Thursday, November 29, 2018
Governor Jerry Brown Has Destroyed The Golden State...Time For a Border Wall Along Arizona
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From: Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.); via Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
The Bertrand Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues
Re: Governor Jerry Brown Has Destroyed The Golden State...Time For a Border Wall Along Arizona
Ed Note:
Governor Jerry Brown, the true blue Communist he is, has ruined California. His sanctuary state and many of the sanctuary cities within are attracting illegal aliens of all types, good, bad and the dangerous.
MS13, La MECha, Maravilla, Dog Town Rifa, Sureno, Mayates, are just a few of the 196 Hispanic gangs in the Los Angeles area.
Nearly 90% of all cities in California have Hispanic gangs along with Black, Asian, and other gang types. The map above shows the concentration of gangs in the green areas. Because California is the hub for control of drug and human trafficking, the outflow across the borders of Arizona, Nevada and Oregon is easy access for their illegal commerce.
The underlying mission of these gangs, protected by legal organizations like La Raza (The Race), is the outright seizure of the Southwest United States a.k.a. "Aztlan" under the slogan "Reconquista de Aztlan" to take-back what was "stolen from Mexico" during the Mexican / American War that ended in 1848.
"A border skirmish along the Rio Grande started off the fighting and was followed by a series of U.S. victories. When the dust cleared, Mexico had lost about one-third of its territory, including nearly all of present-day California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico."
Let's assume the Reconquista de Aztlan movement succeeded and after a war with the U.S. military and nearly every border town and other areas with armed militias and citizens, it would be ignorant to think the leaders of that movement would hand the keys over to the Mexican government.
Hello no.....but what is actually happening is the take-over is underway by controlling the streets, businesses, drug and human trafficking, while police turn a blind eye.
Then here comes I.C.E., and the California politicians, sympathetic to illegal alien migration, declare sanctuary status to protect...not only illegal immigrants, but protects the hundreds of Hispanic gangs in that state !
The push for California to secede from the Union is the inspiring call by all illegal aliens and gangs, creating a country from which the movement can further expand beyond the state borders. One state at a time.....
Therefore, it is a plausible idea being projected with a tongue in cheek statement to build a wall along the California / Arizona border.
In-fact....there are California Agriculture Checkpoints at all entries from other states and listening to police communications here in Western Arizona, the state line is referred to as the "Arizona / California Border." You don't hear that term anywhere else in the United States when referring to a "State Line."
Has California become a lost state that WE should allow to secede? Would it then be reasonable to contain the thugs within that state by building a wall along the Arizona, Nevada and Oregon border(s). Every now and then, U.S. Border Patrol sets-up a checkpoint on Interstate 10 on the Arizona side with K9 drug dogs. It's amazing of how many seizures occur during those operations.
California is in decline and becoming a Third World Nation of it's own and Whites and others are leaving California in droves....not because they are prejudice, the exit is to get away from the crimes.
California is a "Gun Free Zone" and that doesn't stop the criminals from having guns. For a law abiding citizen to obtain a CCW carry permit almost requires and "Act of God" and most Sheriff's in California are reluctant to issue those permits.
California has become a failed state and morons like Governor Jerry Brown have destroyed the Golden State.
---Dave Bertrand
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AZ Lawmaker: ‘We Might Need To Build A Wall Between California And Arizona’
It sure doesn’t seem like Arizona approves of California’s sanctuary cities and one GOP Lawmaker hammered that point home. Marth McSally, in what was likely a tongue in cheek moment, proposed building a wall around California to protect the state of Arizona from their neighbor’s disastrous policies.
McSally announced her bid for Senate to replace Senator Jeff Flake (R) earlier this year. Flake is retiring at the end of this Congress. Other candidates in the primary include former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former state Senator Kelli Ward (R).
When first hearing her quote, one could assume she wanted Arizona protected from those feeling the housing crisis and high taxation in California. But McSally, a congresswoman representing Arizona was referring to the “dangers of the southern border” and the sanctuary cities that California has allowed to infect the Golden State. Sanctuary cities are municipalities that do not cooperate with federal immigration enforcement.
“As we look in Arizona, we often look into the dangers of the southern border,” McSally said during a round-table discussion about “sanctuary cities” Tuesday at the White House. “But if these dangerous policies continue out of California, we might need to build a wall between California and Arizona as well to keep these dangerous criminals out of our state,” she said, smiling, and perhaps a little sarcastically.
She added that California can’t just “provide sanctuary for these criminals and think that it’s only impacting California dangerously.” McSally’s comments come on the heels of the announcement that the federal government is suing the state of California (state government) for failing to enforce their laws.
The Trump administration’s “America First” policy is a thorn in the side of many states that use illegal immigrants as votes to elect far-left Communists.
California’s governor, Jerry Brown (D), was upset that he has to follow others’ rules while making California almost unbearable with the number of rules, laws, and regulations he demands the residents of the Golden State adhere to, Brown became the offended hypocrite everyone knew he was in the wake of the federal lawsuit over sanctuary cities. Try not to choke on California’s hypocrisy. Never forget that the state (and Democrats in general) loves laws, just not the laws of others.
“You called this an act of war from the federal government,” a reporter began asking Brown. Brown immediately looked confused. “An act of war? That’s pretty strong. But I reciprocate that comment,” Brown responded.
From The Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int'l Airline Freight Captain on the DC-8 stretch jet / B-727 series 200 jet & First Officer DC-6 prop & DC-10 wide-body jet), 72' to 76' U.S. Army Veteran (Military Police) 'Comms Sergeant' (Korea), Law Enforcement (State), DHS Trained Counter-Terrorism Instructor for HWW, Border Security Specialist, Political Analyst and Activist to help "Make America Great Again" while exposing the "Deep State" shadow government enemy.
My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.
Opinions and discussion of today's hard hitting topics - please forward.
Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
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All roads lead to UK, Western intel on FISA declassification, Papadopoulos declares on way to 14-day prison sentence
Maybe there was foreign interference in the 2016 U.S. elections — by the United Kingdom and Western intelligence agencies.
That is what George Papadopoulos has been saying as he is now serving out a 14-day prison sentence for forgetting or lying about what his start date was with the Trump campaign in 2016 when he spoke to federal investigators about his 2016 meetings he had with Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud and supposed Russian officials.
And, Papadopoulos declares, declassifying the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court papers will prove it.
In his final tweet before heading to prison, Papadopoulos on Nov. 26 posted on Twitter, “Still can’t believe the day I am going to a federal prison camp, mainstream media says am going for my Russia contacts. I have never met a single Russian official in my life. I have, however, met many western intel sources — Joseph Mifsud — who people still call ‘Russian.’ Facts. USA…”
Here, Papadopoulos is alleging that Mifsud — and everyone who he introduced Papadopoulos to — were not Russian officials at all, but what he now calls “decoys” that were orchestrated by Western intelligence agencies.
According to the statement of offense by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in March 2016 and while in Italy, Papadopoulos met an overseas professor, who turned out to be Mifsud, based in London who “claimed to have substantial connections with Russian government officials.” Eventually he was introduced to a female Russian national who Papadopoulos was introduced as Vladimir Putin’s niece — she wasn’t — with the purpose being to set up an eventual meeting between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
On April 26, Papadopoulos was teased by the professor that, according to the special counsel, “the Russians had obtained ‘dirt’ on then-candidate Clinton. The Professor told defendant Papadopoulos, as defendant Papadopoulos later described to the FBI, that ‘They [the Russians] have dirt on her’; ‘the Russians had emails of Clinton’; ‘they have thousands of emails.’”
Papadopoulos has claimed at the time he thought the emails were not DNC or John Podesta emails that eventually appeared on Wikileaks, but were from Hillary Clinton’s private server that contained classified information, something that had been publicly reported at the time. That is, that it was possible Russia had hacked the Clinton server. No emails were ever delivered to Papadopoulos.
As for the contacts, Papadopoulos now contends that they were not Russian agents at all, but Western intelligence operatives whose job it was to set up and sabotage the Trump campaign....Continue article here
“Global dimming” scheme unveiled: Scientists want to chemtrail the atmosphere with SMOG in the name of “saving the planet”
(Natural News) Many of us here at Natural News never thought this day would come: The day when the mainstream media finally decided to tell the truth about the existence of “chemtrails,” But while it’s now open knowledge that chemtrails are real, the public still isn’t being told the truth about their actual purpose.
Intentionally blocking out the sun with chemical aerosols, we’re now being told, could be a critical tool for stopping global warming (or climate change, or whatever they’re calling this hysterical conspiracy theory these days). Except there’s just one problem: people, animal, and plants need the sun, which anyone who took elementary school science well knows.
Part of how plants grow and thrive is through photosynthesis, one of the primary components of which is unobstructed natural sunlight. Humans also require natural exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, which trigger the production of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the pro-hormone more popularly known as vitamin D, in people’s bodies.
Believe it or not, researchers from two of the most esteemed universities in the world, Harvard University and Yale University, don’t seem to understand any of this. That, or they willfully refuse to acknowledge these realities, in turn promoting the globalist effort to massively reduce the world’s population by depriving people of natural sunlight.
As revealed by RT, the “scientists” behind this “global dimming” agenda do admit that it comes with “highly uncertain” outcomes, including the high possibility (read: certain probability) that blocking out the sun’s rays will lead to an infinitely more catastrophic situation for our world than anything that could ever be inflicted by man-made climate change....Continue article here
There is no doubt about it: by far and away the largest group of articles I received this week were about the California fires, and the strangeness some people are seeing, reporting, or speculating about them. The theories are now almost as strange as the fires themselves, and now include disappearing people and smart meters as well as exotic and/or directed energy weaponry, to failing power grid infrastructure and incompetent governance and forestry.
Here's what's accumulated so far (and my thanks to all of you who have passed on articles, personal observations, and speculations):
(1) The Exotic/directed energy hypothesis: This article has some excellent pictures from the area plus a video shot from space:
The question everyone is asking (including myself), is how fires hot enough to burn and melt houses and metal rims in automobiles, can leave nearby trees untouched. One gentleman kindly wrote me and offered the pictures from the fires from Chicago and San Francisco over a hundred years ago as proof that such things can happen naturally, no exotic energy technologies needed. I asked him to post his comment under last week's blog on the fires, and I don't know whether he did or not, but I'm grateful nonetheless, for any input on these freakish fires and any data is helpful. Nature is full of surprises, to be sure, and I've no doubt there are any number of scientists willing to step forward and offer naturalistic explanations. The trouble is, I'm still not buying; these types of explanations seem to me to have the same gritty feel and malodorous smell that the 9/11 twin towers collapse-by-burning-airplane-fuel have.
But there's a new entry into the hypotheses being advanced to explain these fires:
(2) The Smart Meter Theory:
This submission, as noted, is by "someone on the ground" in California, offering his or her own thesis:
My theory is this: the drones or satellites with these weapon systems can target electronic digital signatures on the ground in the form of . . . wait for it . . . “SMART METERS” which give off a radio / WIFI field signature even in the dark! So when the grid goes down these embedded transceivers go dark and cannot be targeted? You have to ask the question: Is PG&E on to this silent warfare scenario and just trying to cover their corporate asses?How else do these brick and stone structures with tile or metal roofs burn to the ground in the middle of parking lots with no flammable forest around? Hmmmmm??? We are being targeted for destruction by whoever is controlling these weapon platforms and they’re targeting the most conservative parts of California and the good hardworking people who live here! Entire towns have been completely destroyed, ie. Santa Rosa, Middletown, parts of Redding and now Paradise?You may be thinking, OK, what is this old guy smoking here? So to prove my point I submit to you a link to a 32-second video posted by the Sacramento Bee that shows a NASA GOES satellite view of northern California on the morning of the start of the “Camp Fire”! Has a quaint ring to it, a camp fire? Makes me feel all warm and cozy, how about you? Take a look...
At this juncture, while no link is cited in the article, it appears that "GW", the author or authoress of the article, appears to be referring to the video which leads the first article linked above. If one watched closely, there appear to be blue dots that appear at the beginning of the video, one of which appears close to the origin point of the Camp Fire fire. But whether these are laser points or some sort of photographic markers is unclear. Also, strangely enough, if one watches the video closely, in the upper left quadrant of the video, there is a "something" which is clearly not a cloud, and clearly moving at tremendous velocity.
In any case, "GW" ends his or her post with this lapidary observation, which is as good a way of summarizing what the problem is for many of us observing the torching of California from afar:
How does a huge logging truck burn to the ground on I-5 near Lake Head, actually melt down and yet the logs did not burn up? Logs = wood = sources of fire and heat in a “campfire” or wood stove? Not even charred? A little common sense and observation tell me there is something very wrong with that picture?
No question about it, there is something wrong with this picture...Continue article here
Sacramento BEE 11 days of the Paradise fires from space
Watch closely you will see the lights over Paradise before the fires started and captured by:
View Sacbee's satellite view of Paradise on fire here
Watch the lights flashing over the first blast then watch the video below as a plane truth caught those flashes over Paradise then the blast of smoke and fire. This was no forest fire. This was a controlled attack causing the murder of hundreds of innocent lives and total loss of property. Those accountable better be caught and tried for murder, plus!!!
Paradise Lost # 8 ~ THEY STARTED THE FIRES ~ DEMAND ANSWERS!! ~ Mike Morales
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
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