Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Widely Used Herbicide Linked to Cancer

Widely Used Herbicide Linked to Cancer

September 8, 2015 in Current Events, U.S. News by D

By Daniel Cressey and Nature magazine | March 25, 2015|
truck applying herbicide to crop
Glyphosate is the world’s most widely produced herbicide, by volume. It is used extensively in agriculture and is also found in garden products in many countries.
Credit: Chafer Machinery via Flickr
The cancer-research arm of the World Health Organization last week announced that glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide, is probably carcinogenic to humans. But the assessment, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, has been followed by an immediate backlash from industry groups. On March 23, Robb Fraley, chief technology officer at the agrochemical company Monsanto in St Louis, Missouri, which sells much of the world’s glyphosate, accused the IARC of “cherry picking” data. “We are outraged with this assessment,” he said in a statementNature explains the controversy.

What does the IARC report say?
The IARC regularly reviews the carcinogenicity of industrial chemicals, foodstuffs and even jobs. On March 20, a panel of international experts convened by the agency reported the findings of a review of five agricultural chemicals in a class known as organophosphates. A summary of the study was published in The Lancet Oncology.

Two of the pesticides — tetrachlorvinphos and parathion — were rated as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, or category 2B. Three — malathion, diazinon and glyphosate — were rated as “probably carcinogenic to humans”, labelled category 2A.

Why should I care about glyphosate?
Glyphosate is the world’s most widely produced herbicide, by volume. It is used extensively in agriculture and is also found in garden products in many countries. The chemical is an ingredient in Monsanto’s weedkiller product Roundup, and glyphosate has become more popular with the increasing market share of crops that are genetically engineered to be tolerant to the herbicide.

What evidence is there for a link between glyphosate and cancer?
The IARC review notes that there is limited evidence for a link to cancer in humans. Although several studies have shown that people who work with the herbicide seem to be at increased risk of a cancer type called non-Hodgkin lymphoma, the report notes that a separate huge US study, the Agricultural Health Study, found no link to non-Hodgkin lymphomas. That study followed thousands of farmers and looked at whether they had increased risk of cancer.

But other evidence, including from animal studies, led the IARC to its ‘probably carcinogenic’ classification. Glyphosate has been linked to tumours in mice and rats — and there is also what the IARC classifies as ‘mechanistic evidence’, such as DNA damage to human cells from exposure to glyphosate.
Kathryn Guyton, a senior toxicologist in the monographs programme at the IARC and one of the authors of the study, says, “In the case of glyphosate, because the evidence in experimental animals was sufficient and the evidence in humans was limited, that would put the agent into group 2A.”

But not everyone agrees?
An industry group of agrochemical companies called the Glyphosate Task Force said that the agency’s evaluation “demonstrates serious deficiencies in terms of methodological approach and the overall conclusion is inconsistent with the results of all regulatory reviews concerning glyphosate’s safety profile”.

Monsanto — a member of the task force — said that relevant scientific data that showed no risk was excluded from the review, and the IARC “purposefully disregarded dozens of scientific studies”, specifically genetic toxicity studies.
But Guyton strongly defends the IARC process and insists that there is a set of clear rules that lays out which studies can be considered by the experts convened by the IARC. These are broadly limited to peer-reviewed publications and government reports, leading to the rejection of a number of industry-submitted studies.
Some academic scientists have sounded notes of caution over the IARC report. Oliver Jones, an analytical chemist at RMIT University in Melbourne, told the Science Media Center in London: “IARC evaluations are usually very good, but to me the evidence cited here appears a bit thin.” He added: “From a personal perspective, I am a vegetarian so I eat a lot of vegetables and I’m not worried by this report.”

Doesn’t just about everything cause cancer if you look hard enough?
The IARC classifies compounds on a scale of decreasing certainty: group 1 is for agents that are definitely carcinogenic to humans; 2A, probably carcinogenic to humans; 2B, possibly carcinogenic to humans; 3, not classifiable; and 4, probably not carcinogenic to humans.

Monsanto said in its statement, “IARC has classified numerous everyday items in Category 2 including coffee, cell phones, aloe vera extract and pickled vegetables, as well as professions such as a barber and fry cook.”
But the IARC classified most of these items at the less dangerous 2B level, whereas glyphosate is in the ‘probably carcinogenic’ 2A category. Of Monsanto’s list, only emissions from high-temperature frying and the occupational exposure experienced as a barber are rated as 2A.

What happens next?
It is not part of the IARC’s process to quantify any increased risk of cancer due to a chemical, or to recommend a safe exposure level, although its studies can be influential. Rather, regulatory agencies around the world will have to decide what to do with the agency’s finding. The Environmental Protection Agency is currently conducting a formal review of the safety of glyphosate (which it does not consider carcinogenic in humans) and said that it would give “full consideration” to the IARC study.

General rushes to White House to warn of Taliban surge

General rushes to White House to warn of Taliban surge

Fall of strategic province could be 'death blow' to Afghan government

Published: 13 hours ago


WASHINGTON – A U.S. general has quietly returned to Washington to brief the White House about a Taliban surge threatening the survival of the U.S.-backed government in Afghanistan as a result of the withdrawal of U.S. troops, especially from strategic Helmand province, a U.S. military intelligence source in Afghanistan told Joseph Farah’s G2Bulletin.
Army Gen. John F. Campbell rushed back to Washington this week without publicity to warn the White House that the Taliban is on the verge of taking over the entire Helmand province, the source said.
“I guess somebody’s getting frustrated that we’re over here just spinning our wheels,” the military intelligence source said. “The Taliban planned with our withdrawal to take Helmand, and if they did, it was to be the death blow of the GIROA,” the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
The source said the only U.S. troops who appear to be “doing anything” are Special Operations Forces. But some of their camps may be shut down shortly, which would allow the Taliban to fill the vacuum and begin surrounding Kabul itself.
Get the rest of this report, and more, in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
In pulling back, the source said Afghans who have worked for the Americans could be in jeopardy.
“The command philosophy is ‘kill ‘em,’ so we’re going to be busy for the next little while reducing the target lists,” he said. “The negative side of that is that it’s going to be a bad time to work for Uncle Sam if you’re a native.”
Afghan security forces were able to repel an immediate attack but “held on by their fingernails and had a Pyrrhic victory of sorts,” the source said.
The source raised doubts that Afghan security forces would be able to hold the province without U.S. assistance, which is being cut back on a regular basis and “retrograding towards Kabul.”
“Just watch it implode from there,” the source said. “We’re planning on pulling in, shutting a couple (Special Forces) camps down by December,” he said.
He pointed out that mostly U.S. Special Forces are rotating in and out for a “short tour” and that their mission at this point is “basically killing (Taliban) if it talks on a phone.”
Get the rest of this report, and more, in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
Copyright 2015 WND

Valuable Lesson: If You Can't Touch It At Will...Well, Sorry But You Don't Own It...Austin Gold Vault Is Virtually Empty...Dealer Bankrupt

Valuable Lesson: If You Can't Touch It At Will...Well, Sorry But You Don't Own It...Austin Gold Vault Is Virtually Empty...Dealer Bankrupt
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Tuesday, 8-Sep-2015 20:29:53


(Thomas Dishaw) If you can’t touch it you don’t own it. Here is another prime example of the importance of actually possessing physical assets like gold and silver, or you could end up like many of these unfortunate customers who have lost everything.
A recent article by the Austin American Statesman reports: Barbala bought more than $100,000 worth of precious metals through a little-known downtown Austin company. Started in 1999, Bullion Direct began as an online virtual trading floor where thousands of customers could buy and sell precious metals to each other, with the company taking a cut of each sale.
Later, it began selling the metals to customers directly. It also stored the commodities for those who requested it — such as Barbala — with the glittering coins and bars kept safely in individual piles for each investor in an old bank vault in its Lavaca Street offices.
At least that’s what everyone thought.
By the time auditors and lawyers got access to Bullion Direct’s 14th-floor offices six weeks ago, there were only a handful of gold and silver coins in an office safe. A second vault it had recently rented held only slightly more.
An estimated $30 million in cash, metal bullion and valuable coins, meanwhile, had vanished.
And the story gets worse. It’s estimated that the scammed investors will only recover 2-3% of their total investments.Imagine having $100,000 in precious metals locked away in some vault and then when its time to collect only receiving $3000. This will be a heartbreaking lesson to the people involved and most likely destroy any chance of prosperity these families had.
What is clear is that the news has devastated those who believed the company was safekeeping the futures they’d bet on the rounds and bricks of gold and silver. Some lost hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of the precious metal with little apparent prospect of regaining it. Jesse Moore, an attorney representing several creditors, predicted that investors can hope to recover 2 or 3 percent of their money, at best.
Bullion Direct filed for bankruptcy protection on July 20, several days after the company abruptly shuttered its operations and let go its dozen or so employees. The company’s new lawyer, Joe Martinec, has hired a local turn-around specialist to try to squeeze whatever value remains out of it.
Bullion Direct only filed one tax return in 16 years…
Beneath the surface, however, financial documents from Bullion Direct’s bankruptcy depict a startlingly different picture. James Hoeffner, an Austin attorney representing a Florida customer missing an estimated $250,000 in cash and metal from the company’s vault, said Bullion Direct filed only a single income tax return, in 2010, covering the previous decade.
It showed the company lost money for all but two of those years. By 2009, the documents show, the company was carrying $17 million in losses — not counting the tens of millions of dollars’ worth in eventually missing money and metal. Records also show McAllister had hired a bankruptcy attorney in 2012, but never filed.
Bullion Direct filed for bankruptcy protection on July 20, several days after the company abruptly shuttered its operations and let go its dozen or so employees. The company’s new lawyer, Joe Martinec, has hired a local turn-around specialist to try to squeeze whatever value remains out of it.
Several weeks into the job, he has described the company’s finances as a mess. Bullion Direct hadn’t filed a tax return since 2010. What little has been unearthed suggests it was losing money almost from the day it opened its doors. Records also indicate McAllister paid himself hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual compensation.
If anyone reading this does not physically own their gold or silver, I’m sorry but you don’t own it. Don’t end up like Gerald Celente who almost lost his six figure gold investment, but due to his stature and Gods grace was able to recover most of his assets. 

Global Warming and Communist Infiltration of the Church

Global Warming and Communist Infiltration of the Church
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Tuesday, 8-Sep-2015 19:55:03

Global Warming and Communist Infiltration of the Church
David Risselada | Freedom Outpost
Sep 4, 2015
This week, our beloved leader, no doubt in an effort to hide from the realities of his race-baiting policies, went to Alaska to lecture us about global warming…again. Carrying on with his usual doomsday rhetoric, President Obama warned of rising seas, more intense storms, abandoned towns, and climate refugees spread across the globe. Never mind that there has been no warming for the last nineteen years.
That didn't stop the president from making his trip as dramatic as possible as he climbed Exit Glacier in an effort to draw attention to the melting ice. At least the ice is melting at the glacier as opposed to the Arctic, which is showing record levels of ice, despite all the alarmist claims of global warming. The truth is that global warming is just the means that the global elite are using in their efforts to destroy capitalism and bring us into a global communist government. This was all but admitted by the U.N. Climate chief, Christine Figueres, when she stated that global communism was the best way to deal with global warming.
Even the world's most esteemed religious leader, the Pope, has jumped on board the global warming position by stating that global warming is caused by human beings. This is alarming because the number one gas contributing to global warming, according to alarmists, is a gas we are all responsible for putting into the environment: carbon dioxide. To say that humans are responsible and that drastic action needs to be taken, while insisting that communism is the proper way in which to deal with is frightening to say the least. After all, communists have a tendency to kill people that disagree with them.
The Pope will be addressing congress on September 24 to "press them into action" for the sake of saving the planet. Global warming is kind of an odd subject for the Pope to get involved with, especially when so many world leaders are calling on a global communist government in order to stop it.

Reader, 20-min video: "World Trade Center NY / 1999"

Reader, 20-min video: "World Trade Center NY / 1999"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 8-Sep-2015 18:55:19 

(Thanks, A. :)
Reader Alan writes and sends us this 20-minute video of film footage of, in, and from the World Trade Center as it was in 1999.
Nothing explosive or extraordinary here but of general historic interest.
The anniversary is due in a few days on 11 September.
Respects to all who perished and were affected on that date 14 years ago: 11 September 2001
World Trade Center NY / 1999



Social Conditioning Could Get You To Do Just About Anything

Social Conditioning Could Get You To Do Just About Anything

Germany facing massive protests over immigration surge

by | September 8, 2015 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Christians warned to pull kids from public school



'All the garbage and debris and waste from this faulty model is washing up'




Imagine an America in which all children are educated according to biblical, Christian principles instead of modern, secular, liberal values.

Chaplain E. Ray Moore (Lt. Col. USAR Ret.), such a scenario is not just possible, but essential if Christians wish to reclaim the American culture.

“We take the position at the Exodus Mandate that the Scripture and sound theology teach that the education of children belongs to the family and the church or private associations, not government,” said Moore, the founder and president of Frontline Ministries, Inc. and director of the Exodus Mandate Project. “We don’t believe that government, even at the state level, has any role in K-12 education, and the Scriptures are clear and explicit on this. There’s no wiggle room.”

In order to wake Christian parents up to the dangers of public schools, Exodus Mandate has released a new documentary called “Escaping Common Core: Setting Our Children Free.”

The film is divided into two roughly 30-minute parts. The first part explores the origins of Common Core and the history of progressive education, from Horace Mann through John Dewey through the education policies of our past four U.S. presidents. The filmmakers argue Common Core is the latest manifestation of the effort to impose a socialist worldview on American children.

The second part of the movie offers Exodus Mandate’s suggested response to Common Core, which is for Christian parents to pull their children out of what Moore calls the “pagan, godless, atheistic public school system” and either homeschool them or find a private Christian school.

Moore, the scriptwriter and executive producer, said Exodus Mandate saw an opening for this film because Common Core has become a major national issue in the past few years.

“For the first time in our lifetime, because of Common Core, K-12 education is being debated on the national stage,” Moore told WND in an interview. “We saw an opportunity to kind of come in there and ride the crest of the wave, with all these millions of dollars of free publicity on the Common Core issue, to create a movie that would give the Christian an answer to the problem.”

Exodus Mandate is the same group that produced the award-winning 2011 film “IndoctriNation,” which also dealt with the history of the public schools and their subversive, anti-Christian nature. However, that film came out before Common Core was a major national issue, so Moore felt the need to do a follow-up.

International journalist and educator Alex Newman, coauthor of “Crimes of the Educators,” offered hearty praise for “Escaping Common Core.”

“It is exciting to see the makers of the wonderful film ‘IndoctriNation,’ which featured a great interview with my co-author, the late Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld, release their next documentary,” Newman said. “I encourage everyone to see it and spread the word. The topic could not be more important. As sad as it is to admit it, I agree with the message of the film: Christians can no longer be a part of these government schools.”


Indeed, Moore confirmed the goal of “Escaping Common Core” is to make parents realize Common Core is a threat to their children and they should pull out of the public schools in favor of private Christian schools or homeschooling. The longtime chaplain lamented that Christians have trusted the public schools for far too long.

“After 160 years or so, all the garbage and debris and waste from this faulty model is washing up on our shores,” Moore said. “And it’s creating a lot of anxiety and cultural, social, and moral destruction in our culture. So we think it’s time to jettison the model completely. Christians need to do that first, lead the way.”

Moore believes if Christian parents set up a far-reaching system of private schools, many non-Christian families would be drawn to them as well in order to escape Common Core. If this happened, he said, more people would find Christ, which might spark a revival that would renew American culture.

However, he said that will never happen if parents continue to put their kids in public schools.

“To think we can win the culture war when a majority of Christian children are still being indoctrinated in the public schools doesn’t pass the common sense test, much less the theology test,” Moore said. “And so Christians are derelict and irresponsible, in my judgment, if they continue to put their kids in these pagan, godless, atheistic public schools.”

In the few weeks that “Escaping Common Core” has been out, Moore said he has already met opposition from some conservative Christians – the very people for whom he made the movie. He said many Christians still hold on “almost like an addiction” to state education, even though it’s harming their children.

“We’re still having to fight trench warfare within our own camps to try to win over Christians and pastors,” the former chaplain said. “Pastors as a group are pretty much AWOL on this issue. Maybe 10 or 15 percent are engaged, but 75 to 80 percent won’t touch it because they have so many public school people in their churches still, and they know, you get a disgruntled group, you’re history. So they really are putting their job security ahead of taking care of their flocks in many cases.


“It’s time the pastors step up and be the shepherds of the flock that God’s called them to be in this particular area.”

Moore is adamant that Christians don’t have permission to put their children in harm’s way under “pagan, atheistic education,” as the vast majority of evangelical Christians are doing now. He warned 80 percent of Christian children who attend public school through their entire K-12 lives are leaving the church and abandoning the Christian faith. Moore wants to see a change.

“If we would change our ways, in a decade we could create a whole new private Christian and homeschool system that would educate tens of millions of children,” he declared. “And then it could be used as a way to evangelize and re-Christianize the culture.

“But so many Christians are still locked into this faulty, absurd salt-and-light theology that their children are in the public schools to be a witness for Christ, and actually what’s happening is they’re being converted by the Left.”

Patrice Lewis, a WND columnist and freelance writer, said well-intentioned parents are making a huge mistake by sending their children off to public school.

“Most parents want what is best for their children,” Lewis said. “When they send their kids to public schools, they’re making the erroneous assumption that those schools are educating children with sound values. In fact, public education has become little more than progressive indoctrination camps where dissenting opinions and a Christian worldview are treated with hostility.”

Lewis homeschools her two children, and she urges other parents to do the same.

“The question parents must ask is, who do you want to have the biggest influence on your children?” she said. “By default – by simple mathematics – if your children spend the bulk of their waking hours under the influence of public schools, they are far more likely to adopt to morals and principles of those influences, rather than the morals and principles of the people who love them the most.

“It’s not a matter of ‘detoxifying’ your children again and again every evening and weekend; it’s a matter of making your life easier by choosing to keep them out of the toxifying environment to begin with.”


Moore approvingly noted the homeschool movement is growing in America. Indeed, the number of children 5 through 17 years old who were being homeschooled by their parents rose 61.8 percent in the 10 years from 2003 to 2012. A total of 1,773,000 kids were homeschooled, representing 3.4 percent of the total 5-to-17 population.

In addition to homeschooling and private Christian schools, there is a third option that gives Moore hope: online K-12 education. He noted lots of middle class and working class parents want out of the public schools, but they can’t all afford private school tuition and some of them are not comfortable homeschooling. 

Within the past 10 to 15 years, online Christian education programs have given parents the chance to school their kids according to Christian principles at home without having to come up with lessons and curricula themselves. Liberty University and Bob Jones University are two examples of colleges that offer “online homeschooling” curricula for children grades K-12.

Moore also praised Apologia, a corporation that offers Christian-based curricula for homeschooling families. Apologia textbooks cover all the natural sciences as well as civics and history.

“There’s just so many good things out there now,” Moore exclaimed. “There’s no excuse for a family to put their kids in a government school.”

These alternative forms of education are important, Moore said, because government schools simply cannot be salvaged.

“It’s important for conservatives and Christians to realize that we cannot reform public schools,” he said. “It’s a socialistic model. It’s the wrong model. You don’t fix socialism; you abandon it. So many of our best people are still foolishly trying to reform that system, and it can’t be done.”

He said trying to reform public schools is like trying to teach a pig to dance: it doesn’t work, you get dirty, and the pig gets mad. He believes the leftists who control public education will never allow the system to be changed.

“A lot of Christians are protesting, and you can’t defeat an evil power by mere protest and whining,” he advised. “We’ve got to create a rival power, and the Left is just laughing at us when we protest and talk about fixing government schools. It’s never going to happen, so it’s time to give that model up.”


Newman agrees it’s pointless to try to reform government schools.

“If we are going to save and restore America, and protect our children from evil and ignorance, that needs to begin with a mass exodus of Christians from government schools,” Newman asserted. “They cannot be reformed. They were, in fact, designed to do precisely what they are doing: mass producing anti-Christian illiterates who lack even the most rudimentary academic and critical-thinking skills but are experts on pseudo-science and leftist ideologies. It is a crime of monumental proportions, and Christians can no longer be bound up with these institutions.”

This fight is getting urgent, Moore said. With the recent Obergefell decision, the Supreme Court legalized and legitimized “same-sex marriage,” and now the chaplain worries public schools will indoctrinate children with a pro-”gay marriage” mindset.

Also, in the Sept. 5 issue of World Magazine, Warren Cole Smith reported on the College Board’s ongoing effort to revise its 37 Advanced Placement (AP) tests. He wrote that the U.S. History exam in particular has become more politicized with a leftward slant. 

For example, one anonymous teacher told Smith a recommended AP textbook called “A History of Western Society” devotes less space to John Calvin or Martin Luther than to homosexuality and the acceptance of different sexual orientations, which it considers a mark of Western civilization’s progress.

Conservatives see this bias as a problem, according to the article, because the College Board operates as a de facto monopoly, with no other organizations offering an alternative to the AP exams at this point. And if teachers choose not to use the recommended textbooks, their students are less likely to do well on the AP tests.

Moore fears the Left will use the education system to push Christians “to the bottom of the economic ladder.”
The chaplain compared America to the Egypt described in Exodus Chapter 1, when a new pharaoh who didn’t know Joseph rose to power and enslaved the Israelites.

“Now humanists and pharaohs have come forward in our country who knew not Christ and knew not the founding era of our country,” Moore declared. “So we’ve got to break free and escape Common Core and go to the promised land of Christian schooling and home schooling, and that’s what our movie’s about: escaping Common Core, escaping the tyranny of this system, and setting our children free.”


Wireless technology to control human behavior


(NaturalHealth365) It sounds like something out of a bad science fiction movie. Unfortunately, the spending of federal funds on wireless technology to control the brain is all too real.

cell-phone-towers-thumbTaking advantage of public funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Defense Department, scientists have developed a remote-controlled tissue implant for the brain

The implant makes it possible for neuroscientists to use wireless technology to control behavior and motion by injecting drugs and shining lights on neurons deep inside the brain.

The goal of ‘mad’ science: Wireless control of human behavior

Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, conducted the experiment which involved creation of the device as well as using it to control brain neurons in mice. Their results were published in the scientific journal Cell.

While their experiment limited its focus to mice, the implications for administering drugs and manipulating the human brain are clear. Could the same technology be used in the future to control behaviors of humans? Might the technology be used to administer drugs to unwilling patients?

John A. Rogers, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, served as senior author of the published paper. In a media release by the NIH, he foreshadowed future use of the technology, stating, “Ultra-miniaturized devices like this have tremendous potential for science and medicine.”

Scientists dream about manipulating brain function by remote control

The goal of the experiment was to successfully develop a remote controlled implant that could simultaneously deliver drugs and light, two significant ways of controlling brain cells. The study involved a series of exercises during which scientists used the wireless technology’s ability to maneuver mice, proving the implant’s ability to control brain function.

One phase of the study involved injecting viruses that labeled cells with genetic dyes in the mice brains. Another part of the study involved introducing a drug that mimics morphine and then forcing the mice to walk in circles.

Combining their ability to use both light and drug delivery to control the mice, the researchers also forced the light-sensitive mice to stay at one side of a cage by causing the implant to shine laser pulses onto the brain cells. They then reversed the effect by injecting a drug that blocks neuron communication.

Big pharma will profit greatly from mind control techniques

The researchers leading the experiment to control behavior and movement are associated with scientific labs studying the circuits that control a variety of disorders, including stress, depression and addiction.
Their experiment reflects the school of thinking widely held among those in the scientific and medical communities: there is no room for natural approaches to improving health.  Statistics prove nations relying heavily on pharmaceuticals are actually less healthy, however, but the influence of wealthy pharmaceutical companies dominates.

As though concerns over future use of the technology weren’t already heightened, the researchers also published instructions for manufacturing the implant along with their study findings. In stating their reason for making their development of the implant public, one of the lead scientists noted, “A tool is only good if it’s used.”

In a further sound bite, he went on to praise the concept of an open, crowdsourcing approach to neuroscience. Far from crowdsourcing, however, the realty of neuroscience research has been one of public funding and the deep pockets of big pharma.

Fears over how the new technology could be used are further fueled by similar technology that has already been developed. In yet another move sure to line the pockets of big pharma, a company called Microchips Biotech has developed a microchip that can be implanted into the human body. The microchip then makes it possible for medication to be administered either via wireless technology or by preprogrammed scheduling.

What kind of world are we creating?

Article Source: Natural Health 365
- See more at:



Vaccines deliver 4,925 mcg of aluminum by 18 months. The 'safe' limit is 25 mcg. 

(NaturalHealth365) While parents across the country are led to believe they are doing the best thing for their children by vaccinating them according to a childhood vaccination schedule, the little known fact is that those vaccines can introduce toxic aluminum into the body at nearly 200 times the safe level. Keep reading – to see for yourself the undeniable truth.

child-vaccines-thumbScientists at the University of British Columbia point out that aluminum clearly causes a negative impact on the nervous system of all ages. Yet, immunizations continue to administer this toxic substance directly into the systems of some of the most vulnerable to its effects.  

After watching this video (below) – you will certainly think twice about the ‘benefits’ of vaccines for our children.

Aluminum toxicity linked to autism epidemic

Researchers at the University of British Columbia published findings in 2013 following a study of how aluminum toxicity affects humans of various ages.

They discovered that, in young children, there is a highly significant correlation between the number of pediatric aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines given and the rate of autism spectrum disorders diagnosed in the child. In fact, many of the signs of aluminum-induced neurotoxicity come about due to autoimmune reactions, as part of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) Syndrome.

The United States 'government' knows that aluminum threatens human health

In reality, there is strong evidence the U.S. 'government' has documented aluminum toxicity, while at the same time it continues to push for childhood vaccination programs. According to a document generated by the Department of Health and Human Services on behalf of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), instances of aluminum toxicity is not considered rare in newborn babies, as well as other patients who receive certain injectable medications and IV solutions containing aluminum.

They also warn that symptoms of toxicity can be difficult to detect simply by observing symptoms. However, the document does not go so far as to include the term “vaccination” when describing the dangers of aluminum toxicity in IV solutions and injectable medications.

Look at what happens within the first 2 years of human life

Despite not mentioning vaccinations specifically, the FDA remains clear on what it considers a ‘safe level’ of aluminum in the human system: 25 micrograms of injectable aluminum at any one time. That number falls to 10 micrograms for premature infants and patients with kidney conditions.

Meanwhile, a newborn infant is routinely given a Hepatitis B injection on the first day of life, exposing his or her vulnerable system to about 250 micrograms of aluminum. This immunization is repeated when the baby reaches one month of age and receives the next Hep B shot.

At two months of age, infants typically receive a “big” round of shots. The total expected dose of aluminum associated with this round of vaccinations can range from 295 micrograms to a staggering 1,225 micrograms, depending on the aluminum content of the vaccination products used.

At four and six months, the cycle is repeated. In fact, the child would be subjected to aluminum in injections throughout the first two years of life with most immunization programs.

Just to remind you, the FDA feels that premature babies and any patient with impaired kidney function shouldn’t get more than 10 to 25 micrograms of injected aluminum at any one time.  This is way less aluminum than kids receive – if they follow the suggested vaccine schedule.

What else needs to be said? The deliberate act of injecting highly toxic fluids into our children exposes the brutality of our ‘modern’ sick care system.  It’s time to move away from this insane behavior.


Article Source: Health News 365
- See more at:,925-mcg-of-aluminum-by-18-months,-safe-limit-is-25-mcg.html#sthash.0D1rB0oV.dpuf

Seniors Facing 52% Increase in Medicare Premiums

15 Million Seniors Facing 52% Increase in Medicare Premiums for 2016

Millions of seniors in America are living on fixed incomes which generally do not keep pace with the increased cost of living. Consequently a large number of seniors are forced to find part time work at places like Walmart, Sam’s Club and other retailers in hope of earning enough to pay their bills, keep a roof over their heads and pay for their medical expenses. 

Among those expenses they are trying to pay are their Medicare premiums. However, if nothing is done to prevent it, about 30% of seniors paying into Medicare, which is around 15 million people, could see their Medicare premiums increase by 52%.

According to the Fiscal Times:
Nearly a third of the roughly 50 million elderly Americans who depend on Medicare for their physician care and other health services could see their premiums jump by 52 percent or more next year. That’s because of a quirk in the law that punishes wealthier beneficiaries and others any time the Social Security Administration fails to boost the annual cost of living adjustment.”
“While Congress is largely focused on addressing *looming shortfalls in the Social Security Disability Insurance program, a financial time-bomb of sorts may go off in 2016 because of the festering premium problem in Medicare Part B – the premium-based government health insurance program that covers seniors’ visits to doctors and other health care providers, out-patient care and durable medical equipment.”
“Unless *Congress or Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell intervenes, an estimated 15 million seniors, first-time beneficiaries or those currently claiming dual Medicare and Medicaid coverage will see their premiums jump from $104.90 per month to $159.30 for individuals, according to an analysis by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Higher-income couples would pay multiples of that increase.”
$54.40 may not seem like a lot to many of you, but it is a huge increase for many seniors living on inadequate Social Security payments. Don’t forget that many of these seniors worked at a time when most companies offered pension plans, but the vast majority of those pensions have evaporated away because companies could no longer afford to pay into them.  (OR they were stolen by this rogue 'government.')

When Social Security was first established, it was designed to be just a supplement to pension plans. Additionally it was based on a life expectancy of only 5 years from the time of retirement to the time of death. It was never meant to be the only long term source of income for millions of seniors. So $54.40 a month is a huge hurdle for many of them and probably a financial breaking point for some.

The problem is that it appears that there will be no cost of living increase for 2016 Social Security checks. The government uses the Consumer Price Index as their basis and since it has remained fairly constant this year that equates to no cost of living increase for next year.  (Those figures are all manipulated to meet the propaganda needs of this rogue mafia 'gov' - not to present any factual information upon which the population can formulate any objective financial plans.)

Herein exists the illogic of all of this. Since Social Security benefits will not receive a cost of living increase, the government is going to increase the Medicare premiums on nearly 15 million seniors.   (HUH?!  Now doesn't that illustrate exactly how the 'gov officials' of this nation got the nation in to the financial trouble that it now boasts?)  If there was going to be a cost of living increase, their premiums would not be going up.

If this makes sense to any of you, then please enlighten us with your wisdom and understanding because I see this is a punishment to many who can’t afford it and who don’t deserve it. 

The only thing that makes sense to me is that Barack Obama has been at war with senior citizens ever since taking office. The provisions built into Obamacare have only cost seniors more for less medical coverage. It’s as if Obama wants us older Americans to die sooner so the government doesn’t have to help provide for us. He’s in favor of killing off the elderly, the unborn, the sick and the disabled so they aren’t a burden on society. 

Kind of sounds like Adolf Hitler’s philosophy, doesn’t it?  First the seniors - then YOU.  WHO will come to YOUR aid at that time????
* These tragic situations for seniors are happening because................
(1)  A specific social security trust fund account was never actually established; historically, the 'gov' criminals have been depositing the funds meant to be used for the seniors in to the 'government' general account and then using those funds to finance their own agendas, completely screwing the seniors; 
(2) The rogue criminal CON-GRESS and 'administration' are unlawfully continually robbing the funds that were to be set aside and used specifically for seniors, and then using the funds to finance the refugees and illegals flowing into America at the invitation of this communist mafia organization posing as the 'government';
(3) The refugees are getting EVERYTHING paid for without questions or application, and the illegals receive a huge majority of everything paid for - but guess where the funds are coming from?  The funds are coming out of the allocated social security funds - from the funds that you and I have had monies extorted from us through the years to supposedly be paid back to us in our senior years for Medicare, etc.  
The 'refugees' and 'illegals' are being purposely brought into this nation to take down America - the cohesiveness  - the unity of Americans - the spirit of America.  This is being done to divide and conquerAmerica for the final destruction because, as the numbers of the foreigners increase, the Americans numbers, strength and spirit are then diminishing for an easier takedown. 

Florida Sheriff Responds To 'In God We Trust' Removal Call: 'Get A Judge's Order Or A New Sheriff' (2 Pics)

Florida Sheriff Responds To 'In God We Trust' Removal Call: 'Get A Judge's Order Or A New Sheriff' (2 Pics)

September 08, 2015

 A Florida sheriff has responded to a complaint by a Wisconsin organization asking for the removal of "In God We Trust" stickers from its department vehicles. 
Walton County Sheriff Michael Adkinson told the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) that he is "unwilling to compromise" in their request to have the decals removed, TheBlaze reported.

"If the Freedom From Religion Foundation wishes us to take them off our vehicles I suggest that they get a Judge's order or a new Sheriff," Adkinson wrote to the FFRF in an Aug. 5 letter (photo shown below).
Last month, the FFRF told Adkinson that placing "In God We Trust" on county property is inappropriate and exclusionary. 
"Citizens of Walton County trust their elected officials to attend to their elected secular duties," part of the letter reads. "Spending taxpayer time placing religious messages on patrol cars is beyond the scope of secular government."
The FFRF letter, written by co-president Annie Laurie Gaylor, also said the national motto "evidences no secular purpose."
In his response, Adkinson notes the history of the motto in Florida. 
"You are obviously unaware that 'In God We Trust" is the state motto of the state of Florida, and has been since 1886," he wrote. "This was reaffirmed in 2006."
Pointing to Gaylor's note on tax-paying citizens, Adkinson said he personally wanted to pay for the stickers along with other officers, but a local company provided them free of charge. 
"I will continue to dutifully enforce the law and protect the rights of all parties, regardless of my personal opinions, as I have for my last 23 years in law enforcement," Adkinson said. 
The FFRF has not issued an official response to the letter, and co-president Dan Barker said he is unsure of the next steps. 
"We can't predict what we'll do next," Barker said to TheBlaze. "Even if we wanted to sue we have to have a plaintiff there who's willing to sign on."
The letter sent to the Walton County Sheriff's Office was one of seven letters sent to other sheriffs' offices and police departments across the U.S. on July 29. 
Here is the Sheriff's letter in full, via the Office of the Sheriff, Walton County:
Sources: FFRF (2) , TheBlaze