Monday, July 9, 2012

Obama's True Agenda Exposed

What is his purpose in reading this book??? You decide.
If each person sends this to a minimum of 20 people on their address list, in three days all people in The United States of America would have the message.

I believe this is one proposal that really should be passed around.


The name of the book Obama is reading is called: The Post-American World, and it was written by a fellow Muslim. 

"Post"  America means
the World After America!

Please forward this picture to everyone you know, conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican.

Folks, we need to be aware of what our 'president' is thinking --  or planning.


PPPPLLLLEEESSSSSEEEE!!!!!!  Please pass this on.......


Anonymous said...

Yes, Fareed Zakaria sure is a radical muslim. *eyeroll*

Does anyone who forwards this sort of thing even know what the book is about? It's about the rise of new superpowers like China and India, not about the 'destruction' or 'defeat' of America.

How about you start sending hate mail to the publisher, W.W. Norton, because only radical, evil muslims could come up with such an incendiary book title. (That was sarcasm, don't send hate mail to those poor people).

Anonymous said...

even for this page the ignorance stated is beyond appalling - would be great if you actually read anything besides fox & limbaugh before making these statements..
The book is about how to recapture the economic progress for our country that has been lost due to the failed economic policies of the idiots who came before - and the ones who are hoping to derail it again with outsourcing policies that sent our jobs and prosperity abroad, to other countries.. making their economies ( and the pockets of those hypocrites) better than American workers.. "post American"..
Ignorance is indeed bliss for those who support the cabal to continue ruining the world ..

Anonymous said...

Thank you - relieving to see there are others out there who are aware, and care to share, to correct the doom & gloom brigade's dis info campaign to keep the coolaid running and the bigotry and lies continued.

Anonymous said...

That sounds great..."how to recapture the economic progress for our country that has been lost due to the failed economic policies of the idiots who came before"...etc. The only problem is Barry O is NOT able to recapture anything...he is a pothead, cokenose, gay who got bad grades in school, jumping around on mars, etc. It doesn't matter what he reads... he has NO abilities to correct or recapture anything. So let's go with someone who DOES have these abilities, and let them recapture the economic progress, and we will go along with their smart policies and actually end up with money in our pockets again. God Bless this person with wisdom and brains to help America!

Anonymous said...

I honestly do not care what the book is about. The problem is the ignorance of the people who voted this "person" in office. He had and still has no experience whatsoever to run "anything. Read his resume'. I would not hire him to run a company, much less a country. People, educate yourselves. You need to be reading the BIBLE. If Christians do no take America back, we are going to be in worse shape than you can possibly imagine. We are letting people like "pie in the sky" Obama promise things that can not and will not come to fruition. He has made promises, but has not yet once told anyone how he intends to accomplish his "restoration". I can not believe that even a semi-educated person would waste a vote on him. He is just a well dressed "patsy". Yea, we have our first black President of America. I have no problem with that. It just should have been Condaleza Rice. If you are intent on making "history" at least be educated about whom you are trying to create such a momentous ocassion.