Thursday, July 13, 2017

Maine State Rep makes threat against President Trump

A Democratic state lawmaker in Maine appears to have threatened President Trump in a Facebook post – calling the president a “p—y’ and saying he plans to make Trump a “half term president.”

“Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that p—y,” wrote Rep. Scott Hamann Tuesday evening.

Hamann, who represents a South Portland district, blasted a Trump supporter in his now-deleted Facebook tirade in which he called the president “anti-American” and an “admitted rapist” who was “installed by the Russians.”

In his vicious attack on the Trump supporter and the president, Hamann wrote (warning: explicit content):
I just can’t deal with you ignorant people anymore. Trump was installed by the Russians, because they wanted to undermine American democracy and embarrass our country. Mission accomplished. Trump is a joke, and anyone who doesn’t have their head up their ass understands that. The way he talks about and to women, that alone disqualifies him from leading anything. He’s an admitted rapist. He inserts his fingers into women against their consent. Would you be okay with leaving him alone in a room with your wife?
He’s anti-American, criticizing war hero John McCain. Has no understanding of foreign policy or military strategy. He’s an out of the closet racist. He’s a liar – literally everything he says is to reframe reality to fit his narrative. Conversely, President Obama ran quite possibly the classiest 2 term presidency in US history, no scandals, successful commander in chief, zero rape victims, and he improved the economy month after month in terms of unemployment, GDP, and stock market. And he did all of that despite opposition from the racist Republicans who would not let a black president succeed. They even oppose funding for anti-terrorism efforts and services for veterans, which Democrats had to fight to get funded. Unpatriotic pr–ks. Republicans allowed nothing through, so Obama’s only opportunity to improve the country was the beginning of his first term. yet he still managed to bring down the uninsured rate, prevent people from dying or going bankrupt just because they got sick, ended wars, restored American dignity after our finger painting president, killed foreign adversaries (instead of giving them a reach around the G20) … and he did it all with the class that the Trump crime family knows nothing about. Don’t like the truth? Can’t handle the facts unless they come from Breitbart or Anonymous or your drunk uncle?
Well then f–k you, snowflake. You’re a f—ing p—y. And you people are destroying America. Some of us are educated and actually follow current events. 100% of intelligent Americans agree that Trump is a complete loser. But go back to clinging to your guns because you’re afraid. P—y. See, it’s not only Trump supporters who can talk like complete assh–es.  (Have you ever heard of any Trump supporters using such rude and inappropriate wording and language?  We have NOT.)  As long as that’s what’s coming out of that side, then I’ll match you dumb f—s word for word. Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that p—y."

- Would you consider this jerk's diatribe at least somewhat of a threat to our President Trump?
- Would you support Hamann receiving a special visit from the Secret Service concerning his words and threats to President Trump?
- Do you believe Hamann should be reprimanded by the DNC for his inappropriate behavior? 
- Do you believe Hamann owes President Trump a public apology for his rude and inappropriate behavior?


One Facebook user responded to the post asking, “Scott Hamann you plan to kill the President?”

On Wednesday, Hamann said he regrets his Facebook rant, calling it “aggressively sarcastic and inappropriate.” He claims he was attempting to make a point about political discourse.  !!!!????

“I regret my impulsive decision to post something aggressively sarcastic and inappropriate in a Facebook exchange with a childhood friend,” Hamann said, according to Washington’s KNDU-TV 25

“While the tone of the post was born out of frustration with the vile language currently surrounding politics, I should not have responded with the same language. 

This is not language I typically use.  ??!!  It does not reflect my personal values ??!! and, while misguided, it was intended to make a visceral point about the devolving political discourse in America.”

But Maine GOP Chairwoman Demi Kouzounas said Haman made an implied death threat against President Trump, KNDU reported. She called on Maine’s House speaker to “do something” about the “unhinged and dangerous” post.

Words cannot even begin to describe the level of revulsion I feel after reading Representative Scott Hamann’s recent tirade that has come to light,” Demi Kouzounas said in a statement, according to the Daily Caller.

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of this tirade is an implied death threat against our president when Rep. Hamann states, ‘As long as that’s what’s coming out of that side, then I’ll match you dumb f–ks word for word. Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that p—y,'” she said.

The Secret Service has been made aware of the post, Fox News reports. Officials wouldn’t provide comment on the case, “citing an investigation into the matter.” 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Two Jurisdictions Down, One to Go

By Anna Von Reitz

Satan is a Liar, in fact, he is the Father of All Lies. He can't play it straight. It's not in his nature to be anything but crooked, because the Truth is not in him.

And where was Satan cast down, like a comet? Into the sea. So where is his kingdom and his law prevailing? The international jurisdiction of the sea. The Law of the Sea is pagan in origin and it remains pagan to this day.

It is also a law based on fiction --- and what is fiction, but lies?

So, there you have it. The Bible told you all this a long, long time ago. Satan's kingdom, deceptively called the Kingdom of God, functions on fiction -- lies --- and what are corporations, but "legal fictions"?
Does IBM exist? Point to it. Show me the entity "IBM"?

What happens when you try to do that? You discover that there is no IBM. It's a fiction. A lie. The most you can do is point to a man, the "President" or the "CEO" of IBM, but it is immediately apparent that he isn't IBM, either. He is just a representative of an organization calling itself "IBM".

The same exact thing happens when you are asked to point to the "State of Michigan". You can point to the Governor of the State of Michigan, but he isn't Michigan. Again, he is just the representative of an organization calling itself the "State of Michigan".

All incorporated entities are such lies, and so are their franchises.

The UNITED STATES has a franchise called the STATE OF NEW YORK and it has a franchise called the CITY OF NEW YORK and it has a franchise called the BOROUGH OF QUEENS which has a franchise called "PAUL ANDREAS MOREAU".

And they are all what? Fictitious entities, operating under the international law of the sea-- Satan's Law, the Law of the Sea.

Okay, so now you all understand what the Law of the Sea is and how it operates via, by, and through fictional entities.

Satan is also called the "Prince of the Air" --- while he is King of the Sea, he is "Prince" of the air jurisdiction. The Pope is actually the "King" of the air jurisdiction, but Satan through the Office of the Roman Pontiff, kept a toe-hold as "Prince".

This is because the global jurisdiction of the air is the jurisdiction of intangible realities, which may be truths or lies--- the realm of ideas, spirit, ghosts, copyrights, patents, logos, and dreams.
Just as a dream may be true and belong to Our Father, it can be false and belong to Satan.
So, Satan has retained a primary grip on the jurisdiction of the sea and a secondary grip on the air jurisdiction all these years after he was paid in full forever. Nobody kicked him out.
Until now.

Think about it--- if a debt is paid for good and forever, does it accrue again? No. All debts are pre-paid, including the debts of fictitious entities.

It was this fact that Pope Boniface used to create the World Trust in the first place, and a few years ago, the Vatican Chancery Court admitted this to me and gave a Final Order confirming it.
So if all debts are pre-paid, how is it that people are still being charged and worked to death like slaves?
It could only be Satan gumming up the works.

So on January 6 of this year, we pulled the plug in the jurisdiction of the air and issued the Payment Bond. Anyone on Earth can read it and understand what it says and make their claim upon it. The Kingdom of Heaven has redeemed the Kingdom of God.

And on June 29 of this year, we pulled the plug in the jurisdiction of the sea, and recorded our claim as the Paramount Security Interest Holders in the bankruptcy of all the Municipal and Territorial Governments and all their fictitious "citizens". The Kingdom of Heaven holds all the debts of the Kingdom of God.
It's over. The Truth has won.

When the Truth comes, what is False must pass away.

This means that we are all going home, both the sheep and the goats, and back to what and whom we are in fact, not fiction. It means that people now have the conscious ability to see what the realm of Satan is and how it worked to enslave them for thousands of years.

You can now choose to be free of Satan's yoke forever.

People and their governments throughout the world can now choose to live under the three simple Laws of Heaven and give up the millions upon millions of codes, regulations, and statutes. They can even choose to stop fighting over the Laws of the Land and the Ten Commandments given to Moses. Just three laws, all simple enough for a small child to understand.

Many new understandings must come. Many new ideas and revelations. Stay calm in the midst of these changes and have faith. The Good Will and the Love that has stood by you and for you despite all these trials, is with you still.

Now that we are back on the land, the final jurisdiction waits.

The three simple Laws of Heaven-- (1) Keep the peace; (2) Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself; (3) Respect the free will of others so long as it does no harm -- are sufficient to rule the affairs of men and nations, if you adopt them and keep them and require your governments to do the same.

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Release of the Interest of the Holy See

By Anna Von Reitz

12 July 2017
Most Beloved Francis,
It is my understanding that the Holy See has released its interest in the bankruptcy proceedings of the Municipal and Territorial governments throughout the world, and that leaves the unincorporated United States of America as the only unincorporated government still standing in this matter.
We will proceed with your blessing to address the urgent matters of: (1) discharging odious debts; (2) off-setting mutual debts; (3) outright debt forgiveness, such as we have already offered Puerto Rico; (4) employment of new assets; (5) hybrid bond issues; (6) relief of the mortgage foreclosures; (7) establishment of new international trade banks; and final settlement.
Your assistance in the matter of the Divine Province would be greatly appreciated. It is our understanding that both people and governments can choose to accept the rule of our Creator and to accept the three simple Laws of Heaven as their Law, while simply retaining their beneficial interests on land and sea.
It is our intention to offer the governments of the world debt forgiveness upon their acceptance of the Law of the Kingdom of Heaven as their paramount national and international law. 
The Law of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as summarized in our presentation of the Payment Bond is:  (1) Keep the Peace; (2) Treat others as you would like to be treated; (3) Respect the free will of everyone else, so long as it causes no harm.
Beyond that, of course, each Man and Woman must make their own peace with Our Father.  We are speaking here only of public matters, not the private matters of each heart. 
It is to be hoped that the public commitment of governments secured peacefully and without their undue embarrassment will translate to a greater understanding among people of their own sacred nature and their role in the Universe.
Thank you for your patience in the midst of many trying circumstances and your generosity to all Mankind.
Anna Maria
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website



Representative Brad Sherman, from none other than loony left California, formally introduced an article of Impeachment against President Donald Trump Wednesday afternoon.

Sherman is accusing Trump of obstruction of justice for interfering in the Russia investigation when he fired former FBI Director James Comey.!!!!!!!
A nonsensical statement considering Trump appointed Robert Mueller, a close friend of Comey, to take over the Russia investigation.

Sherman tweeted out the article:
I have introduced H.Res. 438 Articles of of Donald J. Trump for Obstruction of Justice. Statement here: 
It’s a desperate attempt and a long shot that it will find success in the GOP-controlled House.

Even Democrats are against a floor vote on the article, with only one Democratic Rep coming forward in support of Sherman!! (BUT idiot Sherman filed anyway which goes to prove his stupidity.) And it’s no surprise it’s Rep. Al Green from Texas, who has previously advocated Trump’s impeachment. (Nothing new there. He's another one that should be relieved of his office - another idiot and traitor to his own district much less this nation.)
Per Sherman - “In all of this, Donald John Trump has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as president and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States. Wherefore, Donald John Trump, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office,” the impeachment article says!  (What planet does this nutcase live on anyway?!)

Majority of Democrats are against the intense action against the president out of fear of backlash against the party as a whole.  (Yeah - the American people KNOW BETTER and will NOT support Sherman, his fellow constitutents or his Calif 'governor' in their crimes and stupidity.)
But Sherman must be thinking, “How much worse could it get?”  (Hopefully the people of this nation will respond to Sherman's question by making multiple phone calls, sending multiple emails and tweets and make known to Sherman what an idiot and jerk he is!)

The Democratic Party has been in turmoil since twice failed Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s loss in November.  (The people made known what they thought of this Nazi and her plans to further destroy the nation.)

It’s likely that an aggressive move like this against the president isn’t going to help bring the party back into a positive light with the American people.  (Enough of communism and selfish ambition.)


You can go to:   to see this nut's website and H.S. 438, Article he filed

Sherman HAS to be one of the most ignorant members of the CON-gress, an embarrassment to both California and those in his district, for filing articles against one of the most successful presidents this nation has yet to experience.  The first six months of Trump's holding office, he and his staff have been literally mopping up all the sh*t done to the American people by the various former administrations, and most notably and primarily the bozo anti-united States regime.  It would appear that this jack**s is using this to get his own name and profile in front of the nation as a 'great and gutsy politician', using this to build upon for a campaign toward the next election.  More appropriately, it will hopefully be used against him as a stupid and a traitor politician.  I hope Sherman gets what's due him for his arrogance and stupidity, and especially for any negative effects on both the Trump administration and the people of this nation.

Gary Larrabee: YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts

Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts
Huge $ Funds Using your name S.S.# 
in Fed Reserve Banks

Published on Jul 12, 2017

A brief description of what these Treasury Direct Accounts (TDA) are: They are repositories of property being held IN trust, for You. A Factualized trust self secured created on the day of birth for each Being on the planet. The ones that are being accessed right now are called US Treasury Direct Accounts. There are so many accounts all around the planet with your name on it, you would be staggered, not all of them are ever seen. There is state level, federal level, international level.. all these districts…

In the old days, someone might find one of these accounts, like a state level one and there would be like 300-400 million in it and the PTW bankers, would say take it and go, sign this and never come back… the bankers would laugh because there would be Billions of dollars left behind and that person would never know about their Billions…

Everything on the planet was put into one big trust. This is all “the property” held in the trust. This “property” is a conversion of You. Your Value, converted into property and held in these accounts. It used to all be held in one large account, all Enbodyments’ conversion of value on the planet being held in one large trust. 

Everything got moved out of that trust and into each and everyone’s own Factualized trust which was pr-existing to the actual large trust the PTW used to hold everything in. They are actually called factualized trusts, they are factualized, created on the day of birth. They are Yours! You just did not know it.
The PTW have been using them all of this time, Now they cannot. Actually they Have not been able to use since The OPPT closed the one big trust. For those who want to refresh your memory or look into the OPPT for the first time click on the OPPT Absolute link at the header of this blog, you will find original findings and tons of info there. These Treasury Direct Accounts are tied to your social security account- your factualized trust account. The social security card is basically an ATM card, Your ATM card, without the magnetic strip. (expect it is connected to an unlimited account The word picture I would paint to describe the amount of money in Your Treasury Direct account- is to think of it as a Non depletion account. example- You draw out $500,000 and if you checked the balance it would be $500,000.

HATJ- Heather is working on getting all of the blocks, reversals… etc worked out so the flow to access and Utilize your representation of value out of your TDA’s is smooth. Keeping in the flow of the process, in joy and warp speed is important for all, documenting everything with screen shots and saving emails etc for successes and blocks, cancels, reversals … allows Heather to work with the bakers, family’s, dragons… to stop and resolve those tricks/issues….
The comments section is a great place for you to share your documentation process. The comments can be easily scanned to see where there is flow and blocks and to open up the river of abundance. ** Make sure to check the little box when you make a comment then you will be notified when there is another comment or reply. You can unsubscribe from the comment update by clicking unsubscribe. I will scan the comment section, most of the time I will add what answers I can in the main post under that area it connects with. Please look there for update info.

What people are doing, and there are sooooooooooooooooooooooo  many of us doing Beautiful Doings. People are taking steps to access and utilize our TDA’s. Just start, play, come from your heart, KNOW the TRUTH of Who YOU Are!. Be 100% responsible and Reliable and get started. They are paying off utility bills, credit cards, buying CD’s from their bank and cashing them in early, buying cars, RV’s, helping others pay off a bill, buying something they want. One person put in a skype room 2 days ago, that so far he had accessed 29 Million and spent 2 Million. Limitless possibilities.

Has everyone had success with everything they have tried, the first time they have tried it? No. Do they keep going, keep digging, keep taking the next step? YES!
Note: As people do things, find out things, run across glitches… I post them here. Sometimes I will do that on the fly and just take their note and put it in the blog post, hopefully near/in the section where it makes the most sense. So that you have the info in as near to real time as I can make it and you can then connect the new dots from there.

only Fill out A and F out of the 22 to page form. Here the form on the link. You can call them to mail it to you.

The A form, go to part 3,chick off 1-2 -6 And on 6 put all cap name. That what i did. Just read it all, you no where i am going with this.

Eddie Gaddis so do I leave part 1 of form A alone? as in, don't check any of those boxes? my apologies for all the questions, legal jargon is definitely not my forte 

It works. I have done it. I have paid three bills this way.

Silver Dust , they told me I didn't have an a account and then I call federal reserve they told me it was against the law to use my social security card which was my routing number he knew what my number on the front of my sscard by my routing number in Atlanta

If we all have money in these accounts then why are we waiting for the RV/GCR to happen? We can access our accounts take care of our needs and help others as well. This money is ours, I've never trusted the RV because someone else is giving us something, if they give us something, they can also taken it away. In the past I've heard Gary talk about what's said on Intel dinar chronicles and it seems the Chinese elders or It could be the Chinese government is attempting to add "conditions" on the money. Nobody wants to be controlled by another government, especially the Chinese government. The forgiveness of the debt is basically for the corporate government debt. The money we use is fiat or monopoly money so it stands to reason that it's all fake! The debt and the money are fake. But if we are still forced to live in a world with money, we might as well make the best of it and start our own GCR now. We are the ones we've been waiting for lets do this. I, am going to learn how to do this and start helping people now, because the suffering has gone on for too long! Love and peace!

TDA will look your acc,you will look for a search block,and put 5446 that is a form you need to print out at home are library Be sure you fill it out befor adding money.just email the PDF form back to you. To print out the library. If you get look out,there be a phone number ,just call them.they will tell you to fill out a 2 page,you will need to go to the bank and have the bank officer to stamp it.

Yes those things exist. Your name is all capital letters because you were claimed dead at sea. By accessing money and not taking care of claiming your identity and not dead at sea through a court of law you are committing bank fraud. You will eventually be caught and prosecuted. Say all the ugly things you want about me...I simply pay no attention to that. Here is the link from Treasury Direct that will tell you this is fraud.

I found this rather interesting (Glenn Beck Exposes the Private Fed; Gets Fired by Fox P0LICEstateWATCH P0LICEstateWATCH

And on part 1.Put your ssn and say--> or <--- .Put your EIN num.

The A form,go to part 3,chick off 1-2 -6 And on 6 put all cap name.That what i did.Just read it all,you nowhere i am going with this.

They don't know what i'm talking about, i found all of the Trust Accounts under my SSN
Here the link to. TreasuryDirect
The account is in MY NAME!  The entity that opened that account is the one that is doing illegal behaviors.  Why would I go to jail for using the account in my name?
Here the link to. TreasuryDirect
Eddie Gaddis, on the back of my as card I have 1 capital letter and 8 numbers, I could not find acct for me. the guy at treasury said I'm suppose to have 9 numbers besides the letter
ANNIE ROBINSON I have the same, 1 capital letter with 8 numbers. Where did they get there was suppose to be 9 if that isn't so?
The letter on the back links you to the bank

Homeland Security Bussing in illegal immigrants

US Open Border 
Homeland Security Bussing in illegal immigrants

Illegals Are Obama's Secret Army 
To Destroy America

Homeland Security Busted Busing in TERRORISTS to US!

Homeland Security Busted 
Busing in TERRORISTS to US!

Published on May 17, 2015

The Department of Homeland Security is supposed to protect us from terrorists, not import them, right?

Perhaps that was the old mission directive but it appears that has changed.

Now it is apparently the Department of Homeland Security's mission to import Muslim Terrorists to 'equal the terrain' or some other insane reason.

According to the United States is quietly bringing in 100,000 Muslims each year. They use such cover as United Nations refugee programs and a variety of visa programs.

And they are not bringing in your garden variety so-called 'moderate' Muslims. Included in these huge human imports are some very hard core extremist radical Muslims from Somalia and other African countries. Keep in mind that Somalia is headquarters for al-Shabab, a designated foreign terrorist organization that murdered 147 Christians in a Kenya university in April of 2015 and murdered 67 more at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya in 2013.

And if you live in Minnesota, watch out. About 40,000 Somali Muslims were resettled there. But rather than being happy living off of U.S. welfare, compliments of American taxpayers, a growing number of these Muslim transplants are uprooting themselves to leave the United States to join the Islamic so-called State. Six were arrested in Minnesota in April of 2015 after making repeated attempts to leave the U.S. to fight with the Islamic so-called State. It's gotten so bad that Andrew Luger, the U.S. attorney for Minnesota, confessed in an April 4, 2015 news conference that "we have a terror recruitment problem in Minnesota."

More than two Somalis in Columbus, Ohio have been arrested on terrorism charges. And thousands upon thousands of Muslim Africans are entering the United States through the Mexican border. reports that Department of Homeland Security buses transport immigrants from the Mexican border to detention centers where they are processed, given a court date and released.

Under this current Obamanation, there is a new password that is the modern equivalent of Open Sesame. It's called: Asylum. And if this insanity isn't stopped, we may soon see these imported inmates running the asylum, formerly known as The United States of America.

This video was based on an article published in To view the full article that includes video footage of an ambush interview with the Homeland Security bus driver, click on the link in the description area of this video. 

the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America

Brigitte Gabriel Reads the 
Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America

Published on Jun 19, 2015
ACT for America president and founder Brigitte Gabriel, speaks at the Family Research Council's Watchmen on the Wall event about the threat of radical Islam. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood's plan for the destruction of Western civilization. The Muslim Brotherhood has spawned dozens and dozens of organizations across the globe, including the terrorist organizations al Qaeda, Hamas, and numerous Muslim organizations in America. To learn more about this visit:        To learn more about ACT for America visit:

 Brigitte Gabriel: The #1 way we can stop terror attacks

Published on Jul 25, 2016
Become a national security activist with the largest and only grassroots national security group in America that has passed 42 bills and had hundreds of victories at the federal, state, and local level.

ALERT!! Muslims - Here's what is about to happen!!!

U S Muslims’ Terrifying Plan 
Accidentally Broadcast On LIVE On Radio
Here’s What’s About To Happen 

Know your enemies and who brought them here and why

Muslims establishing 'No Go' Zones in America

January 14th, 2015 • Muslim enclaves that are hostile to surrounding communities are springing up across America. Funded by Pakistani radicals, 22 villages in 9 states have been established that are teaching terrorist tactics to members of their compounds.

 Why The Muslims Hate The U.S. 

 ISIS Training Camps in America
Terrorist camps in America

 ISIS to attack the USA
100% Guaranteed!

 CIA Whistleblower Confirms U.S. Running ISIS!!

 Whistleblower: US Currently Shipping Missiles To ISIS

Trump is about to fill GITMO up

Trump is about to fill GITMO up
You won't believe who he is sending there!

You Won’t Believe Who Trump Just Let Go

FIRED! You Won’t Believe Who Trump 
Just Let Go…Democrats Are Panicking!


Published on Jun 4, 2017
FIRED! You Won’t Believe Who Trump Just Let Go…Democrats Are Panicking!

Anyone who has ever had their home infested by vermin knows what an arduous experience it can be to remove them.Removing government employees is a similar struggle.

Because government entities are allowed to unionize, firing the useless, corrupt, or lawless employees infesting our systems is nearly impossible.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is a prime example of this.

Their employees have been caught multiple times in multiple states abusing the system at the expense of our veterans, providing patients with low-quality care all while knowing their own employment is assured.
Instead of addressing their responsibilities, many VA employees act like parasites and treat their jobs like a luxury welfare system, where incompetent and lazy people can sit in a seat until they get their hefty retirements benefits.

Luckily for the American people, President Trump came to Washington to fumigate.

From The Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order Thursday establishing an office at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to discipline or fire incompetent employees or managers.
The executive order, likely to be signed Thursday according to a source with direct knowledge, will create an Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection.

This legislation is a long time coming. Whistleblowers across America have been demanding action be taken for years.

Brandon Coleman, a VA whistleblower in Phoenix, is extremely pleased with Trump’s measure. “I smiled when I heard this was happening Thursday. I applaud President Trump for not waiting to take action but instead continuing his push for accountability at the VA with this executive order.”

VA Secretary David Shulkin has been trying to fire an employee that was caught viewing pornography while taking care of a patient, but hasn’t been able to yet because of how long the process takes.

He believes Trump’s measure is a step in the right direction towards giving him more firing authority.

While VA reform remains an uphill battle, it’s encouraging to know that something will now be done to remove these leeches from the system.

What's good for the goose is good for the snowflakes!

Trump Fires More of Obama's Overpaid Staffers!
Communists - Socialists -  Lib-tards
Watch Their Pathetic Reaction!
Trump does what Obama did!

Published on Jun 11, 2017
Trump FIRES More of Obama’s Overpaid Staffers – Watch Their Pathetic Reaction
Trump’s Transition Team has just issued pink slips to dozens more overpaid Obama staffers who served the worst Administration of all-time and are working against President Trump in what they’re calling the “Deep State” – the large DC bureaucracy threatened by the new President.

Since President Harry Truman began his first presidential term in 1945, only 35 presidential appointees have been fired, according to a report compiled by Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, and published by Politico.Trump’s predecessor, President Barack Obama, faced heavy pressure to fire Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius after her bungled rollout of the Affordable Care Act — known as Obamacare — and Attorney General Eric Holder after Holder was found in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over documents related to the Fast and Furious gun-tracking scandal. Each time, Obama stood by his appointees. However, both Holder and Sebelius later resigned.

General Stanley McChrystal, whom Obama appointed to command U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2008, was the highest-level appointee to be let go during Obama’s two terms. McChrystal was forced out in 2010 after making unflattering remarks about the Obama administration during an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

Trump is truly draining the swamp and this is just a beginning.
Some background: The New York Times reports:

President-elect Donald J. Trump’s transition staff has issued a blanket edict requiring politically appointed ambassadors to leave their overseas posts by Inauguration Day, according to several American diplomats familiar with the plan, breaking with decades of precedent by declining to provide even the briefest of grace periods.

The mandate — issued “without exceptions,” according to a terse State Department cable sent on Dec. 23, diplomats who saw it said — threatens to leave the United States without Senate-confirmed envoys for months in critical nations like Germany, Canada and Britain.

The liberals are already on the verge of insanity. The Republicans don’t exactly like it either. How soon they forget that Obama did the exact same thing when he came into office. What’s good for the goose is good for the snowflakes.
In the past, administrations of both parties have often granted extensions on a case-by-case basis to allow a handful of ambassadors, particularly those with school-age children, to remain in place for weeks or months.

Obama has spent 8 years placing liberals, socialists, and even communists at all levels of government and there is really not much reason to keep any of them.

They have infected DC, as well as even positions at the state and local level, working hard to change this great country into their version of a socialist utopia.

A senior Trump transition official said there was no ill will in the move, but I imagine that it did come with a special kind of satisfaction. The liberals have spent 8 years being obnoxious elitists and now…their time…has come!

Buh-bye! Obama and Company!

Congress’ vacation cancelled! Back to Work!

BREAKING: Congress’ vacation cancelled!  Back to Work!


Facing conservative outcry on their lack of progress, Republicans have announced they’re cancelling Congress’ vacation until a healthcare agreement can be reached.

In a statement Tuesday, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the delay is necessary to complete work on legislation and deal with President Donald Trump’s nominees.

McConnell complained about the lack of cooperation from Democrats on the nominations. He said the Senate will delay the start of the August recess until the third week of the month.

The Senate had previously been scheduled to begin its five-week recess on July 31, but was unable to get their “repeal and replace” agreement in place.  McConnell said that once the Senate “completes its work on healthcare reform,” it would deal with the defense policy bill and nominations.
It’s possible the Senate could recess earlier.  Perviously, a long-time Senate Republican had admitted he was “very pessimistic” that GOP senators will settle their differences and push a health care bill through the chamber.  Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley made the comment Tuesday as party leaders were strategizing for a vote on their legislation next week. The bill will fail if three of the 52 GOP senators vote 'no', and far more than that have voiced opposition to their initial bill.

Grassley said Republicans have been pledging for years to repeal President Barack Obama’s 2010 health care law, and warned there are consequences if lawmakers don’t deliver on campaign promises, and said “There ought to be.”

The Associated Press contributed to this article

Please tell "US" this is a joke !

Please tell "US" this is a joke !

Wow...this is what is coming out of Harvard! 
Unbelievable...the vaccinated generation is nuts.
Young 20-year old Millennial just graduating from Harvard has this to say: content/uploads/2017/06/ StraightOuttaHarvard.mp4




Young 20-year old Millenial just graduating from Harvard has this to say content/uploads/2017/06/ StraightOuttaHarvard.mp4

Hessssssssss BACK!!!!! Can't get rid of this cockroach.


Since leaving the White House for good in January, former President Barack Obama has taken a break from politics. But after luxurious vacations and yachting with celebrities, he’s ready to make his political comeback.

On Thursday July 13th, Obama will be attending a swanky fundraiser at a private Washington D.C. residence. The event is hosted by his former Attorney General Eric Holder, and attended by top Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Holder is a controversial figure in Obama’s political career, as the House voted to hold him in contempt of Congress.

Holder became the first attorney general to ever be held in criminal attempt after Obama ordered Holder not to release documents relating to Operation Fast & Furious, in which the U.S. government 'lost' an estimated 1,400 weapons in Mexico.

To no surprise, the focus of Obama’s upcoming appearance is finding ways to land more Democrats in Washington, returning it to the liberal (marxist/communist/US and Christian hating) environment that once existed under his 'leadership'.

The event will serve as a fundraiser funneling money into the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, who’s goal is to reorganize election maps to ensure more Dem victories.

Having a major name like Obama on the ticket is exactly what Holder needs to attract the wealthy desperate to rub elbows with the former president.

Two of the Operation Fast & Furious weapons resurfaced at the murder scene of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010, proving that these weapons had fallen into the wrong hands.

“The National Democratic Redistricting Committee is proud to have the support of President Obama as we work to undo gerrymandering and create fairer representation in our 'democracy',” Holder told Politico.
(What?!  More votes cast by the deceased? Votes cast by illegals in the country?  Votes cast 3 or 4 times by the exact same 'voters'?  And 'democracy' - communism. Undo what they are working feverishly to instill in this nation?)

Other than criticizing President Donald Trump in speeches and doing minor campaigning for Tom Perez’s  bid for chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Obama has remained quiet.  (Where have these people been?  Bozo has been ANY thing BUT 'quiet'!  What a bunch of BS!!!)

But with the 2018 elections creeping up, it’s no surprise that he will get back in the spotlight, doing everything he can to turn around the Democratic party which has been in turmoil since his departure.  (News Flash!  The Dem party has been in turmoil for years and years. Refer back at least to traitor Roosevelt and the destruction of Pearl Harbor!  This 'party' has been promoting the destruction of the United States since before then!)

-The Horn editorial team 

Sincerely hope not!  He should have already been tried in a military tribunal court and executed for his crimes of treason et al against this nation.   Many are voicing SURPRISE that this TRAITOR is still walking around 'free' instead of permanently living in the gray bar hotel until his tribunal trial. 

Trump Just FIRED 800 Gov’t Workers

Trump Just FIRED 800 Gov’t Workers 
And Put 200 More On Notice 
After Uncovering SICK Thing They ALL DID

Terminations, demotions and extensions
Housekeepers and food preparers
Bulk of firings lower level workers - felons, sex offenders or generally incompetent
Lead to poor care and death of patients