Constitution for the united States of America. 

"States of America" was and is the doing-business-as-name of the Union of States created by The Articles of Confederation.  You can now see that they were the parties holding the National level Constitution in the federal government.  (Read my monograph, America: Some Assembly Required to see how the actual structure worked.)

Some break-away members of this Confederation attempted to dissolve the "perpetual Union" established by The Articles of Confederation  by forming The Confederate States of America, but they lacked the unanimous support required to do so. 

It would be tempting to assume that fighting broke out among the member states of the Confederation as a result of this schism, but because Abraham Lincoln was a Bar Member, we can be sure that that is not the case, either.

The Titles of Nobility Amendment made part of The Constitution for the united States of America in 1819 precluded Lincoln from holding any office related to the States of America.  He could only act as President of the foreign companies providing Territorial and Municipal government services-- that is, the British United States of America (Company) and the Holy Roman Empire's United States (Company).

Thus what you are really witnessing as "The American Civil War" was an internal federal government cat-fight among some members of the States of America who broke away and attempted to form a new union of southern states doing business as The Confederate States of America against the British Territorial franchise and its ally the Holy Roman Empire's Municipal franchise.

The end result is that these foreign governmental services providers "won" their contest against The Confederate States of America, but could never claim any victory over the States of America represented by all the people and states that remained loyal to the original Union of States formed under The Articles of Confederation.

This then gives rise to the peculiar claim made by the Territorial and Municipal United States Governments that our National Government has been in "abeyance" for 150 years, and which has been their excuse for secretively usurping and preying upon the American states and people. 

Why have you never heard that your government was thought to be in abeyance?   Why have you never known that Abraham Lincoln could not possibly function as the President of the united States of America?  Why were you always given the "impression" that The Articles of Confederation simply disappeared after the Constitutional Conventions? 

Well, now you know.  It's because of what isn't there in the public records, what has been deliberately obfuscated and hidden and destroyed and "explained away" by the foreign Hired Help, which has helped itself to our natural resources and controlled and misdirected our government, and eaten out the substance of our labor, and waged surreptitious "war" against their employers, and illegally conscripted our young people to fight in wars for profit, and generally speaking, has operated as a rogue and criminal entity for six generations---and has done so under conditions of fraud, deceit, breach of trust, and violation of commercial contract.

This secretive and self-interested commandeering of our lawfully established government by the British Monarchs and the Holy See and their misuse of our delegated authority has meant that America has been their store front, their puppet, and via this deceit we have been blamed for their misdeeds and saddled with their debts and oppressed by their tax collectors.

This is why James Clinton Belcher has issued the Declarations and Proclamations ending any presumed "abeyance" of our government, acting as the Hereditary Head of State for The United States of America (unincorporated)---which is our sovereign level government in international jurisdictions.

It remains for us all to take action to fully restore the local county jural assemblies owed to our actual states, to assemble our lawful state conventions, and to convene a Continental Congress to address these matters. The foxes have been guarding our hen house for six generations. Nobody has been minding the store, though it has appeared otherwise. The facts of the matter are now set before us and the international community has been fully informed.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

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