Monday, November 26, 2018

Losing even more property rights!!!!! Time to stop these states and fed government agents now!!! or lose it all because you did nothing to stop it!!!!!

This is a very important email for your community. Could you be facing this very problem right now? Have you checked your local county council to see what it is being pushed through without you even knowing it is on the agenda. We all have to be on the alert for these programs to "better your life, land and family", which means you will lose everything if you do not stop it NOW. This is not an understatement.  Look at the devastation of the California fires to fulfill the Agenda 21 code for those areas.  The socialism for all of us is being faced is here. We must say NO to it NOW. 

This story says it all. Northern South Carolina is in the path of take over. Spartanburg and Greenville have Agenda 21 eating away at those cities and counties. This group in Boiling Springs is yelling. Stand up and yell with them that you WILL NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE. Times a wasting. Be the action you need to save  your property rights.

For others, it may already be in  your area. Check it out,  you deserve to have your home when and where you want it to be with  your good faith on it. Not the communist/socialist corporation.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mike Brady
Date: Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 1:01 PM
Subject: FW: Not One Inch… The Battle Cry For Property Rights
To: Mike Brady

Hi Folks,
I want to pass this newsletter on to you from Tom DeWeese. It is a little long but very informative so please click on continue reading. There is really nothing more I can add to this except look at the map and you will see that we in the Upstate are right in their cross hears of this federal program that will take even more property rights away.
We are fighting on every front it seems right now so it is very important that the good people in our community understand the issues which is what I am trying to do.
I also want to let you know that I have not heard back from County Council yet on a meeting date with our group. I will stay on top of it.
Remember Tom DeWeese will be here to speak November 17th, Saturday 6 – 8:30 at the park building. Mark your calendars please.
God Bless and remember the Bible tells us that God’s people perish for lack of knowledge, so I will try and do my part in bringing forth the knowledge of freedom.

From: American Policy Center [ Behalf Of American Policy Center
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 11:07 AM
To: Michael
Subject: Not One Inch… The Battle Cry For Property Rights

Not One Inch… The Battle Cry For Property Rights

I have been pushing hard lately to let people know that, no matter how big and powerful the opposition, the assault from big government forces can be stopped. That’s why I want to tell you about a recent major victory in Louisiana where a wonderful, determined group of residents rose up and stopped the implementation of the Caddo Lake National Heritage Area. By the way, this is the second NHA we’ve stopped. The Crooked Road NHA in Virginia was successfully shut down by us a few years ago.
National Heritage Areas are one of the most despicable stealth land grabs in the nation. Here’s why. Americans love history. And we love preserving significant places that played an important role in the making of our unique nation. So when we hear of a new plan in our area presented offering a chance to preserve some of our local heritage we are interested and even supportive.

But, in this day of massive government control over so much of our land, our economy, and our basic ability to live free lives, we must be cautious and look at the details of plans, no matter how innocent or well meaning they may seem.
National Heritage Areas are such a concern because they are sold to residents as simply a means to honor historic or cultural events that took place in a specific locale. We are told that they will preserve our culture and honor the past, that they will preserve battlefields where our forefathers fought and died for freedom, and that they will preserve birth places, homes, buildings and hallowed grounds for posterity. Most importantly, we are assured that NHAs will help build tourism and boost local economies.
The residents affected by the Caddo Lake NHA were suspicious because so little information was being released about the project. Who was behind it? Where was the money coming from? Above all, what specific areas were going to be affected?  So some determined residents did their homework. They learned the promises of increased tourism and boosts to the economy were, at best, empty. Rather, they learned NHA’s are little more than pork-barrel earmarks that endanger private property rights and local governmental powers. And a very specific danger is that Heritage Areas have very definite boundaries that come with very definite consequences for folks who reside within them. That’s because funding and technical assistance for Heritages Areas is administered through the National Park Service, a federal agency with a long history of hostility toward private landowners... Continue reading on our website

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