Wednesday, November 7, 2012


MARY CLARKMarianna, FloridaTo unsubscribe from this list, please send an email with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line. 
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Lion of Judah--Part 6
November 6, 2012
I am beckoning My beloved nearer with the sound of My roar. All of heaven can hear it and feel the excitement therein. Yes, all of heaven can hear My roar, and they are experiencing the excitement that I am enjoying in My heart. The time of wonder is upon My church. Can you know deep within that the promised hour of wonder has arrived? Can you know the excitement that I must feel, anticipating this hour, and looking forward so much to having My beloved clasped firmly in My embrace forever. Believe Me when I tell you that I am anticipating this coming hour with all that is in Me. I think of you all of the time. My eagerness far exceeds the anger of the evil one, for he knows that his time is ending. Yes, he knows that his time is coming to an abrupt halt. He knows that I will have My beloved safe and secure in Me when that hour of wonder arrives. He is not happy about it. No! He is not one bit happy. In fact, he is in the doldrums and in the doldrums he shall remain. Yes! In the doldrums he shall remain for his hour of havoc is coming to an end, and the Beloved’s hour is taking off, taking off at racing speed into the promised destiny of His beloved church.

He, the enemy, can hear My roar. He can hear it and it puts him into a bleak place. But know this, beloved child, he and all his cohorts lost a long time ago. Yes, they lost long before this hour, and your Beloved has been waiting patiently for a long time to have His beloved in the place He has chosen for, that place of peace and prosperity, that place of rest and security. I have waited a long, long time to bless you in this fashion, and My time of wonder is long overdue, long overdue for those I call My own, for those for whom I gave My life, for those whom I call My chosen, My beloved, My very own precious children of faith!!!

Lion of Judah--Part 5
November 5, 2012
The Lion of Judah has sent forth His call. It is a call of welcome. It is a call of surrender. Do not fail to heed the sound of His voice.
Do not fail to draw nearer into My haven of delight. I am a God of love. I take delight in My beloved. I long to see you free, no longer held captive in ANY area of your life. I am your Refuge. Seek Me for the shelter for which you long, that safe haven of delight and safety. I have roared forth the invitation that should hasten the arrival of many. Do not delay. Do not hang back. Heed the call of the Lord God Almighty. Yes, heed the call of the Lion of Judah today!!!

Lion of Judah--Part 4
November 2, 2012
Roar. Can you hear Me roaring? All of heaven can hear Me roar. All of heaven can feel the excitement in the air. All of heaven knows that the hour of wonder is clearly on the horizon for My beloved church. Roar. Roar. Hear the roar of the Beloved. It is a roar of gladness. It is a roar of readiness. It is a roar proclaiming My love for My beloved. Hear the roar of the lion of Judah. Hear it loud and clear. Hear it with expectant hearts, dear one, for just as surely as I proclaimed My love to you with My death, burial and resurrection, I am declaring it to you today, this day, this day when the Lion of Judah steps forth into time once more and draws His beloved into that rich, sweet place in His heart, that place of power, strength and might displayed for all to see that I truly live and gave My life that mankind should live with Me for all eternity. I am glad to proclaim this word. I am glad to see you looking toward heaven with expectant hearts. I am glad that the hour is fast approaching. Yes! I am glad and the tone of My roar reverberates the gladness that is in My heart. So draw near. Be expectant. The Lion of Judah has roared, calling His beloved home, calling His beloved into that place of wonder and delight that is found as My beloved nestles in My arms of love forever!!!

Lion of Judah - Part 3
October 31, 2012
I am the Lord God Almighty. There is nothing that I cannot do. In this day, I am sending forth a call, a loud call, a penetrating call. I am eager to see My beloved respond to My call and enter into this new hour of rapturous activity.  I am so eager for this new hour to begin, beloved, so eager. I want you to know of My eagerness, draw near to Me, and let us do the completion work that will pave the way into this high activity, this glorious activity where My love for mankind will shine forth as the noon day sun ushering in the wonder and delight of My presence.

Lion of Judah
Part 2

October 30, 2012
The Lion of Judah has sent forth His call. It is a call that is meant for each individual to hear. It is not a call of warning. It is a call of invitation. Listen to the roar of the Lion of Judah. Draw nearer, beloved. Draw near to the One Who is love, the One Who desires for all of mankind to know Him and realize the gift that He has so aptly provided for them. Roar! Hear the roar. Respond. Respond to the One Who is love, love at its finest!!!

Lion of Judah
Part 1
October 29, 2012
Roar!  Can you hear Me roar?  Can you hear the call of the Almighty One.  It is getting louder.  It is penetrating hearts.  It is getting down to the core of any heart that has said “yes” to Me. 
Listen, beloved, the Lion of Judah has sent forth His call.  It is loud.  It is a roar.  It is a deeply penetrating roar.  It will get the world’s attention like nothing else.
Listen.  Hear.  Respond.  The Lion of Judah has sent forth His call.  He has sent it forth for this last hour.  Respond to Me.  Let Me show you all that I have planned for the coming hour.  Let Me show you the role that you will play.
The Lion of Judah has sent forth His call.  It is loud.  It is the roar of all roars.   It is getting louder, beloved,  louder and louder and louder.  Will you respond?  Will you respond to the roar of the Lion of Judah??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, the hourglass has emptied for the dark ones. They fight and squirm but they cannot escape. The divine flawless mirror is in place. If you seek to destroy, you will be destroyed. If you seek to love, you will be loved. Universal laws in full effect. Our very star is getting brighter. You can see and feel it now. Vampires are turning to dust. Who can stop Father/Mother God? Who can war against their decrees and win. No one, brothers and sisters. No one. Rejoice. The awakening is planetary now and the full mandate for divine order Roars indeed.