Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Man Has SURVIVED A Hillary Assassination Attempt And Is Ready To Take Her Down...

There have been a lot of people in the recent decades that simply cannot survive a case of Clintonitis. As you all may know that is one of those illnesses that almost always results in the afflicted individual dying under mysterious circumstances.

FBI informant,Willam Campbell, with dirt on the Clinton’s has gone into hiding after an attempt was made on his life.

William Campbell has been an FBI informant for the past five years, tasked with the assignment of gathering any and all intel relating to the Russian governments attempts to gain atomic energy from the US.

When news first broke that the Clinton Foundation was involved in Russian bribery during the sale of American uranium to a Russian company known as Uranium One, it was done so under anonymity from the source which lead to the liberal defense that an anonymous source has no value.

Well that source is no longer anonymous as Willam Campbell has confessed to being the FBI informant who originally declared anonymity and his testimony was due to be delivered in front of Congress today but in true Clinton fashion another witness to their criminal activity has been forced into hiding after being ambushed by an armed assailant while hiking in the wooded area near his residence.

It was reported by Reuters.com that a Russian insider named William Campbell was due to testify in front of a Senate committee on Monday that Hillary Clinton took bribes during the uranium scandal.

Campbell has now gone into hiding after telling close friends that he had already survived one attempt on his life. It has been warned by legal analysts that Campbell’s testimony on the Clintons could potentially put Hillary Clinton in jail for “twelve plus years.” Campbell has grown more and more concerned that he will not make it to the hearing at all.

The Russian insider warned that he “already survived one attempt” on his life “since it was made public by the Sessions DOJ that I intend to testify.” Campbell has claimed that if he hadn’t been carrying his own firearm, he would have been killed during a hike in the hills behind his home.

He stated that he was approached by an armed man in the woods. He went on to explain that he drew his own weapon and held it where the man could see it until he disappeared out of sight.

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It’s time for President Trump to strike hard and purge the vermins

* It’s time for President Trump to strike hard and purge the vermins from high places for should he not, the ‘forces of evil within’ will complete their destruction of America

* #Q @QAnon – 6 attempts on President Trump’s life – U.S. under Martial Law  

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12
By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.

The Florida School Shooting is still the BIG diversion from the investigations beginning to effectively put Obama and Hillary Clinton in GITMO.
President Trump continues to strategize a war game against the Cabal with his Generals, since the “National Emergency / Executive Order” allows for future military tribunals for the many high level bureaucrats, including Obama and Hillary Clinton, to face charges of Sedition and Treason against the United States. This is, in-fact, happening according to Dr. Jerome Corsi of whom has high level military contacts in Washington D.C.
President Trump has ordered through AG Jeff Session up to (now) 13,000 Sealed Indictments with the intent, under the emergency order, to seize property and bank accounts of those involved with child trafficking and money laundering including acts of Sedition and Treason.
For those believing that justice MUST be administered NOW, is like arresting the number one drug cartel kingpin while the rats below him scatter around the world.
The rats have to be rounded-up first in-order to build a solid case against the top players we have grown to despise. Furthermore, President Trump KNOWS the top cats under investigation would walk free if they are adjudicated on U.S. soil by “Deep State” prosecutors, lawyers, and judges.
Therefore Trump enacted the “Emergency Order” to directly involve Military Intelligence, which also has authority (under the Emergency order) to override the CIA and FBI under direction of President Trump.
The other reason to involve Military Intelligence, is for Trump’s immediate safety, since (unknown to the public) has already experienced at least two attempts on his life.
President Trump is surrounded by the military and we are learning that Trump was specifically asked to run for the presidency, well before the campaign, because a large segment of the military knew or knows exactly the direction the Socialist/Communist and “Deep State” want(ed) to take America.
For Trump to act now and allow the military to begin the arrests on U.S. soil would cause the “Deep State” to launch a full blown Civil War with more False Flag school shootings and other egregious acts of domestic violence in-order to cause condemnation and discontent for this president while at the same time would put Congress into a frenzy with immediate accusations of a dictatorship in-action, and would use CNN/CIA and other fakestream media sources to push a narrative of bad vs good in favor of a Socialist/Communist agenda.
Therefore the build-up to military action to be somewhat acceptable to the American public requires a steadfast approach of truth, exposure of lies and exposing false flags, and at the same time prepare for Civil War in America.
The timing is a crucial strategy by the Trump Administration, while mid-term elections are only 8 months away, false flags are increasing as a diversion, Mueller’s investigation will continue, and more importantly the “Deep State’s” attempt to remove high powered “assault” rifles from legal gun owners as a Civil War is just around the corner is the NUMBER ONE priority at this point. Weaponizing students across this nation with the help of CNN/CIA, the momentum is increasing, forcing Trump’s hand to a certain extent without completely banning assault rifles.
President Trump knows what the “Deep State” is doing, for one…he is 100% briefed by the NSA, bypassing the rogue CIA, (allowed under the Emergency order) but he cannot say publicly that he knows the Parkland Florida shooting was conducted specifically for three reasons to discredit the NRA, organize a student rebellion, and to cause a diversion for the upcoming Uranium One and Comey/Clinton investigations by Nunes. Reason being most of the public are completely brainwashed by the Dems and fakestream media, and together would force a narrative of impeachment to new heights, however…we know for a fact, Trump ordered military “Special Forces” to investigate the Parkland Shooting (false flag).
The balance to effectively begin the take-down of the “Deep State” and all the cronies involved has to be done with consideration to how and when a Civil War of violence in the streets begins. Before the mid-terms or after the mid-term elections? I would venture to say, after the mid-term elections is when Trump and the military will begin to open the remaining Sealed Indictments, most likely during the height of winter in 2019.
In the meanwhile though many of the Sealed Indictments (mostly involving child trafficking and pedophilia) is underway around the world. I know of one personally, thanks to Amanda for the docs, of a Sealed Indictment recently opened. The individual is facing 30 years in prison. The FBI stated this particular indictment is in-fact part of the 13,000.
On another front the “top cats” of the Obama/Hillary type(s) are seeking-out refuge in New Zealand, among several other high profile types. The Obama’s are heading to New Zealand on or about March 21st to look at properties and Hillary will be there in May. New Zealand has an Extradition Treaty with the U.S., therefore I believe the plan is for these criminals to use their illegal funds to buy-up property that (maybe) cannot be seized, especially if their names are not on the deeds.
We also know that George W. Bush and his family bought 300,000 acres of prime land in Paraguay a few years ago, for what reason??? “War criminals” as they are, both H.W. and G.W. were planning far ahead as Obama did by purchasing a $4.9 million dollar estate in Dubai. For what reason???
They’re planning their escapes and maybe Trump is allowing their escape, because out-of-sight and out-of-mind is better for America. Maybe it’s also a backroom agreement between the Cabal and Trump, and maybe it can divert a massive Civil War.
As we (together) spread truth to the world, and to influential contacts we all have, the “Deep State” have taken an interest in what (WE) are doing and saying. There are two incredible YouTuber’s (Jason and Isaac) now taking a major hit by YouTube, Google and Twitter, as is Infowars. Since posting both Isaac and Jason’s videos here on the BDR and later published by ConPats and Beforeitsnews.com, we effectively increased their viewership by the thousands thanks to all of you. And as a result, the BDR has been censored when publishing certain “Featured Videos” including FoxNews Hannity, citing copyright infringement. NO. It’s violating our 1st Amendment Rights.

Russia Rescues Millions Of American Democrats

Russia Rescues Millions Of American Democrats Unable To Save Themselves As New England Region Warned Faces Coming Blackouts Due To Stupidity  

A stupefying new Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that for the second time this year, emergency supplies of Russian natural gas had to be shipped to the  American region of New England whose nearly 15 million over whelmingly Democratic Party citizens were facing an imminent shutdown of their entire electrical grid due to what can only be described as stupid  and whose future remains bleak as rolling blackouts are predicted to hit them all by 2024. (Perhaps part of their plan to destroy this nation and its people?)

According to this report, with the hate campaign aimed at Russia by the Democratic Party ('leaders') due to the election of President Donald Trump having caused a firestorm of anti-Russian war mongering leading to the official establishment of a new Cold War, the Ministry of Industry and Trade was gobsmacked a number of weeks ago when it was approached by The Franco-Russian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry who had prepared a scheme to rescue millions of American citizens nearing cut-off of their heating and electrical supplies in New England. (The cutoff should NEVER be happening, not with all the natural resources available throughout this nation AND WITH THE ABILITY FOR EVERY AMERICAN TO ENJOY INDIVIDUAL FREE ENERGY FOR THEIR HOMES AND BUSINESSES, WHICH HAS OF COURSE BEEN WITHHELD FROM THEM SO THE ENERGY COMPANIES CAN CONTINUE TO EXTORT VAST SUMS OF MONEY FROM THE AMERICANS.)

The French scheme to rescue the peoples of New England involved shipping to Boston, Massachusetts, massive tankers of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Russian owned Yamal LNG plant in Dunkirk, France whose natural gas supplies come from the Yamalo-Nenets District in the Russian Arctic that is currently under illegal US sanctions but with French energy giant total owning 20% of this project engaging the LNG tankers Provalys and Gaselys (both owned by French energy company Engie) to make this supposedly illegal transfer so the US could not stop it.  (NOW WHY WOULD THE US WANT TO STOP THIS?! WHAT WOULD BE THE MOTIVE BEHIND DOING THAT?)

With the United States being awash in natural gas to such an extent that it became for the first time in history last year an exporter of this vital energy resource, and whose projections show its soon becoming one of the largest producers of natural gas in the world, MIT analysts were left perplexed as to why New England even needed these emergency supplies of Russian liquefied natural gas (NO KIDDING!) before its cities went dark and its peoples began to freeze. (GREAT question. One has to wonder WHY the Democrats and the Russians continue to surface as being connected! NOT the Republicans but the DEMOCRATS! In this situation it appears that the Russians are trying to HELP US!)

Upon an in-depth examination of this crisis, its origins were discovered to have been started in late 2012 when the Democratic Party Governor of Connecticut, Dannel Malloy, announced a plan to meet more of his State’s heating and energy needs with natural gas and whose “new” energy strategy was quickly forced upon the peoples of the other New England States of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island by their mainly Democratic Party controlled lawmakers who called for a vast expansion of natural gas power and whose success has been noted by ISO New England (the group responsible for managing electric power distribution across the New England region) who now report that natural gas generators, in 2017, provided more than 40% of this six-State region’s electricity needs.

Modeled after the infamous 5-Year-Plans devised by the Communists whose effects led to the economic implosion and collapse of the Soviet Union the Democratic Party 'leaders' ruling New England forced upon their millions of citizens a utopian dream of eliminating their long effective oil and coal plant electrical plant distribution system in favor of those powered by the much more environmentally friendly natural gas but with their forgetting the most basic fact that this region had absolutely no access it.

In the past New England could count on natural gas pipelines from Nova Scotia to supply much of its gas, but those Canadian sources are beginning to run dry and are now unable to provide a long, or even medium-term solution for them and who are also unable to use the massive amounts of natural gas being produced in their own country because no liquefied natural gas cargoes can be sent from the Gulf of Mexico to New England due to a century-old US law called The Jones Act that stipulates that goods shipped between US ports must be transported on ships that are built, owned, operated and flagged by the United States with not a single tanker out of the world’s nearly 500-strong fleet currently meeting this requirement.

(There are some VERY REAL PROBLEMS in this nation, among them being the obvious refusal of the rogue communist 'government' to provide any natural resources for our energy needs and to get the nation off the vulnerable power grids.  The power companies have FULL CONTROL and are REAPING FULL FINANCIAL PROFITS at the expense of the American population. VERY POOR PLANNING. HOW MUCH payola is being paid to the ones responsible for this poor decision continuing with no natural resources power allowed and especially NO FREE POWER?)

Realizing much too late that their Communist-inspired 5-Year-Plan to impose natural gas solutions upon their millions of citizens had met with abject failure,  the Democratic Party leaders of New England then began a Communist inspired witch hunt to find scapegoats for their self-created crisis that has seen their regions natural gas prices become the most expensive in the world with one of their first targets being a private pipeline company named Eversource (New England's largest energy supplier) whom they blamed for improperly withheld natural gas pipeline capacity but that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission quickly rejected the merits of for its being the (Democrats) totally made up claim it actually was.

With ISO New England having just issued a grave warning that without new natural gas pipelines this entire region will begin to experience rolling blackouts as soon as 2024, New England’s Democratic party leaders have gone from just being stupid to being outright insane and, as evidenced by wind power proposals now surpassing those of natural gas to solve this regions crisis and all of whom, most certainly, should heed the words of warning issued by President Putin to anyone seeking to follow Communist examples, and who said: “Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart.  Whoever wants it back has no brain.”

Sorcha Faal

What is it about the 'leaders' - especially 'DemocRAT' - both congressional and militarily - of this nation that has them all so attracted to the FAILED COMMUNIST mentality, so much so that they have run this nation deep in to the ground putting business, industry, the military and quality of life for the American population years behind.  Even with the efforts by the Trump administration, the white hats and the 'good military' efforts to undo all the damage done, the continued deep state Nazi efforts to steal, kill and destroy this nation and to move forward will take years to achieve.

Breakthrough: North Korea Ready To Denuclearize "If Regime Safety Is Guaranteed"

Score another diplomatic victory for Trump, whose hard line negotiating tactic appears to have generated a dramatic - and favorable for market - outcome. Moments ago futures spiked, 10Y yields jumped and the USDJPY bounced about 106 on what the FT dubbed a "diplomatic breakthrough" that North and South Korea have agreed to hold direct talks between their leaders with North Korea signalling it is willing to abandon its nuclear program "if regime security can be guaranteed."
The headlines come from South Korean National Security Office special envoy Chung Eui-yong, who is speaking to reporters in Seoul after returning from Pyongyang. Remember he and another envoy, National Intelligence Service chief Suh Hoon met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang on Monday. Chung confirms that North Korea is indeed ready to stop the jawboning and negotiate:
  • Kim Jong Un open to frank talks with U.S. for denuclearization: Chung
  • North Korea to suspend provocations during talks: Chung
  • Promises not to use any weapons against South Korea: Chung
Next step: a summit in April between the two neighbors where details will be ironed out: "North Korea, South Korea agree to hold summit in April", Chung says. Pyongyang vowed not to test any ballistic missiles or make further provocations during talks, according Chung clarified.
The easing of tensions between the two Koreas and this clearly positive geopolitical development has triggered a broad based risk-on move. Fixed income is selling off sharply here, with Bunds flying. As the spot KRW market is closed, the NDF space is in focus. The 1m NDF has traded from 1076.0 to 1070.8 at time of print. USDJPY is spiking higher at 106.10 at print. This move may have legs especially as early NY begins to come in
The question now is whether this unexpected diplomatic victory for Trump will further empower him to demand similar concessions on the trade side, and launch the "trade wars", even as the market is now fully convinced that the US president will backtrack.


Thousands To Gun Shows Across Nation

Gun Debate Drives Thousands To Gun Shows Across Nation

Gun grabbers don’t want people being able to buy guns, and following the massacre at a Parkland, Florida school last month, there’s a feeling running through the country that the grabbers are gaining ground. It’s a feeling that we all know far too well. We had it for eight years under the Obama administration, but we thought we were clear of it with the defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Unfortunately, following the deadly attack, the anti-gun left has been on an attack of their own. They are tenacious in their quest to limit our ability to keep and bear arms.
However, because of that, many people are looking to buy guns for the very first time, and that means they’re swarming gun shows like this one in North Dakota.
One of the events contributing to the big boost in the Northern Valley is the Guns Show in Grand Forks.
As the gun debate continues across the country, local firearm salesmen say more people are buying weapons.
Thousands of people came through the Dakota Territory Gun Show in Grand Forks looking to buy all things guns-related.
“From old Sharps, old Colts, and Winchesters to modern rifles,” said Michele Voegele, Gun Show Vendor.
There is something here for every gun collector, behind the passion of every enthusiast is a little bit of concern for the future of the sport.
“I don’t think anybody is freaking out or worried that all their guns are going to be taken away completely,” said Voegele, “I think a lot of people get worried because there is a lot of misinformed people out there.”
While larger retailers like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Walmart are changing their policies for gun sales, recent debate on the topic is actually having a positive impact on retailers here.
Which is normal.

That’s something the gun grabbers have never really comprehended. Every time they try to ramp up the pressure on the gun industry, the gun industry makes a killing.

What tends to happen is that people who are on the fence about wanting a gun, people who see gun ownership as a “one of these days” things, see what the anti-gun zealots are doing and figure that “one of these days” had better be right now or they might never be able to buy one. As a result, they swarm gun stores and shows looking to pick up something.

The gun control activists actually create more gun owners.

Talk about your all-time backfires. Whoops!

What the gun control crowd doesn’t grasp, however, is that most people understand that their wish list of gun control items will negatively impact the law-abiding citizen. Even people who somehow labor under the delusion that gun control will stop criminals tend to understand that it will also hurt the law-abiding individual’s ability to buy a firearm.

That’s why they swarm at times like these. They want their guns, and they figure they’ll be restricted from buying them later on.

I swear, sometimes I’m left to wonder if the anti-gun movement is really just a plot to sell more guns by the firearm industry. If so, it’s working.

Rembering the sheriff

Obama's Legacy

Monday, March 5, 2018

Texting while driving - a hard lesson

Guns: Thanks are in order for the liberals

Conservatives do not protest naturally. They work for a living, and have better ways to spend their time, which is why the Tea Party movement was so remarkable.

Instead, conservatives act in other ways rather than just emoting publicly for all to see.

In the case of gun control, conservatives out source their protest to a favorite ally: the National Rifle Association (NRA). 
According to the Daily Mail: "Google searches for 'NRA membership' have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners' rights group." 
To put that in graphical terms, you can see the massive spike in this image from Google.

NRA Membership Now Spiraling
After the Parkland School 'shooting'

It seems that the sickening display put on by CNN after the Parkland shooting had the opposite intended effect, as the "town hall" was supposed to manipulate your emotions against the Second Amendment, yet catalyzed support for their biggest advocates.

Armed Defense Training

There are only five million NRA members as of May of 2017, and tens of millions of American gun owners. 
Thanks are in order for the liberals who are closing that gap.  

The war against the free speech of the right

Last week I made a brief appearance on a TV news show out of New York.  The subject was censorship on Twitter.
GrrrGraphics lost 2,000 in the sudden and silly ‘Russian bot purge,’ but we gained most of them back (and more) by the next day. We knew people who were banned for no particular reason other than their connections to conservative leaders on social media.  
Tweeting pro-Trump messages is intrinsic proof of Russian bots, right? Hillary thinks it is. Such anti-Russia hysteria also diverts attention away from her crimes.   
We are one of the few to obtain the coveted blue check mark on Twitter. There was a young man on the news show presumably there for ideological balance. He casually stated that the blue check marks were nothing but status symbols—bragging rights that have little meaning. I was taken aback by his statement, but was unable to summon up the proper reply. After all, public speaking is not my forté.  I’d rather draw cartoons.  
As in all my public appearances, I always think of what I ‘should’ have said later on. In this case the blue check mark performs a valuable purpose. That is, it announces to the world that the account belongs to a real person with a real name and face and whatever gets tweeted out is not from some anonymous troll or Russian ‘bot.’  In other words, it’s free speech combined with responsibility and accountability. 
Apparently Twitter doesn’t want that. They should be verifying a lot more identities and giving out even more check marks, but they instead stopped giving them out altogether late last year.  Why?  Because they know more commotion and consternation results when verified people get their plugs pulled for a trifling reason. 
It happened in the case of the blue-checked Milo Yiannopoulos. It’s easier for Twitter to delete check-less, conservative voices while dismissing them as trolls or Russian bots.  
Hillary said the Internet needed an ‘editor.’ What she really wants is Chinese-style censorship—with globalists like her in charge. She already acted as a censor when she was able to paint a harmless cartoon frog into a symbol of racist hate. She’d still enjoy shutting up anyone she considers ‘deplorable.’  
We know that the Shadow Government and Deep State are losing the battle of ideas. They no longer have a monopoly on controlling opinion.  Their mainstream corporate media puppets are no longer mainstream. They’ve become irrelevant jokes. They’re losing viewers because they continually spew lies instead of the truth and more and more people have awakened to that fact. They know they can find the truth from citizen journalists on the Internet who make little if any money for their dedication. They depend on views and donations, but they’re now facing demonetization and shadow banning. Supposedly it’s all based on a terms of use policies—and the owners of social media capriciously determine the meaning of their own policies.  
The war against the free speech of the right is likely to end badly for the Silicon Valley lefties who would rather delete than allow debate. Their habit of virtual book burning may end up torching their own skirts. They will wind up losing a vast amount of subscribers, viewers and advertisers. They will encourage entrepreneurs to set up their own free speech playing fields on the Internet.  We don’t need government to step in—we need competition!  

Liberal Page Posts Poll on Gun Control, Backfires Horribly

One thing is for sure: the social media managers over at The Young Turks were definitely not expecting this when they asked their readership to chime on on whether or not there should be a federal ban on “assault” weapons in the United States.
We put “assault” in quotes here because we’re still not exactly sure what progressives mean when they use that word to refer to firearms. Are they talking about automatic weapons, which are already banned? Or, are they talking about semi-automatic weapons, which are just about every other firearm on Earth? The jury’s still out on this one.
Let’s just assume they were referring to “scary” weapons like the AR-15, which has been used by senseless killers during mass shootings several times before — and also by the police officers and private citizens who confronted and ultimately stopped them. Obviously, the ultra-left TYT probably expected their followers to be fully behind a ban on weapons like this — but it appears they seriously misread the situation.
To be fair, there was likely a ton of outside participation from followers of other pages, including conservative ones. Regardless, this is an objectively funny outcome. Spread this image around before The Young Turks has time to take the poll down.
~ Facts Not Memes


False Information About Continental Marshals

By Anna Von Reitz

Some parties who are just waking up and making false assumptions are spreading the idea that Lincoln put "America" under the Lieber Code and that all "Marshals" are military police.  WRONG.

Lincoln had no ability to place "America" under Martial Law or put us under the Lieber Code.  What he did was place the British Territorial United States government under martial law and the Lieber Code which has since morphed into the various Hague Conventions. 

None of that has anything to do with us.  The Territorial United States Government is a foreign government working under contract to provide governmental services for our states of the Union--- The United States of America (unincorporated). We are Third Parties with respect to them and we control the land and soil jurisdiction of this entire country.

So learn the jurisdictions and the nomenclature attached to those jurisdictions and stop spreading misinformation.

Our land jurisdiction is policed by Federal Marshals, not "US Marshals".

Federal Marshals = Continental Marshals = Land Jurisdiction Marshals.

US Marshals = Sea Jurisdiction Marshals.

It's time everyone woke to hell up.  We have a country to govern and rights and prerogatives to exercise, along with the responsibilities that attach to those rights and prerogatives. 

We are our own civil government with our own "United States" flag--- the one with vertical stripes, thank you, and our own Federal Marshals Service, also.

The idiots running the Territorial Government have been so corrupt, so ignorant, and so misled that they have placed themselves and this entire country in jeopardy.  Do not fall into any delusions concerning their "authority" or their competence with regard to their jurisdictional limits--- it's up to you to know who you are and what your lawful jurisdiction is and to know the difference between a Federal Marshal operating on the land (also known as a Continental Marshal) and a US Marshal operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

Get on your thinking caps and get educated or you will be part of the problem.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

Why is Jimmy Kimmel hosting the Oscars when he used his position of power to entice young girls into grabbing his crotch while humiliating them on camera?

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Massive sensoring on the internet and your rights / responsibilities and theirs - All lawsuits will fail.

 After putting some of this information into a comment I decided to create a post.

The public has a privilege to post opinions on privately owned websites when the owners permit it. Does not make a difference if done by video or text. As with Google's platforms and all social networks and everyone that uses them is doing so with the consent of the owner/creator of that platform. When you register you agree to their terms before use. This included their right to alter and/or delete anything at their discretion. They advertise on these platforms for profit and for information mining. These websites and servers are not owned and operated by the people. Why would you want to be a tool for them to profit on in the first place is beyond me.

Anyone who creates a blog on blogger does so under an agreement to the parent company Google. I cannot claim rights violations against private owned services that I get for free. I cannot throw a fit if nesaranews is deleted or altered without my consent because I chose to use Google's servers and platforms host my data free of charge. If I want my own control and free speech as I see fit, I create my own free speech platform on my own server at my own cost. John created nesaranews on Google's owned blogger platform and I inherited it. I would never had it on Google in the first place if it was up to me.

Nesara.news for example. I own it and I make my own policies on it. If I choose to delete someone's comment on it, does that make me liable to be sued for violating first Amendment rights? No it does not! If I choose to put up a gun supporting sign in my front yard, can I be sued for it? No I cannot! 

Many people need to grow their comprehension on how free speech rights work. You cannot use a right to violate other's rights. That is why I have been voluntarily using my server to host certain videos that Youtube is removing. That is free speech.What I choose to post on my own platform is my choice and is not debatable! As a suggestion to all the good people on the net that are having their data deleted from cabal controlled websites and platforms, I suggest you create your own as I did or partner with someone you can trust to host your data. 

Another way to demonstrate this:
How many successful lawsuits have there been against your local grocery stores for removing material from their pin boards that are usually found near the entrance doors? None! Why?

You really expect the right hand to spank the left hand? HRC, Obama, Bush, never arrested? Tired of the District of Criminals? Corrupt laws?

This has gone on long enough! 1868 to 1871 the corporation U.S. UNITED STATES aka VIRGINIA Company was hired to provide 19 governmental services to the people and due to the 1861 DeJure Congress sine die when the south walked out and an insufficient number of people for quorum remained to adjourn and schedule next meeting.

I hear people screaming about their treatment by the foreign DeFacto Corporation's taxes and unjust laws of the sea being enforced against them daily and spending untold amounts of time and energy fighting within their system for a shred of justice. Usurpation. So many people are fighting the symptoms of the problem but almost nobody is going after the cure! Stop playing big pharma with trying to use their internal regulations and rules against them by fighting the symptoms of the problem and making them wealthy. Going to jail and/or paying fines for victim-less crimes takes a lot of time and money away from your life and family.

Yes we put Donald Trump in the CEO position of that foreign corporation so he can drain the swamp and return the power back to the people. Reference this 15 second video clip: https://videopress.com/v/LORMO9Eq . Donald trump cannot complete his promised job until we the people assemble to take that power. The Pentagon is complying with orders issued from the lawful civilian authority. Donald Trump being president is due to a result of those orders. The orders were issued several years ago. Reference this link for a partial list of what was issued to the Pentagon. http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2013/05/initiation-for-orders-of-we-people.html

Trump must be careful how he brings these monsters to a stop. Remember this is all interlaced like a complex machine that some parts are needed that would be badly effected by other parts halted. Cause and effect. Trump knows this and it is a nightmare to figure out the best way to shut things down without having adverse effect elsewhere.

What would work the best that is out of Trump's jurisdiction and control would be the people returning to self governance via the county and state assemblies so the entire machine can be overseen and dismantled with the assemblies stepping in at the appropriate time. That would make for a smooth transition with minimal catastrophe. It all hinges around all of us getting our county assemblies up and running! We had 59 callers on the conference call tonight! That is pathetically small number! We need to add a couple zeros to that number and fast!

The Florida school shooting was staged by the criminals within that hired foreign corporation and took 17 beautiful lives from us! 9-11 and all the false flags that have happened will continue until a majority of county and state assemblies are resettled! At this time Michigan is the only declared DeJure state with all it's land settled with assemblies. False flag attacks don't happen in Michigan because of this. Michigan has an unrebutted lawfull body politic of We THE People assembled that can and will hold them accountable for any injury upon anyone on Michigan land. This is the cure for the cancer known as the hired foreign U.S. corporation in D.C. You want it gone? Get assembled! Resettle your land jurisdiction! It is a lot easier and healthier to do this than to keep fighting the endless fight against the symptoms! 

If you want the power Trump is trying to return to the people then get it done so you can receive that power! www.1stmichiganassembly.info Conference calls for assistance is every Thursday evening at 9pm Eastern time.
1-712-770-4160, access code 226823# 

If you cannot make that call then at least send an email to contentmanager1@yahoo.com with your state in the subject line. First name and email address is required. If you choose to include any additional contact info that is up to you. Your information will only be shared with coordinators for your county or state assembly. Nobody else will have access.  

If you cannot be active in doing the work then you can at least be counted as a number for your county assembly. Generally 1 tenth of members are active. But the numbers is what allows for the steps to become a settled county and state assembly. The Handbook and resettling of the counties is proven safe and effective. No goons or badge wearers will interfere or harm you in the process and guidelines outlined in the handbook. Nobody goes to jail for peacefully following the footsteps of our founding fathers. Feds are aware of it and declared it lawful. Your county, your family, your life, your freedom, your assembly.
So there is no excuse to not be involved.

Email or be on that call or watch America fail. Donald Trump cannot do it by himself. Donald Trump is our inside operative. It is up to us the people. It is that simple. Sorry to be blunt but we are running out of time!


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