Monday, March 12, 2012

Message from Montague Keen - March 11, 2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Message from Montague Keen - March 11, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Mar-2012 23:44:39

Message from Montague Keen - March 11, 2012
My dear, there is joy on both sides of life when truth is spoken and injustice is openly revealed. MIKO PELED has now come forward to join the ranks with Gilad Atzmon, to seek a peaceful solution to one of the greatest problems facing your world. With help from our friends on other planets we are actually preventing the annihilation of your planet. The power crazy Cabal has no regard for mere humans; after all, they have bases off-planet to which they can escape. People are waking up to this fact as more brave individuals speak out about their experiences with off-planet travel and what they refer to as ETs. When enough people come forward to tell the real truth, which they had kept secret for fear of reprisal from governments, then the majority will see clearly that they have been the victims of a colossal conspiracy to take over your world.
Religions, whose rules they have lived by and trusted, are all part of the Cabal. Think back to when the late ROBERT MAXWELL, the zionist newspaper magnate, stated: "I AM ABOUT TO PULL OFF THE BIGGEST SCAM SINCE WE SET UP A CARPENTER'S SON AS GOD AND GOT PEOPLE TO PAY HIM MONEY EVER SINCE." Interestingly, Maxwell 'died' in mysterious circumstances almost immediately ! These people have been pulling off what they call "scams" throughout history. Global Warming is one such scam that so many of you innocently believe, when in actual fact, it's just a ruse to create fear and to enable them to tax and control you even more. These people are clever, they have had years of practice. They wrote the Bible, so do not look to that for guidance. That was all part of the Great Plan to control the masses. You must admit, it worked well until good people woke up and realized what was being done to them.
There is a concerted effort on this side of life to enable people to see the truth for themselves. Know that you are all equal in the sight of the Supreme Being. Those of you who think you know it all, only know what the Cabal allows you to know. They control your schools and universities, etc. So what you have accepted as fact is far from it. You have to 'un-learn' so much, then start again from the beginning. This is why I guide you back to ancient knowledge and sacred geometry, for it is there that you will find the real truth.
We are trying to limit the damage the Cabal might do before they finally accept that their rule is over. They failed to foresee the awakening of the good people who have dared to put their heads above the parapet and speak out when they saw injustice. Some have given their lives to rescue their fellow man and their planet. This movement has spread worldwide, and now, millions of people have became part of it. Never ask "What can I do?" When you wake up to who and what you are, you will understand that YOU, in fact, are the powerful ones. But you allowed the corrupt to use superstition and fear to undermine you. Do not allow anyone or anything to distract you from the path of light and truth.
Those who try to predict the future hit a brick wall. They cannot go beyond 2012, as that is the end of 3D living. 3D people cannot go further or even see further than 2012. Even with all their technology they cannot see beyond this year - this is when the corrupt world ends. Mankind will go forward into the light where peace and love rule. This Transition can be as easy or as hard as you want to make it: but happen, it most certainly will.
Take time to envisage what life will be like without war; when it will be safe to travel, and to explore all the hidden knowledge that was kept from you. The Andromedans have told you of the technology they intend to share with you, to enable all of you to live your lives in peace. It is beyond anything that is known in your world. Life will become an adventure when all doors are open to you.
The process of change is happening now, even though this news is kept from you. We rely on the good people on Earth to keep you informed. Their help is invaluable. Although they are attacked from time to time, they continue their mission undaunted. The more light they create, the less powerful the Cabal becomes. They are attacking each other now as they fight for their survival. There is no honor among thieves. Their crime against humanity is enormous when you see and understand what has been done to the human race. It will be painful to deal with, but concentrate on the fact that it is over. Do not dwell on it. Celebrate its departure !
Learn to live in the sunshine once more. All of humanity together, knowing that you each have done your bit to bring this about. You are all part of this Great Awakening.
Go forward with confidence, my dear. All our plans will come to fruition. Continue to allow love to be your guiding light. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation


Anonymous said...

-"...there is joy on both sides of life when truth is spoken and injustice is openly revealed."-

This is irrational contradiction, mental and conceptual dissonance designed to substitute a falsehood in place of a truth.

"...there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." -Ecclesiastes 9:10


Robert Maxwell is described as a crooked cabalist. Why, then, should we be asked to believe this claim as a fact, if he, indeed, made it?

-"They wrote the Bible, so do not look to that for guidance. That was all part of the Great Plan to control the masses."-

"They" did no such thing. History contains the record of their attempts to destroy God's Word -- and failing. The Bible exposes and warns against Cabalists and criminals of every variety.

-"Those of you who think you know it all, only know what the Cabal allows you to know."-

This is a gratuitous, over-stated generalization--and thus, a deception. There is truth to be found, free from compromised, lying sources.

-"I guide you back to ancient knowledge and sacred geometry, for it is there that you will find the real truth."-

That is where superstition, fear, self-worship, and human sacrifice will be found. The worshipping of devils. Isn't the Nazi elite reported to have studied and loved such occult 'truth'? Isn't the swastika an ancient cosmic religious geometrical sun-symbol, imagined to proclaim 'truth'?

The most ancient knowledge of all is that of our Creator, Jesus Christ.

"And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist." -Colossians 1:17

-"You are all part of this Great Awakening."-

Universal salvation is not going to happen. Free choice automatically determines this is fact. Not all will choose the only way of salvation available. John 10:1-11

It is abhorrent that some will use the extreme criminality of the elite powers-that-be as a slip-way to introduce more deceit and crime into earth's wickedly troubled condition -- as though more of the same will be the solution!

If fallen humanity--with or without the help of fallen angels--was capable of creating a Christ-less paradise of truth and goodness and fairness it would have happened before now.

History has made the point, ad infinitum: It won't, and can't, happen.

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." -John 14:3

Anonymous said...

FYI Jesus Christ is not our creator church lady.
There is not going to be any rapture (where 144,000 special ones like yourself get to go to heaven while the rest of us sinners perish)...but there will be a mass ascension later this year, and if you can't open your steel trap mindset to accept other possibilities then you might not make it.
Rest assured you will have all the answers to your many questions between now & the next 9 months.
Unfortunately your are incorrest about the bible. They are telling you the truth here & you can't see it.
I have challenged you before & I will do it again to read the book "Gods of Eden" by William Bramley 600 pgs paperback and then you will know more about the relegion you are so programmed by.
Your own dogma will hold you back from seeking & finding the truth.

The illuminati via the Vatican have manipulated the bible to suit their needs to inflict fear to control the people. I have verified this with a Catholic Priest myself and he admitted reincarnation has been in the bible & removed and showed my scriptures that pertained to it.

Also there is no death for us as spiritual beings as we are immortal. This is a big tool for fear as well as hell which does not exist. There is only death in 3D here and we have been lied to about reincarnation as we come back over & over until now. Now we are at the end of this cycle and it is time to graduate this school of learning to move back up to the higher realms where we came from to be with our true galactic family. They are the ones coming here to meet us where we will work together forever. Or you can deny all this and stay here in the lower realms of 3D because you have not yet learned the reason for being here. "Free will"

I will tell you why you are here if your interested.

You are here because you were hand picked to be here for this time in earth's history where never before has the creator tried an experiment like this one to learn the effects of free will & never before has he allowed a complete planet of people mass ascend from 3rd to 5th yet still remain incarnated in your own human body. So what I am saying here is nobody will die & if you don't pass before the next 9 will remain alive from now on into eternity.

The results of this world in "free will" is a model for the creator to use as an examlpe for creating other worlds and he has said that this "free will" will not be permitted anywhere else where the dark can control/rule over the rest of humanity. Our time here (26,500 years) will go down in galactic history for other worlds to review how it was here in 3D and we are all heros for doing it.
When you get full consciousness later this year and all your memories return you will remember all or your lifes and will have acquired a TON of knowledge compiled from all thoses lifes.
The galactics from the higher realms eagerly await our meeting so they can exchange stories of how it is to live in 3D. (as they have not) We both stand to learn much from each other.
FYI I know Full Consciousness is real as I have experienced it myself back in the mid 70's and I KNEW EVERYTHING. I could have made Einstien look stupid in comparison. I also had telepathy and could read your thoughts & speak to you without words and get your reply back in an instant.
I later realized we all had these abilities and more but have forgotten. Now it is time to wake up & remember who youare & why you are here. What is your mission. I'm sure it wasn't to support the satanic cabal Vatican and their dogma to suppress humans. Wake up...Remember what I have told you when it comes later this year. Mr.Ed

Anonymous said...

Very well said, Anonymous! We are to live by every word of God, not those of humans who make a mockery of His Word.
2 Timothy 3:12 "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, (mocked, ridiculed, harmed or hurt) 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived."

Satan is working overtime to deceive, knowing that his time to rule Earth is short!

Anonymous said...

Jesus came not to start a religion, but show by his example the way Man should live. He was the perfect example of One who lived his word, and when he preached love that is exactly what he was Love Incarnate. There is nothing else in your lives that is of such importance, and it starts by loving Self and then others. Since you are All One, why would you treat another part of yourself any differently from anyone else.

Your principle lesson is to be able to express Unconditional Love, and when you can do so you can claim to have found the Way. We know that it is not easy to suddenly view life quite differently to what you have been used to, but if you are to progress you will need to change your beliefs.

Jesus came to show by example, that it was possible to live a life dedicated to the most complete showing of Unconditional Love. He illustrated that when you can find it within your heart to love all life including those who oppose you, it is possible to create balance and harmony.

Jesus came not to create Christianity, and his teachings were for all people regardless of their personal beliefs. That his powerful energy of love still remains on Earth, is a credit to his ability to manifest such a high level of vibration when there was so much darkness around. He spoke of the One God that every soul is connected to and conveyed the idea that all were One within that energy.Ascended Masters are individuals who were once embodied on Earth and learned the lessons of life in their incarnations. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma (Divine Plan).

An Ascended Master has become God-like and a source of unconditional Love to all life, and through the Ascension has united with his or her own God Self, the “I AM” Presence. It is claimed that they serve as the teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit, and that all people will eventually attain their Ascension and move forward in spiritual evolution beyond this planet. According to these teachings, they remain attentive to the spiritual needs of humanity, and act to inspire and motivate its spiritual growth.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is free to choose who, and what, will constitute their final authority. I will choose Jesus Christ. No one else even begins to come close to Him in qualifying for that confidence and position.

You have chosen other voices and persons as your confidence and highest authority in matters defining and interpreting reality (truth). I would respectfully suggest these others you have chosen do not deserve your trust. For example, the recorded history of the papacy and it's priesthood is filled with crime and fraud and counterfeiting. If we gathered up all the 'pieces of the true cross', how many dozens of crosses could we fabricate? I do not understand why someone would place trust in those of that institution.

I know Who made me, and I know why I'm here. The Bible reveals it. The Bible also condemns the illuminati and the Vatican and what they stand for--and they certainly didn't write that. Learn what the issues were in the Protestant Reformation. They're still exceptionally valid today.

Respectfully, I do not for a moment believe anyone who says they "knew everything". However, it may have felt that way when a powerful, angelic intelligence superimposed itself on your own brain and nervous system.

Thank-you for the time and effort of your reply. The future will certainly be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Truly said! Jesus will have the last word. I am so thankful for that!

Anonymous said...

With respect, you have described a confused mixture of contradictory ideas. Light and darkness cannot be made to co-exist. Jesus Himself taught something which quite disagrees with much of what you're saying. I recommend we change our beliefs to what He actually says. If we do, we will certainly progress!