Monday, November 26, 2018

UK School Teacher Blows the Whistle on Targeting of Autistic Children to Become Transgender

Need To Know

A whistleblower at a British school reported that 17 pupils are in the process of changing gender, and that most of them are autistic.  The teacher said that vulnerable children with mental health problems were being ‘tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex and latch onto the condition as a way of coping with problems caused by autism.  Older pupils who changed gender ‘groomed’ younger, mainly autistic students to follow thier example.  The teacher believes that most of the children are homosexual, but instead of coming out, they gain popularity by claiming to  be transgender.  Parnts are kept in the dark.  In addition, one third of children referred to the UK’s Tavistock National Health Service gender identity clinic showed moderate to severe autism, and 150 autistic teenagers were given puberty blocker drugs which stop the body maturing.  The UK has socialized medicine that pays for the drugs....Continue article here

Liberal Oregon State Loses Track of More than 1000 Convicted Sexual Predators

Jennifer Williamson, House Majority Leader in Oregon State Legislature, Youtube
Oregon is home to the most sex offenders per capita in the US, with 679 sex offenders per every 100,000 people in the state. The national average is reported at 274 per 100,000.  Due to complex legal requirements, Oregon’s public sex offender website currently only lists about 2.4% of the state’s nearly 30,000 registered sex offenders.  The website omits more than 1,000 sex offenders the state has classified as predators.  While there is an effort to upgrade the system, the issue has been punted to the state legislature, but it may not gain traction as the Majority Leader of the Oregon House of Representatives, Jennifer Williamson, has actively campaigned for the early release of violent criminals and sex abusers....Continue article here

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