Monday, November 26, 2018

Losing even more property rights!!!!! Time to stop these states and fed government agents now!!! or lose it all because you did nothing to stop it!!!!!

This is a very important email for your community. Could you be facing this very problem right now? Have you checked your local county council to see what it is being pushed through without you even knowing it is on the agenda. We all have to be on the alert for these programs to "better your life, land and family", which means you will lose everything if you do not stop it NOW. This is not an understatement.  Look at the devastation of the California fires to fulfill the Agenda 21 code for those areas.  The socialism for all of us is being faced is here. We must say NO to it NOW. 

This story says it all. Northern South Carolina is in the path of take over. Spartanburg and Greenville have Agenda 21 eating away at those cities and counties. This group in Boiling Springs is yelling. Stand up and yell with them that you WILL NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE. Times a wasting. Be the action you need to save  your property rights.

For others, it may already be in  your area. Check it out,  you deserve to have your home when and where you want it to be with  your good faith on it. Not the communist/socialist corporation.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mike Brady
Date: Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 1:01 PM
Subject: FW: Not One Inch… The Battle Cry For Property Rights
To: Mike Brady

Hi Folks,
I want to pass this newsletter on to you from Tom DeWeese. It is a little long but very informative so please click on continue reading. There is really nothing more I can add to this except look at the map and you will see that we in the Upstate are right in their cross hears of this federal program that will take even more property rights away.
We are fighting on every front it seems right now so it is very important that the good people in our community understand the issues which is what I am trying to do.
I also want to let you know that I have not heard back from County Council yet on a meeting date with our group. I will stay on top of it.
Remember Tom DeWeese will be here to speak November 17th, Saturday 6 – 8:30 at the park building. Mark your calendars please.
God Bless and remember the Bible tells us that God’s people perish for lack of knowledge, so I will try and do my part in bringing forth the knowledge of freedom.

From: American Policy Center [ Behalf Of American Policy Center
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 11:07 AM
To: Michael
Subject: Not One Inch… The Battle Cry For Property Rights

Not One Inch… The Battle Cry For Property Rights

I have been pushing hard lately to let people know that, no matter how big and powerful the opposition, the assault from big government forces can be stopped. That’s why I want to tell you about a recent major victory in Louisiana where a wonderful, determined group of residents rose up and stopped the implementation of the Caddo Lake National Heritage Area. By the way, this is the second NHA we’ve stopped. The Crooked Road NHA in Virginia was successfully shut down by us a few years ago.
National Heritage Areas are one of the most despicable stealth land grabs in the nation. Here’s why. Americans love history. And we love preserving significant places that played an important role in the making of our unique nation. So when we hear of a new plan in our area presented offering a chance to preserve some of our local heritage we are interested and even supportive.

But, in this day of massive government control over so much of our land, our economy, and our basic ability to live free lives, we must be cautious and look at the details of plans, no matter how innocent or well meaning they may seem.
National Heritage Areas are such a concern because they are sold to residents as simply a means to honor historic or cultural events that took place in a specific locale. We are told that they will preserve our culture and honor the past, that they will preserve battlefields where our forefathers fought and died for freedom, and that they will preserve birth places, homes, buildings and hallowed grounds for posterity. Most importantly, we are assured that NHAs will help build tourism and boost local economies.
The residents affected by the Caddo Lake NHA were suspicious because so little information was being released about the project. Who was behind it? Where was the money coming from? Above all, what specific areas were going to be affected?  So some determined residents did their homework. They learned the promises of increased tourism and boosts to the economy were, at best, empty. Rather, they learned NHA’s are little more than pork-barrel earmarks that endanger private property rights and local governmental powers. And a very specific danger is that Heritage Areas have very definite boundaries that come with very definite consequences for folks who reside within them. That’s because funding and technical assistance for Heritages Areas is administered through the National Park Service, a federal agency with a long history of hostility toward private landowners... Continue reading on our website

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The American Policy Center is making the issue of property rights a leading issue across the nation. We need your financial help to keep up this battle. 

UK School Teacher Blows the Whistle on Targeting of Autistic Children to Become Transgender

Need To Know

A whistleblower at a British school reported that 17 pupils are in the process of changing gender, and that most of them are autistic.  The teacher said that vulnerable children with mental health problems were being ‘tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex and latch onto the condition as a way of coping with problems caused by autism.  Older pupils who changed gender ‘groomed’ younger, mainly autistic students to follow thier example.  The teacher believes that most of the children are homosexual, but instead of coming out, they gain popularity by claiming to  be transgender.  Parnts are kept in the dark.  In addition, one third of children referred to the UK’s Tavistock National Health Service gender identity clinic showed moderate to severe autism, and 150 autistic teenagers were given puberty blocker drugs which stop the body maturing.  The UK has socialized medicine that pays for the drugs....Continue article here

Liberal Oregon State Loses Track of More than 1000 Convicted Sexual Predators

Jennifer Williamson, House Majority Leader in Oregon State Legislature, Youtube
Oregon is home to the most sex offenders per capita in the US, with 679 sex offenders per every 100,000 people in the state. The national average is reported at 274 per 100,000.  Due to complex legal requirements, Oregon’s public sex offender website currently only lists about 2.4% of the state’s nearly 30,000 registered sex offenders.  The website omits more than 1,000 sex offenders the state has classified as predators.  While there is an effort to upgrade the system, the issue has been punted to the state legislature, but it may not gain traction as the Majority Leader of the Oregon House of Representatives, Jennifer Williamson, has actively campaigned for the early release of violent criminals and sex abusers....Continue article here

Vaccine Lawsuit Victory: HHS Forced to Admit It Never Submitted Required Vaccine Safety Reports over past 32 Years

Need To Know

Film producer Del Bigtree’s organization, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sued the United States government as they suspected that Health and Human Services (HHS) was not fulfilling its critical vaccine safety obligations as required by Congress under the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.  Congress charged the Secretary of HHS with the responsibility to assure vaccine safety and to submit reports to them every two years.  Because the law essentially gave blanket economic immunity from liability claims to vaccine manufacturers, it removed the incentive to take responsibility for vaccine safety.  ICAN and Kennedy brought a lawsuit against HHS to provide copies of these reports to Congress, and HHS was forced to admit it has filed zero reports to Congress about vaccine safety over the past 32 years!  This outrageous dereliction of duty shows that HHS has kept Congress, and the public, in the dark over the dangers of vaccines, and information about the masses of vaccine-injured children.  HHS recommends babies receive 39 vaccine doses, including in-utero, by age one, but have failed to report on the danger, which is beyond shameful!...Continue article here

Today's top news, podcasts, videos and insights that expand consciousness.


The reality of the Deep State has become quite widespread, this has left people wondering how to stop them. The reality is, to get there, we must create a collective consciousness that no longer allows them to exist.

A short video describes characteristics common among people with well-developed empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and feel another, perceive life from another's perspective. It's also associated with caring for one another.

A new study outlines how statins have been approved for use via deception. Not all information has been disclosed from clinical trials, and statistics have been used to cover up the seriousness of the adverse reactions that are caused by statins.

How do we actually see a world without the Deep State? It comes down to consciousness. Joe Martino explains.

New Q!: Thank you, Mr. Soros.- PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX NEWS LIVE 24/7 Radio

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Q Everything stated has a purpose.

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RE: the Tenth Amendment

Image result for Full Picture of the United States of America Constitution  Image result for Full Picture of the United States of America Constitution

Trump, Israel back 5G deadly genocide: 5G/DEW CALL to ACTION! Ban 5G phones & 5G Internet of Things

Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 17.49.51

TrueTube for - Abort5G/BanDEW CALL TO ACTION: Banning 5G Phones & 5G Internet-of-Things, DEW, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma Weapons, HAARP & Chemtrails
WATCH TrueTube Video:
27+ min. video, as presented by Alfred Lambremont Webre at the 5G/DEW CALL TO ACTION SUMMIT Saturday June 23-24, 2018 - Abort5G/BanDEW CALL TO ACTION/Model Statute & Treaty Conference
How our Telus wifi downgrade from 5G to 2.4G avoided genocidal EMF frequencies in our home
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Trump Administration Backs Deadly 5G Technology, and His Supporters Are Silent
Activist, Gary Gileno, explains that 5G (fifth-generation cellular technology) is being built to enable artificial intelligence to control the Internet of things, which is everything we use with a computer chip in it. AI is expected to take over many jobs through robotics, and Trump is streamlining and giving the process a fast track. 5G also will be used to implement the UN’s Agenda 2030, which is a blueprint for global collectivism. 5G is being sold to the public by promises of super-fast download speeds. Israel invented 5G, but will not be implementing it – for good reason.
5G produces millimeter waves that easily can be activated as a military weapon against civilians, which may be why the government declines to publicly test it for negative health effects.
The Trump administration is focused on encouraging private-sector investment in 5G through tax incentives and reduced regulations. Ajit Pai, the head of the FCC, who oversees the allocation of the wireless spectrum, repealed net neutrality rules earlier this year primarily to free up additional wireless spectrum. -GEG
Alfred Lambremont Webre

ECETI Latest from James Gilliland 11/25/18

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland

Latest Show & White House Releases Climate Change Report

The Pleiadians have always said we are going into the Munder Minimum and things will cool down against the main stream media. There are two sets of date the raw data and the adjusted data. The Global warming pundits use the adjusted data. Smalll towns often are 7 to 13 degrees warmer in weather reports. Id this to adjust the data?


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