Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Inside Job -- a Look inside the Recession ----- MUST WATCH

Watch what really happened behind 

Closed doors that caused

This great recession and Trillions in debt 

A documentary that details how and why this financial crisis happened its a 1 hour and 50 mins long so I suggest you get some popcorn. 


InsideJob.mp4 from __ on Vimeo.


John MacHaffie said...

My son found this one. This needs to be watched!

Anonymous said...

Hey john I hope that you are doing well. Thank your son for stepping in.

Anonymous said...

This video needs to go viral. Most of the people in the video are some of the ones that need to be arrested and put away for a long, long time. That would be good for starters, if they ever do get started. I have yet to hear of any big names being arrested. You hear of people resigning for various reasons but none of them ever seem to get arrested and some wont even step down like Jamie Dimon. Corzine of MF Global hasn't even been arrested. I'd better stop here because I could name names from now until I go to bed tonight and still not be done. But I have still seen no one of significance get arrested yet. If the, so called, positive military is suppose to be helping in the arrests they seem to be a whole lot like congress, so far; just kickin' the can down the road. They could start by arresting most of the people on this video. Then go to the Supreme Court and take them away. Then how 'bout congress and that's not to mention a whole bunch of corporate CEO's and executives. I know the names of a bunch of folks that need to go bye, bye and so far I haven't seen any of them arrested; not one.

Anonymous said...

From what I have come to learn about George Soros and how he has had an impact on economies and people's lives, believe that he is part of the problem as well.

Otherwise great information! Will be passing this along.