Monday, April 27, 2015

Cops trained to justify use of deadly force – former US Marshal

When it comes to officer-involved shootings, the problem lies with law enforcement’s training that instructs cops to say they felt the suspects were a threat, either to the officers or to the public, a retired US Marshal told RT.

Retired Chief Deputy US Marshal Matthew Fogg, who served as a law enforcement officer for 32 years, spoke with RT’s Ben Swann about the recent spate of officer-involved shootings in which police killed unarmed suspects and claimed they feared for their safety or for the safety of others. He said the officers’ training is to blame.
“The training says that, whenever you use deadly force, you have to be able to justify it. So to justify it, you have to say either I feared for the safety of myself or the safety of the public, and that this person was an extreme danger to either party,” Fogg said.
In two recent cases – that of Officer Darren Wilson’s shooting and killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in August and Saturday’s incident in South Carolina, where North Charleston Officer Michael Slager fatally shot unarmed Walter Scott eight times in the back – both policemen said they feared for themselves and public safety. This despite the fact that the physical altercations ‒ and thus the threats ‒ had abated.
Fogg doesn’t believe the officers were wrong in pursuing their suspects in either case, but does think that their fears may not have been justified.
“We can pursue you as a law enforcement officer, but the deadly force was over once there was no weapon involved,” he said. “There was no reason at all for this officer [in South Carolina] to be shooting at [Scott]. Now he could have ran [sic] and chased and tracked him down, and if there had been some melee at that point ‒ guy tried to take his gun ‒ then yeah.”

The difference between the two cases, in which Wilson was not indicted but Slager has been charged with murder, is that there was video of the second incident, Fogg noted.
“I think what happened here is now once these officers ‒ when there’s no video ‒ can always say that [there was a threat], and that’s what the public outcry has been, that a lot of incidents where people realize folks were shot and killed, there [were] no weapons involved or whatever, so why did the officer shoot him?” Fogg said.
When Swann asked if the story would be very different in the South Carolina instance if there had there been no video recording, Fogg immediately agreed.
“Absolutely. Certainly. And that’s the problem, that’s why public outcry has been body cameras, videos. It is because [as] officers, we are trained to say whenever we use deadly force that line, ‘I felt a danger for myself or for the public,’” he said.
Fogg then explained how the investigations into officer-involved shootings proceed.
“You have 10 days to think about your story, get your story together. You hear from other detectives, what they came up with, and then you come up with a line that is pretty standard that says, ‘This is my justification,’” he said. “And most of the time, the public is going to go with my ‒ as a law enforcement officer, they’re going to believe me.”
He believes that body cameras, if they are treated the same way dashboard cameras are ‒ meaning they automatically switch on during interactions ‒ will help show when officers truly are justified in shooting suspects.

Jade Helm Gordon Duff paid opposiiton saying its a hoax. SHOWED TRUE COLORS!. Jade Helm is VERY REAL! Try again?

Jade Helm
Posted By: Lymerick Date: Saturday, 25-Apr-2015 04:02:12
        In case you are unaware, there were rumblings in the ranks at ‘Veterans Today’ and disagreements as to what to tell people about Jade Helm. Gordon Duff was outed as controlled opposition and a fraud working for the NWO’s Zbigniew Brzezinski.         There shouldn’t be a CHOICE as to what to publish about Jade Helm. If a veterans’ publication isn’t going to tell the truth, there’s a problem. There’s only ONE truth. Who is telling it?
        An article by a former marine expressing concern was taken down from the site, as well as one by Jim Fetzer, so Jim now shares what HE believes on his blog—and it ain’t what Gordon Duff and Jim Dean said, but it IS what a whole lot of other people are sharing.
        I thought it odd that Duff’s best buddy Glenn Canady from Project NSearch, who promoted him for President, was sharing a gritty article on ‘Before It’s News’ about Jade Helm from former CIA Chip Tatum when Duff was saying it was nothing but a hoax.
        Another reader shared this: “Tom Heneghan has reported that Gordon Duff is an insider working for the bad guys.”
        Psyop on top of psyop on top of psyop. It IS the end game, after all. The final battle for Earth.

40 Percent of Boomers Have No Retirement Savings

Many members of the baby-boom generation are postponing their retirement, given that a troubling 40 percent have no money whatsoever put away for their post-employment years.
Another 21 percent have less than $100,000 in retirement savings.
Those are sobering facts from the latest annual survey by the Insured Retirement Institute (IRI), which monitors the retirement income industry, measuring the retirement preparedness of the boomer generation.
The survey found that 13 percent of boomers have put away between $100,000 and $250,000, 19 percent have $250,000 or more, and 7 percent aren't sure how much they have.
Among boomers who are still working, only 69 percent have saved for retirement.
Overall economic satisfaction has plunged in 2015, from 76 percent in 2011 and 65 percent in 2014 to 48 percent today. The decline is more pronounced among boomers who have retired — dropping from 72 percent last year to 45 percent in 2015.
Among all boomers, just 27 percent now believe they will have enough money to live comfortably throughout their retirement years, 28 percent think they will have enough money to take care of medical expenses, and 19 percent believe they will have enough money to pay for long-term care such as at a nursing home.
More evidence from the IRI survey that boomers are facing economic hardships: Nearly one-quarter of boomers reported that they have had difficulty paying their mortgage or rent in the past year, and 19 percent of working boomers stopped contributing to a retirement account such as an IRA in the past 12 months.
This year 28 percent of boomers expect to retire at age 70 or beyond, 15 percent at ages 65 to 69, 13 percent at 65, and 26 percent before 65. The rest are not sure.
Half of all boomers cite Social Security as their major source of income during retirement, although the average monthly payout this year is just $1,328, while 23 percent cite an employee-funded retirement plan such as a 401(k), and 25 percent are relying on an employer-provided pension.
Four out of 10 boomers with less than $250,000 saved for retirement and no private pension believe they will be able to pay for their basic needs and medical expenses in retirement with at least some money left over for travel and other leisure activities. But the IRI notes that "this may be unrealistic for those who are unable to reduce expenses or who experience significant medical costs."

Big Pharma to market its vaccines with contrived emotional appeal that utterly ignores facts

(NaturalNews) At the behest of the World Health Organization (WHO), the so-called "SAGE [Strategic Advisory Group of Experts] Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy" has put together a report for the United Nations arm outlining new strategies to convince more people to get vaccinated. And in this report, recommendations are made that the vaccine industry market its vaccines in the same way that fast food corporations market junk food products to children -- by appealing to emotion, telling fairy tales and ultimately deceiving consumers.

No matter how much propaganda the vaccine-pushers force into the mainstream media these days, a large segment of the public simply isn't buying it. And this fact has prompted WHO to hire various teams of marketing consultants to come up with new ways to essentially trick people into getting jabbed, a laborious process that led WHO straight to the world's most disingenuous marketing gurus -- junk food companies!

According to, WHO decided that the beset way to sell more vaccines is to enlist the marketing advice of the International Food and Beverage Alliance (IFBA), whose 11 members include The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Nestle, Unilever, General Mills and McDonald's. Each of these multinational corporations admits to using calculating methods to sway customers to buy their unhealthy products, not the least of which includes appealing to people's emotions rather than providing truthful facts.

Happy Meals, cigarettes, alcohol and now vaccines - how the marketing of poisons has evolved over the years

In the SAGE report, the working group explains how it "explored private-sector approaches to shaping behaviour, as well as strategies used by other organizations to change behaviour." In other words, WHO's goal through SAGE was to develop a foolproof marketing approach that would have the biggest impact in convincing people who question or oppose vaccines to change their minds, regardless of the facts.

Among the group's recommendations are various marketing tactics that have been employed by the likes of cigarette manufacturers, alcohol distributors, fast food chains and other toxic industries over the years to make poisons seem appealing. One of these tactics is to avoid any mention of facts or truth, and instead focus on messages that suggest benefits for a product, whether real or imagined.

Take a look at this hilarious 1931 ad for "germ-proof" Camel cigarettes being recommended by a fictitious ear, nose and throat doctor. The header reads, "Give your throat a vacation...," with the following line referencing "fresh" cigarettes, the implication being that smoking Camels will help you breathe better:

Or how about this ridiculous ad for "vitamin donuts," which shows smiley, rosy-cheeked children chowing down on refined flour rounds "fortified with a minimum of 25 units of Vitamin B1":

The absurdity of both of these ads, the latter of which suggests that children who eat donuts will somehow gain "pep and vigor" (which is an obvious lie), illustrates what the SAGE Working Group means when it says on page 48 of its report that vaccine manufacturers need to adopt the philosophy that "Consumers care about benefits, not supporting facts." Read it for yourself here:[PDF]

This tactic has repeatedly been used by companies like McDonald's to push Happy Meals, by alcohol companies to push hard liquor, by cigarette manufacturers to push "cancer sticks" and soon by vaccine corporations to push chemical-laden poison jabs.

People are dumb, suggests WHO, so win them over to vaccines through emotion rather than facts

Some of the other deceptive recommendations in the SAGE report include the following:

• Focus on "the power of the story" -- make up myths about children dying from polio or something and warn parents that if they don't vaccinate their children, they could be next!

• Appeal to people's emotions rather than reason. When reason is involved, people reach conclusions, which in the case of vaccines will more than likely be that vaccines are highly risky and dangerous. Emotions, on the other hand, lead to action -- or as the report puts it, "change comes from feelings, not facts."

• Use social media to "win the hearts, minds, and now, voice" of the public. In other words, infiltrate people's "friends" and "followers" groups to promote vaccines as a safe and effective way to prevent disease, even though this is a lie.

• Hide the connection between private industry and pro-vaccine propaganda -- convince parents that those pushing vaccines are independent and on their side rather than just trying to make huge profits, or worse, trying to kill their children!

• Identify subject matter that people can relate to or that they want to talk about and tie it in with pro-vaccine agenda -- Do you like cars? Your favorite brand says vaccines are awesome!

• If you have to, present what appear to be facts (but that aren't actually true) alongside your emotional appeal to seal the deal and win another vaccine convert.

• Focus on just one or two "big ideas" to encourage "dialogue back and forth in the context of social media" -- once again, infiltrate people's social circles online and repeat, over and over again, that vaccines are safe and effective, vaccines are safe and effective, vaccines are safe and effective.

• Push pro-vaccination "social norms" -- all the cool people are getting vaccines, and so should you!

• Push school-based programs to indoctrinate children into believing vaccines are good for them.

And on and on the list goes, beginning on page 48 of the SAGE report:[PDF]

The biggest takeaway here is that the mother ship of the vaccine agenda, the United Nations (through WHO), is openly admitting that pro-vaccine science is a myth, and that it doesn't exist. If vaccines really were safe and effective, and the science truly backed this, then WHO wouldn't need a marketing strategy in the first place.

But because vaccines don't actually work and aren't safe, WHO's vaccine division is resorting to the same fraudulent marketing tactics that companies like McDonald's use to promote Happy Meals and Big Macs -- make the product look as good as possible and manipulate people into buying it by appealing to everything other than reason and common sense.



McDonald's getting crushed by healthier fast food companies like Chipotle

(NaturalNews) In what can only be chalked up to karma, McDonald's and its artery-clogging menu are taking a nasty hit in sales, with overall global sales reported to be down 2.6 percent from a year ago for comparable outlets. Sales in the Asia-Pacific and Middle East region fell by 8.3 percent, which played a significant role in the overall decrease.

Total revenue sank 11 percent to reach $5.96 billion in the quarter to March 31, and net income plunged 32.6 percent to $812 million. With 36,000 outlets in more than 100 countries, McDonald's has been feeling the pressure from its decreasing customer traffic. They attribute the drop to a range of difficulties including changing consumer tastes and flexible rivals with healthier menus.

President and CEO Steve Easterbrook said the company is working to resolve the challenges, including closing underperforming restaurants and simplifying menus.

"McDonald's management team is keenly focused on acting more quickly to better address today's consumer needs, expectations and the competitive marketplace," he said in a statement. "We are developing a turnaround plan to improve our performance and deliver enduring profitable growth. We look forward to sharing the initial details of this plan on May 4, 2015."

As part of their follow-the-leader approach, Easterbrook has announced that with the chain now selling more chicken than burgers, it will stop serving chicken raised on antibiotics that are important to human health as worries grow over resistance to crucial drugs. They also announced they would increase wages for 90,000 employees in company-owned restaurants in the U.S. and offer them paid time off.

One could view both of these changes as a marketing ploy rather than genuine concern for customers' and employees' well-being given the fact that these issues are being addressed in the aftermath of plummeting sales dating back to October 2014. It seems that the company's corporate responsibility is directly tied to their pocketbook rather than their leadership and concern for those who fuel their empire.

McDonald's losing ground to Chipotle

The irony in this latest development is that McDonald's is falling behind its competitors, including one that they previously had a stake in. Chipotle, which McDonald's had up to 90 percent ownership of in 2005 and then divested in 2006, is on fire. While McDonald's was announcing a 30 percent plunge in third-quarter income and declining revenue in 2014, Chipotle reported a 31 percent increase in revenue and a 57 percent rise in net income in the same period.

Chairman, Founder, and co-CEO of Chipotle, Steve Ells, cited "the way we source, prepare, and serve our food" as a major contributor to their increasing popularity. In 2003, they made a statement that they were taking tangible steps to become GMO-free and were moving towards serving 100 percent grass-fed beef worldwide, which certainly puts some teeth behind that statement. Although supply shortages of this type of beef in the U.S. could put a crimp in the sustainability of their offerings, it does represent a move in the right direction.

Meanwhile, McDonald's intends to officially announce antibiotic-free chicken in the future and is using Canada to introduce its verified sustainable beef venture some time in 2015. This means that they plan to blend the conventional stuff into the sustainably-sourced beef and gradually increase the percentage over time. As it continues to slowly introduce offerings that are being gobbled up by healthier fast food chains like Chipotle, McDonald's might continue to be a victim of decreasing sales as the behemoth struggles to keep pace and stay relevant.

Only time will tell how well McDonald's handles the current situation, but as they continue to slowly figure it out, expect other fast food chains to smell blood (grass-fed, of course) and move quickly in order to put a choke hold on the champ.


Blame Baltimore Riots on Obama

The seeds of what happened yesterday in Baltimore were sown by President Obama going back to the Trayvon Martin case when his DOJ funded protest marches.
It’s called community organizing and that’s who Barack Obama is since he took office.
Like no other president in U.S. history, he has used the power of his office to foment chaos such as what we saw in Ferguson.
The media’s War Against the Police can be traced back even further with  Obama’s infamous comment, “…the police acted stupidly...”, when a police officer rightly arrested a college professor trying to break into his own home.  That statement set a bad tone around the country on how the community views police. 
Being mistrustful of the police in the Black community has a long history.  However, Democrats take advantage of this mistrust for political purposes to distract attention away from other issues. 
The rate ofBlack unemployment has skyrocketed under Barack Obama’s presidency.  Instead of focusing his energy to address it, it’s much easier for Obama to use his contacts in the community organizing world, like Al Sharpton, and politicize a White Cop killing a Black suspect. 
The corrupt media quickly falls in line with saturation coverage and the next thing you know nobody is upset with Obama’s broken promise of a better economy because they’re too busy burning down business. 
Mission accomplished! 

Gold, The SDR, & BRICS

Last Monday there was a meeting in Washington hosted by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) to discuss the future relationship, if any, of gold with the Special Drawing Rights (SDR).
Also on the agenda was the inclusion of the Chinese renminbi, which seems certain to be included in the SDR basket in this year's revision, assuming that the United States doesn't try to block it.
This is not the first time the subject has come up. OMFIF's chairman, Lord Desai wrote a paper [9] about it after the last Washington meeting on gold and the SDR exactly four years ago. The inclusion of the renminbi in the SDR was rejected in 2010 because of inadequate liquidity and is due to be reconsidered this year.
Desai pointed out in his paper that there are difficulties when it comes to including gold, because (and I think this is what he was trying to say) none of the SDR's paper constituents are convertible into gold, but gold's inclusion in the SDR would make them convertible through the back door. However, Desai seemed keen to re-examine the case for gold.
It should be pointed out that if gold is included in SDRs the arrangement cannot be long-lasting so long as the major central banks insist on printing money as an economic cure-all. However, China's position with respect to gold and her own currency could be a different matter.
The Chinese government has almost certainly accumulated large amounts of gold yet to be included in her reserves, and she has also encouraged her own citizens to own gold as well. We can therefore be certain that China sees a monetary role for gold while at the same time she is pushing for the renminbi to be included in the SDR basket. There is no doubt, if you read the IMF papers from the last SDR review in 2010 that the renminbi does now fulfil the criteria for inclusion today. So the question then is will the advanced nations, which dominate the IMF's membership, permit the renminbi's inclusion, and will the US, which has dragged its heels on giving China and the other BRICS nations a greater shareholding in the IMF, relent and permit these reforms, which were accepted by the other members back in 2010?
The Americans' blocking of reform signals her desire to preserve the dollar's hegemony; but given she lost out spectacularly over the creation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, IMF reform could become the next serious threat to the dollar's dominance. And if America does not back down over the IMF and the SDR, she will have no fall-back position; China on the other hand still has some aces up her sleeve.
One of them is gold, and another is her role in a rival organisation established by the BRICS. The New Development Bank (NDB) is in the final stages of being set up, driven by frustration at America's attempts to protect the dollar's role and to keep the IMF as an exclusive club for advanced nations. Instead, the NDB could easily issue its own version of the SDR with the gold lining Desai referred to in his original paper.
The reason this would work is very simple. The BRICS members, unencumbered by the cost burden of modern welfare states could exercise the monetary restraint required to tie their currencies to gold, perhaps running a Bretton-Woods-style gold-exchange arrangement between member central banks to stabilise their currencies.
However, the NDB would almost certainly want to see the gold price considerably higher if it is to play any part in a new rival to the SDR. Other BRICS members would be encouraged to make sure they have sufficient gold on board by selling US dollar reserves to buy gold, ahead of any decision to go ahead with a new super-currency.
It would appear the era of the dollar's global domination as a reserve currency is coming to an end, and the stage is now being set for gold to be officially accepted as the ultimate reserve money once again, this time by the next generation of advanced nations.

Cops Arrest Man for “Sagging Pants” Tase Him, Leave Him Face Down in Cell Until He Died

April 25, 2015
West Baton Rouge, LA — Ervin Leon Edwards, 38, died face down in a jail cell after a half-dozen officers held him down and tasered him, then left him for dead.
His crime? Police were questioning him about an argument with his girlfriend and then began harassing him over his “sagging pants,” according to the lawsuit. He was arrested moments later and brought to the West Baton Rouge jail.
As Edwards was being arrested, for seemingly no reason, he began to voice his discontent. Nonetheless, officers still managed to restrain him and bring him to jail.
During the arrest, police threatened to taser Edwards at which point his girlfriend begged them not to because of Edward’s high blood pressure, according to the lawsuit.
What happens next can only be described as gross criminal negligence on behalf of Port Allen Police.
This incident happened in November of 2013, but video of the incident has only recently been released to the public. What it shows is disturbing.
The video starts as Edwards is dragged into an isolation cell by a half-dozen officers. He appears to have his hands restrained behind his back at this time.
As police were apparently attempting to restrain him further, Edwards can be seen struggling. However, at no point, does he appear to pose a threat to the myriad of cop boots on and around his body.
At this point, we can see that one officer applies his taser to the buttocks of Edwards, and the man goes completely limp.
Instead of checking on the man, who is now obviously unconscious, the officers slowly backed away from the body and left the cell. One officer is seen pulling the pants from Edwards limp body before closing the door.
Several minutes pass before anyone even looks into the isolation cell, Edwards never moved.
More time passes; a second person looks into the cell, says nothing. Edwards body remains in the same position.
A third glance into the cell finally results in officers checking on Edwards. Unfortunately, any emergency life-saving techniques at this point were futile.
“The fact that the subject appeared unresponsive, perhaps unconscious on the floor as the officers withdrew from the cell, should have resulted in an immediate request for medical intervention and a quick determination of whether there was a pulse or breathing,” said Greg Meyer, who retired several years ago as a captain with the Los Angeles Police Department and is recognized nationally as a use of force expert. “If not, CPR should have been started immediately.”
The cause of death was classified as “undetermined” by death investigators. “Acute cocaine and phencyclidine (PCP) intoxication in association with restraint by law enforcement,” was listed on his autopsy report.
After the incident in 2013, an internal review was conducted surrounding the events of Edwards’ death. Predictably, the officers found themselves to have committed no wrongdoing.
According to The Advocate, the Sheriff’s Office has since turned over the findings of its investigation to the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.
Edwards’ only son has since filed a wrongful death suit in federal court.

George Soros Admits Global Government is Failing!

Published on Apr 15, 2015
Moments ago George Soros spoke at the INET Economics Conference. During an interview he declared that Global Government was "failing"

West’s Propaganda War on Thailand’s Economy Ends in Bombing

For months after the 2014 military coup that ousted Thaksin Shinawatra’s sister, Yingluck Shinawatra from office in Southeast Asia’s nation of Thailand, the West has attempted to destabilize and undermine the military-led government that has since then worked ceaselessly to uproot the political machine that had granted the Shinawatra’s impunity and maintained their grip on power for over a decade.
Amid this effort, the West, including both their influential media networks and lobbying firms, is a concerted attack on Thailand’s tourism industry. The UK Daily Mail has particularly rolled over for lobbyists in their bid to see Shinawatra returned to power, and has ceaselessly attacked Thailand along any and all fronts with a storm of outrageous propaganda.
In regards to Thailand’s tourism in particular, the Daily Mail would actually publish an article titled, “Thailand ‘one of the most dangerous tourist destinations on Earth': Expat investigation lifts lid on dark side of the Land of Smiles.”
The book is written by a bitter expat who is empty-handed in terms of facts. The report merely consists of the daily propaganda produced by Western media networks condensed into a book. Despite the outrageous title of their article, the Daily Mail was only able to cite a double murder of two British tourists, intentionally blown out of proportion by Western networks in their bid to paint Thailand as a dangerous, failed state in the wake of the military coup.
The Daily Mail even includes a picture of soldiers on the streets of Bangkok and claims:
As well as the murder of British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller in mid-September, there was a bloody military coup in Thailand in May.
In fact, not a single shot was fired, no one was hurt, nor even threatened with violence, let alone killed. The military coup in May 2014 unfolded without incident, except for raids across the country in order to disarm and dismantle Shinawatra’s armed terrorists who, up until the coup, were killing protesters in the streets – with nearly 30 deaths and over 800 injured. Coincidentally, the Daily Mail’s “hard hitting” reportage appeared temporarily on hiatus during that violence, either apologizing for the murder and mayhem, or pretending it wasn’t happening at all.
And the Daily Mail is not alone. A Western-wide, concerted propaganda campaign had attempted, and then failed, to paint Thailand as a “failed state.”
When Lies Fail to Frighten, Bombs Are Sure to Follow 
The West’s failed propaganda campaign and the Thai military’s systematic removal of Shinawatra’s political machine along with the curbing of the vast Western-backed networks that supported Shinawatra, has led to an increasingly violent chapter in the current Thai political crisis.
In early February 2015, two bombs would detonate in the center of Bangkok’s shopping district. The bombing occurred on what Shinawatra’s supporters call a “Red Sunday,”and shortly after the US State Department made direct, and inappropriate demands that Bangkok return power back to “civilian leadership.” The bombing was clearly meant to send a message to the ruling government that if concessions aren’t made regarding Shinawatra’s political clique, violence and instability would follow.
Shortly after, a grenade attack was launched on Thailand’s Criminal Court building. The latter attack was linked directly to the Shinawatras.
At the beginning of Thailand’s “Songkran” holiday, perhaps the largest holiday season of the year, bombs and fires would hit two of Thailand’s most popular island destinations, Koh Samui and Phuket. The incidents occurred on April 10, 2015, the 5 year anniversary of political violence triggered by Shinawatra’s terrorists in the middle of Bangkok.
For those following the West’s insidious, spiteful propaganda campaign against Thailand’s tourism industry, and following the increasing use of violence by Shinawatra and his backers as the country begins to move on without them, little doubt is left over who was behind the recent attacks. The attacks were meant as the capstone for the West’s propaganda campaign, putting fear into tourists with physical violence when lies failed. It was also yet another threat to the current ruling government that if they fail to accommodate the Shinawatras and their Western backers, peace and stability in Thailand will be destroyed.
Despite the Damage, Bombs are Futile 
The Shinawatra regime and its Western backers built its legitimacy upon the fiction that it held popular support among Thailand’s population, particularly the rural poor. In 2011, during the elections that put Thaksin Shinawatra’s sister Yingluck into office, the Shinawatras’ political party failed to garner even 35% of all eligible voters. Of those that did vote, the Shinawatras failed to win the popular vote. This is despite a reckless populist election campaign promising everything from free computers, to cheap loans for houses and cars, to rice subsidies offering impossibly high prices to farmers.
And as the Shinawatra regime teetered in 2013-2014 amid the disastrous fallout of their collapsing rice subsidies, and during unprecedentedly immense street protests, dwarfing the mobs Shinawatra himself would put into the streets in 2009 and 2010 amid armed insurrection, the Western media threatened the prospect of “civil war” in Thailand. The reality however, is that Shinawatra at best had merely 7% of the country’s population behind him, with the rest voting for his political party only for handouts. Out of that 7%, virtually no one is willing to take up arms against their fellow Thais.
Bombs with such little real support behind the Shinawatras, is a burning bridge to nowhere, and one that will eventually collapse upon itself.
Conversely, even among Shinawatra’s followers, the Royal Thai Army is well respected and regarded as an important independent institution within the country. This explains why when the military moved to finally oust the Shinawatras in 2014, there was no “civil war.”
All that the Shinawatras and their Western backers have now is terrorism. However, this terrorism will only serve as a means for the current and subsequent governments to further uproot Shinawatra and his political allies. As the public begins to suffer the consequences of perpetual instability within the country, their tolerance for the Shinawatra’s habit of employing street mobs will dwindle, and their calls for the military to take ever more drastic measures to stem this instability will only grow.
For those who suspect the bombings may be “false flag” operations, while a remote possibility, it should be noted that before each and every bombing, Shinawatra’s own supporters, including those among his political machine’s senior leadership, had warned of violence they would employ if their demands – impunity and “elections” they will once again steal – are not met.
Thailand’s Violence is a Warning to the Rest of Southeast Asia 
Malaysia, Myanmar, and others across Southeast Asia must understand that when political meddling by the West, particularly the United States and its National Endowment for Democracy (NED), corporate foundations like Open Society, and others fails, they will not simply back off and go home. They will simply take their hegemonic aspirations to the next level, often introducing increased levels of violence to trigger instability, and in addition to a continued and very much concerted propaganda campaign, hope that synergies develop that eventually oust sovereign governments and make way for client regimes to take their place.
In Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra is that client regime of choice. In Myanmar it is Aung San Su Kyi. And in Malaysia it is Anwar Ibrahim. For those in Myanmar that have tasted the steel of Su Kyi’s machete wielding “saffron” supporters, this is a reality they already understand. To think that the charade of Western-style democracy ends when sovereign governments outmaneuver and upset this use of “soft-power,” is a dangerous miscalculation. When soft-power fails, the West often turns toward a more familiar, older, and more finely honed set of tools – those of terrorism and covert war.
Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazineNew Eastern Outlook”. First appeared:

[VIDEO] 'Clinton Cash' Author Battles Stephanopoulos -- Obama Lets Second-Term Anger Out -- Baltimore Mayor Condones Violence?

Spin doctor turned anchor's attempts to dismiss criticism falls flat.

Obama Disowned By African Half Brother

Bombshell statements from Obama's alleged family member
by | April 27, 2015

Alex Jones talks with documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert about his latest discovery, Obama’s half brother wants a DNA test and doesn’t believe they are really related.



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Inline image 1   Image result for George Washington on Christianity   

Fw: A Man Goes to a Public Golf Course

Subject: A Man Goes to a Public Golf Course
> > A man goes to a public golf course. He approaches the man behind the
> > counter in the pro shop and says, "I would like 18 holes of golf and a
> > caddie."
> >
> > The man behind the counter says, "The 18 holes of golf is no problem,
> > but all of our caddies are out on the course. But - we just received 8
> > brand new robot golf caddies. If you're willing to take one with you
> > out on the course and come back and tell me how well it works, your
> > round of golf is on me today.
> >
> > The golfer obviously accepted the man's offer. He approached the first
> > tee, looked at the fairway and said to himself, "I think my driver will
> > do the job."
> >
> > The robot caddie turned to the man and said, "No sir. Use your 3 wood.
> > A driver is far too much club for this hole."
> >
> > Hesitantly, the golfer pulled out his 3 wood, made good contact with
> > the ball, and the ball landed about 10 feet to the right front of the
> > hole on the green.
> >
> > The golfer, delighted, turned to the robot and thanked him for his
> > assistance. And this was the way the rest of the game went - The
> > robot's suggestions were always correct and the man's entire game was
> > the best game he had ever played.
> >
> > A week passed, and excited, the golfer returned to the pro shop. Upon
> > entering, he turned to the man behind the counter and said,
> >
> > "I would like 18 holes of golf and one of those robot golf caddies, please."
> >
> > The gentleman from behind the counter turned to the man and said, "Well
> > the 18 holes is no problem. However, we had to get rid of the robots.
> > We had too many complaints."
> >
> > "COMPLAINTS? Who in the heck could've complained about those robots?
> > They were incredible!"
> >
> > The man sighed and said, "Well, it wasn't their performance. It was
> > that they were made of shiny silver metal, and the sun reflecting off
> > them was blinding to other golfers on the fairway."
> >
> > The golfer said, "So then why didn't you just paint them black?"
> >
> > The man nodded sadly and replied, "We did. Then four of them didn't
> > show up for work, two of them applied for welfare, one of them robbed
> > the pro shop and the other one thinks he's the President.

George Bush hits out at Obama's nuclear deal with Iran and says his successor is losing the war against the Islamic State





George Bush hits out at Obama's nuclear deal

with Iran and says his successor is losing the

war against the Islamic State

  • Bush, 68, implied Obama's plan to lift sanctions on Iran comes too early
  • He noted that Islamic country's government appears to be caving in
  • And he said that the deal would have a bad impact on US national security
  • Speech made to wealthy Jewish donors at Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas
  • Bush also suggested Obama is losing the war against the Islamic State
  • Said: 'When you say something you have to mean it - you gotta kill 'em'
  • And he mentioned Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton and brother, Jeb Bush 
Published: 23:41 EST, 26 April 2015 | Updated: 07:42 EST, 27 April 2015

He rarely ever publicly criticizes his successor, Barack Obama.
But on Saturday night, George W. Bush apparently lashed out at the President's foreign policy.
Speaking at a closed-door meeting with Jewish donors in Las Vegas, the 68-year-old former l
eader suggested that Obama's plan to lift sanctions on Iran was not plausible - and comes too
He noted that the country's government and President Hassan Rouhani appear to be caving in -
and implied that America could lose leverage if it relaxes sanctions on Tehran anytime soon.
And he said that the comprehensive nuclear deal - which is currently being negotiated by six
global powers, including the US - would likely have a negative impact on US national security
in the future.
Scroll down for video 
Rare remarks: Speaking at a  meeting with Jewish donors in Las Vegas, George W Bush (pictured) suggested that President Barack Obama's plan to lift sanctions on Iran was not plausible - and comes too early
Rare remarks: Speaking at a meeting with Jewish donors in Las Vegas, George W Bush (pictured) suggested
that President Barack Obama's plan to lift sanctions on Iran was not plausible - and comes too early
'You think the Middle East is chaotic now? Imagine what it looks like for our grandchildren. That’s
how Americans should view the deal,' Bush told donors at the Republican Jewish Coalition session.
Bush's concerns are in stark contrast to Obama's belief that although the contents of the agreement
- which were announced at the start of April - 'may not be optimal,' they are America's 'best bet'.
In an interview with the New York Times, Obama remarked: 'This is our best bet by far to make sure
Iran doesn’t get a nuclear weapon.' But he noted the deal could see 'real political difficulties'.


Gang Stalking - Learn about it could be a victim OR the victimizer "unknowingly"

Gang Stalking - Learn about it now...

 You could be a victim OR the victimizer

  and need help !!

 Gang Stalking -

*Show One* Satanic Super Soldiers

► Russ Dizdar and Jeff Rense (Mirror)

  Gang Stalking -

*Show Two* Satanic Super Soldiers

Russ Dizdar - Jeff Rense (Mirror)

 The Black Awakening

The Statistics are high - The body count is high

Don't be one of them !!

You can be helped  !!

Russ Dizdar
                 Russ's show: Monday thru Friday

Statue of Liberty Evacuated After Suspicious Package Discovered

Statue of Liberty Evacuated
After Suspicious Package Discovered

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FW: APN Volume 4, Issue 9, Taylor County Florida Electronic Edition

The American Patriot Newspaper.  Taylor County, Florida.

Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:33:22 +0000
Subject: APN Volume 4, Issue 9, Taylor County Florida Electronic Edition

Please find the Monday edition of the newspaper.








     OUT !!




     OUT !!

California Goes Dark

Posted: 26 Apr 2015 10:04 AM PDT
By Janet Phelan

“We had better share our bewilderments. By hiding them from each other we should not hide them from ourselves.” — C.S. Lewis

The darkness now enveloping the state of California is not a result of a power failure. Rather, it is the result of too much power, concentrated in the hands of those who do not respect or honor those who have delegated authority to them.