Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An Administration Gone Rogue

An Administration Gone Rogue

“Have certain parts of the Constitution become irrelevant, as a former Republican leader once told me at a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing? At the time, I was told that demanding a Congressional declaration of war before invading Iraq, as Article I Section 8 of the Constitution requires, was unnecessary and anachronistic. Congress and the president then proceeded without a Constitutional declaration and the disastrous Iraq invasion was the result…”

Click here to read the full article:  http://bit.ly/xfYYqK

By now most of you have given up on the entire election process in America. The fraud is obvious although it's been with us for DECADES. Here's a great video clip of how the media is 100% involved in election rigging...
This Hoax Affect Everyone
So it didn't surprise me that when Ron Paul won his first Caucus Primary in the US Virgin Islands that the MSM called Romney the WINNER!

Ron Paul Wins 1st Caucus: Mainstream Media Calls it for Romney

Even though the head honchos of the MSM are being taken down (ie - Murdoch & friends) the MSM minions continue their game...for now. It may make a lot of you angry but I'm not distressed by any of this because..
Yep. All is going as planned. Stretch out the vote until the August Primary, at the right time expose Romney, Gingrich and Santorum for the "Bad Guy" operatives they are, Crash the global monetary system and the nation turns to Ron Paul.
SPECIAL REPORT: The "Good Guys" Election Strategy
So I'm not worried about the Mainstream Media abusing Ron Paul (or Sarah Palin for that matter). Very soon those MSM Shills will be exposed for what they are and then they will feel the WRATH of We The People. 
My advise to them: Take early retirement like all those global banksters did.
It will be better for your health.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

Monday, March 12, 2012

Kenyan Parliament admits obama was born in Kenya (son of the soil)

Kenyan Parliament admits obama was born in Kenya (son of the soil)

The Kenyans and aware Americans know where he was born.

As an aside, it's hilarious when they say that now the obama is president, the world will be a safer place.

In the second document, the Parliament is discussing that racism can't be prevalent in America, because if it was, how could a young man who was born in Kenyan, who is not a native of America, be elected President.

[link to youtu.be

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 12, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 12, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 12-Mar-2012 13:20:15

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - March 12, 2012
Time speeds ever onwards as the future of mankind is being fought out in the Middle East. At least that is how it would appear to those who have yet to awaken, and remain uninformed. Regretfully the media is still stifled by the old approach that prevents free speech, and investigative journalism that is allowed to bring out the truth. Much is happening that should be told, so that you have a grasp of what is behind events that are threatening world peace. Better still would be truthful reporting so that your minds were put at rest, knowing that although attempts have been made to start another World War, they have failed and will continue to do so.
We do not wish you to suddenly feel fearful of the future having assured you that everything is going well. However, we will again inform you that our technology is such that we have total control over what happens in the Middle East, and all confrontations will soon be brought to a halt. Authorities have been informed that we will not allow nuclear weapons to be used, and that we are opposed to any form of aggression. It is therefore quite pointless to continue war games, and take part in all of the posturing that inflames the situation. Our patience is running out and if matters do not improve, we shall use our authority to bring a halt to all attempts to engage in warlike moves.
We of the Galactic Federation are here to see that you and Mother Earth safely arrive at your destination, that is the completion of this cycle of duality. The sooner the dark Ones and their cohorts are removed, and their influence taken away from them, the sooner we can all concentrate on the business of getting you on track for Ascension. Nevertheless, we still keep in balance the various energies that are playing upon the Earth that are increasing exponentially, and are helping raise your levels of consciousness. You still have quite a way to go before you acquire anything near full consciousness, but that will come to you sooner than you might expect. You are being prepared to become Galactic Beings and take your place amongst us, as is your divine right.
We find understandably that those who are awakened to what is happening to the Human Race, are still concerned about the ones who still slumber. We wish to assure you that before the end of this year, every soul will know about Ascension and have the opportunity to choose whether or not they prepare for it. Time is getting short, but some will still make it in time having come into this life to make it their goal. That Dear Ones is the deciding factor, as many are here for the experience which will further their evolution, but not ready to make a quantum leap in consciousness. The answer is not to worry about decisions made by other souls, as they will have chosen what is best for them and satisfies their desires. Be assured all will be looked after, and that God does not make distinctions from one soul to another, and all are equally loved.
Various programs that will carry you forward are ready to be implemented, and the preparations are completed. Much hinges around the governmental changes as clearly we must have people who can be trusted, and can lead you with full understanding of what is required of them. Faith in your appointed representatives has been broken so many times by those who have not stood by their promises, and let you down. In the future your leaders will be chosen because of their wisdom and spiritual experience, and will be trustworthy and honest. Too often you have been hoodwinked by promises that were never intended to be kept, by those who preferred service to self rather than to others.
As you evolve and continue to rise up into even higher dimensions, you will find that no soul can deceive or lie to another without their intent being known. Indeed, you will know by observing their auric emanations, which give much information about that soul. Even now you have people who can see and read auras, and they do convey quite a lot about you. For example your condition of health can be seen, and in fact even the onset of illness before you are actually aware of it. You are truly quite complex Beings and are in the dark over many aspects of yourself, such as your astral body that you use when out of the body. Many souls use it to visit their departed friends and family, but few bring back a waking memory of them. Remember that you are living infinite life times and as a soul will always exist in one form or another, and eventually become a pure Light Being.
The purpose of life is to evolve through experience, and you are the one who chooses how you achieve it. The Earth is a tough experience yet you knew it would be so, and here you are after hundreds of lives in different civilizations that have expanded your consciousness levels. Nothing of your experiences is ever lost, and you do not necessarily need to recall the exact circumstances. Sometimes they are best forgotten and extreme experiences that were unpleasant can be erased from your memory. You have a wealth of experience that will serve you and others very well, in whatever you choose to do as your next adventure. Some of you will join us as Galactic Beings and quite rightly as our equals.
Our mission has altered greatly from when we started and now your pathway is clearer to us, needs a greater involvement in your affairs. It was hoped that as the end times approached the dark Ones would see that their position was untenable, and allow you to complete your journey without interference. That has not proved to be the case, and they have broken promises to cease their actions. It left us with no option but to get permission to remove them, and as many of you are finding out that has gone ahead. To prevent them from continuing with their interference, we have had to destroy their facilities which are mainly underground. Meanwhile we focus on the Middle East that for a long time has had the potential to break out into a world war. We expect that when the different countries see the futility of ignoring our demands to stop, that they will cease their activities and allow peace to descend upon Earth. It must be so because it is divinely decreed.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and delighted that we are so near to solving one of your major world problems that stands in the way of permanent peace.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Benjamin Fulford 3-13-12…”It is time to storm the Bastille, vive la revolution”… “Satan has left the Building (Universe)”

Benjamin Fulford 3-13-12…”It is time to storm the Bastille, vive la revolution”… “Satan has left the Building (Universe)”

[UPDATED 3-12-12 0908 HST: I received this comment from a well-respected (by me) reader currently remaining anonymous (by me), with which I am in complete agreement. "In my opinion, Benjamin Fulford has again chosen to communicate with the warring parties thru his directive to us. So disregard his duplicitous statements of possible disruptive actions in the first paragraph [of Ben's report below; and I believe this applies to selected statements in several paragraphs]. They won’t happen!”]
This is a rather extensive list of “great” news occurring and/or about to occur on the planet. Ben describes a three-pronged effort to liberate humanity from the cabal-installed energy grid, ending hunger and poverty, and a secret third prong effort to start a bottom up revolution. All I can say is that it is highly unlikely that any type of nuclear attempts “to sink the La Palma rock formation” and cause a tsunami to hit the East Coast US and Europe would be permitted by the Galactics.
However, I do suggest that you read on.
“The financial war that has been raging intensively at least since 2001 may be finally ending. This week a three pronged effort to convince the Luciferian banking cabal to surrender is being carried out. In one prong, the Chinese government has announced it will start the mass installation of wind and solar power devices on rooftops world-wide in order to free humanity from the cabal controlled energy grid. In another prong, the cabal controlled central banks will be asked to make good on broken promises by redeeming financial instruments backed by gold stolen from holocaust victims during World War 3. The third prong is still being kept secret but essentially it is a promise to start a bottom-up revolution in cabal controlled countries like Italy, France, Germany, the UK and the US unless these countries stop their ceaseless war-mongering.”
  • The financial war that has been raging intensively at least since 2001 may be finally ending.
  • This week a three pronged effort to convince the Luciferian banking cabal to surrender is being carried out.
  • …mass installation of wind and solar power devices… world-wide… cabal controlled central banks will be asked to make good on broken promises by redeeming financial instruments… The third prong… still… kept secret… a promise to start a bottom-up revolution in… countries like Italy, France, Germany, the UK and the US unless these countries stop their ceaseless war-mongering.
  • The arrest of Bill Gates, the announcement in an Italian paper that the pope will resign on April 15th, and the presence of a US marshal accompanying cabal operatives like Timothy Geithner are all signs that very little, if any, opposition remains.
  • …a revolutionary roof-top wind turbine and solar panel combination will be distributed with no initial down-payment necessary… Other “free energy” technologies… may be used… Toyota has… begun… producing cars, now on the market, that get over 100 kilometers to per liter or over 300 miles per gallon.
  • …the banking cabal will be asked to make… a $15 trillion donation for the purposes of ending war, ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and freeing humanity from drudgery, poverty and disease.
  • There will be an announcement, aired live on March 13th on the internet, by the hacker group anonymous, the gnostic Illuminati faction and the White Dragon Society. If this announcement is not heeded, there will be revolution
  • …Western embassies in Tokyo will all be shutting down on March 20th…
  • …he Chinese and Japanese military have finalized preparations to sink the La Palma rock formation into the ocean and cause a 100 meter tsunami to hit the US East coast and Southern Europe in retaliation for the planned attack on Tokyo.
  • …an informant has provided this writer with more details on how the banking cabal has manipulated the Japanese political system.
  • The first anniversary of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attacks has come and the Japanese corporate media provided extensive coverage while carefully avoiding saying it was a natural disaster.
  • They need to understand that Satan has already left this universe. Humanity will finally be set free.
It is time to storm the Bastille, vive la revolution
by Benjamin Fulford. March 13, 2012
The financial war that has been raging intensively at least since 2001 may be finally ending. This week a three pronged effort to convince the Luciferian banking cabal to surrender is being carried out. In one prong, the Chinese government has announced it will start the mass installation of wind and solar power devices on rooftops world-wide in order to free humanity from the cabal controlled energy grid. In another prong, the cabal controlled central banks will be asked to make good on broken promises by redeeming financial instruments backed by gold stolen from holocaust victims during World War 3. The third prong is still being kept secret but essentially it is a promise to start a bottom-up revolution in cabal controlled countries like Italy, France, Germany, the UK and the US unless these countries stop their ceaseless war-mongering.
The arrest of Bill Gates, the announcement in an Italian paper that the pope will resign on April 15th, and the presence of a US marshal accompanying cabal operatives like Timothy Geithner are all signs that very little, if any, opposition remains.
Last week a Chinese delegation met with a representative of the White Dragon Society in Tokyo. At the meeting an informal agreement was reached in which the Chinese side promised to provide manufacturing facilities and financing for new energy technology. To start with a revolutionary roof-top wind turbine and solar panel combination will be distributed with no initial down-payment necessary to householders and enterprises world-wide. These householders will then pay the installers the equivalent of their current energy bill for 5 years after which they will become energy independent. This is a concrete and realistic way to give the atomic and fossil fuel based energy cartels time to find a new line of business.
Other “free energy” technologies, if proven to exist, may be used in lieu of these devices but only after safety testing. The installation of these devices would also be phased in so that existing energy corporations would have plenty of time to transition into new lines of enterprise. Toyota has also already begun its assault on the fossil fuel industry by producing cars, now on the market, that get over 100 kilometers to per liter or over 300 miles per gallon.
In a different, and more direct move, the banking cabal will be asked to make a $15 trillion donation for the purposes of ending war, ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and freeing humanity from drudgery, poverty and disease. This will involve a specific actual move that we cannot write about in detail at this time other than to say it involves asking the Odessa/Bush Nazis to pay back the gold they stole from holocaust victims. The only other thing that can be said about this particular maneuver at this time is to tell the Romans to “beware the ides of March.”
There will be an announcement, aired live on March 13th on the internet, by the hacker group anonymous, the gnostic Illuminati faction and the White Dragon Society. If this announcement is not heeded, there will be revolution according to both anonymous and the gnostics.
In other news, Western embassies in Tokyo will all be shutting down on March 20th, ostensibly to celebrate the vernal equinox. If this embassy closure is a pretext to evacuate personnel in preparation for a mass terror attack against Tokyo, there will be unfathomable consequences for the Western ruling oligarchs and their extended families. In addition, nuclear weapons have already been placed in both Jerusalem and Rome by gnostic agents and these two cities will vanish forever if Tokyo is attacked. We urge all citizens of these two cities to evacuate immediately should Tokyo be terrorized by the Romans.
Furthermore, the Chinese and Japanese military have finalized preparations to sink the La Palma rock formation into the ocean and cause a 100 meter tsunami to hit the US East coast and Southern Europe in retaliation for the planned attack on Tokyo. The world will no longer tolerate Roman terror. The Romans must renounce Satan and the Vatican must be purged of all Satanists. This is not negotiable.
In other news, an informant has provided this writer with more details on how the banking cabal has manipulated the Japanese political system. Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, a freemason Satanic agent, was bribed by the bankers with the promise his son would be the “first prime minister of a world government.” The source of this information is a friend of Hatoyama’s wife.
Hatoyama and Banri Kaeda, along with Seiji Maehara are some of the top Satanic P2 lodge agents in the current Democratic Party of Japan government. This source also confirmed at former Prime Minister Naoto Kan is a North Korean Satanic P2 lodge agent. Power broker Ichiro Ozawa tried to switch sides and “join the Chinese,” but he was in fact an agent for J. Rockefeller who was trying to infiltrate the Asian secret societies.
The Japanese magazine Kami no Bakudan (paper bomb) has also reported in its latest edition that current Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is part of a homosexual network of agents linked to Panasonic founder Konosuke Matsushita and the CIA international homosexual network centered at Georgetown University. Any government official worldwide who was sent to Georgetown for graduate studies is likely to be part of this network. However, as far as we can tell, the gay network is supportive of the White Dragon Society and its aims to end poverty, end war and stop environmental destruction.
We would like to ask this network to fully activate itself in order to dismantle the remaining Satanic agents still working to terrorize Japan into submission to their plans for a world fascist government. They know the specific agents who have been carrying out this traitorous work and they must all be put into preventative custody this week.
The first anniversary of the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attacks has come and the Japanese corporate media provided extensive coverage while carefully avoiding saying it was a natural disaster. This is a clear sign the media moguls here are still cowards who are sitting on the fence and waiting to see who wins the financial war.
They need to understand that Satan has already left this universe. Humanity will finally be set free.

Prayer That Brings Miracles

Prayer That Brings Miracles

This is one of the Best prayers I think I have ever read.  PRAY THIS PRAYER OUT ALOUD, DO IT NOW!!!  IT WILL ONLY TAKE A MINUTE.  I started not to do this, but as I read it....I understood God to say, 'You need a miracle tomorrow'.  So here goes...Prov. 29:25 you never know When God is going to bless you!!  Good things happen when you least expect them to!!!!!!!!

"Dear Almighty Lord God, Jesus Christ, I thank you for this day, for this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
I thank you for my being able to see, and to hear, and to speak, and to feel, and to taste of your good creation this day and every day.  I'm blessed because you are such a loving and such A forgiving God, and such an understanding and caring God.  You have done so much for me and yet you keep on blessing me.
Forgive me this day for everything I have ever done, or ever said or ever thought that was not pleasing to you. I say I am so sorry.  I now repent and ask for your forgiveness.  Please keep me safe O God From all danger, hurt, and harm.  Help me to start this day and every day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude.  Let me make the best of each and every day, to clear my mind so that I can hear from you.  Please broaden my mind so that I can accept all things. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over, for all things are working together for my good and God's Glory.  And when I'm pushed beyond my limits, give me the Best response, a response which says Alleluia, and Praise the Lord, and Thanks be  unto the Most High God Almighty, I know that when I can't Pray, You listen to the prayer of my heart.  Continue to use me to do your will.  Continue to bless me so that I may be a blessing to others.  Keep me strong so that I may help the weak...Keep me uplifted so that I may have Words of encouragement for the discouraged.  I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way that they come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, even through this Prayer I am now praying.
I pray for those that are misjudged, misguided, misused, and misunderstood.  I pray for those who don't know you intimately.  I pray for those who will delete this prayer without sharing the Love of God with others. I pray for those that don't believe.  But I thank you that I do believe that God changes people and God changes things.  I pray for all my sisters and brothers; for each and every one of the family members in their households. I pray for peace, love, and joy in their homes; I pray that they are out of debt and that all their financial needs are met and they have more than enough to be a blessing to others.
I pray for every eye that reads and says this Prayer that they come to know that there is no problem, no circumstance, no situation that is greater than God, for God is greater than all, God is greater in all, God is greater through all, and God is greater upon all.  For God, the Most High God Almighty of all the Universes is truly the Greatest of All.  I pray for all my enemies, and those who have used me and abused me, and have lifted up their hands and their tongue against me. I now forgive them for all they have done. In Jesus Name, all my enemies are now forgiven, and I pray God's forgiveness upon all my enemies, for they don't know what they are doing, for I am a Child of God.
So every battle that I have ever encountered in my life is now in God's Loving hands, for You, O God fights all my battles for me.
I pray that these words be believed, received and accepted into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every tongue that confesses them in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray believing, receiving and accepting God's miracles in my life this day and every day, for God's Divine favor is now my heritage, in Jesus Name. Amen and Amen! It is done! O Praise The Lord! Alleluia!  God Bless You!! ! ! !  Just repeat the phrase below and see how God moves!!
God I so love you and I need you. I confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, my Lord, my Savior, and my King, and I confess this day and every day that I am highly FAVORED by God and man.  Please come into my life, Lord Jesus Christ and change my heart now!
Let's take this Prayer around the World.   You will receive a miracle tomorrow.  Don't ignore this and God will bless you.  Know that you are already blessed by the person who sent this to you.  You never know how many people you will bring to the foot of the Cross because of you sending this e-mail out to as many people as possible, and God will say to you 'Well Done'

"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. When God takes something from your grasp, he's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. Something good will happen to you today, something that you have been waiting for to hear.  Please repeat these 30 Words, " Almighty Jesus Christ, my Everlasting Father, walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses, and please watch over and heal my family in Jesus name, Amen".  This prayer is so powerful. Pass this to other people. A blessing is coming to you.  Do not break or ask questions. This is a test. Does God come first in your life? If so, stop what you're doing & send it to other people right now......Let’s take this Prayer around the world.....And watch what God does for you.
Don't stand before God empty handed. Send this out to as many people as possible now, and let this be your ministry unto God who Brings Miracles in your life today and every day.
Fear not stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today (Exodus 14:13) (Amplified Bible)

The World Asks about Obama

THE   O B A M A  V E T T I N G    B E G I N S !

As the ANDREW BREITBART TEAM Rolls Out Their Plans,
Obama Stands Exposed and Accused!
Media Matters http://mediamatters.org/ chief David Brock paid a former domestic partner $850,000 after being threatened with damaging information involving the organization’s donors and the IRS – a deal that Brock later characterized as a blackmail payment, according to legal documents obtained by FoxNews.com.
In an acrimonious lawsuit settled at the end of last year, RUSH LIMBAUGH is in the barrel at this bought & paid for George Soros website today.
KEYWORD = Cyanide Poisoning


Thanks to my son who just moments ago sent me this graphic.
  • The cause & effect, going broke,  has become bragging rights in Washington, D.C.
  • Where is the outrage?
  • Tell me!
Nancy L. - Do you have anything to add to the weather & radiation? I can use the info for our group.

For the addressed. . . . . ..brace yourself. I am going to unload a humdinger regarding the weather and all of it's
doings! Appears we are in 'stall mode or delay mode' but for only hours. Perhaps a few days.

BE AWARE - 3/11/2012 -- Scalar Square and HAARP ring outbreak = Kentucky , Ohio, W. Virginia

JAPAN - LATEST ERUPTIONS & REAL NEWS - http://www.youtube.com/user/dutchsinse Happened 3 hours ago.

Stop long enough to see what is really happening on the west beach side. Go here and check this out. . . . . . http://www.world-earthquakes.com/index.php & Past 7 days earthquakes: http://www.world-earthquakes.com/index.php?option=past7days. Just because it is not a repeat of last weekend does not mean it's not going to happen. If you check my homework & hard work,
it appears, we are going to be 'spot on for this call' as suspected and now expected. As always, inspect what you expect.

Time to make pee pee in your Congressman's Corn Flakes! At least tell them you know what they are hiding from you!

Here in North Carolina, I suggest Walter Jones. We seem to have one Congressman that is also 'mad as hell and he is not going to take it any more!Salute from just west of Lizard Lick, North Carolina! 
"the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.” Impeachment is in the works! Now!

The Enemy Within is not about to let Congress do anything. Obama says Congress is
'ceremonial' as you have heard. There is more of us than them! Get it?

If the picture of Obama fails to arrive, you can bet it will be in my final report. Exposure is my passion since June 11, 2011 to bring us the self-evident proof of this 'mell of a hess' that the 'mainstream media' funded Foundations control. The Gatekeepers! Get it? I report & you decide! Fair enough?

In the meantime,

An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart’s Death Scene. This will be covered in my report to follow soon

T H E   V E T T I N G    B E G I N S !

As the BREITBART TEAM Rolls Out Their Plans,

Obama Stands Exposed andAccused!
Andrew Breitbart would be filled with joy to see his team 'press on' and we now have the cause & effect of the death too. Reports received are now show & telling Cyanide poisoning is known to cause this condition. Will this be shown on the Certificate of Death? I doubt it appears to be true! Pictures of where the body fell is included in their report.

Sorry for the brief but I am at page 4 proof reading and skimmed over to pages 47. This Project in Process Report appears heading towards the 300+ pages for sure. No way are all of what I have accumulated is going to make the mainstream news. 

WEATHER KEEN AWARENESS - Heads Up e-readers! I must bring you up on the weather and what is truly happening. Check out what's happening from Alaska to Southern California and Mexico. Do not dare to argue or dispute me. These are public records and you have access to these too. Stop being a 'suck a thumb' and get a real life! Stop the dumbing process and get serious about being serious.

To my serious like-minded website players, this is a copy to you and not a single word, such as 'suck a thumb' is directed to you. Let it be known I get
paid to talk like this! Right on! My two-cents may be of help to you too!
Are we all going broke? Why do you think I keep addressing The NexBoom Champions? Get it?

I thought you would. You best click on the above photo now before you forget it. Bragging rights?

How about all of this suspense. I cannot release what I have not yet completed. This is HOW REAL NEWS AND HISTORY MAKING TIMES happens on this end. We are in the first to know and understand players! Watch for my follow-up later today. Corruption is being exposed big time! The Mysteryman Obama is no longer a mystery. Thanks to Andrew and others with the guts to find and tell the truth! Salute!

Just me,

G. Gulick

Request Information: www.myncd.com/449019

Obama Mocks & Attacks Jesus Christ And The Bible


Message from Montague Keen - March 11, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from Montague Keen - March 11, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Mar-2012 23:44:39

Message from Montague Keen - March 11, 2012
My dear, there is joy on both sides of life when truth is spoken and injustice is openly revealed. MIKO PELED has now come forward to join the ranks with Gilad Atzmon, to seek a peaceful solution to one of the greatest problems facing your world. With help from our friends on other planets we are actually preventing the annihilation of your planet. The power crazy Cabal has no regard for mere humans; after all, they have bases off-planet to which they can escape. People are waking up to this fact as more brave individuals speak out about their experiences with off-planet travel and what they refer to as ETs. When enough people come forward to tell the real truth, which they had kept secret for fear of reprisal from governments, then the majority will see clearly that they have been the victims of a colossal conspiracy to take over your world.
Religions, whose rules they have lived by and trusted, are all part of the Cabal. Think back to when the late ROBERT MAXWELL, the zionist newspaper magnate, stated: "I AM ABOUT TO PULL OFF THE BIGGEST SCAM SINCE WE SET UP A CARPENTER'S SON AS GOD AND GOT PEOPLE TO PAY HIM MONEY EVER SINCE." Interestingly, Maxwell 'died' in mysterious circumstances almost immediately ! These people have been pulling off what they call "scams" throughout history. Global Warming is one such scam that so many of you innocently believe, when in actual fact, it's just a ruse to create fear and to enable them to tax and control you even more. These people are clever, they have had years of practice. They wrote the Bible, so do not look to that for guidance. That was all part of the Great Plan to control the masses. You must admit, it worked well until good people woke up and realized what was being done to them.
There is a concerted effort on this side of life to enable people to see the truth for themselves. Know that you are all equal in the sight of the Supreme Being. Those of you who think you know it all, only know what the Cabal allows you to know. They control your schools and universities, etc. So what you have accepted as fact is far from it. You have to 'un-learn' so much, then start again from the beginning. This is why I guide you back to ancient knowledge and sacred geometry, for it is there that you will find the real truth.
We are trying to limit the damage the Cabal might do before they finally accept that their rule is over. They failed to foresee the awakening of the good people who have dared to put their heads above the parapet and speak out when they saw injustice. Some have given their lives to rescue their fellow man and their planet. This movement has spread worldwide, and now, millions of people have became part of it. Never ask "What can I do?" When you wake up to who and what you are, you will understand that YOU, in fact, are the powerful ones. But you allowed the corrupt to use superstition and fear to undermine you. Do not allow anyone or anything to distract you from the path of light and truth.
Those who try to predict the future hit a brick wall. They cannot go beyond 2012, as that is the end of 3D living. 3D people cannot go further or even see further than 2012. Even with all their technology they cannot see beyond this year - this is when the corrupt world ends. Mankind will go forward into the light where peace and love rule. This Transition can be as easy or as hard as you want to make it: but happen, it most certainly will.
Take time to envisage what life will be like without war; when it will be safe to travel, and to explore all the hidden knowledge that was kept from you. The Andromedans have told you of the technology they intend to share with you, to enable all of you to live your lives in peace. It is beyond anything that is known in your world. Life will become an adventure when all doors are open to you.
The process of change is happening now, even though this news is kept from you. We rely on the good people on Earth to keep you informed. Their help is invaluable. Although they are attacked from time to time, they continue their mission undaunted. The more light they create, the less powerful the Cabal becomes. They are attacking each other now as they fight for their survival. There is no honor among thieves. Their crime against humanity is enormous when you see and understand what has been done to the human race. It will be painful to deal with, but concentrate on the fact that it is over. Do not dwell on it. Celebrate its departure !
Learn to live in the sunshine once more. All of humanity together, knowing that you each have done your bit to bring this about. You are all part of this Great Awakening.
Go forward with confidence, my dear. All our plans will come to fruition. Continue to allow love to be your guiding light. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Constitution - MISSING 13th Amendment - "Titles Of Nobility and Honor"

This is the download for the Missing 13th Amendment which was purposely removed. Read it and you see why.

If this was in place ---- WOW!


"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."