Monday, November 26, 2018

Vaccine Lawsuit Victory: HHS Forced to Admit It Never Submitted Required Vaccine Safety Reports over past 32 Years

Need To Know

Film producer Del Bigtree’s organization, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sued the United States government as they suspected that Health and Human Services (HHS) was not fulfilling its critical vaccine safety obligations as required by Congress under the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.  Congress charged the Secretary of HHS with the responsibility to assure vaccine safety and to submit reports to them every two years.  Because the law essentially gave blanket economic immunity from liability claims to vaccine manufacturers, it removed the incentive to take responsibility for vaccine safety.  ICAN and Kennedy brought a lawsuit against HHS to provide copies of these reports to Congress, and HHS was forced to admit it has filed zero reports to Congress about vaccine safety over the past 32 years!  This outrageous dereliction of duty shows that HHS has kept Congress, and the public, in the dark over the dangers of vaccines, and information about the masses of vaccine-injured children.  HHS recommends babies receive 39 vaccine doses, including in-utero, by age one, but have failed to report on the danger, which is beyond shameful!...Continue article here

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