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Citizens Urged To Demand Congressional Investigation Of Obama: Time For The Charade To Stop!
26 Jul
PHOENIX – On Monday, the Article II PAC took out another ad in the Washington Times, quoting Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo (l), who said, “It’s time for this charade to stop!” during the July 17 press conference.
It’s been over four years and all information available about Obama’s birth and life have turned out to be fictitious, including the birth certificate displayed on the White House website since April 27, 2011.
New evidence revealed during the July 17 press conference has left investigators and forensic experts to draw only one conclusion, there is no doubt the document presented as Obama’s long form birth certificate is fraudulent.
Obama’s Selective Service registration has also been proven fraudulent.
While Zullo was in Hawaii continuing his investigation, Hawaii Deputy Attorney General Jill Nagamine refused to verify whether the PDF image released by the White House is, in fact, an exact copy of the document released to the president’s attorneys.
Zullo stated, “There is no legal authority for anybody, including the president of the United States and his staff, to make a Hawaiian birth certificate. Computerized, hand written in crayon, it doesn’t matter what it is; the only people who have the authority to do this is the Department of Health in Hawaii.”
Pointing out there is no document examiner in the nation that could go into a courtroom and declare the document authentic, Zullo said “It cannot be done. That means a judge could never rely on the authenticity of this document. And if a judge can’t rely on it, how come the people of Maricopa County are being asked to rely on it?”
George Washington At Valley Forge
The consensus amongst every expert who has analyzed the document is the same; the document posted on the White House website is a forgery. A crime has been committed.
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, adopted Sept. 17, 1787, details the three qualifications necessary for any individual to hold the office of President of the United States.
It states: “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
The Article II PAC points out citizens are acutely aware that beginning in early summer 2004 with the Hatch amendment, through 2008 with the passage of Senate Resolution 511, members of both parties in Congress either proposed amendment language or offered legislation to eliminate the “natural born Citizen” requirement for the office of president, and stated, “This has been a surreptitious attempt to eviscerate a crucial national security provision of the United States Constitution.”
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, adopted Sept. 17, 1787, details the three qualifications necessary for any individual to hold the office of President of the United States.
It states: “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
The Article II PAC points out citizens are acutely aware that beginning in early summer 2004 with the Hatch amendment, through 2008 with the passage of Senate Resolution 511, members of both parties in Congress either proposed amendment language or offered legislation to eliminate the “natural born Citizen” requirement for the office of president, and stated, “This has been a surreptitious attempt to eviscerate a crucial national security provision of the United States Constitution.”
· Democrats Mounted Concerted Effort To Eliminate ‘Natural Born’ Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5: Of The U.S. Constitution Just Prior To Obama’s Election!
The PAC says Congress is not immune from being at the root of the “biggest scandal in the history of the United States” and asks them to do their job, honor their oaths of office, in which they swore to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.”
You want government based on US and State Constitutional law.
You want a nation of laws, not of men.
You want action.
You want a nation of laws, not of men.
You want action.
· Lets Examine Nancy Pelosi ~ The Fruits Of Her Lies!
Who is to blame when repeated calls for investigations into, and legislation in support of candidates’ eligibility enforcement go ignored or even ridiculed? Whose fault is it?
“The Media?” ”Bureaucracy?” “The System?”
Sure, each of these composite entities has an influence, but only one group has the ultimate power to secure meaningful change – voters.
A relatively small group of people run this country – elected officials.
Elected officials are motivated by two things:
1. Getting elected
2. Getting re-elected
The truth is, elected officials are almost certain to ignore anything that does not directly affect their election or re-election. Think about any fast-breaking politically significant event. What made it happen?
Public outcry.
A relatively small group of people run this country – elected officials.
Elected officials are motivated by two things:
1. Getting elected
2. Getting re-elected
The truth is, elected officials are almost certain to ignore anything that does not directly affect their election or re-election. Think about any fast-breaking politically significant event. What made it happen?
Public outcry.
When elected officials get the sense that significant numbers of voters refuse to dismiss the “natural born Citizen” requirement and will only be satisfied by investigations into the fraud and forgery of the Obama eligibility narrative, then the investigations will begin. Not before.
“The number of people who don’t believe Obama was born in US has increased since he released his alleged birth certificate.”
–, July 14, 2012
–, July 14, 2012
1. FACT: | A minority of eligible voters actually register to vote. |
2. FACT: | A minority of registered voters actually cast a ballot. |
3. FACT: | Democrats vote Democrat, Republicans vote Republican and our country is sharply divided. Any segment of united voters just large enough to sway an election is the most powerful voting block there is. |
4. FACT: | Incumbents cannot afford to ignore calls and letters from voters. People motivated enough to contact them are motivated enough to vote. Incumbents must assume that every voter contact they get represents more voters who feel the same way, but did not reach out to them. |
American voters who hold the belief that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land have everything to gain and nothing to lose by demanding that state and federal elected officials investigate Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s evidence and findings – TODAY!
State Elected Officicals:
Look up your Secretary of State and Governor; make your demand:
Federal Elected Officicals:
Look up your House Rep. and both Senators; make your demand:
State Elected Officicals:
Look up your Secretary of State and Governor; make your demand:
Federal Elected Officicals:
Look up your House Rep. and both Senators; make your demand:
Demand Congress to take the following actions posthaste:
Cut & Paste The Following 1-2-3 and email it to your representative.
1. Hold hearings now in both the House Judiciary and the House Oversight and Government Reform committees to review Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s evidence and findings. Chairmen Smith and Issa: schedule and hold hearings now, before the 2012 election.
2. Subpoena all of Obama’s birth records from Hawaii now for forensic and public examination. The obstruction of justice by sworn law enforcement officers and Congress is not an option.
3. Make every action transparent and fully public. We the People are fed up with “transparency” rhetoric paired with “behind closed doors” policy.
Agreeing with Zullo, the Article II PAC stated, “You are right, it’s past time for this charade to end,” while urging citizens to contact their Representatives and Senators to demand a congressional investigation now.
Visit for more information, to get involved and/or contribute.
2. Subpoena all of Obama’s birth records from Hawaii now for forensic and public examination. The obstruction of justice by sworn law enforcement officers and Congress is not an option.
3. Make every action transparent and fully public. We the People are fed up with “transparency” rhetoric paired with “behind closed doors” policy.
Agreeing with Zullo, the Article II PAC stated, “You are right, it’s past time for this charade to end,” while urging citizens to contact their Representatives and Senators to demand a congressional investigation now.
Visit for more information, to get involved and/or contribute.
March On Obama 09/12/2009
Let's everyone who reads this, go ahead and do what it says and contact our Congressmen. Just copy and paste, because that is what we want to say. If everyone just goes ahead and does it, then we will have what we honest government. Just keep plugging away. Why was Mikhail Gorbachev born with a big Mark on his forehead? He doesn't own this country! He is still a damn commie. We will WIN and we WILL keep America under the Constitution and Bill Of Rights. We Will Not Let Communists Steal Our Lives And Kill Us And Our Children!!!!
@ AnonymousJuly 26, 2012 8:54 PM
No one has stolen your lives, you have *VOLUNTARILY* put your signature on papers to become a US citizen. A US citizen is an employee of the White House Corporation and the U S Government Corporation. You must do everything the boss commands you to do.
>> "Let's everyone who reads this, go ahead and do what it says and contact our Congressmen."
This is pure stupidity. There are no Congressmen to contact. If you would wake up and study history, you would know that there is no Congress and no Congressmen since the Civil War.
Constitutional requirements do not apply to Presidents of private Corporations. BO, like Truman, Eisenhauer, JFK, etc were all appointed to be Presidents of private Corporations.
If BO was President of the Republic of the united States of America, then he may not sign any Executive Orders. EOs may only be signed by the CEO of a Corporation and they only apply to the Corporation's employees.
Time to wake up, to study history, and to become an American national instead of a US Citizen.
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