Wednesday, September 9, 2015

General rushes to White House to warn of Taliban surge

General rushes to White House to warn of Taliban surge

Fall of strategic province could be 'death blow' to Afghan government

Published: 13 hours ago


WASHINGTON – A U.S. general has quietly returned to Washington to brief the White House about a Taliban surge threatening the survival of the U.S.-backed government in Afghanistan as a result of the withdrawal of U.S. troops, especially from strategic Helmand province, a U.S. military intelligence source in Afghanistan told Joseph Farah’s G2Bulletin.
Army Gen. John F. Campbell rushed back to Washington this week without publicity to warn the White House that the Taliban is on the verge of taking over the entire Helmand province, the source said.
“I guess somebody’s getting frustrated that we’re over here just spinning our wheels,” the military intelligence source said. “The Taliban planned with our withdrawal to take Helmand, and if they did, it was to be the death blow of the GIROA,” the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
The source said the only U.S. troops who appear to be “doing anything” are Special Operations Forces. But some of their camps may be shut down shortly, which would allow the Taliban to fill the vacuum and begin surrounding Kabul itself.
Get the rest of this report, and more, in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
In pulling back, the source said Afghans who have worked for the Americans could be in jeopardy.
“The command philosophy is ‘kill ‘em,’ so we’re going to be busy for the next little while reducing the target lists,” he said. “The negative side of that is that it’s going to be a bad time to work for Uncle Sam if you’re a native.”
Afghan security forces were able to repel an immediate attack but “held on by their fingernails and had a Pyrrhic victory of sorts,” the source said.
The source raised doubts that Afghan security forces would be able to hold the province without U.S. assistance, which is being cut back on a regular basis and “retrograding towards Kabul.”
“Just watch it implode from there,” the source said. “We’re planning on pulling in, shutting a couple (Special Forces) camps down by December,” he said.
He pointed out that mostly U.S. Special Forces are rotating in and out for a “short tour” and that their mission at this point is “basically killing (Taliban) if it talks on a phone.”
Get the rest of this report, and more, in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
Copyright 2015 WND

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is this bad news?
The question is, the leadership the US left in place, who does it serve? The people of Iraq or the cabal and bankers and oilmen?

If the people of Iraq can get a government of the people, placed their of their free will, what are we doing messing with their evolve-ment into some form of self governance?

Everything I learned about Iraq and the war of supposed weapons of mass destruction, I learned from main stream media. We know that is propaganda with a purpose to influence what we think.

Right now, we need to let nature take its course.
There may have been deaths in iraq but there were more deaths when we went there to make them free.

Even as the people there take over certain areas, we are 'told' they are Taliban, we don't know who they are, and do they have a right to decide if they are still invaded and take over their own country?

Here when people rise up and take back their country, the news will have a name for them too. Will it be terrorists, or isis, or isil, or some other term that will be used.

They called Katrina survivors; refugees
They may call armed citizens; enemy combatants

Just because someone uses a label doesn't necessarily tell the whole story as to 'who' and 'why'?.

Who does that general serve? Why is he reporting that information based on withdrawal of troops, and wasn't that anticipated, that these people would shift paradigms until they found something that worked for them again?