Sunday, March 20, 2011

Casper Update - A True Intel Update!


Another last minute problem has arisen which will again delay the deliveries which were anticipated today.

You will recall announcements a month or so ago that the Iran Nuke Facilities had been sabotaged using a computer virus?

That same Software Company and the same or a similar virus was ‘installed’, for lack of a better word, in both German Banks and the Swiss Banks involved in ‘our business’ by that Company and/or some of it’s people. Simultaneously Geithner, the leader of the Criminal Cabal domestically, had ‘installed’ this software and virus at Treasury and at all Domestic Banks having anything to do with cards for any of the Programs including F&P. All of this Criminal Activity, here and over there, was at the direction of Merkel and Obama. Those two actually ‘hired’ the Software Company.

The company involved HAS ADMITTED THEY WERE HIRED BY OBAMA. The purpose was to drain funds from all accounts.

The good guys are working ‘Flat Out’ as hard as they can to correct this situation and are hoping to have the job completed today.

They are double checking everything including all involved Banks.

The ‘Bad Guys’ want to know why their operation was not exposed and ‘blown up’ before now.

The answer gentlemen is simple, “WE wanted your whole operation not part of it”.

Our ‘UFO Contacts’ are in places you never dreamed possible, they are everywhere.

You can not ‘outsmart’ them.

Casper, 3-20-11

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