Saturday, February 18, 2012

Adventures in Future Viewing

Halfpasthuman - mainstream media whores burst out truth attack

Adventures in Future Viewing

mainstream media whores burst out truth attack...'s coming....just a few days away...prepare your ears now...get your mind'll never have heard such words from mainstream media ever before in your life and it is going to start a flood of such huge proportions that the world will not be the same ever again in the future and it will change more in each minute than in all the minutes that have ever come before and you will feel like you just do not have a second to catch your breath and shouldn't you have gone to work or bed or fed someone or something but you are paralyzed with the novelty rush pouring out of the pent up frustruations of decades of pressurized mainstream media whoredom as all hell breaks loose with a single word that a single mind will not be able to contain......(no, not that one...)
wait for it, days and temporal markers falling rapidly now and precursor events spreading rippling influences outward....
you'll hear it, then you'll know it. All prior to the break out is speculation. Afterward all will be lost in the torrents (hint hint) of the breaking dam, which is why i thought to just get a few days advance notice for naps and pies. We will need all the energy we have (us old farts) to just keep up with the trailing edge....which begins to race away from us {apparently WebBots perdicts faster than they can read it}
by March 19th with release language compounding beyond our ability to chase.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting article but...what exactly is he talking about? Financial collapse? The truth behind MSM, ie, Talking Heads? Disclosure (finally) of Galactic presence?

Anonymous said...

he is taking about any and all of the above.

you know, the sh8t is finally gonna the fan.

Anonymous said...

I have the same Question..Any of the above would make my day!

Anonymous said...

Who knows ???

Anonymous said...

Reading between the lines is not the easiest to do. I think what is being said is pertaining to possible major arrests and possibly more showing up in our MSM outlets. Stay positive folks, Big things are a comin`...

Anonymous said...

Web Bots? Is he talking about the statistical analysis of internet search engines that is supposed to predict the future? Or else, read the mind of the collective?

Anonymous said...

This was posted February 16, 2012 by clif high **** ..feb 15th...// ...jan 15th....// ...the underlying complexification of universe, that starts a never ending crest. Once we are in the froth of it, we will all 'know', and all prior to that, is observation, speculation or deduction. Or mis-direction...yes, 'they' will still be trying their shit right up to the crest. ..... From the accretion patterns, it does not look as though 'business as usual' persists past March 10th, ......jan 8th..*******...then it would seem reasonable to say that the [entrenched powers] have their point of destruction within the plateau period of March 2 through 9. Note that without regard to whether the [entrenched elite] are able to start their global thermonuclear war and exterminate most of humanity, the [entrenched elite] are no longer dominating powers after March 10, 2012, though as with all entrenched despots, it may take us a while to actually remove them all from the planetary social body. .... the data suggests years of much struggle and hardship and huge levels of suffering, BUT at least we will be returning humanity to its 'natural' or 'organic' state , that of continuous release language, as we all interact together freely, without an over arching 'guiding force' being foisted on us, by self described 'elites', who collectively and individually have clearly demonstrated themselves to be not human, and to have shit for brains. ..... ...... jan 2nd....2012. ******* ....The bad guys 'cheat' by trickery, and illusion, and hidden table rigging.We, the regular humans seeking our paths in life, can do so, that is 'cheat against war', by creating novel forms of potential. We can start ahead of the chain, in that sense by circulating new ways of thinking, that in turn will create new potential, that in turn creates new probability ahead of the war to kill almost all humans, that the entrenched powers are so desperately trying to drive into our immediate future....... To those who 'read signs and portents', the time is now. There is no more time after March to alter your future, as it will be upon you. If you are going to do anything, now is all you have. Your destiny arrives in March. How shall you greet it? By hiding in fear holes, or by manifesting new potential, probability and outcome? The choice is, always, yours. .... Dec 26, 2011 by clif high ..******* .....left with several questions. The more obvious; "just who is playing David and Kerry? Is it Ben Fulford? or is he merely another victim of the 'third party deceiver' tactic? This, of course, assumes that David, Kerry and Ben are innocents... untrained in analysis, language and the wicked ways of the enemies of humanity, and are thus not able to discern when they are being jerked (the common term in the 'green eyed' agencies). That being the assumption, then...... the 'played players' will react egoistically, and try to 'defend' their at-risk-egos by 'collectivizing the experience - or sharing the blame'....which is to say, by further 'selling the story'. This, of course, is just what the con artist (in the background) wants, .....then the question becomes....qui bene? just who is benefitting from this game?
copyright during the winter solstice......Dec 21, 2011 by clif high. ...for more....