Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An Administration Gone Rogue

An Administration Gone Rogue

“Have certain parts of the Constitution become irrelevant, as a former Republican leader once told me at a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing? At the time, I was told that demanding a Congressional declaration of war before invading Iraq, as Article I Section 8 of the Constitution requires, was unnecessary and anachronistic. Congress and the president then proceeded without a Constitutional declaration and the disastrous Iraq invasion was the result…”

Click here to read the full article:  http://bit.ly/xfYYqK

By now most of you have given up on the entire election process in America. The fraud is obvious although it's been with us for DECADES. Here's a great video clip of how the media is 100% involved in election rigging...
This Hoax Affect Everyone
So it didn't surprise me that when Ron Paul won his first Caucus Primary in the US Virgin Islands that the MSM called Romney the WINNER!

Ron Paul Wins 1st Caucus: Mainstream Media Calls it for Romney

Even though the head honchos of the MSM are being taken down (ie - Murdoch & friends) the MSM minions continue their game...for now. It may make a lot of you angry but I'm not distressed by any of this because..
Yep. All is going as planned. Stretch out the vote until the August Primary, at the right time expose Romney, Gingrich and Santorum for the "Bad Guy" operatives they are, Crash the global monetary system and the nation turns to Ron Paul.
SPECIAL REPORT: The "Good Guys" Election Strategy
So I'm not worried about the Mainstream Media abusing Ron Paul (or Sarah Palin for that matter). Very soon those MSM Shills will be exposed for what they are and then they will feel the WRATH of We The People. 
My advise to them: Take early retirement like all those global banksters did.
It will be better for your health.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

http://paul.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1954:an-administration-gone-rogue&catid=62:texas-straight-talk&Itemid=69 ** ..61 comments...