Thursday, July 26, 2012

MSNBC Guest: Romney Could End Up Withdrawing From GOP Race Before Convention

MSNBC Guest: Romney Could End Up Withdrawing From GOP Race Before Convention

Mediaite: On his MSNBC show today, Al Sharpton opened by focusing on Mitt Romney‘s tax returns and increasing pressure from Republicans and conservatives for the GOP candidate to release more of them. Guest Catherine Crier said that it is certainly fair to look into that aspect of Romney’s background, and even threw out the notion that Romney might withdraw as the Republican nominee before the convention. (h/t Mediaite)


Anonymous said...

I would never ever vote for Romney or Obama.... BUT that aside they both need to pull thir pants down and let us look at their dirty past.
Long past the time to arrest both of these scums bags.... Geter done...

Anonymous said...

Al sharpton is a joke.

Tell Obama to release all his records. Hypocrite

Anonymous said...

Romney will lose the race to Obama anyway unless he stops being nice and take off the gloves. Why doesn't Romney fight back - tell them that he will release his tax returns when Obama releases his college records from Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard. Since Obama's original birth certificate was recently found in the British Archives, why not ask to release that as well.

Anonymous said...

Have Obama release also his draft card, green card, passport, social security card. Romney are you afraid to bring them up?? If you are serious, bring it on.

Anonymous said...

Have to say, if it does go that way and Romney drops out of the race, Bix Weir's scenario would be pretty much spot on and Ron Paul will be the lone man standing. We can hope, can't we?