Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Ben Fulford's Response to the Open Letter

A response from Ben Fulford to: http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2012/02/open-letter-to-ben-fulford-from.html

Hi John,
Had a chat with Ben... Here is his responses... Go ahead and share with the Blog.

Fulford Benjamin to

Dear D.
You are right to be cynical because we still see those crooks on TV every day and they still sit in the public seats of power. However, you need to understand that this situation is restricted to countries still controlled by the Khazarian mob and that includes the US, the UK, France, Italy and Germany. The rest of the world is trying to isolate them. You can see visible evidence in that in the form of the plunge this year in the Baltic Dry Index which measures the price of physically shipping goods. It has plunged due to an international boycott of Khazarian controlled countries. The IMF, the so-called lender of last resort in the world also still has no money, which is also proof that something fundamental has changed at the top of the financial system.
As far as arrests are concerned, when I asked a pentagon "white hat" why people like Kissinger and Bush were still not in jail he said "because they are guarded by 30,000 armed men."
Remember, they want to start WW3 and we want to prevent it. That means that we must use non-violent means. What we are doing is cutting off their money because mercenaries are only mercenary when they are paid to be that way. It is taking a long time and I also feel impatient. That is why I named specific individuals in my latest news letter. I told the pentagon and agency white hats that it is like a rotten stump that just needs a good kick to knock it over. Their answer was they were waiting for it to fall over by itself. Nonetheless, when they least expect it the cabalists will be brought to justice, I guarantee that even though we cannot give an explicit date for this to happen.
The Euro crisis and the 23% unemployment rate in the US are signs it will collapse. You may also notice that Ron Paul put out an article on his site by David Wilcock that talks about the ongoing financial war.
As far as the chemical attacks are concerned remember this is mainly fear-mongering. Do you actually see people sick and dying like you would if there was a real plague? The answer is no because they are just using scare tactics. Fear is their greatest weapon, love is the antidote.
Best regards,
Benjamin Fulford
Thank you Ben for the response...

I have heard on many occasions that Bush and his bunch are in control of trillions of $$$. We may be waiting for a long long time for them to run out of $$$.

If the IMF is broke.... are the prosperity packages and the RV still going to happen somehow??

Can I share this with John Mchaffie??

My Best,
Hi D.,
Please share it if you wish. The problem with Bush and the Nazis is that the black budget and black ops are supported by drug money that is hard to cut off. We are negotiating with these people and trying to integrate the black budget with the public one and get the military industrial complex on board. This is taking time but concrete negotiations are taking place and proceeding well.
We have reached the level where we are dealing with individual personalities. Please remember that if you wish to negotiate the surrender of the Nazis, you have to negotiate with a Nazi. There is no way around this other than to kill them all and that would just start WW3 which is what they want. Nonetheless, we may have to arrest some of these criminals in order to break the logjam.
Benjamin Fulford
Hi again Ben,

One last qustion...

Is the prosperity packages, and RV still going to happen somehow??
Hi D,
We will try to make something like that happen sooner rather than later.
Benjamin Fulford


Dan said...

When Many of the Nazis were taken down, including Hitler as they were part of the Dark Cabal since Prescott Bush, a Rothschild, financed him, they were sent to the US and South America to live under cover living better than most Americans.
Now we have much of the Pentagon willing to stop WWIII to finally take them all down along with the support of those countries that would be our alli as well as the enemy in WWIII.

Anonymous said...

I would like to ask a quick question, what exactly is their fortune based on? Federal Reserve notes? Gold? Remimbi, Krugerans? What exactly made them the authority to decide that it is worth anything? Or that it has any value at all? Isnt it true that if its FRN's then they have no fortune? The FRN is funny money, and the inherint value is only in their minds, ie they are clinically and mentally insane. The fact is, ones and zeros arent of value either, they are just data entries and without being based on anything, worth nothing. When will the dependancy on money be realized for the sickness that it is?

Anonymous said...

hey ben love the great work you have been doing but i gotta say thru this whole thing you have been talking this thing up saying stuff like all the assasins you have and their just a few old men behind the curtain. so you are the one saying you have all this muscle and now the people want you to use it so the people want you to quit dragging your feet and put this thing to bed now.

Anonymous said...

If Bush and Kissinger have 30,000 Mercenaries protecting them, then why not send in the 100,000 Ninja mercenaries that Ben has mentioned that now work with the WDS. I agree a peaceful resolution is preferred, but if this continues much longer we may have no choice but the surgically take out some of these monster criminals.

I think if the public could see some high profile and meaningful arrests, it would be absolutely shocking to everyone the HUGE amount of SUPPORT this would bring from the masses. Even the people whom are still asleep in general to all of this, still know that something is not right.

Speaking for myself, I think a lot of people are looking for more ways to get behind this effort and contribute. Arrests of high level and key targets would set the platform for the general public to get involved with unwavering support for the Good Guys. IMO.

Anonymous said...

It would seem the fastest to take these maniacs down would be to complete the Global Settlements, The Global RV´s and the PP´s. This is because once the new financial system is in place and this is announced globally, the Cabal no longer has any money! Nothing that worth anything anyway. They can take their fiat money and use it for toilet paper once they are put in the FEMA camps themselves.

Shifting stolen wealth back into the hands of the people with a true value based financial system is the best and fastest way to defeat the Cabal in my opinion. What they fear the most is EMPOWERMENT of the people.

Anonymous said...

First, regarding the huge slowdown of the Baltic Dry Index, Christopher Story was talking about that 2 years ago before his death.

It appears Ben is "waiting" for the U.S. military to act. The JCS/JSOC commanders are "in" the pockets of the Bush/Clinton criminal cabal, and are just as guilty for participating in their plots against humanity. They are "NOT" going to act to benefit the people. Their off-shore bank accounts and their RETIREMENT CHECKS are at stake. Most of them are cowards.

You can SEE that just by the way they treat our sons and daughters who serve under them. They are give depleted uranium weapons and FORCED to take MANDATORY TOXIC VACCINES (H1N1, Anthrax which led to Gulf War Syndrome). Then there's the mental hospitals & drugging (i.e., Brockbrader & Susan Lindauer), prosecution, blackmail, and "suiciding" they perpetrate on our troops. THEY ARE THE ONE WHO ARE INSANE AND CRIMINALS. People, please get it through your heads, the top Pentagon brass are "losers", like using TWO Tomahawk missiles ($3M) to blow up one building. They have NO INTENTION of loyalty to their oaths to the constitution.

Kay Griggs, the wife of Chief of Staff to Gen Gray tells us that ONLY the WEAK are chosen to go up the ladder of success in the military, because they can be blackmailed. There are over 8 hours of interviews on Youtube. Here she tells us Henry Kissinger was raping young soldiers in Cambodia and talks about rampant homosexuality in the military. Is it any wonder the military BRASS was eager to pass DADT.

Kay Griggs - Homosexual Blackmail in the U.S. Goverment
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yak9nd22bWo PART 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAKORdW_TKw PART 2

Anonymous said...

This starts with the MEDIA!!!!! If the bad guys are protected by 30,000 mercenaries, then put that aside and march the "Good Guy" troops and resources into the TV stations and make the global announcements of the new financial system! The 30,000 mercenaries will realize VERY quickly that the men they protect are broke and cannot support them. Once the shift in awareness takes hold, then we can begin to scoop them up like the rats they are. They cannot hide....

Anonymous said...

Turn the BILLIONS that live on this planet into an ARMY of support for the Good Guys by making the announcements globally. 30,000 mercenaries, no problem....!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What announcements? It seems as if everyone here is waiting on MONEY, when our very lives are at stake under a Nazi Fourth Reich. Any "announcements" of money is about as likely as the cabal monsters getting arrested. The only light I see is that hopefully there really "will" be a convergence to Timeline One, leaving these cabal monsters and the galactic fraud-writers in the dust.

Anonymous said...

Kay Griggs – Seals and Assassinations – Part 1 3 mins
Seal team 4, 6, 8 on East Coast
Seal team odd number on West Coast
Israelis train with Seals, Israelis do a lot of murders in U.S.

Kay Griggs – Seals and Assassins – Part 2 2 mins

Anonymous said...

Once the Global settlements and RV´s hit, there should be a massive influx of new Ron Paul donations coming in. Get him elected and this will also serve to take down the Cabalists systematically.

Anonymous said...

If we could get control of the media and have them report honestly and objectively, Ron Paul would win easily in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

i would assume it is backed by all the hidden gold David Wilcock has been exposing lately, said to be more plentiful than sand.

Anonymous said...

You guys are idiots. The elitists could care less about fiat currency. Like Lindsey Williams says, Their money is gold and silver! Everyone talks big about how to bring them down, but no one acts. Talk is cheap! Fulford is just one of their disinfo agents. It's just an illusion set up by the elite to get you to think something is being done to destroy them. They're laughing their asses off. RV's and Global settlements are a farce designed by the elite to give you hope. It'll never happen. Americans will never stand up because they've been brain washed their whole lives to accept government control. Easiest way to begin to stop these bastards is for every American to stop paying income taxes, stop voting, stand up to the court systems and march on D.C. This should have happened a long time ago, but it never will. Americans will keep letting the Guberment pass new laws until eventually all our rights are taken away. Patriot Act, TSA, NDAA are just a few examples. It's happening little by little. If you think a bunch of white knights and ninjas are going to save you, you're delusional. If you think RVs, PPs and Global settlements are going to save you, you're delusional. If you think ETs are going to save you, you're delusional. If you think our military is going to save you, you're delusional. The cabal is too big and worldwide. It would take ALL Americans to take action at this point, but I fear it's too late. At least the Icelandic and Greek people are trying in their countries.

princesirki2012 said...

Good Morning to All That Is! I encourage everyone on this blog to read David Wilcock's thorough investigation entitled FINANCIAL TYRANNY. You must understand that the present financial system is a TOTAL LIE, and that EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN TOLD IS A LIE TO KEEP US ENSLAVED TO THIS SYSTEM! The powers that WERE, know that All That Is has EXPOSED THIS LIE, and the dark has no where to hide! In their sociopathic insanity and greed, they have failed to see the TRUTH of their own criminality. As the LIGHT OF AWARENESS GROWS, and THE UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS OF HUMANITY EMBRACES THIS ASCENSION PROCESS, THE UNIVERSE FORCES OF LOVE AND LIGHT HEAR AND RESPOND TO OUR CREATIVE THOUGHT ENERGY! Knowledge is POWER, which is why the TRUTH has been suppressed by those who control our sources of information. However, like Moses and Aaron of old, The ALL THAT IS, The great I AM THAT I AM, has gifted humanity with three courageous and fearless individuals, whom HE has entrusted with ALL THE WEALTH OF THE WORLD, through the Sukarno Trust! There is NOW RECORDED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL HUMANITY, a CEASE AND DESIST ORDER, which supralegally deprives these THIEVES of any further access to this account, as of January 5, 2012! This is NOW IN EFFECT, and being enforced by the HIGHEST JUDGE OF ALL, with the cooperation and assistance of those whom HE has assigned this task. The Book of Codes and Maklumat are the ledgers that PROVE that humanity has been intentionally and knowingly ROBBED OF OUR RIGHTFUL INHERITANCE, and these books REVEAL THE NAMES OF ALL THOSE INVOLVED! WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED CONSCIOUSNESS OF HEAVEN, IN ORDER TO EXPERIENCE THE KINGDOM THAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS, TO ESTABLISH THE SOVEREIGNTY OF ALL THAT IS, TO INSURE THE ENFORCEMENT OF PERFECT JUSTICE, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY OF OUR SPIRITUAL FAMILY OF HUMANITY, TO PROMOTE THE BLESSINGS OF LOVE AND LIGHT, AND TO SECURE THESE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY AND FREEDOM FOR ALL THAT IS, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AND DECLARE THIS CEASE AND DESIST ORDER, RECORDED IN THE COURT OF ETERNAL JUSTICE, AND FOLLOWED BY THE IMMEDIATE AND UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE AND DISTRIBUTION OF UNLIMITED WEALTH AND WISDOM BY WHICH TO ENJOY AND TO SHARE WITH THE INFINITE COSMIC FAMILY OF ALL THAT IS!



And personal gratitude and appreciation and appreciation to my fellow lightworkers and thought adjusters, Neil Keenan, Keith Scott, William Mulligan, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, among others, for their obedience and courageous acts of heroism for the rest of All That Is

Anonymous said...

something must be done NOW this "sooner" rather then later has run its course...stop the bs and make some arrests...GAME TIME IS OVER...february not march or april.....RIGHT NOW...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Most of us have already read the Wilcock stuff, and he's hanging his hat with Fulford. I believe he' being fed FALSE info by his "secret sources". Despite the lawsuit, WHO do you think is going to prosecute it? ALL THE COURTS, THE MILITARY, CONGRESS, FBI, DOJ, SEC, World Court, AND EVERY "OTHER" ORGANIZATION YOU CAN NAME IS BOUGHT AND PAID FOR.

And I agree with Anon 8:42 that we are being DELUDED into thinking HELP will come from ANYwhere when it won't. All 700 million Americans would have to march on the White House and Congress with pitchforks and I don't see that happening. These galactic and other messages are to make SURE we sit and WAIT. Even Judge Napolitano has been fired from FOX for EXPOSING the Zionist rule over the U.S.


Anonymous said...

Collective Consciousness,

Given the information that we have received from Ben Fulford, now is the time for the intervention from Heaven.

In the history of Earth, Heaven came to the rescue of the Israelites and drowned Pharaoh's army by parting the Red Sea. God made the walls of Jericho fall for Joshua and God let little David slay the Giant of the Philistines.

We have built our faith in God through these and many more stories and come at this time for mankind to request the help of God to "LET HIS PEOPLE GO".

God can handle the soldiers surrounding the Cabal and after all they have done, we KNOW that God can deliver us out of their hands in a MIGHTY WAY as He always has!!




Anonymous said...

Lt. Colonel Daniel Davis, a 17-year Army veteran recently returned from a second tour in Afghanistan. He wrote an 84-page unclassified report, as well as a classified report, stating that that the war has been a disaster and the military's TOP BRASS is lying about just how badly it’s been going. "How many more men must die in support of a mission that is not succeeding?" Davis boldly asks in an article summarizing his views in The Armed Forces Journal and NY Times. The full report is in Rolling Stone magazine.

"His report is full of insight, analysis, and hard data that back up each one of his claims. He details the gross failure of training the Afghan Army, the military's blurring of the lines between public affairs and "information operations" (meaning, essentially, propaganda), and the Pentagon's manipulation of the U.S. media. (He expertly contrasts senior military officials public statements with the actual reality on the ground.)"

"Davis concludes: "It is my recommendation that the United States Congress – the House and Senate Armed Services Committees in particular – should conduct a bi-partisan investigation into the various charges of deception or dishonesty in this report and hold broad hearings as well," he writes. "These hearings need to include the VERY SENIOR GENERALS and FORMER GENERALS whom I refer to in this report so they can be given every chance to publicly give their version of events." In other words, put the generals under oath, and then see what story they tell."


Anonymous said...

To Anon Feb 14 01:29 PM: Totally agree but it will never happen. If there were a hearing, it would just be anther dog and pony show put on by the paid off Congress. I fear Lt. Colonel Davis may not be around much longer after writing this article.

Anonymous said...


princesirki2012 said...


Anonymous said...

I agree they will TRY, but ALL 310 million of us MUST STAND UP "WITH" HIM AGAINST THESE INSANE POMPOUS IMBECILES in the military AND congress. I, for one, am FED UP! And I'm VERY tired of seeing good decent men sacrificed while NOT A ONE of their compatriots stand up WITH THEM! Are there any REAL MEN left like Col Daniels??? How about all those RETIRED military men, or are they STILL afraid they might lose their retirement checks? Well, the way things are going, NOBODY is going to have a retirement check, PERIOD!

As a woman, I've been wondering where our strong, protective men are for a long time now. Looks like the Genetically Modified Foods and HDTV ELF mind control waves took care of THAT.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ben Fulford: What the Media is Not Reporting About the Japanese Earthquake.
2012 February 18, Posted by Dave Schmidt. Dave: The You Tube video aligns with Ben Fulfords recent post. The video is in Japanese, you may need to click the “cc” button on the bottom of the video, to read the English transcript. ........21:19vid....
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