Monday, September 26, 2011

Wyoming Sheriffs Put Feds In Their Place.

Wyoming Sheriffs Told Federal BATF & IRS Agents To Abide By The Constitution Or Face Immediate Arrest. UPDATED!
Wyoming Sheriffs Put Feds In Their Place.

Here’s one the mainstream media isn’t going to tell you: County sheriffs in Wyoming are demanding that federal agents actually abide by the Constitution, or face arrest. Even better, a U.S. Federal District Court agreed.

Perhaps This Will Explain Why!

When I was a kid, I couldn't understand why Eisenhower was so popular. Maybe this will explain why. 
General Eisenhower Warned Us.[cid:DE1646CA-187E-41F4-AFA8-374E412299BD
It is a matter of history that when the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead.

He did this because he said in words to this effect:

'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.'

This week, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving into it.

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the, six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1,900 Catholic priests Who were murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated' while many in the world looked the other way!

Now, more than ever, with Iran , among others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth,' it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.

[This e-mail is intended to reach 400 million people! Be a link in the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world.

How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center 


because it offends some Muslim???

Do not just delete this message; it will take only a minute to pass this along.

Answers to many Questions - Underground Bases / Elenin / Galactics & more

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Answers to many Questions - Underground Bases / Elenin / Galactics & more
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 26-Sep-2011 02:28:21

Planet Alert Newsletter
October 2011
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THE GALACTIC WAR IS OVER AND THE LIGHT HAS WON. In my last article I said: “The second woe has passed; behold the third woe is soon to come. Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever. It’s the time for rewarding the servants, the prophets, and the saints and those who love thy name, and it is the time for destroying the destroyers of the Earth.” Revelation chapter 11.
On August 22 there was a 5.5 earthquake in Colorado on 37 N latitude. The underground base called Dulce, which is technically in New Mexico but close to Colorado, was wiped out by a magnetic pulse beam from one of the light ships that are now here in our vicinity. Dulce is on 37 N latitude. They beamed the people out of the bases before they destroyed it with their beam weapon which totally pulverized the underground base. As far as I know the underground city under the Denver airport is unharmed, which is where our President Barack Obama will be on September 27th.
On August 23 they sent another beam to destroy the underground base under Wash, D.C. and Virginia. This was a very important base and had all kinds of technology such as computers with everything about all of us on those computers. They also had mind control technology. This base was controlled by the negative ETs who are the Beings who have controlled everything on Earth for a long time. They were the Masters of the negative Beings who live here on Earth. This base was also connected with a negative base on the dark side of the moon, and one on Mars which were also taken out.
On the night of August 23 there was also what the scientists call a Super Nova on the handle of the Big Dipper. I believe it was another dark base that was taken out by the light side. That base was the controlling center for our whole area. It says in the Book of Knowledge the Keys of Enoch that at the end of time we will see the war of the heavens and the coming of the Host of Michael. This will free the planetary intelligences from the influences of Ursa Major. It goes on to say that the High Command intelligence works with our solar system through the Mid-Way station of Arcturus, which will open the lower heavens by breaking the controlling handle of the Big Dipper of Ursa Major. This is where the explosion happened in our heavens on August 23, 2011. We are having Divine Intervention.
My Shaman friend Mona was asked by her guides several months ago to go to Chaco Canyon on August 24, 2011 and have a ceremony there at exactly 11:00 AM. There were three other women with her at this ceremony. Her job was to open a doorway from Chaco Canyon to a galaxy so remote it is unknown to us. In 1996 a light brighter than a billion suns was guided through the shaft of a wormhole in space and reached Earth in that year. This event was recorded by a telescope in New Mexico. This light triggered something that had lain dormant for 1200 years in Chaco Canyon. Now the doorway is open to that remote galaxy.
Then on August 29th a reptilian ship fired one of their weapons at what is called comet Elenin. This ship was not hurt because they put up their shield, which is in the form of a tetrahedron and was seen on a picture from NASA. There is nothing to be afraid of with Elenin, it is on our side and that is why I say the Light has won. We needed outside help to get out from under the control of the Dark Masters and that has happened. As Elenin passed by the Sun there were many large solar flares and huge CMEs. Today is September 24 and the flares continue to happen. Elenin seems to be having a very large affect on the Sun.
Today I received an email about how more underground bases might have been destroyed. I believe there was a base in India where the recent earthquake happened. This is the end of the rule of the Dark side. I know that God is everything including both light and dark, although the dark part of God got kind of out of balance here on the Earth plane and we had to be brought back into neutral, which is the balance between light and dark and is where love resides.
In my last article I mentioned the dream I had on September 10 a couple of years ago about being with a group of people on top of a hill and singing “The light has won, Love now rules the world”. On September 8, 2011 a group of us went up the hill on the Indian Sacred Site that is close to my house and had a ceremony. Tamara wrote a song for the occasion called “The Light has won, Love now rules the world.”
The words to the song are on my blog The song is very beautiful.
I knew we would see a physical manifestation from the ceremony and there was a 6.4 quake on Vancouver Island the next day which is the acupuncture point for the Pacific Northwest Grid. I believe this area was opened up to sixth or seventh dimension consciousness.
The dream I had on September 16 a couple of years ago was about being with a group of people on the beach and we all fell asleep and when we woke up everything had changed. This could possibly refer to the three days of darkness that is supposed to be on the agenda soon. The next part of the dream was about a new governing system of light that was being set up. We’ll see how that works out.
Today is September 24 and many people are expecting a big event on September 26, 27 and 28th. Our congress is on vacation and many other governing places will also be on vacation. What is up? Will this be the expected three days of darkness, or is something going to happen with the financial system which appears to be on the verge of a major change right now? Or maybe nothing will happen. Who knows?
The 20th chapter of Revelation talks about the downfall of the ET controllers and that is happening right now. Watch what happens on Earth now because of that event. The next two chapters talk all about living on the New Heaven and the New Earth. I can hardly wait. This is when the fun starts.
The Harry Potter movie came out in July which was the conclusion of the war with the dark side. That just happened. That movie was full of magic and excitement. We are in the year of magic and miracles that started on July 26, 2011. We are in that year until July 26, 2012. It is the year of the wizard and the wizard is a tool of light and a conduit for the work of Spirit. A wise Wizard allows magic to happen.
The Mayan glyph for this Fall Equinox was the Red Skywalker. This is the glyph that can bring heaven to earth. It’s up to us. It is also interesting that the 6th night of Carl Calleman’s Mayan calendar started on
September 23 and goes until October 10. This glyph is ruled by the planet Mars and the negative base that was on that planet was just taken out, so we can now call Mars the planet of peace. Mars is now moving through the fire sign Leo. This sign rules heart energy and we can now safely open our hearts to love.
Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac and is the constellation the planet Maldek was destroyed in a long time ago. That is when the 5th chord disappeared. Spirit Beings were working for a long time to bring that constellation back into balance. This was accomplished a few years ago. You might want to read the book called The Arcturus Probe by Jose Arguelles. It is very interesting, and it talks about the sounding of the Chord of the fifth force. Jose is the one who was the instigator of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 that brought us into the time-line of the 4th dimension. Now the Earth is ready for the 5th level of consciousness.
Be prepared on all levels because no one knows what will happen next. Our friends from space are here to help us. Isn’t that exciting? They might even appear openly in our heavens. It says in the Bible that the ships will appear in the clouds of heaven for all to see. Victory is in sight! It’s about time! Don’t get caught in any fear; be it about the financial system changing or anything else. Concentrate on having love in your heart and remember we are in the year of magic and miracles. So Be It! Love and light to all of you!
***** Mahala ****
I can be reached at or by snail mail PO Box 69613 SeaTac, WA 98168
Donations are greatly appreciated-they are like a gift from God. To donate go into Paypal and look for Thank you in advance! Love and blessings to you! Mahala
Please check out the links on my blog. There are some really nice web sites and lots of interesting information.
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Planet Alert October 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: afriend [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 25-Sep-2011 18:39:54
There is a history here,of course not as long as lets say...Iran,but none the less, it is there...THIS is the foreign diplomacy of the united states,and nothing has changed over the years.

Who has a history of attacking churches?
And why might they want to target churches, and mosques, in Indonesia?
According to the Washington Post, the former chief of staff of the Indonesian army, General Tyasno Sudarto, has denounced the United States; and he has praised China as a model of how to stand up to Washington.
The CIA may want to continue stirring things up in Indonesia.
On 25 September 2011, a bomb attack outside a pentacostalist church in the city of Solo, in Indonesia, killed at least two people.
Two days before the attack, a priest and a human rights activist warned of a shadowy campaign to stir up violence similar to the recent sectarian clashes in Ambon, in Indonesia's Maluku Islands.
(Activists Warn of Campaign to Foment Sectarian Violence)
Police are working to match the identity of the bomber in Solo with a suspect named Achmad Yosepa Hayat, who is being hunted for his role in the recent Cirebon mosque bombing.
( Solo Suspect May Have Played Part in Cirebon Mosque Bombing: Source‎)
President Yudhoyono has confirmed that the explosion at the church in Solo is linked to the Cirebon mosque bombing in April. (Solo Attack Tied to Cirebon Mosque Bombing: SBY)
There is a suspicion that the CIA's pentacostalists are trying to make Indonesia like Pakistan.
The Tehelka newspaper revealed that, in India, over 100 US Christian evangelical groups were fronts for the CIA. (1 - Tehelka - The People's Paper)
William Blum (Indonesia 1957-1958 KH) has reported that the CIA attacked churches in Ambon.
"In the early months of 1958, rebellion began to break out in one part of the Indonesian island chain, then another.
"CIA pilots took to the air to carry out bombing and strafing missions in support of the rebels...
"On a Sunday morning in April, a plane bombed ... a church, which demolished the building and killed everyone inside...
In more recent decades, much of the terror in Ambon has been linked to Christian gangsters, directed by sections of the military, trained by the CIA.
In 2002, Berty Loupatty, the leader of the Christian Coker gang, surrendered to the police. (
Berty Loupatty claims that most of the terror in Ambon and Maluku was stage-managed by the military.
Members of the Coker gang said that Kopassus (special forces) soldiers gave them directives, weapons and bombs to carry out every attack (in 2002). (AFP, 8 January 2003)
Most of the top Indonesian generals have been trained by the US military. Some Indonesian generals, such as Suharto, have reportedly been assets of the CIA.
So, in September 2011, activists have warned of a campaign to foment sectarian violence
"In recent days journalists and activists have received text messages - proven to be hoaxes - telling of invented or exaggerated attacks on Christian churches in the country...
"The messages are eerily reminiscent of the rumors that sparked the Ambon clashes on 11 September.
"Seven people died in the violence, which is believed to have been spurred by a text-message rumor that a Muslim man who had died in a traffic accident had actually been tortured and killed by Christians.
"Activist Theophilus Bela told Spero News that he had recently received similar text messages telling of assaults Christian churches in Poso...
Solo Suicide Blast May Be Linked to Ambon Violence: Police
An investigator in Solo’s bomb disposal unit said that the suspected bomber appeared to be about 35 years old, and that the scene was similar to an earlier attack carried out by Sharif, who detonated a bomb at a mosque in Cirebon, West Java, in April.

Some background on the Criminally Insane Association in Indonesia

It is not well known in the United States that the 1958 rebellion led to a major Indonesian civil war. The CIA-inspired uprising in Indonesia, unlike the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, was a full-scale military operation. The Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 was made by a thin brigade of about 1,500 Cuban exiles trained by the CIA in Guatemala. But the 1958 Indonesian action involved no less than 42,000 CIA-armed rebels supported by a fleet of bombers and vast numbers of four-engine transport aircraft as well as submarine assistance from the U.S. Navy. It also involved a major training and logistical supporting effort on the part of the Philippines, Okinawa, Taiwan, and Singapore. But despite this massive armed force, the 1958 rebellion, like the Bay of Pigs invasion, was a total failure. Sukarno's army drove the rebels on Sumatra and Celebes into the sea.
The rest of the story here

folks you might want to study the 70s, they are doing a rerun on you,take care

Poofness 9-25-11 The Act Of Letting It Rip

Subject: The Act of Letting it Rip
Date:  25 Sep 2011

"Travelin' Band"
(J. Fogerty)

Seven Thirty Seven comin' out of the sky.
Oh! Won't you take me down to Memphis on a midnight ride,
I wanna move.


Playin' in a Travelin' Band. Yeah!
Well, I'm flyin' 'cross the land, try'in' to get a hand,
Playin' in a Travelin' Band.
Take me to the hotel, Baggage gone, oh, well.
Come on, come on, won't you get me to my room,
I wanna move.


Listen to the radio, Talkin' 'bout the last show.
Someone got excited, Had to call the State Militia,
Wanna move.


Oh! WOW!
Here we come again on a Saturday night
Oh with your fussin' and a fightin'
Won't you get me to the rhyme,
I wanna move.


Oh! WOW!
Oh! I'm playin' in a Travelin' Band;
Playin' in a Travelin' Band.
Won't you get me, take my hand
Well, I'm playin' in a Travelin' Band,
Well, I'm flyin' 'cross the land.
Tryin' to get a hand,
Playin' in a Travelin' Band, OH! WOW!

Greetings and Salutations;

 Yep, here's the umpteenth newsletter declaring the end of this infernal wait. Victory is at hand despite appearances. For me, and I've said this before, the worse it looks, the better it is for the world. Just this past week, more banking execs were finding out, they are really just highly paid employees. What a blow to some big fat egos. Where did you get the idea you had a vote, a choice in the matter? Some really big banks in the us got phone calls letting the ceos know the choice was out of their hands, other than whether they kept their jobs or not. Totally non negotiable..'act or you will be replaced'. This included downloading the codes for the Rvs....globally.

 Truth be told, these boys have known this time was coming for years, now that the day is here, they are stumbling all over themselves. The sun is rising and they are powerless to stop it. The global banking system is already online and that can't be undone. The central banks of the world, have already flipped their switches and downloaded the new codes. Massive global settlements money has been moved into place, with more to come. Matter of fact, the constitutional treasury is back online in the us and all us banks are under it and it is under the republic. Jeeze the talking heads missed it all, while geithner and bernanke, played kabuki theatre, on every one. Of course, everyone is sworn to secrecy out here so it requires a good ear and listening skills to translate what is being said publicly. What I am seeing out here is the roof being burnt off, the fluff unnecessary to real functionality in the world. 600t in worthless paper gotta go straight to the dump. Nothing like zeroing out the old system. What we all have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for is, them fortifying, fixing, and segregating, the whole shooting match. The is why one country can be a pain getting the shooting match fired off....everything goes at once. So they had to send in the 'doctors' to fix it. I might note that the very next day after the bankers got their 'come to jesus' phone calls the market surged downwards.

 The worlds have separated and this is no time to have one's head buried under the covers. No matter, what you hear or see out here, there's only one conversation going on...'How Much and When'. These countries can see their money on the grey screens, they want to know when will it be spendable. They are just like you except they see what they have coming but, still they must wait. Some of this has been like herding cats but it is possible, put out a bowl of milk, they'll come. So essentially, folks, dinner is cooked and the are in the act of setting the table, and preparing to call the guests in to sup. This has been a lot like watching an episode of 'Hell's Kitchen'. Some of these bankers have been like the contestants. Good thing there's a chef in charge of the kitchen that will fire anyone screwing up the meal. Not long now, the call to come and eat will come and they who don't like it, will be resigned to the sidelines to watch as everyone turns their back on them....and walks away. Nobody likes a party pooper.

 Good luck, everyone. May all be finished that we move into the new world devoid of stupid politrix and incessant whining for loss of power. It's time to get the real work done. 'They' will not let a global depression happen and from all news out here, the point where that could happen is rather close, which should tell you something. Too bad we had to look at ugly so close first, before they let it rip. But this caused many attitudes to be adjusted, knock the cocky out. Nothing like a heaping helping of humility. Take care of each other and be well.

Love and Kisses,



God has not given us a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind!! These emails just keep coming from different sources.......something is truly up and only Holy Spirit can show us. Anyone willing to stand with me on the wall in fasting and praying/interceding over this? Please share with me what the Father is showing you!! I have included a couple of links at the bottom of this article......I don't know this Pastor - the links are where his articles and information can be found. Please everyone do due diligence and see what comes up. I am just passing along the messages. I am also going and doing my due diligence. I just know something big is up since these keep coming from so many sources. I have attached a couple of others that I sent last night for those who haven't had a chance to either get them or read them yet.
Praise God - He alone is moving Mightily!!!
Merry Joy
Haggai 2:18-23
Subject: September 23rd.....

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
     "23" is the Bible number associated with "death and destruction," and is set forth this way numerous times in the Bible.  For further verification see Biblical Mathematics by Ed Vallowee, or perhaps some of you still have copies of the now out of print books on Bible Numbers written by G. E. Jones many years ago.
      This week, September 23rd, is the day the so-called "Palestinians" have ask the United Nations to vote on them becoming a new independent nation by dividing and taking land from the sovereign nation of Israel.  Give serious thought to what the Lord God of Heaven thinks about this move!  Read again Genesis 12:3 and Joel 3:2.  There is going to be a terrible price paid by the nations [Gentiles] for dividing the land of Israel. 
     The same day a huge space rocket [satellite] is going to fall out of the sky.  This ship was placed in orbit in 1991, but since that time the systems on it have slowly "died," and the rocket is now tumbling through space around the earth out of control.  According to ABC News this morning this space rocket is orbiting the earth in a north to south orbit, meaning that it is mostly over land on both sides of the Earth.  Therefore, NASA authorities are expecting it to fall to the Earth over land anywhere from the northern tip of Canada to the southern tip of South America.  If it should crash in a populated area, especially in a city, it will cause tremendous death and destruction.  The ABC news media this morning reported that it will break up on entry into earth's atmosphere and parts of it will be scattered over a 400 mile area regardless of where the main bulk of it crashes to the Earth.  As to the exact spot that it will land, even NASA says that this cannot be calculated until 2 hours before it crashes.  Think about it!
     In case you haven't noticed, September 23rd is also the first day of Autumn after the end of the summer season on September 22nd.  In view of Bible prophecy, I suggest reading again the lament of Israel and the Jewish people in Jeremiah 8:20. 
     Further, there is a group that are pressuring the news services all over the world to declare an international "news blackout" on September 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.  Their supposed justification for wanting such a world wide "news blackout" is to give humanity "a rest" from all the bad news and a time to meditate and see how the world can be made a better place for all of us.  Sick!  I smell something highly odorous, and it smells to me like trying to "cover up" something the NWO PTB don't want the public to know about. 
     Those who are independently monitoring Elenin and Planet X are stating with absolute certainty that Elenin is going to move between the Earth and the Sun  late on September 25th, and due to the humongous size of Elenin [a brown dwarf star] the entire Earth will be plunged into total darkness for three days  on September 26th, 27th, and 28th.  The only thing which can or will prevent this from happening is the direct intervention of the Lord God of Heaven, for Elenin passing through the solar system is on a direct course to bring it between the Sun and the Earth on the dates stated. 
     I would remind God's people that some 2,000 years ago the Apostle Peter, transliteraing from Joel's prophecy, explictly stated, "the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come," Acts 2:20.  After seriously and intensely studying God's Word for the past 57 years, and comparing the prophecies with world events which have occurred during this present dispensation, I have never found a place where this particular inspired prophecy given by Peter has ever been fulfilled in the past.  But it sure appears that it is going to be, this coming week.  Are you prepared, spiritually and mentally, to face it?  The Lord Himself explicitly stated that "men's hearts" would fail them "for looking after those things which are coming on the earth," Luke 21:26.
     It is also stated seven times in the New Testament that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming for His people [rapture"as a thief in the night."  I think it should be obvious to anyone with mental intelligence, that if the Lord should come to resurrect and rapture His people to glory during these three days and nights that the whole earth is plunged into darkness, then He will most certainly come "as a thief in the night."       
    Also, it has already been publicly announced that President Obama is going to Denver, Colorado on September 27th.  It is now well known and a documented fact that the U.S. Military Industrial Complex spent years building a vast underground base beneath the Denver International Airport where important public officials such as the President and other public officials can "supposedly" be kept safe in view of chaotic world catastrophes which are beginning to come upon the Earth RIGHT NOW and will continue over the next seven years.  I said "supposedly" because God's inspired Word plainly states that the wicked cannot hide
from the wrath of Almighty God even if they "dig into hell" or flee into the heavens,  Amos 9:2-3.  Men haven't built a "bunker" yet that the Lord God Almighty cannot tear all to pieces.  Praise the Lord! 
     It is also glaringly obvious that all of these things are happening this week and next week just before the arrival of Rosh HaShanah on the Jewish calendar which will begin this year on the evening of September 28th and extend through September 29th-30th.  Is this Scripturally significant or not?  You decide! 
     Folks, I haven't predicted anything!  I have just reported what is occurring and is going to occur this week and next.  You be the judge of whether this information is important to God's people, and to others, and should be shared.  I had a burning conviction that it should be, therefore I wrote this article reporting it.  If you share my feelings that this information is important, then forward it on to those on your own email address list.  God bless you all!  I want to meet you all in glory.  Please don't disappoint me.  Salvation in Christ is the only wayJohn 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 10:8-13.   In the love of Christ,
                       Pastor F. M. Riley

6 Parts found here:
Part 1

Jesus Christ is our Hope of Glory!!
Col. 1:27

Government Officials Fleeing DC Link Rats Off A Sinking Ship

Subject: Warning Signs
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2011 08:29:48 -0700
Something Big Is About To Happen. . .. probably around Washington, DC

Government Officials Fleeing DC Link Rats Off A Sinking Ship
Signs Of Another False Flag Attack possibly Sept 27th ---- Raising Concerns   
The Global Elitists desperately need a diversion right now to camouflage all the bad news regarding the economy.

I’ve got a bad feeling …

by Nunc

Posted by Nunc on September 23, 2011 · Leave a Comment 

I’m going to hate myself in the morning … and it’s not often I get a chance to think or say that these days, but this is one of those moments.
I’m about to take a leap of faith; faith in my gut instinct, by ‘going public’ with a feeling that is so ‘crazy’, that if the world, itself, wasn’t so crazy right now, I’d even consider locking myself up, to protect me from my own paranoia!
But I am going to do something new and untried; I’m going to make a public, published, prediction –  normally the stamping ground of gamblers and fringe ‘crazies’. Should we have a small side bet which one I am?
September 27th.
Mark it on your calenders.
Put a big ring around it.
Then, somewhere beside September 28th, put a small note; “leave a cheeky comment on Epinoiasphere, mocking Nunc as a crackpot”.
Because my gut tells me we’re going to see a False Flag Operation on September 27th.
Some background; I’m a “dot connector”.
That’s what I do; it’s what I enjoy doing.
Think of it as my personal Sudoku.
There are some serious dots lining up, and pieces of information that stink to high heaven, all of which tells me that some ‘higher level boffins’ either know something is going to happen VERY soon, or they are planning something VERY soon, and by soon, I am specifically talking about Sept 25th to 28th as the most probable, but I’m narrowing it down to September 27th for a specific reason, which is explained later.
You think I’m crazy … guess what?
So do I.
However, I have learnt to trust my gut.
It is seldom wrong.
In this case, I genuinely want to be wrong.
So you can exercise your own discernment, here is why I have this ridiculous feeling.
The Mainstream Media in the UK and Europe is wall-to-wall finance news; all of it, bad.
David Cameron has said that collapse is imminent.
The IMF has stated that the world economy is at tipping point.
The Fed’s latest moves have backfired.
The Eurozone is in crisis and the entire EU is predicted to collapse.
Sovereign default [nation bankruptcy] is predicted for the PIIGS [Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain] and probably the U.S.too.
The banks are REFUSING to undergo reform.
China has been selling US Treasuries and buying gold.
Everyone has their hand poised over the panic button, and this financial meltdown is EVERYWHERE on the Mainstream Media.
This stinks to high heaven like plausible deniability or desensitisation … either way, a touch of Problem-Reaction-Solution, just to keep the War of Terror influencing our mind and our thoughts.

David Cameron has publicly stated that we’re all in the shit, and that urgent measures and legislation is required.
HOWEVER … the UK Parliment is about to take a holiday for two weeks. Make sense?
The Eurozone is on the brink.
Germany is by far the biggest player in the Eurozone, as are Germany’s banks.
HOWEVER … the Angela Merkel is about to take a holiday. Make sense?
The U.N: Empty schedule for a couple of weeks.
The U.N?
How can there be NOTHING happening at the U.N?

The US Congress; on holiday for two weeks.
Haven’t they just had a recess … why are they going on another break?
When their country is disintegrating around them and Wall Street is on life support, the Fed Reserve’s policies aren’t working … and they take a break? Make sense?
NASA, Department of Homeland Security, Justice, EcoSys, Communications, Energy … ALL scheduled to be in Denver for “conferences” or “symposia” at the same time.
Pretty much any ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ reading this will know the significance of Denver and its Airport.

At the same time everyone is ‘concidentally’ in Denver, the Department of Homeland Security has announced it will be running a DEFCON1“maximum readiness alert drill”. This alone rings my warning bells. Why? because on 9/11, the Defence Department was running ‘exercises’ EXACTLY like 9/11 itself, which they claim ‘confused’ their defence systems. Not approximately – exactly the very same exercises as supposedly happened in reality; i.e. the Defence Dept was running exercises on commercial planes being hijacked and flown into buildings, on the morning of 9/11. What are the odds? On 7/7, the day of the London Bombings, Civil Defense was running identical exercises to the supposedly terrorist incidents. Again, not approximating the incidents, they were identical; i.e. train bombings on the London Underground . . .  but not just bombings in the underground, the ‘exercises’ were being run at EXACTLY the same stations as were actually bombed! What are the odds of THAT happening? Now combine them … what are the odds of the EXACT SAME exercises being run on the same day of the two biggest terrorist events to hit the Western world, not just on the same day, but identical events as the exercises being run? The odds are just too big for it to be a coincidence.
So why the long winded background and scene set?
Because the Department of Homeland Security has announced a DEFCON 1 “maximum readiness alert drill” on September 27th, which, by itself, might not sound strange – to most it won’t.
Having followed this stuff for years, whenever “exercises” or “defence drills” are publicly announced, my chocolate starfish starts twitching so bad, it feels like my ass is having an epileptic seizure.
But let me throw three more things in to the equation which just make no sense at all. Really. No sense.
1. It has been announced that President Obama will be at the Denver International Airport, officially overseeing this “maximum readiness alert drill”. That is total bullshit. Please – think for a minute – whenever there is a “threat”, what is the first thing they do with the President? They throw him into Air Force 1 and get him in the sky ASAP. The standard procedure is ALWAYS to evacuate the President and get him out of there. Have you EVER heard of the POTUS “overseeing” a Department of Homeland Security ”alert drill”? I haven’t; ever. He has advisers and he has a committee or Executive Group. But for the POTUS to be based at Denver International Airport [yes - the infamous Denver International Airport ... war murals, Apocalyptic horse statutes, miles of underground tunnels and cables, etc, etc], overseeing a DHS drill? Nope; sorry … I’m not buying it.
2. Did you know that about two weeks ago, the DHS were running an earlier exercise? Did you also know that the DHS and local law enforcement involved in the exercise ‘lost’ their own bomb? I kid you not. The Department of Homeland Security lost its own bomb, at a drill being conducted at Sky Harbor in Phoenix, AZ   I mean … c’mon … really?  That’s almost as crazy as suggesting that Dick Cheney confirming that $2.3 Trillion has gone missing, and then the next day all the records are destroyed … oh wait … that actually happened …
If video below doesn't appear . . .go to website to view: regarding the missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars. 

3. In a report issued by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on September 8, the US government claims that it cannot account for or track thousands of pounds of “highly-enriched uranium and separated plutonium.” This nuclear material is “weapons usable”. No comment necessary, other than for years the ‘biggest threat’ that has been mentioned time and time again by the US Government Agency Fearmongers has been … drumroll … a “dirty bomb”. i.e. a bomb with nuclear material, that isn’t actually a fullblown nuclear weapon … a homemade version of one, using conventional explosives + nuclear material.
So what’s my crazy, wild gut feeling?
False Flag event, equal 9/11, if not bigger, on September 27th, to help usher in the measures required to introduce a global financial ‘solution’.
If I had to be even more specific, and was really pushed to guess what and where, I’d be tempted to say ‘dirty bomb in Washington D.C on September 27th.

Additional Information:
The United Nations has an empty schedule from September 23rd through October 10th, 2011.
The UK Parliament is in recess from September 15th through October 10th, 2011.
The United States Congress is on vacation from September 25th through October 2nd, 2011.
Germany’s President’s schedule is empty after September 25, 2011.
2011 ACEEE National Conference on Energy Efficiency as a Resource
September 25, 2011 – September 27, 2011
Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center
Denver, CO
The Coca-Cola Company, NatureWorks and Cereplast headline the Biopolymers Symposium
September 26-28, 2011
ControlLogix and RSLogix 5000 Training Seminar
September 27-29, 2011
September 26-27, 2011
PERPLEXING as it is a 17-hour Communications conference and is world-wide.
2011 Homeland Security Symposium
September 26-27, 2011
VIRGINIA – the bunker that was nuked?
6th Annual Biopolymers Symposium
September 26-28, 2011
Strategies for Justice Conference
September 26-30, 2011
2011 Kentico Connection – Denver
September 26-30, 2011
EcoSys EPC (Enterprise Planning & Controls)
September 25-26, 2011
ENGLEWOOD – 6 miles from DENVER
Annual Educational Networking Conference
September 25-27, 2011
NASA Lands in Colorado With International Space Station Events
September 21-27, 2011
A report from the European Union Times states the following:
A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one of the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.
The CIA has been moved to Denver.
Denver has the second highest number of federal employees outside of DC.
Denver has the largest number of U.S. Government offices in the country outside of Washington, D.C.
Go to:  for more report links

Donald Rumsfeld was stripped of immunity in a case involving the torture of two United States citizens

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

CGI's Maryhrt: Donald Rumsfeld was stripped of immunity in a case involving the torture of two United States citizens
Posted By: Susoni
Date: Sunday, 25-Sep-2011 13:59:51
He should also be charged with murder for his role in forcing aspartame into the world food supply.
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was stripped of immunity in a case involving the torture of two United States citizens
Welcome to Boston, Mr. Rumsfeld. You Are Under Arrest.
The ruling comes as Rumsfeld begins his book tour with a visit to Boston on Wednesday, and as new, uncensored photos of Abu Ghraib spark fresh outrage across Internet.

September 25, 2011 - WHITE HATS REPORT #29 ----- EXCELLENT

September 25, 2011 - WHITE HATS REPORT #29

Obama, Bush and the true, Sordid State of Our Cabal Controlled Union.

It has been a little bit of time since we last posted an article.  Although we have volumes to report, we do not have the time to author stories of more scandals, it’s just more of the same and vastly larger than reported in the past.  We promise we will.  In reality, we have been working with world leaders, numerous security agencies and the legitimate or clean guys in the banking industry to bring the Global Settlement to a conclusion.  We have certainly seen the results of the Dark Cabal's work for nearly fifty plus years, the depth of the tentacles’ of the Bush Clan in all aspects of the banking industry.  What is more interesting is the picture that is developing around the secret organizations that support the new version of the World War II German Reich.  Seems like some of the old guard are still hanging around in very clandestine, quiet places and are at the helm of the banking Cabal including the Bush’s.  This is an amazing world we are living in.  Every American and every person in the free world should be stepping up to the plate and questioning every aspect of our representatives and their intentions.  We support the total removal of incumbents from our leadership and a process for the thorough vetting of candidates on a state by state basis prior to their ability to hold office on a Federal basis.  We no longer can have the extremely poor leadership that has been commonplace for these many past decades.

America is the shining star of freedom in the world and we can no longer afford to elect the types of people that will be intimidated by or want to only cooperate for profit with the secret under body of the world.  We need people that will put their lives on the line to root out the individuals and groups that have divisive plans to control the world through manipulation of the political process, the financial markets and the main stream media.  It is up to the American public, our clean world leaders and the people of the world to literally force the tough questions and push the bastards out of office.  It is up to the common folks to wake up and spread the word to their neighbors to show what 308 million Americans can do. We can report all day long but if YOU won’t act or even question then it is all for naught and you will continue to suffer for your lack of action.  We hope that YOU are not waiting for us to do all of the work.  We do the heavy lifting but many hands (minds and voices) will complete the task and improve the world we live in.

During the last few weeks as Washington, D.C. was on vacation, The White Hats have been working diligently behind the scenes with intelligence sources to expose the dark cabal.  We have been holding in reserve supporting evidence, which portray the depth of corruption and complicity of the Beltway Federal establishment, still controlled by George H.W. Bush Sr.  Our Constitutional values are still being dismantled and replaced by the dictates of a criminal Cabal, a pretend president and his illegal, administration.   Homeland Security has failed to recognize that our greatest enemy is already within. This enemy is the greatest threat to the liberties and freedoms we love as Americans;  a failing president controlled by a dark cabal conspiring to profiteer from their insatiable greed.   The world knows what is unfolding as Israel has now sold 46% of its US Treasuries and Russia has sold 95% of its own US Treasury holdings. 

The truth is widely known among the nations, who are asking why these criminals have been allowed to perpetuate their criminal control unchecked?  Bush Senior and Obama are blatantly compromising, not only America's economic recovery, but the World’s by continuing to extort and unlawfully use the Global Settlements and all of the funds they have stolen for years.  They refuse to release funds which are not theirs while maximizing Bank Trading Program payments for their own offshore accounts.  As recent as this week a wire transfer of funds to Wells Fargo Bank for a true Patriotic Beneficiary was illegally stopped so they could continue their felonious activities.

Geithner was appointed to head up the US Treasury for one reason. He was appointed as the Gatekeeper to stop any independent ethical appointee from having oversight over the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose criminal Ponzi and racketeering activities have crippled America with debt obligations beyond anyone's imagination.  Geithner fronts a cover up as a bought slave to his Master Bush.  Geithner has taken combined payouts from the theft of the Falcone Bank Program funds set up by Bush Senior, which he is now seeking to hide behind discretionary Nominees fronting for him via The Royal Bank of Canada accounts in London, which we are tracking.

We know Geithner's illegal Banking as he desperately seeks to avoid our monitoring investigators.

We know about Bush Seniors, Biden’s, the Clinton’s, and Romney’s offshore accounts, which will be exposed and deny Romney the Presidency.  We watch Obama's desperate attempts to hide his own accounts totaling in excess of 11 Billion Dollars.  We know the full extent of the CIA Bank Program trafficking. These will be exposed and moves are in process by Falcone’s own attorneys to get all identified accounts frozen. 

Both our Senate, Congress, Pentagon and all Agency leaders know fully that Obama is an illegal President, as do the Supreme Court Justices.  Slowly International media is waking up and challenging the inadequacies and transgressions of Obama and his criminal Chicago support team. Visibly, the protective compliant media shell is now cracking as questions and challenges to Obama and the Bush criminal cabal are mounting.    The wheels are coming off their Gravy Train.

The very role of FRB New York, Geithner's former home, is now being debated and challenged. This is their Achilles heel.

We outline again the clear and simple facts which will be rigorously challenged as their empire disintegrates.
  • Obama is not able to be a Lawful American President. He is a criminal Usurper.
  • Obama knowingly and fraudulently tendered a FALSE Birth Certificate, that in itself is a criminal act. He is a Fraud! The whole world sees it, with exception of the US Regulators. 
  • Obama has been facilitated with Offshore Bank Program trading accounts and vast profits by Bush 41, using again the notorious Josef Ackermann, Chairman of Deutsche Bank. His accounts are being tracked and monitored ready to be frozen when he is eventually arraigned. Obama’s prime objective now is to maximise his illegal accounts for when he is removed from office. He wants to cut and run as a wealthy man with his fat proceeds of crime in office.  It will end in tears once removed from his Chicago and Texan support umbilicals. 
  • Obama has knowingly and fraudulently used the ID number of a dead 19 year old Connecticut boy. Congress knows this as do all Senators. Failure to act on such a deeply humiliating criminal transgression is a Congressional disgrace raising again the integrity of this now neutered House. This raises the question of Representatives for whom because they no longer represent the American people or protect our Constitution or values.
  • Obama fraudulently obtained a US passport with bogus papers. Why has no one checked this? How can Homeland Security allow a Bogus illegal to penetrate so far?  
  • Under what legal accord is Obama even married to a US citizen with false papers?
  • Why has Obama failed to act with clear evidence that Biden, his own Vice President has taken bribes of $200M from Clinton acting for Bush Sr. It IS a Criminal offense to bribe a Public Official! It IS a Criminal offense for Biden to take the bribe and for Bush to bribe him. All of this is on record as the Edward Falcone issue proceeds now towards litigation, which has now passed the disclosure demand stages.   
  • Geithner will be exposed by future White Hats articles waiting release for vast frauds abusing Americas allies for many $Trillions; Hegemony of the worst kind. We will soon expose the depth of the US Treasury / FRB NY Bait and Switch scams with damning evidence and bank records.
  • Can David Petreus, with his Political aspirations, afford to become tarnished at the Agency with the visible corruption he has inherited and theft of the Falcone funds? Obama promised him he would get this fiasco settled to avoid public exposure. 
  • Who allowed Bush to use US Government planes to fly CIA Agents around the world falsifying bank records and moving Biden’s bribery money in desperation to shelter the audit trail? How can David Dewhurst, ex CIA agent, now Lt Governor of Texas, who set up and helped defraud Falcone, expect to clear vetting for his Senate ambitions? Litigation is now imminent. This is a delicate appointment Rick Perry as Governor needs to review and distance him away from as a key Presidential contender himself. 
  • Donald Rumsfeld has now been stripped of immunity in the case involving torture of 2 FBI Informants in Iraq in 2006, Donald Vance and Nathan Ertel. The case is now proceeding. It will open up the systematic inhuman mass brutality and torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib, which Rumsfeld authorised as part of the Bush murderous campaign of mass brutality now unfolding. This long overdue and merited removal of Rumsfeld's immunity sends a clear signal that crimes against humanity and American citizens will not be tolerated, no matter who the perpetrators were. Those who invoked such vile repressions will be identified and held accountable. The Rapes and Sodomy in Abu Ghraib, in many cases against teenage children, will all be exposed, and those responsible held accountable. 
  • Bush, Jr. dares not even travel to Canada now for fear of War Crimes arrest, nor Switzerland, where committed groups also wait to have warrants issued and detain him for a Hague tribunal. History will judge them in ignominy.  Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice are culpable of destroying the US economy, America’s global image and our face. 
  • As we indicated above and reported previously, Obama has been attempting to hide his stolen funds in several different areas of the world.  He knows we are watching.  In fact, shortly after The White Hats reported that Obama personally was working some of his stolen funds directly with Josef Ackerman of Deutsch Bank, he reacted by immediately pulling his funds out of the trading program .  Please do not be fooled. Obama knows his time is limited and his only focus is to increase these stolen funds with  hopes of doubling the 11 Billion before he has to leave office.  His own party has become split and Obama's Chicago backers are now pulling away realizing that Obama's time is short.  Fortunately, the world leaders have become awakened to the truth about Obama and he will have little chance of actually spending these ill gotten gains.

It was Posted the 22nd at PC World -- PC World is NOW Off Line... Hmmmm

This is a repeat posting on same subject from a different source --- JUST TO BE SURE IT GETS OUT THERE.

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

It was Posted the 22nd at PC World -- PC World is NOW Off Line... Hmmmm
Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Saturday, 24-Sep-2011 12:47:26
In Response To: Tunnels To At Least 13 Underground Bases Being Sealed Off (Steve)
This is the url that came with the email I received.
Does anyone know anything about PC World? Who are they? .ca is Canada isn't it?

Here's the article from PC World... It's essentially the same but with only two photos.
Tunnels to at least 13 underground bases being sealed off.
Posted by PC World news Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

At least 13 very powerful underground explosions rocked the United States Midwest in the last 48 hours. They registered as small shallow earthquakes with the USGS. Many of the underground high explosive detonations registered as 2.6 magnitude earthquakes. The U.S. military is said to be sealing off the tunnels so that the Globalists and the U.S. ghost government (Federal Reserve Bankers, FEMA, DHS, CIA) can’t run and hide from what is predicted to occur within 48 hours of September 27, 2011.

Officers in the U.S. military didn’t seem to be aware of Obama and the Globalists’ planned converging on Denver for a DEFCON 1 (nuclear war imminent) “cocked pistol” drill. An email was sent to the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations on September 21, 2011 to alert them to planned false flag nuclear detonations on U.S. soil in the American Midwest. The U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations were the ones who raided Citadel Gun and Safe Store in Las Vegas on August 21, 2011 to recover stolen nuclear warhead detonators. They were the ones who intercepted the transfer of improvised nuclear warheads by the CIA in the tunnels that connected the Deep Underground Military Bases on August 23, 2011. The improvised nuclear bombs (W54 style warheads) were being transfered via those tunnels to Washington DC and New York City when they detonated during a firefight between U.S. military personnel and CIA/DHS/FEMA operatives.
It would appear that the U.S. military had a deadline to meet and has already damaged, destroyed or sealed at least 13 underground tunnels or bases. Perhaps their incentive was the fact that Obama, his shadow government and the Globalists made plans to save their own hides and leave the rest of use to fend for ourselves. Perhaps they investigated and confirmed that another false flag nuclear detonation was imminent and acted accordingly to prevent it.
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