Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The state's assemblies websites that exist at this time and other information

 People from these states are encouraged to visit their state's assembly website and get involved! If you are not from one of these states then visit the National Assembly website and get involved there.

Alaska: http://alaskajuralassembly.org/

Arkansas: http://www.arkansasdejure.org/forums/

Hawaii: https://hawaiiassembly.org/

Michigan: http://michigandejure.org/m/index.php/homepage
Michigan Forums: http://michigandejure.org/bb/ (NEW)

New York: http://newyorkdejure.org/ (NEW)

Pennsylvania: https://www.sovereignchurchofrefuge.org/jcja.html

Texas: http://thetexasrepublic.com/

Washington: https://wjassembly.net/

National Assembly: https://national-assembly.net/

alliance earth - the people connection
people of all nations unite peacefully and in respect of each other
    Menschen aller Nationen vereinigen sich friedlich in gegenseitigem Respekt
the mankind begins to unite
  die Menschheit hat damit begonnen

message to freedom

message from uwe, germany- June 20th, 2015

Unstoppably we are moving towards a new, a different quality of life and a transformed view of creation. We are realising, that we are the creators of all the worlds we can imagine and permit. What we think, what we feel and what we do, will decide about the present and the future. Many of us are wandering around nowadays, numbed by heavy physical pain, and suffering of the soul and spirit, waiting longingly for the drastic changes towards a more fortunate era. Many are looking for a great event. In full expectation and the knowledge that things cannot go on like this, they do not see; it has already begun. Everybody is on their way, individually. Everybody is starting from a different point of knowledge. Each being has their own pace and also their own necessary development. The dispute for things and rules in the world, trifles of everyday life and the absurd fulfilment of material things, which only represent a poor substitution for actual happiness and satisfaction, still keep us occupied more than is right and necessary. All human beings will nonetheless come to the conclusion that the people on earth will have to manage all things on their own. The time for guidance by the few, who are insane enough to claim they are the right path for all beings on earth, this time is coming to an end. Do not be afraid of your own abilities. Believe in yourselves, believe in us. See who we truly are and look at the immense task which lies before us. Do not mourn old worlds, states and orders, which did not bring any blessings upon mankind when looked at objectively. Behold this path before us, the only path onto our own selves, and walk it. From a specific point of knowledge onward, it will lead to the wisdom - that it was, will be and has always been our united path.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Profound and true.