Saturday, March 18, 2017


To Criminal Division of the Department of US Attorney General!

Your place is in jail!


PEDOGATE: Alex Acosta’s Nomination for Labor Secretary Must Be Rejected


March 15, 2017




If Alexander Acosta is remembered for one thing throughout his entire law career, it will be his serious mishandling of the child sex case of West Palm Beach billionaire and registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
As U.S. Attorney, Acosta negotiated an unprecedented plea agreement for Jeffrey Epstein in what is now known as one of the most grotesque miscarriages of justice in Florida history.  There are attorneys throughout the state who are still seriously questioning (and extremely angry about the trampling of the rule of law) the final disposition of this deliberately bungled case.  Some of those attorneys are actually litigating it on behalf of their aggrieved female clients. The details are explained in the article below:
The essence of the various allegations, which essentially assert prosecutorial misconduct without saying it, revolve around a number of extreme irregularities by Acosta in the process of prosecuting Epstein. However, the most egregious departures from the most basic rules of law concern two issues.
First, that Jeffrey Epstein was afforded the opportunity to cop a plea that had absolutely no relationship to the seriousness of the multiple underage sex crimes which he pled guilty to.
Epstein, then 55 and defended by an all-star legal team, pleaded guilty to a state charge of soliciting minors for prostitution. He registered as a sex offender in Florida and agreed to pay damages to 40 female victims ranging in age from 13 to 17 years old. As part of the plea agreement negotiated by Acosta’s office, Epstein wouldn’t be charged in federal court — even though the feds had drawn up a proposed 53-page indictment that carried potential punishment ranging from a mandatory 10 years in prison up to a life sentence.
(Source: Labor nominee Alex Acosta was at the center of sex offender Jeffery Epstein’s outrageous plea deal)
Secondly, that the victims themselves — and there were at least 40 girls involved — had no knowledge whatsoever of the “sweetheart plea deal” that was made with defendant Epstein by prosecutor Acosta.
“The Government and Epstein conspired to conceal the NPA (non-prosecution agreement) from the victims to prevent them from joining any objection, and to avoid the firestorm of controversy that would have arisen if it had become known that the Government was immunizing a politically-connected billionaire and all of his conspiracies from the prosecutions of hundreds of federal crimes against minor girls,” the plaintiff’s attorneys wrote in a recent filing.
(Source: The Shameful Way Feds Protected Convicted Pedophile Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein)


There appears to be one reason — above all others — as to why this case was handled in a manner that defies the applicable federal statutes, state laws and relevant legal precedents. That reason concerns the far-reaching ramifications of Epstein’s “black book” which was kept by his butler Alfredo Rodriguez.  The many names in that “black book” read like a list of the world’s rich and famous, powerful and well-connected.  The following names are just a few that are listed:
Queen Elizabeth
Prince Andrew, Duke of York
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman
Edward de Rothschild
Evelyn de Rothschild
David Rockefeller
Ehud Barak
David Blaine
Tony Blair
Michael Bloomberg
What makes the Jeffrey Epstein affair so very concerning is that it brings into sharp relief the two radically systems of criminal justice that operate 24/7 throughout America: one for the rich and powerful; and one for the poor and those who have relatively ‘little standing’ in society.
Especially where it concerns crimes of pedophilia and pederasty, the ruling class seems to have a pass to do whatever they damn well please.  The plea deal negotiated by Alex Acosta is a perfect example of such a travesty of justice.  That the administrators of this two-tier justice system continue to operate with apparent impunity, in spite of the extraordinary public scrutiny, ought to give reason to really pause on this one.


After his stint as U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Florida, Acosta became the second dean of the Florida International University College of Law in Miami.  It ought to be pointed out that he had previously functioned as the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice and also served as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights Division.  Civil rights?! Who, pray tell, neglected to protect the civil rights of the 40 plus sexually abused underage girls enslaved by Epstein’s sex crime syndicate?
If confirmed by the Senate committee as U.S. Secretary of Labor, Alex Acosta will be the Trump Administration’s senior officer overseeing the nation’s work force, corporate labor practices and labor law enforcement.  In this role he will be concerned with the maltreatment of seasonal migrants, plight of working illegal aliens and especially the rampant child slavery that has seeped into Corporate America.  Human trafficking for purposes of acquiring cheap corporate labor has become a major responsibility for the labor secretary.
There are many other issues which concern those workers who have no real voice in matters of employment and/or are powerless in the workplace, which fall under the purview of Labor.  Hence, we trust that the upcoming confirmation hearing will see the committee’s duties executed in the most judicious manner in view of Acosta’s dubious record.
At the risk of sounding redundant, in light of the reckless misconduct concerning the Jeffrey Epstein case, the scales of justice have fallen decisively against the confirmation of Alex Acosta.  It should be pointed out that neither Mr. Acosta nor his staff ever provided a single explanation for his unjustifiable leniency toward Mr. Epstein.
“Despite the fact that this case has been in litigation for more than seven years … the government does not write even a single sentence explaining why it entered into [a non-prosecution agreement] with a sex offender who had committed hundreds of federal sex offenses against young girls,” the lawyers wrote.(Source: Feds deceived us about billionaire sex offender’s ‘sweetheart deal,’ teen victims say)
Special Note:
The real $64,000 question here is: Why did President Trump even make such a totally radioactive nomination?  Not only do both he and Epstein live in West Palm Beach, FL, Epstein has been to Trump’s gala events.  As determined to also drain the nasty Florida swamp as the POTUS has expressed, perhaps he has purposefully engineered the upcoming confirmation hearing in such a way that Congress will be forced to confront the Jeffrey Epstein legal scandal, once and for all.  There is simply no other Pizzagate event that has such HUGE potential to blow Pedogate wide open.  Surely, Trump knows that the “sweetheart plea deal” that Epstein inexplicably received from U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta is enough to bring the whole Pedogate scheme crashing down.


Both the Trump transition team, and now the Administration, have repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to float the names of notorious political operatives who are downright dangerous were they to be prominently configured in the president’s cabinet. However, none of those bad actors has gotten even close to a full-blown Senate confirmation hearing.  That’s exactly where the Alex Acosta appointment is at this very moment.
Particularly in view of the Pizzagate scandal in Washington, D.C., as well as the much larger Pedogate global crime spree, it’s imperative that the POTUS reserve any and all appointments for individuals who are unimpeachable in their previous professional conduct.  Likewise, they should be completely beyond reproach where it concerns their personal business and private life.
As revelations about both Pizzagate and Pedogate continue to produce such shocking disclosures about systematic child trafficking, child sexual abuse, child pornography, child snuff films production, child organ, tissue and blood harvesting, etc., it’s never been so critical for every organ of the U.S. Federal Government to root out those elected officials and appointees who have abetted this flagrantly criminal behavior, wittingly or unwittingly.
Perhaps the worst repercussion of such a disastrous Labor appointment is that the Trump Administration will have effectively swallowed a Pedogate poison pill.   In so doing they will be rendered impotent in prosecuting what is surely the most powerful crime syndicate in the USA—the Pizzagate perpetrators who have always ruled inside the Beltway.  Consequently, this pervasive and profound social ill of child exploitation will continue unabated as it eludes the necessary medicine that only strict and unwavering law enforcement can bring to bear.
State of the Nation
March 15, 2017
Author’s Note
What is quite unusual about the above story is that it was first published on March 3, 2017 by the Mainstream Media in the wake of the Acosta nomination.  That the Miami Herald (MH) would put out such a fact-filled article regarding such a sensitive criminal issue speaks volumes about them leaving the reservation of political correctness.  While its parent company is the Sacramento-based media empire — The McClatchy Company — the Left clearly has much more to lose over Pedogate exposés than does the Right.  Here’s the original MH story that precipitated from Trump’s Acosta announcement: Trump labor nominee talked tough on sex crimes but gave billionaire a ‘sweetheart’ deal.

Texas is under military occupation

Texas and Other States
Have Been Under Military Occupation
Since the Civil War    

Published on Feb 24, 2017
Texas has been under a military occupation since the civil war. In the 1990's some people figured out how the Republic of Texas was in abeyance (dormancy) and we brought it out of abeyance.

Benjamin Fulford: Interview with Mike Harris

Interview with Mike Harris
Benjamin Fulford
February 2017

en Fulford has a Message for the Rothchild Cabal

Ben Fulford has a Message for the Rothchild Cabal
 Surrender or Die
Feb 23rd 2017

the same people who are trying to destroy Donald Trump

Special Request: Japanese government is trying to murder me

By Benjamin Fulford
By GPD on March 16, 2017

The Japanese government has made repeated attempts to kill me. The best documented event took place in June of 2009 when an agent by the name of Mutsuaki Okubo stabbed me with a poisoned needle in front of multiple witnesses.

When I went to the Japanese police they refused to take any action on the matter. Further research showed me that Okubo works for Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa.

Japanese Finance Minister Tara Aso

Now the Japanese authorities are seizing 100% of my income. The want me to pay over 10 million yen ($100,000) for 7 years payroll taxes for people who sub-contracted for me. However, all those people paid their taxes so this is completely bogus. I have also been paying my taxes.

Last year I paid over 2 million yen ($20,000) in taxes and had an after tax income of 3.7 million yen. So, the Japanese tax authorities are saying I will have zero income for the next 3 years so that I can pay off this bogus bill.

The current 100% seizure came after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visited Japan. Tillerson worked for Exxon Mobil so he is a Rockefeller slave. The top Rockefeller agent in Japan is a man called Hiroaki Fushimi, who also works for Exxon Mobil. Fushimi ordered Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso to order the seizure of my bank account. 

David Rockefeller II

Aso also takes orders from the French branch of the Rothschild family. The low ranking bureaucratic dupe who carried out the orders is Rieko Shinohara. 

Her phone number is 81-3-3542-2111 extension 3447. My entire paypal income is being garnisheed by her orders.
This means me and my staff of 3 will have zero income for the rest of this year at the very least.

The Rockefellers are also now trying to send 2 trillion fraudulently created Japanese yen from the World Bank to the Bank of Japan, according to Japanese royal family sources. 

Ichiro Ozawa (file photo)

This money is to be used to make Ichiro Ozawa Prime Minister of Japan, the sources say. 

The current Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has begun to disobey orders and that is why they are exposing his scandals to prepare the way for Ozawa.

These are the same people who are trying to destroy Donald Trump. Enough is enough, these people need to be stopped. 

The current head of the Rockefeller clan is David Rockefeller Jr.

Update on CIA #Vault7 "zero day" software vulnerabilities

Solutions? You Guys Want SOLUTIONS???

By Anna Von Reitz

Solutions? You Guys Want SOLUTIONS? 
Well, how about this?
The court system is messed up because it has been turned into a giant debt collection agency run by the creditors of the Federal Government and its "State of State" franchises. 
The rest of the story is that they are collecting on fraudulent debts--debts that (1) don't exist for the most part and (2) aren't your debts.
Moreover, these courts are being run as quasi-military tribunals in military districts, under the pretense that the "American Civil War" was ever an actual war. 
It wasn't. It was never Declared by the actual Congress and no Peace Treaty ending it exists, either. It was and is nothing but an illegal commercial mercenary operation on our shores that has been enforced and promoted by disloyal military commanders and criminals in Congress and clueless Presidents. 
So, given the fact that these "courts" are foreign military tribunals here on our soil as the result of an illegal and immoral commercial mercenary action now 150 years old--- and that they are collecting on debts that are odious and fraudulent by nature.....
And given the fact that Donald Trump is now the "Commander in Chief" and able to order the District Commanders to shut these so-called courts down and reopen the courts we are owed....
Why not light a firecracker up Commander-in-Chief Trump's rump and suggest that he do so, post haste?  Tell him that Judge Anna can show him precisely how and when this system got set up and how it has been abused, and what his power is with respect to ending the hideous mockery that "stands for" a court system in this country right now.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Friday, March 17, 2017

Asleep under the illusion of peace and safety


I would like to share a component of dreams that I've had over the last month or so. I chose not put them out individually due to the shortness of each dream or vision. However, I do believe that they are all tied into the things to come.

About two weeks ago, around
3:36 am, the Lord spoke to me regarding America. Now I hadn't heard Him speak specifically regarding the nation for a couple of months now, and things seem to have been quiet, so I was taken by surprise.  The Lord said, "Judgment has been sealed for this nation. It will not be reversed, and it has already begun".    
At this point I saw a large chalice full of some type of dark liquid. It began to tilt and then the contents therein began to spill onto the land. The Lord spoke again and said, "The judgment will unfold in three phases".  I was not given the phases or the time frame of which these things will come about.

Prior to this word, I went through a two week series of dreaming about missiles striking America and Israel. Every time I saw this come about, I'd see missiles striking multiple places in America, However, when it came to Israel, I only saw Jerusalem being hit. This reoccurred five times within a two week period.

Another vivid dream I had (I won't go into detail because of the length of the dream), displayed how
the church had gone to sleep spiritually, and therefore had placed their guard down.
Towards the end of the dream there was an evacuation due to missiles striking the US. I knew that the strike came from the east (i.e. the Orient), and somehow had knowledge that China and North Korea were involved.
When I tried to warn the group of Christians that were contained in a classroom setting, they mocked and scoffed at me. I was told that no one was listening to me anymore, and that I needed to just leave; so I did, and at the end, they all perished.

The last thing I want to share is a vision I had just a couple of nights ago. I had just laid down for the night, and was very tired. I closed my eyes, but was not yet asleep; still very conscious. I immediately found myself standing on
the very edge of a shoreline in Alaska. It was the dead of winter.
I was looking across the waters, and some how was able to zoom into Russia. I saw military tanks and artillery, troops and jets. They were all gathering together, and preparing to cross over into the US. I asked the Lord why was He showing this to me.

"War is coming" He responded.

I am putting all of this out to warn the church that the plans have not changed. The enemy is still working, and bible prophecy will continue to swiftly come to pass. My hope is that none of you reading this has fallen
asleep under the illusion of peace and safety. We must remember it is when that is said that sudden destruction comes.

As with all things, take this to prayer.  Shalom 
Mena Lee Grebin Monday, March 13, 2017

Media Blackout As Two Government Pedophile Rings Busted

Two high-level government pedophile rings were recently busted amid a total media blackout by the mainstream press.
Two high-level government pedophile rings were recently busted amid a total media blackout by the mainstream press. 

As western media outlets continue to attempt to debunk and discredit any notion that elite pedophile rings could exist, new reports suggest that high-level government pedophilia not only exists – but it has become the norm.

In the North Bengal region of India, a child welfare officer has become the seventh person to be arrested by the State’s Criminal Investigative Department (CID) for operating a child-trafficking ring. According to The Hindu, “The CID had unearthed the child trafficking racket during raids at homes and nursing homes in Baduria area of North 24 Parganas district, in Behala in the southern fringes of Kolkata and some other parts of south Bengal in November last year.” reports:
Abortion clinics in the area were convincing mothers to give birth to their children in exchange for money ranging between $1,400 and $4,500 USD. Other birthing centers told mothers their children were stillborn, when they weren’t, allowing the clinic to steal the babies for sale on the black market. The children were transported in bread baskets to nursing homes in the area where they would remain until they were sold into servitude, as sex slaves, or brothels.

“It is a huge network of NGOs, nursing homes, doctors and middlemen dealing in illegal adoption and baby trafficking that the police have busted. Our men are now building on the huge leads they have already got in this case,” Rajesh Kumar, CID’s Additional Director General told the press. Additionally, investigators believe foreigners were buying the children. Currency from other countries was found at the same time the children were discovered. Several corpses and skeletons of infants were also unearthed in the raided businesses.

Child trafficking is on the rise in the U.S. In 2006, a woman living in North Carolina, Mercedes Farquharson, fled the country when it was discovered she’d been using two young girls as house slaves, forced to farm the land, and do all the household chores, along with cooking and cleaning. In 2009, she was arrested in Bulgaria, where she’d fled to escape justice.

The trafficking of children isn’t limited to lowly child-protective service workers either. Hama Amadou, an opposition leader in the Sahel state of Niger was sentenced to one year in prison for providing babies to Niger’s elite society.

“Prosecutors claim that Amadou was one of a group of people accused of smuggling babies from Nigeria via Benin to wealthy couples in Niger by falsely claiming the parenthood of around 30 children,” according to Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international newsgroup. Childlessness is Niger is looked down upon, so one way the elitists solved their own infertility problem was to take someone else’s child as their own.

DW described what happened after they acquired a child, “At the turn of the last decade, Niger’s elite went through a baby boom. Women who had been childless for years were suddenly celebrating the birth of their first child.” The miraculous blessings of motherhood reportedly came at the expense of someone else’s presumably stolen, purchased, or seized baby. Amadou was tried in absentia and his lawyer says the allegations are politically motivated.

Closer to home, Child Protective Services, as TFTP has consistently reported, is authorized to kidnap children at will, and place those children in foster care homes. The government’s own agency charged with protecting children, routinely displaces babies, children, and adolescents away from their parents in order to supposedly protect those children.

Many of those same CPS workers are abusers as well, who sometimes place those kidnapped children in the homes of sexual predators, where they are routinely victimized. The terrorist organization evokes fear in the hearts of so many parents. The power CPS possesses is legally unmatched in all of society.

Rumors on Wanta getting access to his 27 Trillion are false!

I am on the phone right now with Wanta as I am composing this article! Wanta has not been notified of any access to accounts containing the funds! Lee Wanta says wishful thinking! If he had access today, he would start the High Speed rail Tomorrow. As of right now the rumors are Bull $h!t Ambassador Lee Wanta releases information through me and nesaranews that will not be released on any other websites. This rumor was started by those propagators at dinarcronicles and they are becoming very well known for publishing false info and are known as a satire site! 

Thank you Seeker for the heads up. I was just going to find the origin myself and you are right.


Obama on the Run after Drug Busts have begun!

Obama on the Run after Drug Busts have begun!

A country with no border

Humor for your coffee break today!


Received this today!! Anybody care to take these idiots up on their offer??!!

From: hristine Lagarde <>
Date: Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 11:45 AM
Subject: Good Day!

Good Day!

We the International Monetary Fund IMF, Investigation Bureau Department in conjunction with other relevant Investigation agencies, we hereby to inform you that we recently received several reports through our Global intelligence monitoring networks that you have a transaction in UK,Europe,Asia which wasn't accomplished after series of process and requires further procedures. Consequently we finally traced the location of the funds and ordered the dispatch or transmitting of the funds to a safe custody. Ora Bank Benin Republic, hence the mentioned Bank institute will be facilitating the transferring of the funds to your account in your country anywhere in the world as soon as possible, this decision was made due to the rate of corruption and scam reports perpetrated by Individuals and Government offices/companies in UK,Europe,Asia,Africa therefore your funds was ordered to be moved or transferred to safe Bank immediately for safety.

The transmission of the funds to Ora Bank Benin Republic was successfully executed today and we just received a confirmation from the Ora Bank Benin Republic that the funds valued the sum of $10.5Million Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars was received by the Bank management, therefore we are officially contacting you in this regard by letting you know that your funds are presently at Ora Bank Benin Republic.

Therefore you are advised to contact them immediately with the information outlined below:

Ora Bank Benin Republic
Contact Person: Mr. David Fletchers

Contact them with the below information for the transfer of your Funds:

Your personal profile (Profession, names, age, Home address, phone number# Your MOBILE and LANDLINE required)

The Name of the Bank
The account details will comprise the full address of the bank.
The Routing number/Swift code
Account name and Account number.

Furthermore you are expecting to Identify yourself with the following code of conduct: EGZOXHXTFRD/WBG, this code was given by the Chairman of the OraBank Benin today for verification or easy identification so you must endeavor to include or indicating this code in your email.

Finally you are advised to completely terminate all your conversation or correspondent with any other individual, authority or office in UK,Europe,Asia, who claims to be in the custody of your funds because your funds was officially directed to ORABANK today under our instructions therefore you should completely quit all conversations with any other individual or group except the OraBank Benin Repiblic. Comply with all their instruction and directives accordingly and they will transfer your funds without any delay.

Warmest regards
Yours sincerely
Mrs.Christine Lagarde
Managing Director
International Monetary Fund (IMF)


French Government Forced To Admit It "Suppressed News Of Gruesome Torture" At Bataclan Massacre

Authored by Louise Mensch, originally posted at,
A French government committee has heard testimony, suppressed by the French government at the time and not published online until this week, that the killers in the Bataclan appear to have tortured their victims on the second floor of the club.

The chief police witness in Parliament testified that on the night of the attacks, an investigating officer, tears streaming down his face, rushed out of the Bataclan and vomited in front of him just after seeing the disfigured bodies.
The 14-hour testimony about the November attacks took place March 21st.

According to this testimony, Wahhabist killers reportedly gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were reportedly stabbed in the genitals – and the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said.

But prosecutors at the hearing claimed these reports of torture were “a rumor” on the grounds that sharp knives were not found at the scene. They also claimed that maybe shrapnel had caused the injuries.
Q. For the information of the Commission of Inquiry….can you tell us how you learned that there had been acts of barbarism within the Bataclan: beheadings, evisceration, eyes gouged out …?

Investigator: After the assault, we were with colleagues at the passage Saint-Pierre Amelot when I saw weeping from one of our colleagues who came outside  to vomit. He told us what he had seen.

Q. Acts of torture happened on the second floor?
Further on the investigator described how this was kept from relatives:
A. Bodies have not been presented to families because there were beheaded people there, the murdered people, people who have been disemboweled . There are women who had their genitals stabbed.

Q. All this would have been videotaped for Daesh !

A. I believe so. Survivors have said so.
Elsewhere, the investigator says, women were sexually tortured, stabbed in the genitals, and their eyes were plucked out. People were decapitated.

The clerk of the inquiry (or “rapporteur”) pressed the chief of committee for clarity on whether victims were decapitated or mutilated. The committee chief replied that the authorities had given out conflicting information that said victims were merely shot or blown up. He then added this damning statement about one victim’s father discovering the gruesome truth in the morgue:
Mr. President Georges Fenech Indeed, the Committee is troubled by this information which has appeared nowhere [in the media]. Thus, the father of one of the victims sent me a copy of a letter he sent to the investigating judge, which I quote in summary: “On the causes of the death of my son A., at the forensic institute in Paris, I was told, and what a shock it was for me at that moment, they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, and he was disemboweled. When I saw him behind glass, lying on a table, a white shroud covering it up to the neck, a psychologist was with me. He said: This is “the only presentable part, your son’s left profile.” I found that he had no right eye. I made the remark; I was informed that they had punctured his eye and  sliced down the right side of his face, where there was a very large hematoma that we could all see. ”

This particular witness could corroborate the statements that we heard from one of the BAC officials, that one of his investigators vomited immediately on leaving the Bataclan after finding a decapitation and evisceration. Are you aware of such facts?
A prosecutor appearing before the inquiry replied lamely that no sharp knife had been found at the scene that could have been used for torture. Perhaps shrapnel had caused the mutilation, he said. The head of the committee asked if an explosion would have placed testicles in a victim’s mouth:
Prosecutor: I specify, for the sake of clarity: some of the bodies found at the Bataclan were extremely mutilated by the explosions and weapons, to the point that it was sometimes difficult to reconstruct the dismembered bodies. In other words, injuries described this father may also have been caused by automatic weapons, by explosions or projections of nails and bolts that have resulted.

Q. Would those have put a man’s balls in in his own mouth?

Prosecutor: I do not have that information.
The news follows reports that German police sat on the huge number of sexual assaults committed by Islamist migrants in Cologne, which a secret report estimated at thousands, not hundreds.
* * *
What is there to add? Why suppress it? Is this just more disgusting appeasement, pandering, and suppression to ensure some fear-based control.. but not total economically-crushing terror? Tell The Truth!!

Six out of 10 People in France ‘Don’t Feel Safe Anywhere’


Fearing terror attacks, the majority of people in France are pessimistic about the nation’s security situation, with six in 10 saying they no longer feel safe anywhere according to an IFOP-FIDUCIAL poll.

The survey found that 93 per cent of French believe the threat of more terror attacks is high, and 71 per cent feel the security situation in France has got worse over the last five years.

More broadly, 59 per cent of those polled said they did not feel safe anywhere, with almost one in four (24 per cent) opting to “strongly agree” with the statement.

Reflecting the insecurity respondents said they felt, 69 per cent think the police and gendarmerie are understaffed, and the survey found the French overwhelmingly have a positive view of law enforcement.

The vast majority of respondents (88 per cent) believe France should deport foreigners sentenced to prison for serious offences, and 84 per cent want the country to create more prison places.

A slight majority (55 per cent) would like to see France exit the European Union’s open borders Schengen zone.

With security a major issue in this year’s presidential elections, the survey found Marine Le Pen was judged the candidate with the best policies in both keeping property and people safe (32 per cent) and in the fight against terror (35 per cent).

Some way behind the Front National candidate were Emmanuel Macron (21 per cent citing security of goods and people, 19 per cent fighting terrorism) and Francois Fillon (19 per cent backed the centre-right candidate’s policy solutions in the two areas).

A national state of emergency has been in force in France since Paris suffered one of the worst terror attacks in recent European history in November 2015, when 130 were killed in a series of bombings and shootings across the city.
And in June the following year, a Tunisian migrant deliberately drove a 19-tonne cargo truck into crowds celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, in an attack which resulted in the deaths of 86 people.

However, terrorism isn’t France’s only worry, as last month saw weeks of violent riots spread through Paris suburbs, with cars torched, windows smashed, and shops looted.

GO FUND ME APPEAL: Jake's Butterflys


Jakes Butterflies of Hope

$2,273 of $10k goal

Raised by 69 people in 7 days

My name is Chrissy Marie.  All of you know me as the woman who wanted to give money back to a little boy whose little sister stole from me during their time of grief. (Letter above)

'Jake Butterfly' as many of us call you. You have touched so many of our hearts. You first came into my life with a little note you wrote me apologizing for something your little sister did and trying to pay for her mistake. You have stood up and done a brave thing by apologizing. There are grown men who won't do that. You were only doing the right thing, something most beyond your age would not do. You were protecting your baby sister in this trying time. I can not wait till you are my neighbor. 

Your story has reached nationwide. Please see our fb page, 'Jakes Butterflies,' of hope for updates from Jake's aunt and myself and friend Amber who is helping with the facebook page.

Jake, we all are loving you and caring for you.

Funds will go directly to the family to get the items they need for their move, and for the kids to get clothing and items that they need to get their lives back in a normal state again.

Jake's aunt Anna wants to say 'thank you' for everyone's kind words and who want to know how much this means to her. 

Thank you for all the support for this family that has been through. 

Jake's Aunt will be running the 'go fund me' campaign in the next couple of days. Since this is for them, it is only right. 

+ Read More
Help spread the word!


Who Signed Off On Trump Wiretap





There is life on Mars



Thursday, March 16, 2017


Obama - Caught in HUGE DRUG BUST!

Obama Goes Into Hiding

Anonymous: Obama Flees 
After What They Found On 
Lady Michelle Vessel