Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Seniors Facing 52% Increase in Medicare Premiums

15 Million Seniors Facing 52% Increase in Medicare Premiums for 2016

Millions of seniors in America are living on fixed incomes which generally do not keep pace with the increased cost of living. Consequently a large number of seniors are forced to find part time work at places like Walmart, Sam’s Club and other retailers in hope of earning enough to pay their bills, keep a roof over their heads and pay for their medical expenses. 

Among those expenses they are trying to pay are their Medicare premiums. However, if nothing is done to prevent it, about 30% of seniors paying into Medicare, which is around 15 million people, could see their Medicare premiums increase by 52%.

According to the Fiscal Times:
Nearly a third of the roughly 50 million elderly Americans who depend on Medicare for their physician care and other health services could see their premiums jump by 52 percent or more next year. That’s because of a quirk in the law that punishes wealthier beneficiaries and others any time the Social Security Administration fails to boost the annual cost of living adjustment.”
“While Congress is largely focused on addressing *looming shortfalls in the Social Security Disability Insurance program, a financial time-bomb of sorts may go off in 2016 because of the festering premium problem in Medicare Part B – the premium-based government health insurance program that covers seniors’ visits to doctors and other health care providers, out-patient care and durable medical equipment.”
“Unless *Congress or Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell intervenes, an estimated 15 million seniors, first-time beneficiaries or those currently claiming dual Medicare and Medicaid coverage will see their premiums jump from $104.90 per month to $159.30 for individuals, according to an analysis by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Higher-income couples would pay multiples of that increase.”
$54.40 may not seem like a lot to many of you, but it is a huge increase for many seniors living on inadequate Social Security payments. Don’t forget that many of these seniors worked at a time when most companies offered pension plans, but the vast majority of those pensions have evaporated away because companies could no longer afford to pay into them.  (OR they were stolen by this rogue 'government.')

When Social Security was first established, it was designed to be just a supplement to pension plans. Additionally it was based on a life expectancy of only 5 years from the time of retirement to the time of death. It was never meant to be the only long term source of income for millions of seniors. So $54.40 a month is a huge hurdle for many of them and probably a financial breaking point for some.

The problem is that it appears that there will be no cost of living increase for 2016 Social Security checks. The government uses the Consumer Price Index as their basis and since it has remained fairly constant this year that equates to no cost of living increase for next year.  (Those figures are all manipulated to meet the propaganda needs of this rogue mafia 'gov' - not to present any factual information upon which the population can formulate any objective financial plans.)

Herein exists the illogic of all of this. Since Social Security benefits will not receive a cost of living increase, the government is going to increase the Medicare premiums on nearly 15 million seniors.   (HUH?!  Now doesn't that illustrate exactly how the 'gov officials' of this nation got the nation in to the financial trouble that it now boasts?)  If there was going to be a cost of living increase, their premiums would not be going up.

If this makes sense to any of you, then please enlighten us with your wisdom and understanding because I see this is a punishment to many who can’t afford it and who don’t deserve it. 

The only thing that makes sense to me is that Barack Obama has been at war with senior citizens ever since taking office. The provisions built into Obamacare have only cost seniors more for less medical coverage. It’s as if Obama wants us older Americans to die sooner so the government doesn’t have to help provide for us. He’s in favor of killing off the elderly, the unborn, the sick and the disabled so they aren’t a burden on society. 

Kind of sounds like Adolf Hitler’s philosophy, doesn’t it?  First the seniors - then YOU.  WHO will come to YOUR aid at that time????

* These tragic situations for seniors are happening because................
(1)  A specific social security trust fund account was never actually established; historically, the 'gov' criminals have been depositing the funds meant to be used for the seniors in to the 'government' general account and then using those funds to finance their own agendas, completely screwing the seniors; 
(2) The rogue criminal CON-GRESS and 'administration' are unlawfully continually robbing the funds that were to be set aside and used specifically for seniors, and then using the funds to finance the refugees and illegals flowing into America at the invitation of this communist mafia organization posing as the 'government';
(3) The refugees are getting EVERYTHING paid for without questions or application, and the illegals receive a huge majority of everything paid for - but guess where the funds are coming from?  The funds are coming out of the allocated social security funds - from the funds that you and I have had monies extorted from us through the years to supposedly be paid back to us in our senior years for Medicare, etc.  
The 'refugees' and 'illegals' are being purposely brought into this nation to take down America - the cohesiveness  - the unity of Americans - the spirit of America.  This is being done to divide and conquerAmerica for the final destruction because, as the numbers of the foreigners increase, the Americans numbers, strength and spirit are then diminishing for an easier takedown. 


slaveman said...

Hey..our gov't needed that money they stole from social security... they wanted to give it to their criminal friends. You'll just have to make do with what we allot you... hey it's not like the pensioners contributed to the social security fund anyway...oops... never mind...

Anonymous said...

Never believe anything that any satanist or cabalist tells you. They get off on lying to you. Whatever you want to hear....tickle....tickle....
Then they do what ever the hell they want.
Don't rely on these people. Get back to self-reliance. When you need a helping hand, look to the end of your own wrist.