Florida Sheriff Responds To 'In God We Trust' Removal Call: 'Get A Judge's Order Or A New Sheriff' (2 Pics)
September 08, 2015
Walton County Sheriff Michael Adkinson told the Freedom From Religion
Foundation (FFRF) that he is "unwilling to compromise" in their request
to have the decals removed, TheBlaze reported.
"If the Freedom From Religion Foundation wishes us to take them off our
vehicles I suggest that they get a Judge's order or a new Sheriff,"
Adkinson wrote to the FFRF in an Aug. 5 letter (photo shown below).
Last month, the FFRF told Adkinson that placing "In God We Trust" on county property is inappropriate and exclusionary.
"Citizens of Walton County trust their elected officials to attend to
their elected secular duties," part of the letter reads. "Spending
taxpayer time placing religious messages on patrol cars is beyond the
scope of secular government."
The FFRF letter, written by co-president Annie Laurie Gaylor, also said the national motto "evidences no secular purpose."
In his response, Adkinson notes the history of the motto in Florida.
"You are obviously unaware that 'In God We Trust" is the state motto of
the state of Florida, and has been since 1886," he wrote. "This was
reaffirmed in 2006."
Pointing to Gaylor's note on tax-paying citizens, Adkinson said he
personally wanted to pay for the stickers along with other officers, but
a local company provided them free of charge.
"I will continue to dutifully enforce the law and protect the rights of
all parties, regardless of my personal opinions, as I have for my last
23 years in law enforcement," Adkinson said.
The FFRF has not issued an official response to the letter, and co-president Dan Barker said he is unsure of the next steps.
"We can't predict what we'll do next," Barker said to TheBlaze. "Even if
we wanted to sue we have to have a plaintiff there who's willing to
sign on."
The letter sent to the Walton County Sheriff's Office was one of seven
letters sent to other sheriffs' offices and police departments across
the U.S. on July 29.
Here is the Sheriff's letter in full, via the Office of the Sheriff, Walton County:
Sources: FFRF (2) , TheBlaze
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