Saturday, March 24, 2012

World Global Settlements, PP and Dinar RV conference call - MUST LISTEN;1NTQ3MzE0NDI=1


Obama - A powerful message from Colonel Jacobi & Veterans

 Amazing how something with no vulgarity can be one of the most insulting and powerful messages to Obama that I have seen to date! Do not think for even a split second that this is a mistake: Colonel Jacobi intended that this message to Obama be both powerful and insulting!

The Subversion of America by Corporate Rule: Microsoft's Bill Gates

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI: The Subversion of America by Corporate Rule: Microsoft's Bill Gates
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 24-Mar-2012 14:15:58

CGI's Billsbest:
Like many of the world's richest businessmen [1], Bill Gates believes in a special form of democracy, otherwise known as plutocracy; that is, socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor. Following in the footsteps of John D. Rockefeller's and Andrew Carnegie's charitable foundations, Gates, like most capitalists, relies upon the government to protect his business interests from competition, but is less keen on the idea of a government that acts to redistribute wealth to the wider populous.
For powerful capitalists such as Gates, the State is merely a tool to be harnessed for profit maximization, and they themselves, having acquired their wealth by exploiting and manipulating the economic system, then take it upon their own shoulders to help relieve global inequality and escalating poverty. As one might expect, their definitions of the appropriate solutions to inequality neglect to seriously challenge the primary driver of global poverty, capitalism. For the most part, the incompatibility of democracy and capitalism remains anathema. Instead, those capitalist philanthropists fund all manner of ‘solutions’ that help provide a much needed safety valve for rising resistance and dissent, while still enabling business-as-usual, albeit with a band-aid stuck over some of the more glaring inequities.
With huge, government-aided financial empires resting in the hands of a small power elite, the ability of the richest individual philanthropists to shape global society is increasing all the time, while the power of society to influence governments is being continuously undermined by many of these powerful philanthropists. This situation is problematic on a number of levels. Democratic governments rely on taxes to stabilise existing structures of governance. Yet, profiting from specifically designed legislation, billionaire capitalists are able to create massive tax-free endowments to satisfy their own particular interests. This process in effect means that vast amounts of money are regularly ‘stolen’ from the democratic citizenry, whereupon they are redistributed by unaccountable elites, who then cynically use this display of generosity to win over more supporters to the free-market principles that they themselves do their utmost to protect themselves from. Bill Gates’ Microsoft Corporation and its associated liberal foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (the largest of its kind in the world), is only one of the more visible displays of capitalism’s hypocrisy.
I – Capitalists cum philanthropists: The roots of Gates’ philanthropy
At this present historical juncture, neoclassical free-market economic doctrines are the favored means of promoting capitalism by business and political elites. In many respects, this neoliberal dogma has been adopted by a sizable proportion of the citizenry of the world's most powerful countries, arguably against the citizenry's own best interests. This widespread internalisation, but not necessarily acceptance, by the broader populous of the economic theories that consolidate capitalist hegemony over the global market did not happen naturally, but actually required a massive ongoing propaganda campaign to embed itself in the minds of the masses. The contours of this propaganda offensive have been well described by Alex Carey who fittingly observed that: “The twentieth century has been characterised by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy.” [2]
There are many reasons why corporate giants engage in liberal philanthropic endeavors: one is to have a direct influence on political decisions through what has been termed political philanthropy [3], but another important reason is that such charitable efforts help cultivate a positive image in the public’s mind that serves to deflect criticism while also helping expand their market share. However, although liberal foundations like the Gates Foundation may engage in ostensibly ‘progressive’ activities, this does not mean that the capitalist enterprises from which their endowments arise (e.g. Microsoft) refrain from engaging in common antidemocratic business practices. So while the Gates Foundation directs some of its resources to progressive grassroots initiatives, its corporate benefactor actually works to create fake grassroots organisations (otherwise known as astroturf groups) to actively lobby through covert means to protect corporate power.
For instance, in 1999 Microsoft helped found a group called Americans for Technology Leadership – a group which describes its role as being “dedicated to limiting government regulation of technology and fostering competitive market solutions to public policy issues affecting the technology industry.” [4] In 2001, Joseph Menn and Edmund Sanders alleged that Americans for Technology Leadership orchestrated a “nationwide campaign to create the impression of a surging grass-roots movement” [5] to help defend Microsoft from monopoly charges. The founder of this front group, Jonathan Zuck, also created another libertarian group in 1998 called the Association for Competitive Technology, a group which was part-sponsored by Microsoft to fight against the anti-trust actions being pursued against Microsoft in the United States. Such antidemocratic campaigns waged via front groups and astroturf organisations, however, were just one part of Microsoft's democracy-manipulation. This is because, as Greg Miller and Leslie Helm demonstrated (in 1998), this was just one part of a programmme that Microsoft and PR giant Edelman had been planning as part of a “massive media campaign designed to influence state investigators by creating the appearance of a groundswell of public support for the company.” [6] None of this should be surprising as, in 1995, it was also revealed how Microsoft were using “consultants to generate computer analyses of reporters’ articles, enlist industry sources to critique writers they know and – less frequently – provide investigative peeks into journalists private lives.” [7] In the rare spate of critical articles surfacing in the late 1990s, it was also shown that Microsoft had made a $380,000 contribution to the conservative corporate-funded astroturf group Citizens for a Sound Economy (now known as FreedomWorks). [8] Unfortunately, these examples only represent the tip of the iceberg of Microsoft's democracy-manipulating activities.
II – The Gates Foundation: Microsoft's 'charity'
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has its roots in two of Gates’ earlier philanthropic projects: the William H. Gates Foundation and the Gates Library Foundation. Understanding the complete backgrounds of the Gates foundations is critical to comprehending the political nature of their work.
Formed in 1994 by Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, the William H. Gates Foundation was managed by Bill Gates’ father, William H. Gates Sr. [9] Presently acting as the co-chairman of the Gates Foundation, Gates Sr. has had a successful career establishing one of Seattle’s leading law firms, Preston Gates and Ellis, which became K&L Gates in 2007. Its work is closely tied to Bill Gates’ corporate/philanthropic network. Gates Sr. is also a director of the food giant Costco, where he sits on their board of directors alongside Charles Munger, the former vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. In 2003, Gates Sr. co-founded the Initiative for Global Development, which is a national network of business leaders that ostensibly champion “effective solutions to global poverty.” The dubious level of commitment this group has to truly solving global poverty can perhaps be best ascertained by the fact that the two co-chairs of the Initiative’s leadership council are the two former Secretaries of State, Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell. Albright, Powell and Gates Sr. also serve as honorary chairs of another misnamed ‘democracy’-promoting project called the World Justice Project, which happens to obtain financial backing from two key weapons manufacturers, Boeing and General Electric. This project also receives support from Microsoft and the Gates Foundation, amongst others.
In 1995, Gates Sr. invited the longstanding birth control activist Suzanne Cluett to help him distribute his foundation’s resources. She then remained with the Gates’ philanthropies as associate director of global health strategies until her death in 2006. Prior to joining the Gates’ philanthropies, Cluett had obtained much experience in population control-related programming as she had spent 16 years as administrative vice president for the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH). The Gates Foundation’s focus here places it in a direct line with that of the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, which have a long history of promoting population control research around the world in line with US imperial interests.
Describing itself as an “international, nonprofit organization that creates sustainable, culturally relevant solutions, enabling communities worldwide to break longstanding cycles of poor health,” PATH had, in 2006, a total income of just over $130 million, of which 65% was derived from foundations, most of which it obtained from its major funding partner, the Gates Foundation. In 1995, PATH’s president, Gordon Perkin, was first approached by Gates Sr. for his advice on family planning issues. This relationship then blossomed over the years and eventually, in late 1999, Perkin stepped down as PATH’s president and became the head of the Gates Foundation’s new Global Health Program. This was not the first time that Perkin had directly worked on population control issues for liberal foundations. In 1964, he joined, as an associate medical director, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, a group that was well supported by Ford and Rockefeller monies. Two years later, he moved to the Ford Foundation to work on population issues in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Mexico and Brazil, where he stayed until he created PATH in 1977.
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Braindead ChiCom censorship goons fail to quash coup rumours.

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Picture: Bo Xilai. Pumpkin pie. 沒有更多的南瓜餅就會被吃掉博先生美國間諜 .

哦贈品! braindead ChiCom 審查暴徒未能推翻政變的傳言。秘密軍隊主導的政權變化,開始在北京舉行。Oh what a giveaway! Braindead ChiCom censorship goons fail to quash coup rumours. Covert army-driven régime change begins in Beijing.
The US Nazi-continuum’s Chongqing agent-in-place, Bo Xilai, was spotted going to get instructions from his Bush-syndicate CIA handler at the US consulate in Chengdu. The treacherous liaison was ghost-tracked by Chinese military intelligence. A clear out of Chinese nationals acting as US agents began. Then tanks appeared briefly on the streets of Beijing.

It was curious that China suddenly squashed the local bloggers who had accurately caught the scent. It was strange that the alternative news caches were suddenly deleted en masse at the servers. But that’s OK. Nothing to be worried about. Everything is hunky dory in Chinatown.

London-led Western corporate confusion can be viewed with amusement here (22.03.12), here (22.03.12), here (22.03.12) and here (16.03.12). And China tries to keep the situation as quiet as possible here (15.03.12).

Homeless to eat 'healthy' or starve in America

Subject: Homeless to eat 'healthy' or starve in America
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All over the country, major cities are banning the feeding of
homeless people.

The excuses they use to ban the feeding of the poor range from
assessing the nutritional content of donated food to beautifying
downtown areas and neighborhoods.

In New York, Mayor Bloomberg is worried about the sodium content.

Really? No salt or no food?

Talk about kicking people when they're down.


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

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ISS crew take to escape capsules in space junk alert

ISS crew take to escape capsules in space junk alert

International Space Station (May 2011)The ISS has previously had to shift its orbit to avoid space junk

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The crew of the International Space Station (ISS) briefly took refuge in escape capsules as a piece of space junk drifted nearby.
The debris - a discarded piece of Russian rocket - was detected on Friday when it was too late to move the ISS.
Nasa said the debris was barely close enough to be a threat but that precautionary measures had to be taken.
It is the third time in 12 years that the ISS has faced a possible collision with space junk.
In June, a piece of debris came within 335m (1,100ft) of the platform.
The ISS is currently manned by three Russians, two Americans and one Dutch astronaut.
They were ordered by ground control to move into two Soyuz escape capsules in case the station was hit, but a Nasa spokesman said they were given the green light to return to the main station at 0238 GMT on Saturday.
The "sheltering exercise" was carried out with "due diligence and in a very precautionary and conservative fashion", said the unnamed spokesman.
"Everything went by the book and as expected, the small piece of cosmos satellite debris passed the international space station without incident."
Russia's space agency said the debris had passed the station at a distance of 23km (14 miles).
"The cosmonauts have returned to performing their previously assigned work," an official told Interfax news agency.
Nasa space junk visualisationNasa is tracking some 20,000 objects travelling in low-Earth orbit
Nasa says it is actively tracking some 22,000 pieces of space debris, but there are millions of objects left over from decades of space travel drifting in Earth's orbit.
They range in size from smaller than a centimetre across to large chunks of rockets, defunct satellites or discarded fuel tanks.
All are travelling at several kilometres per second and could cause serious damage to the ISS or vital satellites if they collided.
The single biggest debris-generating event happened in 2007, when China used a missile to destroy one of its own satellites. The explosion created more than 3,000 trackable objects and an estimated 150,000 debris particles.
Then in 2009, a Russian and American satellite collided, releasing tonnes of debris.
Efforts are being made to draw up an international code of conduct for space exploration to avoid such incidents happening again.
The US announced in January that it was backing EU countries in working towards the code to address long-term safety and security concerns and establish "guidelines for the responsible use of space".
Countries backing the code would also commit to exploring space for peaceful purposes only and to not attacking each other's satellites.
But critics say such a code would not be legally binding, and concerns remain about countries being obliged to share information on satellites used for military purposes.
India, China and Russia, all of which have advanced space programmes, have not yet said they will back the code.
Orbital objects 

Trinity Broadcasting Network under fire

Private jets, 13 mansions and a $100,000 mobile home just for the dogs: Televangelists 'defrauded tens of million of dollars from Christian network'

HEALTH - Aspartame -Brain tumors and blindness!

Subject: Brain tumors and blindness: Down the Aspartame rabbit-hole
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We've covered aspartame before, but Experimental Vaccines has put
together a video that takes us all the way down the Aspartame
rabbit-hole and elaborates on EXACTLY how this genetically modified
bacteria excrement (aspartame) affects our health, causing brain
tumors and blindness.

Included are a couple articles on how Donald Rumsfeld (our former
Secretary of Defense) helped push to get this poison in our foods
and beverages, and made huge profits for poisoning us...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck


3-23-2012   Bluwolf 


Lou Reed: The Day John Kennedy Died

Lou Reed: The Day John Kennedy Died

Posted by: 
Lou Reed: The Day John Kennedy Died
I dreamed I was the president of these United States
I dreamed I replaced ignorance, stupidity and hate
I dreamed the perfect union and a perfect law, undenied
And most of all I dreamed I forgot the day John Kennedy died
I dreamed that I could do the job that others hadn’t done
I dreamed that I was uncorrupt and fair to everyone
I dreamed I wasn’t gross or base, a criminal on the take
And most of all I dreamed I forgot the day John Kennedy died
I dreamed I was the president of these United States
I dreamed I was young and smart and it was not a waste
I dreamed that there was a point to life and to the human race
I dreamed that I could somehow comprehend that someone
Shot him in the face